Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 KSP2 NaN | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | "chanlog" to see what people are talking about | Soyuz on Sunday
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<Mat2ch> so, when will we see SN8 fly? It looks like another static fire test is scheduled first and there are lots of street closures scheduled for the next days
<Althego> somewhere i saw 2 static fires
<Althego> maybe in an elon tweet
<Althego> so maybe not even next week
<Mat2ch> he said something about Sunday for a static fire
<Althego> that can be
<Althego> based on all those dates
<Mat2ch> So I guess then they do some data crunching and if everything is alright, we could see a flight next Wednesday
<Althego> yes, tesla should make catgirl robots
<Mat2ch> What about the catboys?
<Althego> nobody cares about those :)
<Mat2ch> Isn't it weird that when we think about AI and robots they are always female? And created by men? Just wondering
<Althego> technically ai is genderless
<Althego> i am quite sure the japanese will make the first really human like robots
<Althego> and yes, they are going to look like women
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<Deddly> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<Althego> no
<Deddly> Still not working, eh?
<Althego> not going to fix itself
<Deddly> Well I can't do anything about it - their entire website is down
<Althego> how does that bot publish the information on the site?
<Deddly> It just saves a text file to a public area of the server
<Althego> so it is running on the same server and saves it as file
<Deddly> Yes
<Althego> too bad
<Deddly> Maybe the nameserver is down
<Althego> if it had some kind of ftp or something i could have helped you
<Deddly> One of these days I'll have time to look into it :)
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<Althego> star wars sale on gog
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<Althego> (local) leet time
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<Althego> i see cars on the road. so no closure
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<raptop> Water found on (ancient) Mars
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<Althego> tell me something new
<raptop> well, the other papers I'm seeing on arχiv today are getting into details of stuff eg: and
<raptop> (The last one is amusing in that how often is an exoplanet paper able to cite things from 1924?)
<raptop> Principia-related?
<raptop> !tell egg This seems Principia related
<raptop> hm
<Althego> these are actually interesting
<raptop> ...hrm, I apparently posted some of that in the wrong channel
<Althego> the principia?
<Althego> venus, venus, too much co2, mars mars mars mars, aint enough magnetosphere :)
<raptop> That n-body mod
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<Althego> isnt that 100 usd per month a bit pricey for starlink?
<packbart> considering you already paid $500 for the terminal? maybe, maybe not. I'm wondering how long that sat-tracking thingy is going to survive outdoors
<Althego> no moving parts
<packbart> I don't really expect Starlink to have other customers than the US Military. but that's just my pessimism
<Mat2ch> Althego: I thought so, on the other hand it's very exclusive right now
<Althego> dishy mcflatface as it is called
<Mat2ch> and compared to the prices here... uhm :D
<Althego> maybe the problem is i compare it to a cable based prixing
<Althego> because with this it is possible to compete against those
<Althego> but for that i think you would need comparable prices. otherwise it will be used only in rural areas
<Althego> where you have no choice
<Althego> also it is its own internet
<Althego> in orbit
<Mat2ch> and we're talking about US rural areas, where there is one provider and you are stuck with them
<Mat2ch> and believe me, many people will switch to starlink.
<Mat2ch> Also it's going to get cheaper over the years
<Althego> yes that can be
<Althego> ad i have heard internet on ships is basically 56k modem levels
<Mat2ch> Iridium and VEEEERYY expensive!
<Mat2ch> Look up their prices!
<Althego> and they have way less satellites
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<Mat2ch> 55 USD for 10 minutes sat phone per month, or do I forget something here?
<Althego> wait, is that audio only, like traditional phone?
<Althego> lol
<raptop> I'm pretty sure you could get more minutes for that or less on a cell phone in 1995
<Mat2ch> For only $2,035.00 you can get unlimited internet data over inmarsat.
<Mat2ch> The number is PER MONTH.
<Mat2ch> And the contract is for 36 month
<Althego> lol
<Mat2ch> Any questions?
<Althego> is that the 4 geo sats?
<Mat2ch> Starlink will disrupt that market.
<Althego> totally
<Althego> now i just have to sit back and wait for my robot cat girls from testla :)
<Althego> the first mobile phones i saw were like this
<Althego> at least ericsson and similar in shape
<Althego> maybe a bit different model
<Mat2ch> Have you seen Ex Machina?
<Althego> yes
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<Althego> not worse than any human
<Mat2ch> Well, worse
<Mat2ch> Ava had no moral problems with doing things.
<Mat2ch> That is worse, that's psychopathic.
<Althego> there are such humans too
<Mat2ch> Yes, but they are humans, they have human flaws still...
<Althego> also what would you do if some crazy scientist trapped you in his experiment?
<Mat2ch> btw, Inmarsat has a few more sats than 4 :D
<raptop> Althego: Oh, you mean grad school?
<Althego> lol
<Althego> the ch53ga has a satcom systetm
<Althego> capable of sending files, and can be used as a conentional telephone
<Althego> and that had these 4 reagions around the globe
<Althego> i though those were 4 satellites
<Althego> but maybe a bunch of them clumped together
<Mat2ch> Nah, 5 for the Ka-Band
<Mat2ch> ;)
<Mat2ch> So yeah, not that much
<Mat2ch> they offer different speeds with different bands and sats
<Mat2ch> it looks like they get 5 Mbps download with the Ka-Band
<Althego> the device name was scotty hsd 400 but that may have been the front panel only
<Althego> i cant find it
<Althego> funniest thing was the data software. that was called scotty teleporter
<Althego> i talk about this in past tense, but these are still deployed on real helicopters
<Althego> i just dont have to bother with them anymore
<Mat2ch> well, legacy hardware and software everywhere
<Mat2ch> I got a job offer I have to apply to. Required skill: Windows XP.
<Althego> yes, ch53ga has windows xp on the satcom pc
<Althego> so if you somehow manage to send a virus there you can at least partially compromise the datalink capabilities :)
<Mat2ch> this is all aweful.
<Mat2ch> I should do something with wood.
<Mat2ch> There might be legacy wood, but it can be replaced easily.
<Mat2ch> And legacy wood can be used to create new things
<Althego> programmable wood?
<Mat2ch> and if it's too far gone you can still burn it.
<Althego> yay for carbon neutral enery source
<Mat2ch> it's not really neutral and we shouldn't burn it...
<Mat2ch> it's neutral in the long run, yes, but we need fast solutions
<Althego> yes i think the four region thing was inmarsat
<Althego> but probably the german military has some kind of deal wioth them :)
<packbart> Mat2ch: "gardener" was one of the best jobs I had. didn't pay much for long hours, though
<packbart> gardener/janitor/groundskeeper, really. built fences and swings, too
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<darsie> Getting a surface sample without climbing down to the surface is possibe with a string and a sample collecting device.
<Althego> in ksp?
<Althego> you dont even need to let go of the hatch
<darsie> yes. Well, that's my justification to not consider it cheating.
<transitbiker> bwoop
<Althego> what really annoys me, we have robotic arms
<darsie> I don't.
<Althego> but still cant take surface sampel with them
<Althego> they are useful in different ways, because they can send data that nothing else can
<raptop> science(tm)
<darsie> I guess there's a mod to do that.
<packbart> ah, that reminds me. there was a MM patch somewhere to build surface samples into other parts
<transitbiker> "its just that? i have a big head, and little arms?."
<packbart> going to have a look
<transitbiker> nyone else running foling at home?
<transitbiker> anyone*
<packbart> I've been running Rosetta@Home for a long time
<Althego> i used to run world community grid something like a decade ago
<Althego> which also does proteins
<packbart> switched back to include Einstein@Home (gravitational waves, gamma-ray binaries) and LHC@Home
<Althego> but other stuff too
<packbart> GPUGrid really puts a load on the 2090
<transitbiker> foling at home has a covid19 otion - theyre really ging hard on mollecular treatments to stop the virus, MERS too.
<transitbiker> option*
<Althego> world community does stuff for several viruses too
<Althego> +grid
<packbart> oh, wait. Is folding the one were you need to move molecules manually
<transitbiker> it feels like they are narrowing in on sme candidates - which is extremey exciting
<packbart> ah, no. that was FoldIt -
<packbart> distributed human computing
<Althego> these are at least not just theoretical research or physics, but can have tangible benefits, against diseases
<packbart> yeah, Rosetta@Home had a lot of covid-related workunits for a while but that seems to have run out
<transitbiker> i encourage anyone with a computer to contribute compute cycles toward a covid cure - it will primarily benefit medical/hospital workers & first responders, and later the general public
<transitbiker> rosetta team has pointed folks to F@H, as theyve beefed up their back end services quite a bit
<transitbiker> plus a benefit for higher TDP systems: your home stays warmer with the winter upcoming ;)
<packbart> I use the boinc-client, also on this server
<transitbiker> oh, yeah, i have heard of that via linus tech tips - i am on their F@H team
<transitbiker> i forgot to post my stream links in here the last few times, but i've got a lenovo M75s-1 and it rs KSP beautifully at nearly full settings
<transitbiker> runs*
<transitbiker> i'm on me macbook just now
<transitbiker> how have you all been?
<raptop> trapped in a maze of twisty papers and codes, all alike
<transitbiker> sounds like windows 95 screen saver...
<Althego> almost finished this year, most of the time working from home
<Althego> so the virus is a good thing in many ways. companies realized they dont need to cram people in an office and move everybody each morning and afternoon just for this
<transitbiker> yeah - we have been on a nerve wracking roller coaster with my girlfriend's work - they ended up turning into a polling place for election day but been closed to the public since march
<transitbiker> saves on building energy costs, i'd imagine
<transitbiker> good news is the twp mngr decided that only the 3 senior staff would be on shift vs the normal split day teams
<transitbiker> and the 4th the building will be heavily fog disinfected
<transitbiker> and closed that day
<transitbiker> the primary concern was that masks are not required in polling places, because you cant restrict voting based on that
<transitbiker> our area is having a resurgance of cases, so it was freaking us both out
<transitbiker> anyone upload anything new to kerbalx lately?
<transitbiker> bbl
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<Althego> (what about it)
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<packbart> ooh, the Planetary Domes parts (beta) work with 1.10 (the transparency was broken since 1.7). only the large dome so far but I always wanted those back.
<packbart> working airlock doors, hollow walk-through parts, floor plate with nodes
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<packbart> Floral Kerbal Society - (actually a logo for Kerbalism)
<packbart> Kerbbage
<raptop> grass -> tree -> kerbal
<bees> -> kraken
<raptop> no, you are the kraken
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