Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<flayer> i have a ship. one atomic engine. 5500 dv. 200 days worth of snacks. will i make it in time?
<flayer> to duna?
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<Tank2333> depends
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<flayer> i was thinking leave kerbin like 30-40 days after the transfer window and just burn more aggressively towards it
<flayer> maybe even a 100 days after the window
<darsie> flayer: You could cheat a dummy ship in orbit and test with maneuver nodes how long the trip would take. If it doesn't work out, you can load your old state.
<flayer> i'm just going to launch and do that
<darsie> flying faster will make the trip shorter.
<darsie> I'm not sure about the arrival speed. With Hohmann you're slower than Duna at the encounter. When you fly faster, you'll arrive faster, but not aligned with Duna's orbit ...
<darsie> Probably still very managable.
<flayer> i got 5500 dv to play with
<flayer> as long as i got enough time to do the burn while in duna soi, i'm good
<flayer> 0.15 twr
<darsie> Duna is great for aerobraking.
<flayer> yeah, that too
<darsie> Sometimes Ike is in the way, so you might go faster or slower, then.
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<Guest27162> Hello
<Althego> hi
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<undeadraptop> Can we sacrifice those sorts of guests to KFP cultists?
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> isnt there some kind of littering fine for this?
<Mat2ch> There is currently no star ship fully built than SN11, right?
<Mat2ch> oh, wow
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<Mat2ch> crazy :D
<Mat2ch> I mean the people maintaining the wiki page
<Althego> and what are they planning to do with 7.2
<Althego> it looks like there is still some use for it, but didnt have time to run the test
<Mat2ch> either GSE, dismanteling or destroying. :D
<Althego> there are peolpe who are maintinaing yt videos with renders on prototpye progress
sandbox has joined #KSPOfficial
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<Althego> (local) leet time
FLHerne has joined #KSPOfficial
FLHerne is now known as Guest43016
Guest43016 is now known as FLHerne
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LunchBot has joined #KSPOfficial
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<FLHerne> !nextfire
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Never, hopefully.
<FLHerne> We're back
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: In an attempt to play with all 101 of your /essential/ mods, you try to install Linux. You get to orbit and are not halfway to anywhere.
<Mat2ch> LunchBot: I'm already running linux...
<LunchBot> I am a bot operated by FLHerne. Try !{nextlunch,mission,outcome,stupid,colloid,colloid²,rocks,nextbankruptcy,nextpinecone,nextyear,nextfire,banlist,help} help.
<Mat2ch> but I wonder if kOS is turing complete. You could run linux on KSP then...
<Mat2ch> it would be slow. Very very slow.
<Mat2ch> !stupid
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: "On the planet Marklar, we call every person, place or thing 'Marklar'."
<Mat2ch> !nextbankruptcy
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: No doomed company found matching "".
<Mat2ch> !nextbankruptcy IBM Microsoft
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: No doomed company found matching "IBM Microsoft".
<Mat2ch> How does that command work? :P
<Mat2ch> !nextyear
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: 2022
<Mat2ch> Nice!
<Mat2ch> Will we still be in lockdown by then?
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<Mat2ch> Because I fear so. In India a mutant is circling that might be resistant to our vaccacines.
<sandbox> super
<darsie> yay, more chance for nature to recover. Or ... die more slowly.
<FLHerne> Mat2ch: That seems broken
<Mat2ch> FLHerne: :(
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<FLHerne> !nextbankruptcy
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Stratolaunch.
<Mat2ch> well
<FLHerne> The list had gone AWOL
<Mat2ch> that could come true.
<Mat2ch> :D
<FLHerne> !nextbankruptcy add Momentus
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added doomed company: Momentus
<FLHerne> Like all the other lists of stuff that LunchBot keeps, it's user-curated ;-)
<Mat2ch> !nextbankruptcy add Karma Automotive
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: Added doomed company: Karma Automotive
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<TristenKSP> Hey guys should I submit a set idea to LEGO of the Artemis Rocket, the Mercury Redstone, or the Starship?
<darsie> no
<darsie> ;)
<TristenKSP> why
<darsie> Cause Lego is too expensive.
<Althego> hehe
<TristenKSP> Each piece is worth about 9 cents USD
<TristenKSP> The Saturn V set is 1969 pieces, and $120.
<Althego> hehe 1969 pieces
<TristenKSP> i'm pretty sure that was on purpose
<darsie> Will Artemis be a thing/
<darsie> ?
<TristenKSP> Artemis is the next moon missions for 2022
<Althego> you know what, when i was a child i couldnt get all the legos i wanted because they were expensive and very rare. today however i could buy any set any time
<TristenKSP> It had it's first green run about a week ago
<Althego> it has to launch this year
<TristenKSP> i hope so
<Althego> otherwise some part warranties run out
<TristenKSP> but not a crewed mission yet
<Althego> and it needs to go through maintenance
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<Althego> i see a high possibility that the slas doesnt fly this year
<Althego> given the track record of the project
<TristenKSP> the SLAS? I thought it was the SLS
<undeadraptop> Space LAg System
<Althego> they needed what, 12 billion dollars and 10 years to assemble parts that were used on the shuttle, and use up engines that actually went to space on the shuttles?
<TristenKSP> There was over 100 missions used on 5 different shuttles in the span of about 35 years.
<TristenKSP> Spac Launc Syctem
<TristenKSP> s m o r t
<undeadraptop> meanwhile, the Soyuz-U launched 786 missions over 44 years
<Althego> not reusable
<Althego> i am quite afraid of the heatshield tiles of starship
<TristenKSP> 7 8 6 ? !
<FLHerne> The pinned ones seem to be working ok
<TristenKSP> that makes NASA looks like they're slacking
<FLHerne> It's only the ones with glue that keep breaking
<Althego> on the shuttle those were expensive, brittle, required lot of maintenance, and actually not too safe
<FLHerne> At least there are no foam strikes
<FLHerne> On the other hand, hinges
<Althego> ok we dont know what they are made of
<TristenKSP> The Buran Spaceplane lost WAY less heat shield tiles on the first test flight contrast to NASA's shuttle.
<Althego> also nobody ever built a heat shield for mars and eart huse
<Althego> remember it needs to be reusable. even if it doesnt lose a single one. all of them needs to be checked, some of them replaced
<TristenKSP> If heat shields are made of ceramic, doesn't that mean they would be smooth and not rough if you touched one?
<Althego> doesnt look like a cheap method
<Althego> what does that have to do with the material?
<Althego> you can make them smooth or rough
<TristenKSP> o h
<TristenKSP> they probably make the heat shields rough
<Althego> they have their own material science group
<Althego> they built their own heat shield manufacturing and testing facility from nothing for dragon
<Althego> so yes, they are capable
<TristenKSP> just for dragon, they built an ENTIRE DEPARTMENT, just for building heat shields?
<Althego> actually they modified the pica material to be more easily and cheaply producible
<Althego> but pica is completely different from the ceramics
<Althego> different material, different way of applying, different way it works
<TristenKSP> m
<TristenKSP> what's you favorite letter in the english alphabet
<Althego> a :)
<Althego> but in reality i dont like any letter. they are just symbols
<TristenKSP> my favorite is
<TristenKSP> E
<TristenKSP> guys i just committed tax fraud
<flayer> uh oh
<flayer> are you rich or are you poor?
<TristenKSP> yes
<darsie> Press F to pay tax.
<TristenKSP> f
<TristenKSP> yay guys it worked i'm no longer a highly wanted criminel
<Althego> X
<darsie> How does a 12 yo commit tax fraud?
<TristenKSP> I love how here whenever we're talking about space, it's usually Althego and one or two other people, and when someone does anything besides space everybody else is bacl
<TristenKSP> im 13
<Mat2ch> darsie: if a 12 year old has enough money they can be in a position where they have to file taxes
<Althego> oh wait, i didnt check wintergatan
<Althego> as in the anything else category
<darsie> sunset
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<Althego> 6 days ago. should have been on wednesday
<Mat2ch> yeah, I wonder what's up with him
<Althego> retaining marbles
<TristenKSP> just because you have money you must give it to me - the USA's government
Ezriilc has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (]
<TristenKSP> in Oregon there is no sales tax btw
<TristenKSP> I don't know what I was thinking, Leaving my child behind.
<TristenKSP> Now I suffer the curse, Knowing now I am blind
FLHerne has joined #KSPOfficial
FLHerne is now known as Guest40952
<TristenKSP> <img src=";usqp=CAU" alt="mememan hashtag on Twitter"/>
<TristenKSP> I still never got an answer to what roecket I should submit to LEGO for a set idea.
<Althego> prototypes are subject to change
<TristenKSP> what does that mean
<Althego> so something that flew already
<TristenKSP> ok
<TristenKSP> I have Mercury Redstone, Falcon Heavy, Starship, Atlas V, or you can suggest another
<Althego> starship is a prototype
<Althego> falcon heavy is interesting because you can do the landing with the boosters
<TristenKSP> oh yeah
<TristenKSP> i want to do the sls but it hasn't flown yet
<packbart> that's what KSP is for
<packbart> ;)
<Althego> maybe atlas 5 with rover inside?
<TristenKSP> There probably is a diagram for how it works
<TristenKSP> The SLS
<Althego> and then you can do the mars landing with the orver
<TristenKSP> orver
<packbart> stick 4 vectors below a 3.75m tank or something similar? Clydesdales to the sides
<Althego> in any case both big rovers were launched on atlas v
<TristenKSP> I can't play KSP rn
<TristenKSP> I'm not at my Dad's house
<TristenKSP> There's already an idea submitted for Falcon Heavy
<darsie> What's the next FH payload?
<Althego> i think it was something military
<packbart> not many KSP streams on Twitch right now, either
<Althego> no, viasat-3 series satellite
<Althego> only after that is ussf-44
<darsie> NASA has chosen Falcon Heavy as the launch vehicle for its Psyche mission to a metallic asteroid with a planned launch in August 2022.
<Althego> space force 44. how did it become 44. they dont even exist that long
<Althego> and as things are it may even launch europa clipper
<TristenKSP> There is no Atlas V set idea
<Althego> but specifically atlas v with curiosity or perseverance
<packbart> Althego: Wikipedia says it was "AFSPC-44" originally
<Althego> but to make that work the rocket needs to be really big
<packbart> renamed to Space! Force!
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<TristenKSP> it even comes with a crawler and tower
<Althego> perseverance with a tiny ingenuity in the rocket would be interesting. but obviosuly there are size problems. so normaly thses would be separate sets. one rocver in high detail, and a rocket in lower detail
<packbart> does LEGO have a Project Orion set? :)
<TristenKSP> yes
<TristenKSP> it only has about 200 supporters tho
<Althego> how many star trek enterprises are there?
<packbart> it's probably too complicated to make those plutonium and uranium bricks
<Althego> i know there are some millenium falcons
<Althego> hehe
<packbart> for a fully functional nuclear LEGO drive
<TristenKSP> meh i dont wanna do star wars or star trek i wanna do real rockets and spaceships
<darsie> Lego Dyson sphere :)
<darsie> Lego replicators :)
<flayer> i want a doggie :(
<TristenKSP> no
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<Althego> stargate replicatiors?
<Althego> a replicator ship would be an intersting build because of its shape
<darsie> self replicating machines
<TristenKSP> what are you saying
<darsie> submit the idea of Lego self replicating machines.
<TristenKSP> a
<darsie> Actual Lego rockets, air or water powered.
<darsie> With staging.
<TristenKSP> that's gonna be expensive
<TristenKSP> way more than a set usually is
* flayer farts loudly
<TristenKSP> epic
<Althego> but maybe you could build a lego cubesat :9
<Althego> oh btw a few weeks ago the actor who played ba'al died
<darsie> Is he related to T'alg?
<Althego> what is that
<darsie> Teal'c
<TristenKSP> tealc
<Althego> even heuristic string matching failed
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<Althego> kiteboarding accident. what is a kiteboard even
<darsie> Like a surf board pulled by a kite.
<Althego> heh. this is like james horner. flew he own plane and crashed
<sandbox> I don't remember him
<Althego> baal? was a recurring villain in stargate. charismatic, annoying, and not simple
e has joined #KSPOfficial
e is now known as TristenKSP
TristenKSP is now known as unavailable
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<undeadraptop> Compare with that one villian in the Diablo and Baldur's Gate games
<Althego> diablo is one of the most bland games i have ever played
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<Althego> and i should get back to baldur's gate
<unavailable> I searched up "Can you legally leave Earth?" and this was my answer: Yes. You are not a prisoner or being held against your will. If you have the means to leave Earth, then you can leave. Even if you don't have reservations on another planet, you can just show up.
<Althego> ok, but can you legally come back? :)
<Althego> you know customs, taxes, etc
<Althego> google vi
<Althego> (offers emacs)
<unavailable> You're not being help prisoner in space are you?
<unavailable> Why would coming back be illegal? You're not being help prisoner or kept in space without your consent.
<Althego> illegal from the point of earth
<Althego> not getting out of space
<Althego> but getting back in
<Althego> you know there is usually some border control for each country
<unavailable> but
<unavailable> what if you land in the ocean?
<unavailable> nobody owns that
<unavailable> s m o r t
<Althego> yes, but you still entered earth, nobody checked you for diseases, or contraband, etc
<Althego> i guess you cant even stamp your passport
<unavailable> you need to be clear of diseases before you leave
<unavailable> so...
<Althego> i am not sure even spacex capsules land in international waters. probably still usa territory. and of course chinese and russian ships land directly on land
<unavailable> i think splashing down is better than landing on return missions because you get more time for the atmosphere and parachutes to slow you down.
<Althego> by like few seconds?
<Althego> and you can sink and drown in the capsule
<unavailable> idk you move at about 10 m/s when your parachutes deploy
<unavailable> and russia and china are pretty high above water level
<Althego> the parachutes deploy some km up, then this doesnt matter
<unavailable> that's why splashdown capsules have buoys and balloons that keep it afloat
<Althego> i think soyuz capsules land in kazakhstan
<Althego> i still wouldnt want to wait for rescue in an ocean
<Althego> better on solid ground
<unavailable> m
<unavailable> hello
<unavailable> hi
<Althego> welcome backto hardware unavailable
<unavailable> hello
<unavailable> hi
<unavailable> e
unavailable is now known as TristenKSP
<TristenKSP> cringe naenae baby
<TristenKSP> e
<TristenKSP> e
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<Mat2ch> soooooo, SpaceX removed a Raptor from SN11 and put one back. It is not sure yet if it was the same raptor and why they did it
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* cringe_naenae_baby whips
* cringe_naenae_baby naenaes
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<Althego> if it was thesame, does it still need a static fire?
<packbart> to test the fuel connections and load struts
<packbart> otoh, nah, they don't do that for other "production" rockets, either
undeadraptop is now known as deadraptop
<Althego> well, nextrocket reports it for monday
<Althego> so probably tomorrow is a static fire then
<Althego> aand spacex does static fire tests for all of its rockets. not for the vacuum engine i guess
<packbart> they do? ok, I didn't know that. I thought those Falcons would just roll from production to the launch pad by now with no additional static tests
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Guest40952 is now known as FLHerne
b0 has joined #KSPOfficial
b0 is now known as TristenKSP
<TristenKSP> a
<Althego> oh there was as scott 12 hours ago
<TristenKSP> this is the longest english word: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
<Althego> seems latin to me
<Althego> Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz
<Althego> looks longer
<Althego> i am seriously down to one active thread now
<packbart> well, Germans cheat with their LEGO words ;)
<TristenKSP> yeah but rindfle--- is definitely not English, because of the excessive of keyboard smashing and ü
<Althego> it is german
<packbart> you can basically pull all the attributes into the noun
<sandbox> the longest word I can type from memory is floccinaucinihilipilification
<packbart> law for ze delegation of supervision responsibility of ze labelling of beef
<TristenKSP> beef
<packbart> that's Rindfleisch
<TristenKSP> i think the longest word i can type is osteoporosis
<packbart> which is also two words in one (cattle meat)
<TristenKSP> gaming
<packbart> do not wear a heavy backpack on one shoulder only or you might get osteochondrosis
<packbart> even if it looks cooler
<TristenKSP> haha shoulder go
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<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> when name is l o n g
<packbart> btdt, now the fingertip of one finger is numb because the nerve in the neck is being compressed. the wonders of signalling infrastructure
<packbart> old man problems, probably. don't listen too much ;)
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> e
<packbart> that's what I get for slinging a backpack with Laptop(s) and heavy electronics equipment over just one shoulder for a decade or two
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> a decade?!
<Althego> i never had a problem like that
<Althego> i bought a backpack for laptop
<Althego> and all the accessories
<Althego> i havent used the laptop for years now.
<packbart> well, as a kid I actually had a Philips P2000C to play with. it was nominally "portable" (16kg) though I never tried that :) (similar: - mine had a 10MB hard disk instead of the second floppy)
<Althego> hehe 16 kg "portable"
<packbart> learned to program Pascal on that one, it wasn't bad as computers go
<packbart> CRT monitors wear traitors. "No mom, the computer was off and I was in bed, honest!1" - "The monitor is still glowing"
<packbart> were, duh
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> shark in 5 hours, death in 7. i cant wake up that soon
<flayer> i am trying to piece together useful infrastructure to supply my solar orbital station with ore/snacks/fuel from minmus and asteroids
<packbart> you can mine snacks on Minmus?
<flayer> i can mine ore and bring it to the station to make snacks
<deadraptop> mintmus
<Althego> that is why it is called minmus? i always thought because it was small
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> amogus
<Althego> "If there’s ever a scandal about me, *please* call it Elongate" - Elon Musk
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> cause it's made of mint
<deadraptop> Probably more the smallness, especially given that it was supposed to be even smaller
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> Elon Musk's full name is Elongated Muskrat
<deadraptop> I mean, it was named by NovaSilisco, right?
<Althego> what do you think about ever given?
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> I feel like "Mining on Minmus" and "Hiring Astronauts" should be messages when the game is loading.
<deadraptop> Althego: It's a major problem for global shipping, but also funny
<Althego> let me guess, this increases computer prices more :9
<deadraptop> D:
<packbart> at least it didn't crush a poor old ferry this time
<packbart> (it did 2019 in Hamburg when it lost control on the Elbe river)
<FLHerne> !stupid add "If there’s ever a scandal about me, *please* call it Elongate" -- Elon Musk
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added stupid quote: "If there’s ever a scandal about me, *please* call it Elongate" -- Elon Musk
<Althego> this is not stupid
<deadraptop> Some of the quotes in there are good
<Althego> !stupid
<LunchBot> Althego: "Somehow I think there's more to 'cooking' than 'extruding edible hydrocarbons'."
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> not if you are haachama
<deadraptop> What, no tarantulas?
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> Lunchbot say a stupid quote
<Althego> hello computer
<packbart> "we're empirically demonstrating the denaturalizing effect of hydrochlorine acid on peptids" aka breakfast
<Althego> hehe
<FLHerne> I suspect pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico is too young to have seen the best Star Trek film :p
<packbart> that was the explanation one of our chemistry teachers gave when someone saw us cooking eggs in class
<Althego> i thought it was pepsin that did the work, the acid was there for the enxyme to have correct ph
<FLHerne> Reminds me, I was going to add a link-indexing thing to LunchBot
<packbart> Althego: I might mis-remember it and maybe also translate it wrong
<packbart> the HCl in question was in the student's stomachs and not to be seen
<Althego> good
<Althego> i dont want to see something that was inside a stomach
<packbart> don't buy cheese then
<FLHerne> !stupid cheese dip
<LunchBot> FLHerne: "That way, when some student comes up and says 'Dr. Goodwin, I added cheese dip instead of HCl – will that make a difference?', I can walk over, flip to page thousand-and-whatever, and say 'No. Cheese dip is fine.'"
<Althego> the best star trek film without question is the wrath of khan. but 2-3-4 tie together nicely as a loose trilogy
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<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> Star Trek sucks
<deadraptop> Wrath of Khan needs an asterisk that you should watch The Space Seed first
<FLHerne> !banlist add pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added user: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> what the heck
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> !banlist add FLHerne
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> bruh
<Althego> you are not the owner of that bot
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> this sucks
<FLHerne> Bots don't turn against their creators
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> or do t hey
<FLHerne> Actually, I can't remember if I had that much foresight :p
<deadraptop> less turn than fall over
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> why am i being criticized for not liking star trek i live in america i have the right to freedom of expression
<Althego> so do they
<FLHerne> !stupid no freedom
<LunchBot> FLHerne: No stupid quote found matching "no freedom".
<FLHerne> hm
<Althego> that banlist probably does nothing, at best probably the bot ignores you
total1ty_ has quit [Ping timeout: 204 seconds]
<FLHerne> !stupid freedom to take
<LunchBot> FLHerne: No practical definition of freedom would be complete without the freedom to take the consequences.
<Althego> "We must believe in free will, we have no choice." Isaac Bashevis Singer
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> why am i ban
<FLHerne> Because Star Trek is awesome
<Althego> not anymore
<FLHerne> And you are a despicable heretic
<Althego> i credit abrams to single handedly destroy two major universes
<FLHerne> Beyond was alright IMO
<Althego> heretic. i never finished that game
<FLHerne> Into Darkness was never made and cannot be spoken of
<deadraptop> Beyond was closer to TOS than anything else
<Althego> i think there was even a second one
<packbart> I remember it vaguely
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> i've never watched it
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> and i don't have to
<deadraptop> Into Darkness was clearly set in the mirror universe
<Althego> btw if i mentioned hello computer, i have to mention hello navi too :)
<deadraptop> (Also, Abrams should not be allowed in settings larger than NYC)
<deadraptop> (Cloverfield was good for reasons related to why his ST and SW movies were bad)
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico has quit [Quit:]
<FLHerne> !stupid add "Abrams addressed the matter by debuting a deleted scene of actor Benedict Cumberbatch's character Khan taking a shower."
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added stupid quote: "Abrams addressed the matter by debuting a deleted scene of actor Benedict Cumberbatch's character Khan taking a shower."
<darsie> Hmm, the Rapier doesn't have an alternator. Odd.
<darsie> Well, I guess it's made to go to orbit.
<Althego> neither does ther terrier and poodle
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<darsie> They are not jet engines.
* deadraptop handwaves it as pressure fed vs turbopump
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico has joined #KSPOfficial
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> a
<deadraptop> あああああああああああ
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> raptop is dead
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> anti-althego killed him and umaxtu
<umaxtu> what did I do?
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> you die
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> from anti-althego
<deadraptop> hsfda;iuuuas
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> yes i agree
<darsie> Solar panel on the back of my Rapier plane exploded:
<deadraptop> It's probably fine
<darsie> yeah, enough battery.
<darsie> for a circumnavigation.
<flayer> i am thinking i need to leave a fuel tank in orbit of minmus
<flayer> and resupply it with a lander/digger/pusher
<flayer> then once its full take the thing to go to the solar orbit station
<flayer> because if the lander is full of ore, it needs the fuel tank to have sufficient dv to get to the station
<flayer> 6x300 ore
<pneumonoultramicroscopicsilico> meh you'll be fine
<flayer> 0.06 twr is probably too low to be convenient
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