raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Perseverance is not doing. Perseverance is landing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm0b_ijaYMQ
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<hmw[at]> Huh. The Astronaut Complex screen is also very slow
<raptop> Oh, yeah. They'll let any kerbal in, even one with max stupidity
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<darsie> Are you superstitious about Kerbal courage and stupidity?
* raptop wants to say that one of them can up G-tolerance by an extra half-G
<raptop> Also, BadS provides a bonus IIRC
<raptop> Mind you, gaining extra levels (especially of pilot) has a bigger effect
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<sheeep> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, sheeep
<UmbralRaptop> \o
<Althego> no hop today
<Althego> not impractical. living things use this form of motion, so it vant be bad
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<TristenKSP> EA Sports
<TristenKSP> It's in the money
<sheeep> impossible
<TristenKSP> "You have no idea what's possible, dear."
<sheeep> <3
<TristenKSP> beep, beep, im a sheeep. I said beep, beep im a sheeep.
<flayer> ...
<TristenKSP> I'm so funni
<sheeep> youre not... even me
<TristenKSP> I'm not funny, or I'm not you?
<sheeep> oO
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<flayer> sheeep don't go beep!
<packbart> Electric Sheep do
TristenKSP is now known as Electric_Sheeep
<Electric_Sheeep> beep
<flayer> well, the proof is in the pudding
Electric_Sheeep is now known as TristenKSP
<TristenKSP> I ate the pudding
<flayer> of course you did
<flayer> i made a woolen sweater out of it
<TristenKSP> nice
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<sheeep> up up... to the Mun
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<TristenKSP> amogus
<TristenKSP> monke
<TristenKSP> People S P E A K
* TristenKSP needs social activity
<TristenKSP> please
<Althego> .
<TristenKSP> bruh
<Althego> wenhop?
<TristenKSP> Why are you speaking Kerbal
<TristenKSP> It has to do with Starship apparently
<Althego> lol that yoda ballooon
<TristenKSP> Balloon, I must become.
<Althego> they are so confident in the new landing site that there is even a logo on it
<TristenKSP> The logo looks weird
<TristenKSP> What even is that supposed to be
<Althego> an x
<Althego> and a rocket
<Mat2ch> no hop today :(
<TristenKSP> :(
<TristenKSP> I meant the logo on the #Wenhop merch
<Althego> the texas tankwatchers with the double starships
<Althego> no wintergatan video yet. i liked the daily updates
<TristenKSP> It looks like a discount starship with a face
<Althego> that must be the original starhopper
<TristenKSP> Just imagine how powerful Starship will be when it's strapped atop of Falcon Heavy.
<sheeep> can anyone explain me why my OX-STAT-PD does not work on the mun?
<Althego> never will be on a falcon heavy
<Althego> that is too small
<TristenKSP> Falcon 9?
<Althego> smol rocket
<TristenKSP> Falcon 9 is smol
<Althego> superheavy booster 9 m diameter
<Althego> its parts are already tehre
<TristenKSP> Falcon 9 is like only 0.5 the size of Heavy
<Althego> also maybe launch ion 6 hours?
<Althego> (for starlink)
<TristenKSP> I once recreated Falcon 9 in KSP with 9 "Vector" Engines and I went from 0.5G to 15G and 0m to 20km in about 5 second.
<Althego> vector engiens are based on the ssme rs-25, way more powerful
<TristenKSP> That's why they're so efficient. Isn't the RS-25 one of, or the most powerful Liquid Fuel Rocket Engine?
<Althego> in what metric?
<Althego> really good isp
<Althego> you can only do that with hydrogen
<TristenKSP> Uh
<TristenKSP> Newtons?
<Althego> but raptor is high thrust, until be-4
<TristenKSP> What rockets will use BE-4
<Althego> vulcan and new glenn
<TristenKSP> SpaceX better than Blue Origin
<X> I always measure force in terms of sthène.
<TristenKSP> what's that
<X> It’s a unite of force equal to 7,233.014 poundals.
<TristenKSP> what is a poundal
<sheeep> help please^^
<TristenKSP> what
<X> The poundal is the force it takes to accelerate 1 pound-mass at 1 foot per second per second.
<TristenKSP> oh
<sheeep> photovoltaic module for science on the mun, placed by a engineer... doesnt generate energy
<Althego> ios that similar to a slug?
<Althego> -o
<TristenKSP> Slugs don't even way a pound
<TristenKSP> They're force is probably, like, 0.05 poundals
<Althego> anyway silly imperial units
<TristenKSP> Metric supreme
<Althego> camelot
<Althego> silly place, dont go there
<TristenKSP> King Arthur
* raptop throws a 32.174 lb slug at TristenKSP
<Althego> dont be hard, make it a snail
<Althego> i remember that because it is even sillier
<raptop> o_O
* TristenKSP epicly dodges raptop's slug
<raptop> What happens if you stuff the slug (or the snail) in a barn?
<Althego> btw actually these slug and snail and such, althoug h not used by normal people are a lot saner than other imperial units
<Althego> they make some sense
<raptop> well, yes
<TristenKSP> but actually no
<raptop> Also, keep in mind that I'm in a field where crabs and eevees are units
<Althego> they form a usable system, unlike historical units
<raptop> (well, eVs. But the pronounciation is the same)
<Althego> hehe never heard of these
<Althego> ah eV is a thing
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<Althego> but what are crabs
<raptop> crab as in the crab nebula's xray emission is used as a standard candle
<raptop> Because of course it is
<Althego> hehe
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<FLHerne> !stupid stupid unit
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Every specialized field has its own stupid unit.
<Althego> if you are choosing the brighter monitor, are you nit picking? :)
<FLHerne> In change ringing, speed is measured in "hours", which actually means "hours to ring each bell 5040 times"
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<FLHerne> In railway modelling, scales are typically described in mm per foot
<Althego> fathom per lord's prayer
<FLHerne> Yeah, the marine world is a haven for weird units
<Althego> actually it is used a joke here
<FLHerne> Oh, everything on the UK rail network is still measured in cables
<FLHerne> (which are 22 yards)
<Althego> but kind of sensible for speed
<Althego> what are gauges?
<Althego> x gauge wire
<Althego> or something
<FLHerne> Which is the only context outside boats I think it's still a thing
<Izaya> road vehicles tend to use cursed unit combinations
<Izaya> the tare weight may be in kg but everyone comprehends the engine power in hp
<FLHerne> Oh, and the definition of an acre, which is a chain by a furlong...
<FLHerne> Althego: Those are the ones where bigger numbers are smaller, right?
<Althego> i dont know
<FLHerne> (it is)
<FLHerne> (it's also logarithmic, not linear)
<Althego> do you knwo why i hate decibel? you never know if it is with 20 or 10
<Althego> why would anybody come up wioth this
<Althego> The sixth power of 39√92 is very close to 2
<Althego> argh
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<Mat2ch> hrm
<Mat2ch> looks like Musk is going to build a city in Texas.
<bees> what could possibly go wrong
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* flayer flies at the Mun going 725m/s
<raptop> Ranger program recreation?
<flayer> nah delivering some tourists XD
<raptop> No return required?
<flayer> they're comin' back
<flayer> i'm slowing as we speak
<flayer> just went for a direct landing on the mun trajectory from the launchpad in 1 burn
<flayer> and now i'm slowing down for it
<raptop> ah
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