Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<raptop> Pluto follow on mission proposals
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<Althego> hehe ollie wants to learn to play guitar, so that she can simp with it
<Mat2ch> We are going extinct!
<Althego> good
<Althego> at least it solves global warming :)
<darsie> Mat2ch: When?
<Althego> in the 22nd century
<darsie> I thought ob betting against that, but can't think of a stable wager.
<darsie> of*
<darsie> 1/100 worth the average human consumption.
<darsie> monthly
<darsie> What's Elon Musks monthly consumption?
<Althego> consumption of what
<darsie> total
<Althego> food, energy? oxygen?
<darsie> food, air, fuel, electricity, cars, medical, internet, phone, books, movies, ...
<darsie> Stuff we all pay with our income.
<Althego> probably way high in energy
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<Althego> but you can only eat so much food without getting fat, so he eats probably as much as an average american
<darsie> He might spend more on cars, though.
<Althego> probably doesnt have much time to exercise, so oxygen consumption is below average
<Mat2ch> Probably exercises when he is working...
<Althego> or uses up energy in big brain moves :)
<Althego> 3 launches on monday? maybe
<packbart> so, we need to get on with cloning. weird that it's still banned almost everywhere
<darsie> Liberlan ftw :)
<darsie> Liberland*
<darsie> still not sure if it's a scam.
<Althego> didnt work out well for the asgard
<darsie> Thor, Loki, etc?
<Althego> in stargate
<Althego> they had these names though
<darsie> ah
<packbart> yeah, Star Trek also has a few negative dreams of cloning (to the extent of kidnapping Enterprise crew and kids). but eh, you'll never now until you try
<Althego> could work as a stopgap, not longterm
<darsie> Cloning is dumb. Eugenics could be interesting.
<Althego> you can combine
<packbart> only a stopgap is needed. evolution will try something else but it needs time
<packbart> all hail our new plast-organic overlords
<darsie> But you never know if some gene might be useful some time, like sickle cell anemia helps when you have malaria.
<packbart> plastics came out of the Earth, so they're quite naturally. Nature will find a way to make use of it
<darsie> Is cellulose a plastic?
<Althego> no
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<Althego> i think it is a polymer though
<snow> it is
<snow> and cellophane is a plastic that's made from cellulose
<Mat2ch> and as every other plastic it's hard to recycle.
<snow> although some sources still classify it as "not a plastic becuase it's not made from oil" and then going on about bioplastics
<sandbox> life in plastic, it's fantastic
<Althego> come on barbie, let's go party
<Althego> but then what is a plastic
<Althego> surely it is not just polymer
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<snow> I don't think there's a nice strict definition
<snow> synthetic polymers that can easily be produced in the desired shape? That seems to roughly cover it
<darsie> Mat2ch: In Austria paper recycling is common.
<snow> I think that was in response to cellophane rather than cellulose
<darsie> mhm
<Althego> yay, got the automatic... what is this called... self tax checking thing, but now it is generated, and just have to check it
<Mat2ch> darsie: I'm talking about plastics and they are mostly burnt. :|
<snow> tbf, for a lot of plastics the big issue is not burning them hot enough
<packbart> "When I am puzzled by people's behavior, I always choose to interpret it in a way that gives me the greatest faith in humanity" - well, it's a start
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> and then you see creationists, anti vaxxers, flat earthers, moon hoaxer, 911 truthers, and all thet faith goes into negative
<darsie> UFOlogists
<darsie> EM scare
<Althego> ah 5g conspiracy
<Althego> andthey set 4g towers on fire because they cant tell the difference
<Althego> (i cant tell either, but i dont want to set them on fire)
<darsie> 24(?) GHz antennas are small, I think.
<Althego> they have to be necessarily
<sandbox> I don't want to set the 4g towers on fire, I just want to start a flame in your heart
<Althego> maybe if you are an "australian" phoenix :)
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<packbart> I want to set the universe on fire...
<packbart> their greatest pop hit
<Althego> yes i like this
* darsie requests tiny fairings.
<Althego> at least now there are tiny solids
<Althego> i hated to stack dozens of sepratorns to deorbit spent stages
<Althego> but what would you put in that fairing?
<Althego> a few components fit there, maybe science?
<darsie> An ant.
<darsie> interstage
<Althego> ah the ant doesnt have that automatic interstage, looks bad
<packbart> tiny probe cores with teensy engines and cuteski tanks
<darsie> I'm using procedural fairings now, but they're tricky to get right sometimes.
<packbart> the KW Rocketry Simple Fairing thingies are nice for some applications
<packbart> ( )
<packbart> but still their smallest size 1.25m
<Althego> looks like an actual fairing
<packbart> oh, it says there are 0.625m fairings now. huh, I need to check my VAB
<darsie> not here, 1.11.2.
<Althego> kikkeriki
<Althego> a chicken and a sheep walk into a game
<Althego> eh too late
<Mat2ch> you missed 1337 hour
<Althego> as usual
<darsie> .
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<Althego> stream or not, i think i need a nap
<darsie> I wish SAS would not overshoot when using less than 100% RWs.
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<packbart> use MechJeb's ASS ;)
<darsie> Is there a way to align a procedural fairing without turning auto shape off and guesstimating the right values?
<darsie> #ro ?
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<darsie> I'm redoing it cause my previous fairing kept breaking up during ascent.
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<darsie> Ah, I think the trick was to attach the engine to the top node, not the fairing base. Still breaks up, though.
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<JVFoxy> giving coffee to kerbals a bad thing?
<Izaya> darsie: engine plate
<Althego> kerbals herbals tea
<darsie> Izaya: what?
<Althego> there is an element called engine plate
<Althego> honestly i found that about useless
<Althego> because i could do the same thing with cubic...
<darsie> What am I supposed to do with it?
<darsie> Put it in the faring?
<Althego> i dont know
<Althego> mayb
<Althego> e
<Althego> i think it would be possible
<Althego> i dont knwo how it would hel
<darsie> I give up on that fairing for now.
<packbart> I like the engine plates for multi-Terrier (or -Wolfshound) rockets. but yeah, I don't see it helping with fairing breakage
<JVFoxy> launching herbal teas into space... lol
<JVFoxy> re: engine plate, aerodynamics?
<packbart> Herbal, the Kerbal
<JVFoxy> long as its not kerbal tea.. c.c
<packbart> yes, they're good for size adapters, too. put a 1.25m engine under a 2.5m tank
<Althego> our ludicrous future
<JVFoxy> I usually did the pointed nose cone fairing thing on the sides with engines under, but some recent flights, I'm starting to wonder if blunt ends (forwards and aft) have a more serious affect than they used to in previous versions
<Althego> dont think they changed that intentionally
<Althego> but blunt ends do have effects
<JVFoxy> small craft, I can get to orbit with tight DV budgets. 2300dv from launch. But I've noticed with some of the bigger craft, where I've ended up with flat aft sections, even with nearly 3000dv, it won't make orbit
<JVFoxy> when I did cap off the ends, seems to have made a bit of a difference? (but not enough) I usually just ended up doing a complete redesign
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<Izaya> darsie: engine plates upside down can act like more rigid fairings for inter-stage use
<Althego> upside down
<Althego> interesting
<darsie> hmm
<Izaya> alternatively, turn on inter-stage nodes then slap a fairing around the whole thing
<darsie> An engine plate can act as a fairing?
<JVFoxy> allows for extra mounting points, one part instead of multiple blocks..
<Izaya> anything can act as a fairing if you're brave enough
<darsie> Maybe if space is heavily warped.
<JVFoxy> that space shuttle rear engine mounting plate though... I kinda get it, but beyond shuttle stuff, more just a pretty part?
<Mat2ch> so, uh, there's the Eve fly by mission coming up.
<Mat2ch> And then it's orbiting
<Mat2ch> and probably the landing. But nobody talks about getting back ;)
<Mat2ch> And yes, I like to get back with three kerbals. And it usually drives me insane...
<darsie> Are there return missions from any surface?
<Mat2ch> no, there is no official return mission afaik.
<Mat2ch> This would make 90 % of the players rage quit...
<darsie> Why? It's easy for many surfaces.
<darsie> And ppl don't have to accept such contracts.
<Althego> i suggest command chairs for the return craft
<darsie> It was considered irl.
<Althego> as a backup. from the moon
<darsie> yes. To the command module.
<darsie> I liked the idea of attitude control with body weight shift. :)
<flayer> /me is a moon
* flayer is a moon
<flayer> wow, why is it so cold here
<darsie> Where?
<flayer> in my home
<darsie> Cause it's winter.
<flayer> its warmer outside
<darsie> Open the windows.
<darsie> 3.7 C in Vienna.
<Mat2ch> darsie: iirc you have to make the official contracts to advance further
<JVFoxy> command chair = seat surfing a rocket.. hmmm
<Mat2ch> we just had snow fall here
<Mat2ch> and now sunny with 7° C...
<JVFoxy> rain'n here
<darsie> Snowing in Vienna:
<JVFoxy> though wish we got more snow :(
<Althego> still doesnt look like the dragon
<packbart> not much snow this year, though we did still have -4°C this night
<Althego> exactly
<Althego> it snowed a bit today though
<Althego> i guess we got the leftovers from austria
<Althego> maybe starts to get better by easter
<packbart> Hamburg never gets the good stuff, only soggy snow and little of it. it was different in 2010, I could walk on the lake.
<Althego> the intersting part in the renders is, they are not from spacex, but nasa
<sandbox> it's been sunny here the past few days
<Althego> sunny and cold
<Althego> i want warm weather
<sandbox> it's warmer here than it is down south
<Althego> luckily i go out only 3 times a week. because of the virus
<packbart> about the same. I'm in the office on Monday and Thursday and to the supermarket on Saturday
<Althego> i go in once a month for paperwork
<Althego> the hazardous trip
<Althego> otherwise i go out for food
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<flayer> i'm going to sleep
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<darsie> Why is it counting down? Is this live? Doesn't say live.
<darsie> Hmm, waiting for stream begin?
<Althego> as if you havent seen youtube before
<Althego> yes it is counting down until stream start
<Althego> they are going to move the soyuz around
<JVFoxy> so we going to have an overlap of two dragon2 ships docked to the ISS? Next one set to launch in april, but the one up there isn't set to come down till May?
<Althego> since each ship is a lifeboat too, it must be done with full crew that used it go go up
<Althego> there is always an overlap with crew handover
<JVFoxy> speaking of lifeboats.. station was going to get something of the like years back but the project was canceled if I recall for some reason?
<umaxtu> money
<JVFoxy> they going to retire launching crew up with soyouz now or?
<Althego> mostly because of political reasons
<Althego> since spacex is a bit cheaper, but starliner is a bit more expensive
<Althego> comparede to the soyuz
<JVFoxy> soyuz and dragon going to be shuttling people up and down together or you think there'll be a shift to the US launches only now?
<Althego> this thing looks like the dreamchaser
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<Althego> and if we are lucky w can still see that fly
<Althego> without people first
<umaxtu> now I'm picturing a Honda CRV docking to the ISS
<JVFoxy> lol
<JVFoxy> better not be a reliant robin then
<JVFoxy> no thanks to Top gear
<Althego> with reliant engines? :)
<JVFoxy> engines? uff.. more like one, and it still be way too overpowered
<Althego> hehe kerbal tech in real life
<Althego> probably separate kerbal team doing the assembly and maintenance on it
<JVFoxy> could probably get away with using the ant engine for launching a reliant robin to space
<JVFoxy> repurpose a large propane tank and couple of amateur built rockets as SRBs
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<Althego> command seat to orbit
<Althego> similar to the chinese rocket chair myth
<Izaya> hey
<Althego> just full to orbit
<Izaya> would a reliant robin be exempt from aerospace laws in the UK because it's technically a motorcycle?
<Althego> lol
<Althego> the kid with the bicycle in e.t. when they were flying. would they be?
<JVFoxy> which aerospace laws?
<JVFoxy> since we going down that track, what about super heroes with strong throwing arms? What if they were to throw stuff into space for ya?
<JVFoxy> granted.. would have to get around that whole air friction problem.
<JVFoxy> ok.. replace super hero with magnetic rail space launching system half buried into the side of a mountain. It's just a heat resistant command chair pod thing.
<packbart> is it a bird? is it a plane? if not, it's illegal for it to be flying
<darsie> Do balloons fly?
<packbart> according to ballon enthusiasts, no
<Althego> what about the flying superheroes?
<packbart> need a license and take off and land at designated airfields
<darsie> Or flying supervillains? :)
<Althego> no, balloons dont fly, because those are aerostats
<JVFoxy> ... so throwing a rock is illegal over there?
<JVFoxy> balloons float...
<JVFoxy> if you wanna get 'technical' ^_^
<JVFoxy> airship... as in a ship that floats on water.. but anyways.. I digress...
<sandbox> do floats float?
<Althego> i think the airship thing originally cam from the belief, that water and air have a surface, there sail the ships. and there should be a layer where air and fire meet, and you could sail there too, that would have been the airship
<Althego> current airships are luke submersibles, not boats
<JVFoxy> rootbeer floats..
<Althego> *like
<JVFoxy> well ice floats but anyways
<Althego> and somehow nobody ever tried to sail on the boundary of earth and water :)
<Althego> sounds like a kerbal thing
<Althego> we must do it, now
<JVFoxy> no but there was a time when landyatchs were a thing.. they sorta 'floated' across the ground cuz of some funky suspension (cars)
<JVFoxy> oh wait.. you said earth and water.. lol... not earth and air..
<JVFoxy> Althego so like driving on the bottom of the ocean sorta thing?
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<Althego> they managed to not capture the moment of the docking on camera
<Althego> everything before and after
<darsie> They won't show you as they switch studios ;).
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> <mrdata-> yeah the contact was made while they were in handover i guess
<darsie> Radio handover, I guess.
<Althego> better to handover than to have hangover :)
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<darsie> Don't fall out the Mars transfer window ;).
<darsie> New KSP startup pun: Falling out the Duna transfer window :)
<Althego> trip over the karman line
<raptop> Please ignore all the bodies I've thrown off the kuiper cliff
<Althego> (as in stumbling in a wire)
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<Althego> scott 3 minutes ago
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<Althego> what about it
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<flayer> i want to make a boat
<raptop> [rich cat meme]I should make a boat