raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Perseverance is not doing. Perseverance is landing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm0b_ijaYMQ
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<raptop> ;mission add You overwater the tech tree.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You overwater the tech tree.
<raptop> ;outcome add The tech tree bears an explosive fruit.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: The tech tree bears an explosive fruit.
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<Guest63767> Anyone using Kerbalism and Signal Delay(https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/166584-19-signal-delay-0213-2020-08-21-signal-delay-background-antenna-ec-consumption/) mods together ?
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<raptop> Althego: I'm confused about some upcoming collabs
<Althego> calli and gura minecraft?
<raptop> Yeah, what does gura mean by "bros being bros"?
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<raptop> (Also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5KmDuDyPmQ for rather different reasons)
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<raptop> Mainly I didn't realize that the corps that they work for are fine with a hololive/nijisanji collab
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<Althego> hehe calli vanished from the internet in the middle of the collab
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<raptop> It's probably fine
<Althego> hehe rescheduling stream :)
<Althego> he is dead jim
<raptop> "seisona"
<Althego> people listening to a shark vacuum. the internet
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<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You build a ship for the stated purpose of outrunning its own mass. B787_300 pays no attention to the name on the container and eats your lunch from the refrigerator.
<Althego> what
<Mat2ch> I didn't come up with that!
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<Eddi|zuHause> how mean.
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<Guest95715> hi all
<Guest95715> lookin 4 help with install
<Mat2ch> what are your problems?
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<Althego> hehe
<minas_tirith> Althego, hi
<Althego> i would have said, please state the nature of the medical emergency, but too late
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<JVFoxy> ... think they've other problems. Namely staying connected here
<JVFoxy> on the other hand, I'm starting to wonder if they just come by to troll us
<minas_tirith> JVFoxy, italian_meme_music.mp4
<JVFoxy> more like bennyhill_theme.mp3
<minas_tirith> giorno_ost_italian_meme.mp4
<minas_tirith> I'll have to lsiten to bennyhill theme
<minas_tirith> Oh
<minas_tirith> That song
<minas_tirith> I had heard it under a different name before
<Althego> yakety sax. its actual name
<Althego> and supposedly a very hard song to play on the saxophone
<minas_tirith> Yeah that was the name
<minas_tirith> I feel it can work great for meme/cartoon chase scenes
<JVFoxy> it gets referred for such things quite a lot
<Althego> but anyway it is true that benny hill popularized it as sped up chase scene music
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<minas_tirith> I like this meme song most https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D83ICLWu-80
<JVFoxy> back to the original point, people come by, ask for help, poof. Impatient or..?
<minas_tirith> It was from a webchat link
<minas_tirith> So probably someone unfamiliar with the pace and culture of the irc
<Althego> quite warm outside
<Althego> i hope we dont get a cold wave in march
<Althego> i hate that
<minas_tirith> I wish for real cold
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<Althego> winter wasnt real cold for at least 10 years now
<JVFoxy> weee...
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<Althego> raptor chase https://youtu.be/iuoZjizF_J8?t=404
<JVFoxy> right now its just news for me, time wasting for a few hours till coffee shop opens
<Althego> ah zeus is moving too
<Althego> bit dirty
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<TristenYT> helo
TristenYT is now known as Tristen
<minas_tirith> Tristen, did you manage to install?
<Tristen> the dlcs?
<Tristen> yeah
<Tristen> was worth the $27
<Tristen> a
<Tristen> bean
<raptop> あ
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> funny rectangle?
* raptop screams internally. I'm using a character that's on the BMP!
<Althego> it is "a"
<raptop> (not to be confused with a БМП)
<raptop> Specifically it's a hiragana "a"
* Tristen eats a little bean
* Tristen dies epicly
* Tristen is alive once again
Tristen is now known as e
<e> e
e is now known as Guest22334
Guest22334 is now known as TristenKSP
TristenKSP is now known as nick
nick is now known as a
a is now known as _
<_> YES
<raptop> にゃあ?
<Althego> "i am the architect of my own destruction"
<_> what
<minas_tirith> raptop, bro
<minas_tirith> I just tried the relative tuning technique
<minas_tirith> _ hi
* raptop blinks in confusion
<minas_tirith> raptop, guitar
<Althego> at this point it is the usual
<minas_tirith> Tune the lower E according to feels, then use the ratios to tune the strings above one by one
<_> I'm TristenKSP, but evolved
<minas_tirith> Congratulations on your evolution
<minas_tirith> I hope you learned whatever skills you needed to that can't be learned post-evo
<_> I'm at my ultimate form
<minas_tirith> Level 100?
<_> yes
<_> sssssssssssss
<minas_tirith> Is you a snek?
<_> no im shrek
_ is now known as Shrek
<minas_tirith> Yeah swamps are cool
<minas_tirith> I want to visit and camp in one some time
<Shrek> Swamp planet
<minas_tirith> Amazing
<Shrek> I feel like Venus was a swamp planet at some point
<Shrek> And not terrestrial or a desert or tundra
<minas_tirith> Swamp is terrestrial
<Shrek> Fun Fact: Mercury has an atmosphere, but since it's mass and gravity is so low, it's very thin and weak.
<Shrek> It's also constantly pelted with radiation.
<minas_tirith> I think mercurys lighter than moon, so I guess that means moon has a very weak atmosphere too
<minas_tirith> Yeah it kinda sucks being so close to the sun
<Shrek> everything as an atmosphere
<Shrek> some of them are nearly non-existant tho
<Althego> hehe már 15 chapternél tart az a villainess isekai ami reggel még cska 10 volt
<Althego> picsába
<Althego> hehe, not here
<Shrek> swearing in spanish
<Althego> not in spanish
<minas_tirith> Shrek, I have heard nebulas have on the order of only 10^4 atoms per cm3
<Shrek> cm
<Shrek> c
<Shrek> c
<Shrek> c
<Shrek> c
<Shrek> h
<Shrek> um
<Shrek> hello
<minas_tirith> Somehow the whole gas cloud is just bound together by gravity I guess
<Mod9000> Hello, Shrek
<minas_tirith> well I mean
<flayer> there's around 10 metric tons of gas around the moon
<Shrek> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Shrek
<minas_tirith> there isn't any wind I know of in space
<Shrek> hello
<Shrek> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Shrek
<Shrek> hellohellohellohello
<flayer> solar winds
<Mod9000> Hello, Shrek
<Shrek> hello
<Shrek> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Shrek
<Shrek> hello
<Shrek> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Shrek
<Mod9000> Hello, Shrek
<Mod9000> Hello, Shrek
<flayer> please stop spamming shrek :(
<Shrek> YES
<Shrek> sorry
<minas_tirith> flayer, doubt they are strong enough to blow away matter
<minas_tirith> or are they
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<flayer> they blow away atmospheres
<Shrek> I mean, they blow away Earth
<Shrek> 's atmosphere
<Shrek> Hey, Mod9000, guess what.
<flayer> and you can theoretically sail on them
<Shrek> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Shrek
<Shrek> how
<Shrek> they're gaw
<Shrek> gas*
<Shrek> flayer
<minas_tirith> flayer, nebula apparently create stars...so what happens after creation. Does the condensation of the gas into a star and the solar wind blowing away the rest create a local pocket free of gas?
<flayer> if the gases are ionized they can be swept away in the solar wind's magnetic field
<raptop> Solar wind / and radiation pressure do help to push away the gases
<raptop> Also supernovae
<raptop> (Those type II supernovae happen quite quickly)
<Shrek> So, they have repulsive gravity?
<Shrek> Negative Gravity, also known as
<minas_tirith> raptop, so if apparently all stars came from nebulae...does that mean our sun was also in a nebula which it later ate up
<Shrek> Yep
<minas_tirith> Also another interesting point is whether it even is possible to detect whether one is inside a nebula from within it
<raptop> yes, though it was more the OB stars that blew it away
<Shrek> That's how stars form
<minas_tirith> due to the extremely low densities
<minas_tirith> OB stars?
<raptop> It's possible. Incidentally, we know that the sun is currently in a weirdly low density patch of the interstellar medium
<raptop> "the local bubble"
<Shrek> Because Nebula is so scattered, the huge amount of density when the star was full is now apart.
<Shrek> Making nebulae less dense
<minas_tirith> You mean it can be possible to know if you are inside a nebula?
<Shrek> Kinda
<Shrek> You just gotta look around
<minas_tirith> You can't
<Shrek> You'll see a bunch of colored gasses
<minas_tirith> Because nebulae look nice and pretty from telescopes
<minas_tirith> and the colors need long exposure camera shots to get anyways
<minas_tirith> but
<Shrek> but
<minas_tirith> Inside one, the gas density is almost vacuum
<minas_tirith> Even orion has only like 10^4 molecules per cubic cm
<Shrek> space itself is a vacuum
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<Smort_Tristen> Hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Smort_Tristen
<minas_tirith> Welcome back
<Smort_Tristen> I'm back
<Smort_Tristen> I am smort now
<minas_tirith> raptop, its amazing isn't it?
<raptop> yeah
<Smort_Tristen> nebulae?
<minas_tirith> Also another interesting point that just occured to me is how we can "see" the nebulae..where does the light emit from?
<flayer> reflection from stars?
<Smort_Tristen> The white dwarf in the center maybe?
<minas_tirith> Is the collective light from all the stars enough to "illuminate" the gas cloud
<raptop> It was amusing to realize that stars have ~0 volume compared to the gas clouds they condensed from
<raptop> minas_tirith: depends on the nebula in question, but short version is yes
<Smort_Tristen> Yeah, they expand to lightyears in diameter, and a star like the sun is only about a million miles wide
<raptop> Orion is emission + reflection, Ring and Crab are emission
<minas_tirith> raptop, this brings up the point that how even extremely rare materials once you stack it to enough depth attain a coloring in light
<Smort_Tristen> Here's Phil from the Crab Nebula. So, Phil, is it?
<minas_tirith> rare as in low density
<raptop> Something something column density
<minas_tirith> So apparently google says, its not the visible light of the stars directly but rather certain high energy uv radiations ionize the hydrogens
<minas_tirith> oh, this is only for so called emission nebulae
<Smort_Tristen> So, UltraViolet light is what we're seeing?
<Smort_Tristen> But it's converted to Visible alight?
<Smort_Tristen> Light*?
<raptop> Yeah, for emission nebulae you have recombination and then the electrons dropping down through lower energy levels
<minas_tirith> No, the ionized hydrogen when it goes back to normal emits the light
<Althego> lyman alpha?
<raptop> Althego: I don't know what your vision is like, but I can only see the Balmer series =\
<minas_tirith> No the uv radiation itself is from the stars
<Smort_Tristen> Ohhh
<Althego> yes, but lyman alpha is in the uv
<minas_tirith> so it may not necessarily have to do with hydrogen atoms orbital states
<minas_tirith> I think the nuclear fusion itself releases certain radiations that may or may not correspond with any orbital jumps
<Smort_Tristen> I think I'm learning more in this IRC Chat than I will in many future Physical Science classes.
<minas_tirith> ok so the "byproduts" are a positron and a neutrino
<minas_tirith> so probably yes, those uv rays might come from hydrogen transitions then
<raptop> the direct emission from fusion is only partially related
<raptop> It still has to get out of the star
<minas_tirith> Does fusion also emit some radiations of its own?
<Althego> yit is funny that how long it takes radiation to get out of the star
<minas_tirith> Or is the radiations caused due to the heat which causes some normal electron transitions
<Althego> in a long zigzag brownian like motion
<raptop> minas_tirith: Depending on which part, there are gammas, neutrinos, and positrons
<Smort_Tristen> I have a question.
<Smort_Tristen> What is a Gamma Ray Burst?
<minas_tirith> Does it directly generate gammas?
<Althego> i only learned today that some people made a neutrino picture of the sun
<Althego> it took them more than a year
<minas_tirith> I thought neutrinos were very hard to detect
<Smort_Tristen> minas_tirith Tech is evolving.
<Althego> and it was quite long ago https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap980605.html
<raptop> Modern neutrino detectors are large
<Althego> tech is evolving but neutrinos are still not doing :)
<raptop> "500 days of data"
<Smort_Tristen> I need help
<Smort_Tristen> How do I read the Delta V map
<minas_tirith> raptop, the radiation processes in stars are quite interesting
<Althego> you add the numbers as you go from one body to an other
<Althego> is there a static fire today?
<Smort_Tristen> So, the symbols with the body and curved line flying past is for flybys?
<Althego> yes
<Smort_Tristen> Oh I see
<Smort_Tristen> There's icons in the bottom right
<Smort_Tristen> What's Keostationary Orbit
<Althego> equivalent of geostationary
<Althego> just around kerbin
<Althego> takes a kerbin day
<Smort_Tristen> Oh!
<Smort_Tristen> To stay in the same point of the sky.
<Smort_Tristen> Got it
<minas_tirith> The theories behind star radiation are very obscure to me
<Althego> you dont really need to do that since aiming of antennas is not simulated, if it can aim, it is going to have transmission
<Althego> in reality of course it is easier to aim on a stationary satellite
<Althego> i think stars, despite having one so close, are still not fully understood
<Althego> just as with most things in science
<Smort_Tristen> Because we still have limits
<Smort_Tristen> Even as a space-fairing species
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<raptop> It doesn't help that a lot of stars are pretty different from the sub
<raptop> minas_tirith: obscure in what way?
<minas_tirith> raptop, I don't wholly know the sum total of the sources of radiation. Now of course the heat must have caused some electron transitions in the hydrogens but even so the fusion itself and perhaps some other processes surely also generate radiations of their own
<raptop> Energy inputs + fusion, gravitational contraction (notably during the protostar phase)
<raptop> outputs: blackbody, electron transitions, magnetic field shenangians (the last one doesn't exist for all stars, but is important for cooler ones on the main sequence)
<raptop> getting from the core to the photosphere: radiation, convection
<raptop> I guess in some extreme cases (hi, neutron stars), you can care about spin
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<Mat2ch> SpaceX seems to be conducting another static fire. In three hours or so.
<Althego> i will be sleeping
<Mat2ch> and beeping
<Althego> i dont beep, but my throat somehow can make a ticking sound
<flayer> so, i'm putting my station in solar orbit near kerbin
<flayer> its orbit is in a kerbin encounter in 421 days
<darsie> You could put it on Kerbins orbit, just ahead or behind Kerbin.
<flayer> yeah, but i'm going with this instead
<flayer> because its very difficult to be precise like that
<flayer> and now i can just set a timer on the encounter, and put up another encounter after i get back into solar orbit
<darsie> KER shows orbital period to 1 ms precision.
<flayer> it's just not enough
<flayer> i think i am basically as accurate as that like this
<flayer> i will have to spend about 100 ms/year to maintain it
<flayer> i'm good for a couple of decades
<flayer> now i will just have to figure out how to efficiently visit it
<flayer> i intend to gather a bunch of asteroids there
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<Mxi_steel> hi! what can i change in a docking port config file to let crew pass through it?
<Althego> i would try to compare it to a normal docking port that can do that
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<darsie> mxi_steel: I can transfer Jeb across decouplers and docking port Jr: https://i.ibb.co/GTdvQLG/screenshot349.png
<darsie> Dunno if docking in the VAB is different.
<Mxi_steel> huh i thought there was a thing where crew cant transfer through the jr docking ports when was it rectifed?
<Mxi_steel> i swear i read that in the wiki
<Althego> normally they can
<Mxi_steel> oh ok good to know
<Althego> maybe they are dependent on the science complex upgrade that allows fuel transfer
<Althego> i am not sure
<Althego> static fire preparations are well underway now
<raptop> There's also some stuff with game settings
<raptop> (difficulty? options?)
<Althego> something something follows fuel transfer rules or whatnot
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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<raptop> ;mission add You take off your engineering hat, and put on your management hat.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You take off your engineering hat, and put on your management hat.
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<packbart> isn't that an outcome?
<FLHerne> I think it works as either
<FLHerne> ;mission
<LunchBot> FLHerne: In an attempt to cut down on costs you omit fuel tanks from your rocket design (but not fuel). There is a long silence.
<packbart> self-forging solid booster
<raptop> packbart: I'd go with that mission, and one of the many bad outcomes following it