raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Doge is not doing. Doge is coining.
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<Althego> hmm scott
<Althego> he noticed the flame too. i compared the altitude at the end of burn and i noticed it was lower in altitude than the previous one. but scott did diagrams
<Althego> way better than my quick look at numbers
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raptop is now known as QualifiedRaptop
<Althego> QualifiedRaptop: for what?
<QualifiedRaptop> PhD Candidacy (finally)
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<Althego> QualifiedRaptop: congratulations
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<Althego> oh i forgot there was a flat eart hstraem
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<Althego> ah this one was almost correct
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<Mat2ch> QualifiedRaptop: oh, nice, congrats! What's your field?
<Althego> isnt it astronomy?
<Izaya> KSP drinking game: take a shot whenever you forget to check your staging
<Althego> hehe
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<Izaya> I am not liable for any deaths this causes.
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<Mat2ch> Izaya: that game gets worse with every drink...
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<JVFoxy> so... Scott and seagulls are a thing now huh? Lol, some the comments on his video
<Althego> seagull must have killed him in a match :)
<Althego> (a_seagull)
<JVFoxy> current top comment: Vincent 9 hours ago: I feel like there’s some bad history between him and seagulls
<JVFoxy> flying rats huh?
<Althego> i thought pigeons were the flying rats
<JVFoxy> watching booster RUD into seagulls.. ah well, chalk it up to the likes of the flying frog during shuttle launch
<Althego> the seagulls are not completely dumb, they would have fled
<JVFoxy> maybe that's why people thinking there's bad history?
<JVFoxy> gone from Tesla cars crashing into trucks to Spacex boosters avoiding landing on some birds. Think someone's messing with the settings a little on the 'avoidance' side
<Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEfrBP_0XFA Season 5 was terrible in some regards :P
<JVFoxy> the one planet side?
<JVFoxy> did delve some into the story in ways, but eh...
<JVFoxy> oh wait.. derp.. forgot which season we ended up on.. eh, last few seasons only 10 episodes. Wish they did more
<Althego> i am still waiting for the last book
<Althego> i dont see a realistic way to finish the plot
<Althego> aside from ah well they died
<Althego> but that is nto really satisfactory
<minas_tirith> Althego, hi
<minas_tirith> Hewwo JVFoxy
<Mat2ch> Althego: married happily ever after!
<JVFoxy> was a space series... Dark Matter.. last episode in season 3, they found a bunch of large black ships.. then series was cancelled. ;\
<Althego> i hate this
<Althego> americans always end series on a cliffhanger
<Althego> cant have closure
<minas_tirith> hey Althego what do you think of catmen races?
<minas_tirith> in scifi, fantasy etc
<Althego> catgirls shout exist, i dont care about catboys
<minas_tirith> Catboys are awesome
<JVFoxy> Althego: Dark Matter was Canadian produced. I don't think it was getting the ratings, and there was some issue over ownership?
<JVFoxy> oh.. it wasn't well taken by the new owners or something.. bleh
<minas_tirith> Hey UmbralRaptop bro
<minas_tirith> How are you doing?
<Althego> probably sleeping
<minas_tirith> Althego, ok
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<Althego> hehe monitor steve is back in hardware unboxed
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<Althego> heh that texan blackout has to be serios, the boca chica streams are down
<Mat2ch> Since yesterday, yes
<Mat2ch> and the officials say that it might take a month(!) to get power back
<Althego> this is because of the cold weather, but some covid vaccines are warming up without cooling
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<umaxtu> some of the vaccines need to be extra cold
<Althego> i know. it is kind of paradoxical that because of the cold thye cant be cold enough
<umaxtu> its those damn windmills you know /s
<Althego> somebody is playing frostpunk with texas
<umaxtu> I really hope the crazies don't actually use this to slow the rollout of renewables, but I'm not holding my breath
<Althego> without widespread storage renewables cant take over
<Althego> but if you can have storage, you could just get rid of the grid
<umaxtu> I've been doing a bit of digging concerning liquid metal batteries. sound promising for grid storage
<Althego> i didnt know there was such a thing
<Mat2ch> umaxtu: solar can't be stopped anymore. So much cheaper
<umaxtu> doesn't mean they can't slow it down
<Althego> it can. doesnt produce power at night
<Mat2ch> and in states like Texas it's very reliable.
<Althego> still cant take the afternoon spike
<Mat2ch> LiIon accumulators :P
<Althego> actually you could put those right under the solar panels
<Mat2ch> the heat right under the panels would quickly destroy them
<Mat2ch> just put them inside a box at the north (or south) side of the house.
<Althego> heh
<Mat2ch> makes the panels lighter and the packs easier to maintain.
<umaxtu> the cool thing about these liquid metal batteries is that they supposedly don't degrade
<Althego> i didnt mean the backside of the panels. when you have heliostats there i a lot of empty space around them
<Althego> and you cant use it for anything else
<Mat2ch> Althego: oh, yes, there are ideas to put packs into the base of wind turbines and stuff
<Althego> it is the same for those too
<Althego> lot of empty space
<Mat2ch> yep
<Althego> i had a nap in the afternoon, but i could only sleep an hour because of neighbor's construction noises (somehow this reminds me of kiara :))
<flayer> ahh, i wanna take a nap
<UmbralRaptop> Is your neighbor building a KFP
<Althego> no
<QualifiedRaptop> minas_tirith: I'm awake, but at what cost?
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<minas_tirith> QualifiedRaptop, hewwo
<QualifiedRaptop> minas_tirith: Anyway, the Kilrathi are a silly, the Kzinti more interesting, Khajiit started silly but became interesting, and I don't know how FF14 works
<minas_tirith> Khajiit are beautiful
<minas_tirith> I'd love to have an elsweyr game
<QualifiedRaptop> yeah, also black marsh
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<minas_tirith> QualifiedRaptop, yes
<minas_tirith> Oblivion's southernmost part of the map bordered Black Marsh
<minas_tirith> It was a marshy and densely forested region
<minas_tirith> QualifiedRaptop, the autumnal, deep forested region around the grape farms is also gorgeous
<minas_tirith> I forgot what it was called
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* QualifiedRaptop should mess around more with oblivion at some point
<Althego> tomorrow is rover landing day
QualifiedRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Perseverance is not doing. Perseverance is landing.
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<Ariri> SN10 is delayed?
<Althego> !road
<Kerbot> Althego => Primary; Monday, February 8, 2021; 9:00 am to 6:00 pm; Scheduled | Primary; Wednesday, February 10, 2021; 9:00 am to 6:00 pm; Canceled | Secondary; Thursday, February 11, 2021; 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm; Canceled | Secondary; Friday, February 12, 2021; 7:00 am to 12:00 pm; Canceled
<Ariri> Also: >catgirls shout exist, i dont care about catboys | both, both is good
<Althego> yes probably until the power comes back on
<QualifiedRaptop> Yeah, both is definitely good
<Ariri> Ah right
<Ariri> Is there any estimate atm?
* QualifiedRaptop guesses no
<Althego> and there was no static fire yet
<Althego> so it will be some time until it flies
<Althego> meanwhile in fűinland https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28meVXFrpC8
<Ariri> Hear about the Hololive Alternative thing?
<QualifiedRaptop> like nijisanji, or...?
<Ariri> No, that's the whole title
<QualifiedRaptop> not until now
<Ariri> "VTuber Production "Holo Live" The girls who belong to it are the same but different, or different and the same ... That's just a little different possibility. This is a different world creation project that "draws a certain world" that may exist. I pray that we can work together with you to create a monogatari that may or may not be possible, and that possibility will become a reality."
<Ariri> Seems interesting
<QualifiedRaptop> ...so same visually, but different people doing the personalities/voices?
<Ariri> I don't think so, that was machine translated, but from what I can gather, it's more like the girls are different in the sense they have certain abilities, which the PV seems to show
<Ariri> Kind of like Honkai Impact if you're familiar with that
* QualifiedRaptop is not
<Ariri> Like an alternative life, I suppose
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<Althego> the boca chica streams are back
<Althego> hehe big red text no launch today
<Ariri> Still 29% outage :/ https://poweroutage.us/area/county/1347
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<Mat2ch> Althego: all of the cams are still down for me
<Mat2ch> or maybe again?
<Ariri> They went down earlier, links changed but not updated earlier last I read
<Ariri> Check the channel itself
<Althego> oh no a what about it. ok i can just watch that tomorrow. cant have to watch
<Althego> thjis is just too cute https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asagumo_(rover)
<Althego> even with tha thal 9000 evil eye
<Izaya> cute rover
<umaxtu> of course its Japanese
<Althego> reminds me of the jameson type cyborg from sac
<QualifiedRaptop> Cute little spider
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<darsie> I think it might drown in dust.
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<minas_tirith> Is there a guitar channel here?
<darsie> There're two on freenode. Dunno how active.
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