Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.0 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Welcome Althego, our new channel overlord :)
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<JVFoxy> hmm... so quiet.
<JVFoxy> Been wondering on and off... does anyone still do tech readout type stuff for their Kerbal spaceships?
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<darsie> what?
<raptop> Like that blueprint screenshot mod, and then people do listings like payload to a given orbit?
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<JVFoxy> I guess sort of blueprint... maybe just layout of equipment onboard or an external view? I guess a little more the role play aspects.
<JVFoxy> couple of my ships uses those hollow fuselage parts, sometimes I was thinking either an airlock or storage bay inside. Though I suppose I could use tach life support to add 'stuff' in those places but eh
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<packbart> I still sometimes think about useless (in KSP) stuff like escape routes from crew compartments to capsules or not putting airlocks opposite fuel tanks (so they wouldn't damage them in case the hatch blows out)
<packbart> but eh
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<raptop> I mean, those can still look nice
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<Althego> hmm there was a wintergatan video a few days ago
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<Althego> what, did he really mention starship sn8?
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<flayer> err
<flayer> my missing rover reappeared inside a dome
<Althego> hehe
<flayer> hmm demographics is becoming an issue as well
<flayer> too many old people
<Althego> then probably too few young
<Althego> make them happy
<flayer> i have more martian born than i do earthlings
<Izaya> have a blackout and wait 9 months
<Althego> hehe
<flayer> its just that i need to build more housing for the elderly
<flayer> i had tuned it to have an even number of work place and homes
<Althego> well, we have a virus, people cant really go out, and it has been a year, i expect increased birth rates now :)
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<Mat2ch> Althego: we should already see increasing numbers. The virus is going strong for over a year now.
<sandbox> 2 more years if my dreams are anything to go by
<Mat2ch> sandbox: late summer this year it'll be mostly over.
<Althego> that is what i am afraid of
<Althego> i dont want to go to the office, completely pointless
<Mat2ch> btw. Jean-Michel Jarre did a thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKjFjFtKBRI
<sandbox> some of my dreams have been scarily accurate
<Althego> (holds gun: always has been)
<Mat2ch> Althego: most jobs are pointless. Let's just face it. Existance is pointless!
<Mat2ch> sandbox: in Germany most people will be vaccinated in late summer, so...
<Althego> they will be up to maximum annoyance efficiency?
<Mat2ch> so, we're talking about another 9 month. And some here haven't realized even that yet. They're still talking about normal things, like going to the restaurant or putting the kids in school...
<Mat2ch> no party till next fall!
<Mat2ch> Luckily the next concert I have tickets for got moved to december :P
<sandbox> I had a feeling last january that it was going to be a bad year
<Mat2ch> Well, I knew in December 2019 that we had a pandemic on our hands.
<Mat2ch> And I'm very mad at some people who didn't take it seriously, even though it is their job.
<Althego> anti maskers
<Mat2ch> nope, the ones we are not allowed to talk about here. Politicians. :D
<Mat2ch> ugh, Deus Ex is years old and still takes ages to load :P
<sandbox> what a shame
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<Althego> HU
<Althego> Down to Earth: The Astronaut’s Perspective
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<Althego> scott
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<Mat2ch> oh, Tesla was just 450 cars short of their 500k cars in 2020 limit. Wow. Without the pandemic they probably would've made it
<Althego> close enough
<darsie> limit?
<Mat2ch> uh, good question, that "limit" is waste
<Mat2ch> SN10 has its nose
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