Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Apparently SpaceX can do both a successful landing *and* a RUD
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<Althego> anton... space hurricane
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<Althego> lol ollie has her house in mc under a grave
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<Mat2ch> Space X started making their own tanks. And if everything fails they just can keep the facility there and make just commercial tanks. Flight proven ones. :D
<Althego> they are already making their own tanks for the rockets, not much difference for water or cryigenics
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<Althego> didnt starship start up with some company that previously was building water tanks?
<Mat2ch> I don't know
<FLHerne> Starhopper was built by Caldwell, yes
<Althego> so that is the roots starship, it isnt strange they just started to build actual tanks too
<FLHerne> I don't think they directly contributed to anything beyond Hoppy, and SpaceX didn't buy them out or anything
<FLHerne> But yeah, Boca Chica guys can build tanks
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<Althego> sadly they are not going to revolutionize the tank building industry. probably not much improvement is possible there
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<Mat2ch> Althego: well, you could try to fully automate the process. But if you want cheap tanks then it's probably already done with fiberglass
<Althego> there is that company that wants to fully 3d print rockets
<Mat2ch> If they built their rockets like they do with their website they wont get far.
<Althego> this is how modern web looks like. big ugly useless
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<Althego> want to take a nap, neighbors starts up an annoying high pitched vacuum
<Mat2ch> they are around the corner of LAX. Interesting.
<Mat2ch> Also, what is ESAs answer to all those new rockets?
<Mat2ch> Well?
<Mat2ch> Nothing?
<Mat2ch> I expected not less.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> they finish the latest ariane
<Althego> which is the past
<Althego> was the past years ago
<Althego> at least not as much the past as the sls
<Althego> ah this is the guy who vacuums his car for hours with this annoying sound
<Mat2ch> I might be holding a grudge against ESA. And politics here. Just a little.
<Althego> all of humanity lost 50 years of manned space exploration
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<Althego> middle ages of spaceflight
<Mat2ch> future people of humanity will lose so much more to climate change
<Althego> i think it is already too late to stop that
<Althego> luckily i will die before it really gets bad
<Mat2ch> Oh, you have no idea.
<Mat2ch> This will get bad in 10 to 15 years
<Mat2ch> it will be expontially.
<Mat2ch> That's why I would never buy a house where I live right now.
<Mat2ch> We will have summers with heat waves over 40 °C for weeks
<Mat2ch> this will be far worse than Covid19
<Mat2ch> most people here are not prepared for what is coming
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<Althego> covid is not really dangerous. not for the whole of humanity. it kills people, even leading cause of death from time to time, but wouldnt be able to wipe out everybody
<Althego> global warming is going to be tough very soon. when the middle east becomes an inhospitable dry and hot part, and people simply woudlnt be able to live there. i may see that. but that is only the beginning
<Mat2ch> Althego: yeah, that's what I'm expecting.
<Mat2ch> also I saw that tweet earlier. I don't want to work in it anymore. Too many stupid people :/
<Althego> literally little bobby tables
<flayer> i'm really getting into that robotics stuff
<Mat2ch> wellllll
<Althego> in what sense? :)
<Mat2ch> Most modern robotic stuff is built upon a broken code base
<Mat2ch> so you will still try to fix stuff in lower layers by avoiding them in upper layers
<Mat2ch> and hating it.
<flayer> luckily i'm just playing kerbal
<Althego> that is sad
<flayer> wat?!
<flayer> i thought this was the KSP channel, you should encourage people playing KSP!
<Althego> that real robots are broken because of programmers
<flayer> no, i'm interpreting what you said in this manner and sticking with it
<flayer> how dare you!
<Mat2ch> Althego: it depends on what you get.
<Mat2ch> Eh, what you chose.
<Althego> fun fact. in hungary kuka is used as a name for trash can, and kukás autó is used for the garbage truck. why? because when the first such truck appeared it was made by kuka
<Mat2ch> :D
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