Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Yet another Starlink launch: Wed 21 Oct 16:36 GMT/UTC | Starship SN8 engine testing
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Starlink launch today at 16:14 GMT/UTC
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<Deddly> .nextlunch
<LunchBot> Potato salad
<Deddly> With?
<Deddly> .nextlunch
<LunchBot> Old sock cheese
<Deddly> Now THAT's a combination I don't think anyone has tried before
<Althego> hehe
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<Judge_Dedd> There are a lot of Soyuz launches lined up
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<Judge_Dedd> Cool
<Althego> it is only cool until they change it to real burning thrusters, then it is going to be hot :)
<Judge_Dedd> True!
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Mostly_Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Starlink launch today at 16:14 GMT/UTC
Mostly_Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Starlink launch today at 16:14 GMT/UTC
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<darsie> This channel is decaying into a space channel ;).
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<darsie> s/decaying/evolving :)
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<darsie> A_D: Albrecht Dürer?
<Althego> am i the only one who thinks this is looks funny?
<darsie> I've seen them as ship propulsion, IIRC. Very strange. I don't understand them.
<packbart> the ship propulsion things I've seen are Flettner rotors (and do rotate).
<packbart> these things vibrate. ( )
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<Althego> come on stream, start
<Althego> ups
<Althego> i guess no launch
<Althego> i wonder where nextrocket gets their info
<Althego> because twitter hasnt said anything
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<Althego> yes, tweet arrived
<packbart> "mission assurance work" - Bill needs to whack it again with a hammer
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<darsie> <petschge> yuriwho: scrubbed due to paperwork
<umbralraptop> hah
<Althego> cant be true
<darsie> Are we beyond the paper age?
<Althego> no, not really
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<Mostly_Deddly> The launch is advertised on Spacex's web site
<Mostly_Deddly> So nextlaunch's information is not erroneous
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<Mostly_Deddly> They lost the camera
<Althego> lol the gif
<darsie> <petschge> maybe "mission assurance" did not mean "missing paperwork": says "Just a small-seeming issue with loss of upper stage camera. Probably nothing serious, but standing down to re-examine whole vehicle just in case."
<packbart> On IRC, the maximum distance between users is about 2 channels
<darsie> petschge is on a different network.
<packbart> true, but that's no problem for IRC clients
<raptop> hey, now. There are different servers
<packbart> and I see petschge on another channel and was just commenting on the circularity
<Alanonzander> I'm connected to 4 servers in one clinet. Like packbart said, no issue for the client.
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<darsie> I'm only on 3 networks. freenode, ircnet, esper. Sometimes others.
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<FLHerne> Is there anything interesting left on IRCnet?
<darsie> idk :)
<darsie> There's a channel I've been in for very long. Not much going on there.
<packbart> my main "chatting" channel lives on IRCnet :) it's still pretty much alive
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<Althego> what, dual wielding streams?
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<Althego> but anyway, seems like the nosecone is goin on top now
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<Althego> also wintergatan 14 minutes ago
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<Althego> lol that handsign
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<FLHerne> packbart: Which one?
<FLHerne> Oh, #attraktor, but it has about half-a-dozen people, so I guess that's the "ancient IRC clique" kind
<packbart> nah, #attraktor was dead from the beginning. there's a bot in there posting Wiki updates
<FLHerne> Well, that's the only one that /whois says you're in :p
<packbart> the good ones all have the +s channel mode ;)
<FLHerne> This would explain why I think IRCnet is pretty much dead
<FLHerne> But also begs the question of why it isn't dead if no-one can find the good channels...
<packbart> (it's actually #ccc - but that often devolves into nerd-fighting and name-calling ;)
<FLHerne> Uh, I'm in #SpaceXFun on here :p
<FLHerne> Being in German might be more of an issue
<packbart> aye
<FLHerne> Let's see how much I can remember....
<packbart> the current topic meanders about CO2, electric cars and such (I think :)
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<FLHerne> SN8 nose is being picked up right now:
<Althego> sometimes it is split screen with the booster preparing to be transported
<FLHerne> From the yt chat: "do you think starship will be on venus eventually?"
<FLHerne> Only very briefly...
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i saw in some video that supposedly if you fly by venus, you can get to mars faster and with less fuel
<Althego> it wouldnt be unusual for elon to do something that nobody else has done before
<Althego> even a manned venus flyby is a thrill
<Althego> seing it up close
<Althego> and then to arrive to mars later in the trip
<Althego> would be so good
<Althego> but i need to sleep
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