Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about |
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Starlink may or may not launch 5 Oct 11:51 UTC
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<Althego> so, starlink 12 in less than 90 minutes?
<Althego> i am going to forget it because the stream never starts automatically as it used to
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<darsie> I'll be away, collecting coronavirus samples.
<sandbox> enjoy
<darsie> thx
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> collect, analyze and build data set
<Mat2ch> Althego: I see no link to the stream. I say no launch today. :D
<kmath> <✔SpaceX> Targeting Monday, October 5 at 7:51 a.m. EDT for launch of Starlink from LC-39A in Florida
<Althego> that is their last tweet
<Althego> and that stream has been known for weks at this point
<darsie> I just collect them from people at home and bring them to the lab.
<Althego> ah i thought it was a joke
<darsie> nope
<Althego> but then you really collect samples
<darsie> yes
<Althego> not meaning infected by random stranger
<darsie> I'm an exploited bicycle courier without danger pay.
<flayer> oh my god
<flayer> 'verify your email' 'verify your phone' 'verify your phone again'
<flayer> it just doesn't end
<Althego> google?
<flayer> xiaomi
<Althego> lol
<Althego> this is actually a legitimate defense against brute forcing
<flayer> should never have to brute for anything
<Althego> i dont remember anything like this when i bought my phone a year ago
<flayer> it should just be a matter of attaching a usb cable to the device, and flashing it
<flayer> nope, won't unlock
<flayer> it give sme some chinese message
<flayer> now its stalling at 99% lol
<flayer> unknown error!
<flayer> lmao
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i like unexpected exception
<flayer> the chinese message mentions part of a number that i do not recognize
<Althego> and you cant copy it in a translator :)
<flayer> nope, cause its not copyable
<flayer> but i figured it out... i think
<Althego> you need a sledgehammer first
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<flayer> UNLOCKED
<flayer> now i need to figure out how to put another OS on there
<Althego> hehe scrubbed agina
<Althego> live in 23 hours
<kmath> <✔SpaceX> We are standing down from today's Starlink mission due to weather violations on the Range. The team is setting up f…
<Mat2ch> Althego: what did I say? ;)
Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Starlink may or may not launch some day.
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<flayer> yikes
<Althego> (the day pythagoras died)
<flayer> i'm surprised one of the stick figures isn't traditionally female with long hair and tits
<Althego> i dont know how you arrived to that
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<Black_Eagle> that picture is possible if it's three-dimensional
<Althego> or non euclidean geometry
<Black_Eagle> yes
<Althego> the intent is obviously to keep distance because of the virus
<Althego> but still funny
<Black_Eagle> no the intent is clearly to get people to study maths
<Althego> people dont do that, even if they are scammed and costs them money
<Mat2ch> Wait, studying costs money? Where?
<Mat2ch> :P
<Althego> that too
<Black_Eagle> hand waving is easier
<Black_Eagle> sure it costs money too if you hire a consult to do that but it "makes more sense"
<Black_Eagle> timey wimey etc
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<kubi> tetraeder it is
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<Althego> position a satellite in polar orbit of the sun
<Althego> not even with ions man
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<Althego> who would want to put a seismometer on a satellite? a kerbal company. figures
<raptop> they want to use it as a micrometeorite detector
<packbart> you'll get a discount on your space vehicle insurance if the device does not report heavy accelerations
<raptop> using boosters voids the warranty
<Althego> why isnt there a sound for the contract notifications?
<Althego> maybe something like a mail arrived
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<raptop> good question
<raptop> ...though I suppose you could get something silly when you finish a bunch really quickly
<Althego> how rare are comets?
<Althego> the infrared telescope has been in solar orbit for many days and it has found none yet
<raptop> IIRC, somewhat rare
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<Judge_Dedd> I'm trying to remember how to read the Dv map. Just add the numbers, right?
<Judge_Dedd> So, return from Mun is 580+310+860 m/s?
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<Judge_Dedd> But the 860 isn't needed because you can aero-brake. Right?
<Althego> yes
<Judge_Dedd> Thank you
<Althego> but you are better off having that in reserve, becasue landing can eat up a lot, also a bit extra fuel on the way back (or even to) can shorten the travel time significantly. i usually do high speed transfers
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<Althego> what happens to the money indicator when you reach 10 million?
<packbart> it changes the scale to kilofunds
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<kmath> <✔SpaceX> A Falcon Heavy side booster that will support the USSF-44 mission for the @SpaceForceDoD next year completed a full…
<Mat2ch> this is new to me. I have never seen a booster strapped down this way.
<Althego> i havent seen this exact image
<Althego> but i knew about a heavy booster testing
<Althego> imagine if one cable breaks :)
<Mat2ch> Probably nothing, because two diagonal cables can hold it down ;)
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<Althego> hehe: What Happens If a Presidential Candidate Dies Before the Election? | LegalEagle’s Law Review
<Althego> interesitng, i have to watch this tomorrow
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<Mat2ch> Althego: probably gets replaced by an AI. Or a guard dog.
<Mat2ch> I vote for the guard dog!
<Mat2ch> He's a good boy.
<Althego> maybe there are some hot spares
<Althego> instant replacement
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<Mat2ch> Althego: you mean like they go into the basement and thaw one?
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<FLHerne> > SpaceX has landed 60 Falcon first stage rocket boosters and re-flown them 42 times
<FLHerne> er, no
<FLHerne> Landed boosters 60 times?
<FLHerne> I think
<darsie> If you need to thaw them, they're not hot spares.
<raptop> thawing seems opposed to chilling for propellant loading
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<Guest26175> Will ksp be at ps5 back
<Guest26175> wards compatibility
<Guest26175> ?
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<Mat2ch> Looks like Guest26175 has found the answer.
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<raptop> I'm under the impression that console designers do not seriously consider backwards compatability as a feature
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<raptop> Maybe even oppose it so that they can resell old games
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<Mat2ch> It's a lot of work, too.
<raptop> well, yes
<Mat2ch> For each generation they try to find the best cpu/gpu combination when it comes to minimizing costs. The performance doesn't matter as long as it is on the same level as the competitors
<raptop> On a related note, there needs to be an XPBox along the lines of DOXBox
<Mat2ch> Which means they sometimes change the cpu architecture and to run old games there you need an emulator
<Mat2ch> or build a library that rewrites the syscalls
<raptop> It just feels weird as console CPUs drift towards being weird PC ones
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<flayer> next time an ʻOumuamua flies by we should put a probe on it
<flayer> just shoot out a bunch of dart-like probes as its passing by and hope one of them hits
* raptop eyes 2/I Borisov
<flayer> wouldn't that be epic though? latching a probe onto an interstellar object?
<raptop> Yeah
<raptop> I want to say that ESA is looking into having a probe on standby?
<flayer> i don't feel it would be possible to do by traditionally matching its orbit and landing on it
<flayer> you'd need to know exactly where it was and intercept it, so you have to get its orbit right and latch on as it passes by
<raptop> All the ΔV
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<flayer> 2I/Borisov goes at 32 km/s while Voyager goes at 16 km/s
<raptop> That does mean the risk of a 40-100 km/s head on flyby being the only option
<raptop> Feh, I don't see a data sheet on what the options would be for a silly high ΔV payload. Something like a 100 kg probe on a few STARs
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<raptop> Compare with Parker Solar Probe
<raptop> (...or I suppose New Horizons)
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