Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<Mat2ch> Ahhh, now the high bay crane gets installed. Was about time ;)
<Althego> yes i saw that in the morning
<Althego> heh flight on monday
<Mat2ch> :(
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<darsie> 1338
<Althego> yes i noticed
<darsie> What did you notice? :)
<Althego> usually this is what i see, and not 1337
<darsie> ok :)
<sandbox> 1241
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<Mat2ch> I may or may not have overbuilt my minmus science miner.
<Mat2ch> 10k dV. Should be enough to hop around
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> nice and lfat
<packbart> yeah, I like flat landers and I cannot lie
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> after mining Minmus for as much science as possible I have to go to... Eve.
<Mat2ch> Eve. My nemesis.
<Mat2ch> Everything is easy after Eve.
<Mat2ch> And I found screenshots from 2016. And those aren't the oldest ones...
<Althego> i am comfortable with eve. tylo is more punishing during the landing
<packbart> I use a small flat lander for early Mun science. old example: - lander can, SSPXr cupola and two fuel tanks
<packbart> (no anti-aliasing on the laptop GPU)
<Mat2ch> Tylo is easy with the right lander and a high TWR
<Mat2ch> Eve is just aweful.
<Mat2ch> Hard to land, hard to get away.
<Althego> but now it is just 8k up, instead of 12k
<packbart> I'll steal the idea of using cubic struts to attach the legs. once you see it, it's obvious
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<Mat2ch> Althego: wait, why just 8k?
<Althego> because since the evaporation of the souposphere it is easier to leave eve
<Mat2ch> the other dV map says only 6k
<Althego> in one it is 8k
<Althego> i know i could do it with less
<Mat2ch> yeah, I wouldn't trust that 6k at all.
<Mat2ch> that's easy to get!
<Althego> but 8k is realistic from sea level
<Mat2ch> probably means you can go with a nerv for the upper parts...
<Althego> dont recommend it
<Althego> too ehacy
<Althego> heacy
<Althego> heavy
<raptop> Hrm, Eve's 5 atm at datum, so the Nerv should have good Isp once you're more than 3-4 scale heights up
<raptop> (but yeah, TWR)
<Mat2ch> as an engineer I could write a program that builds the optimal rocket for Eve...
<Mat2ch> but I'm just too lazy :P
<raptop> hah
<Mat2ch> in reality it's called executive disorder...
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* raptop hands Mat2ch a tray full of stimulants
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* TristenKSP stares at you.
<Althego> 1201 executive overflow
<TristenKSP> Is that what happened on Apollo 13
<Althego> no, 11
<TristenKSP> oh
<Althego> 13 was main bus undervolt B or something
<Althego> no, main b bus undervolt
<TristenKSP> Service Module on Apollo 13 be like: haha life support systems go boom
<TristenKSP> Freddie Mercury be like; "Mama! UwU"
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<Althego> i could finally take the panther ssto to orbit. and it is just moderately ugly
<Althego> it would be better to do it with a rocket
* raptop remembers seeing a competition on the forums a while back where people were making SSTOs using the goliath and thud engines
<Althego> insane
<Althego> i loathe the thud
<raptop> It was intentionally silly -- build something useful with two bad engines
<Althego> the plane was really somewhat unstable during landing. but walk away landing
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<no_u> IsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMTIxMzJmZTQtMTcwOS00Mjg3LTlkY2MtNGVlOWZjMjUyYTAxXC9kZG9jMWRtLWJhZmM0NDBkLThlMDktNDA1Mi1hMzkwLTMxMjU4N2VjZTNjNC5qcGcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.HOmceXSVIQ03DTd1zyuV7OUQeqaJSB3v9M-YZcMjPC8&usqp=CAU
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<Althego> good
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<TristenKSP> no u
<Althego> that reminds me, the holoen collab uno was funny
<TristenKSP> uno reverse card no u
<Althego> i must admit, i have never seen that game in my entire life
<TristenKSP> Is that a jojo reference
<Althego> must be a western thing
TristenKSP is now known as Dio
<Dio> Jotaro!
Dio is now known as Jotaro
<Jotaro> Dio!
Jotaro is now known as Dio
<Althego> "American shedding-type card game"
<Althego> that is the reason
<Dio> Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away you're coming straight to me?
<Althego> probably not many american things arrived here until the 90s
Dio is now known as Jotaro
<Jotaro> I can't beat the [redacted] out of you without getting closer.
Jotaro is now known as Dio
<Dio> Oh-ho! Then come as close as you'd like.
Dio is now known as TristenKSP
<TristenKSP> True Jojo reference
* raptop blinks
<raptop> Althego: yeah, uno is (or at least was) fairly popular in the us
<TristenKSP> Your eyes have been hydrated
<TristenKSP> kubi is die
<Althego> "i'm die. thank you forever" :)
<flayer> 4499m/s dv to get me to moho
<TristenKSP> "Listen kid, I don't have much time. The reason YouTube doesn't allow people to upload kids content to YouTube Kids and adult content to YouTube is because-" *dies*
<TristenKSP> Google do be stupid tho
<TristenKSP> Not funny=small brain. Funnyn't=average brain. Funnysn't=big brain.
<TristenKSP> Who. Whom. Whomst. Whomst'd. Whomst'd've. Whomst'd'ven't.
<Althego> dont do that
<TristenKSP> What
<Althego> the spamming of empty lines
<Mat2ch> so many empty lines
<TristenKSP> I whomst'd'ven't that
TristenKSP is now known as _
<flayer> Mostly_Deddly, 4 deliveries, with the two fuel tanks weighting about 5 ton,
<flayer> Mostly_Deddly, and Bill inspecting the final product and questioning whether it get to an acceptable orbit around Moho
<Mostly_Deddly> That's really cool, flayer :)
<Althego> long ship is long
<flayer> it had to fit in the mk2 cargo bays
<Mostly_Deddly> Looks like a really fun mission
<Althego> doesnt the com move too much in that plane?
<flayer> i think it will be fine if i disable all SAS
<_> he gon die
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<_> p a i n
<Althego> peko
<Althego> or tako, whicever you like
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<_> Pico from Pico
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<_> Server split?
_ is now known as that_moment_when
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<Althego> oh, is there no official nasa stream for the green run? even i get tired of all the talk on nsf
<tristenksp> greem rum
<umaxtu> Althego, who are you and what have you done to the real Althego?
tristenksp is now known as theREALalthego
<theREALalthego> help
* umaxtu heroically saves theREALalthego
<Althego> i am trapped in a universe factory
* theREALalthego is heroically saved by umaxtu
<Althego> oh it is the explanation page. doesnt matter
* theREALalthego takes off his Althego mask
theREALalthego is now known as Anti_Althego
<Anti_Althego> YOU FOOL
<Anti_Althego> but it is I
<Anti_Althego> Anti_Althego
<Althego> that's the vcr, stupid! even i, chronos, master of all time, cannot adjust one of those
<Anti_Althego> I have a riddle for you! Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?
<Althego> thanks
<Althego> even the nasa stream was full of talk last time
<Althego> hehe moved 30 minutes
<packbart> and still they ran out of script
* Anti_Althego epicly shoots umaxtu and it is UNBLOCKABLE
<packbart> Althego: or rather the NSF guys start 30 minutes early ;)
<packbart> oh, I see, it's been reset
<Althego> no, they are both at the same time now
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<EA_Sports> Hello! We officially take ownership of KSP starting March 31st!
* raptop troutslaps tristenksp / ea_sports
* EA_Sports dodges
<flayer> oh wait, i'll know! i'll just drop the two tanks in the middle once they're drained
<packbart> trout slapping, the original meme
<EA_Sports> Do you want to buy our version of KSP? Yes: $500 No: $500.
<EA_Sports> He got eaten by a nazi fish
EA_Sports is now known as The_Heavy
<The_Heavy> I fear no man.
<packbart> oh, I didn't notice that at first. different times, I guess
<The_Heavy> But that... thing. *Insert a random image below this*
<The_Heavy> (Fine. I'll do it myself)
* raptop grabs a yellow/white/purple/black flag and a flamethrower
<The_Heavy> It scares me.
<The_Heavy> raptop THERE'Z A PYRO IN ZE BASE!
* raptop W+M1s The_Heavy
<The_Heavy> what?
<raptop> Longstanding joke about the only things a pyro needs are forward plus mouse1
<The_Heavy> Ya da da. It is good day to be NOT dead
<flayer> most days are like that
The_Heavy is now known as whydotheycallitoven
<whydotheycallitoven> OOPS
<whydotheycallitoven> i tried to backspace
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<packbart> moved again...
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<Althego> reduce cost complexity and manufacturing time
<Althego> wait a minute
<Althego> so when is this test?
<Althego> i am getting sleepy
<packbart> I just got home. They can begin now, I'm ready
<Althego> i cant stay awake
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<flayer> the mod 'snacks' really sells this game for me
<flayer> that, along with removing the planetary body multiplier, really made career mode exceedingly interesting
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