Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<StormpilotKERBALKIND> yoyoyo
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<raptop> okay
<raptop> 15 seconds
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<flayer> i love the docking port on the hinge
<flayer> i just need a losing port in front, a fuel drain, a few more batteries, and i'm good to go for jool
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<Althego> ah, i thought anton skipped april first, but no, he just had to join in the stupidity. i guess there was thiss the first for him
<Althego> *still
<Althego> actually it was a kind of nice video, even though it was about history of noodles instead of some space object
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<Althego> hehe intel is competitive in the low end with the i5-11400
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<Althego> (local) leet time
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<prefixcactus> !mission
<Althego> not today
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<prefixcactus> :(
<darsie> prefixcactus: Jetpack to orbit from Mun surface.
<prefixcactus> er, are you suggesting I do that or what?
<prefixcactus> Haven't done that since 1.0...
<darsie> yes. That's your mission now :).
<prefixcactus> Is it harder now?
<darsie> idk
<darsie> It's a close shave.
<prefixcactus> Yep
<darsie> Probably a little easier from the equator, but possible from everywhere. Unless you need to fly over a high hill.
<darsie> I usually do it with Superman attitude.
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> :)
<darsie> head first
<Althego> more like ironman
<darsie> k
<Althego> because you cant stretch your arm out forward
<darsie> That should be possible :)
<darsie> Could be an easter egg of badS Kerbals, if they do long 'up' thrusts.
<darsie> Do they need both hands at the RCS controls? Nah, one could be enough, right? :)
<Althego> for translation and rotation you need 6 dof, you can only control 3 dof with a single stick
<Althego> i didnt know moona can sing so well
<darsie> who?
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<darsie> Since there's a new 'time warp to next morning' button I often accidently click that instead of 100,000x warp.
<darsie> you, too?
<Althego> i never click the gui for timewarp, i use the keyboard
<darsie> Free tourist with chute and working jetpack:
<packbart> I never tested the new "warp to morning" button in flight scenes. does it warp until a physray hits the/any sun?
<darsie> it warps till teh sun is about 20° above the horizon.
<darsie> in the KSC
<packbart> so, regardless where your craft is? I'll try it later, I guess
<packbart> I would have imagined that it warps until you can see a sun from your current position
<darsie> It doesn't exiyst outside the KSC.
<packbart> it does
<packbart> or did I misremember?
<packbart> it's a new-ish feature
<darsie> not for me.
<darsie> 1.11.2
<packbart> hm. Loading...
<darsie> Not even on the launchpad.
<packbart> I see a "warp to sunrise" button on the launchpad. also on the Mun
<packbart> and it works, too
<darsie> mod+
<darsie> mod?
<darsie> DLC?
<packbart> no. yes, DLCs installed but I don't think it matters. hover the mouse over the time display, see timewarp options and that button appear
<packbart> - push that button and it warps til next sunrise at that location
<packbart> it is under that tooltop
<packbart> -tip
<darsie> Ahh, there :). thx!
<packbart> pushing it on the Mun waps 6 days forward
<packbart> (shouldn't that be ~3 days? hm)
<packbart> it is disabled in orbit, though
<darsie> doesn't work in orbit.
<packbart> and 6 days are correct. I pressed the button early on "Mun morning"
<darsie> They could have made Moho tidally locked to Kerbol.
<Althego> i think even mercury is just in a resonance
<darsie> mhm
<darsie> But the Kerbol system is much smaller.
<Althego> smaller because of technical reasins
<darsie> Planets in red dwarf habitable zones are expected to be locked.
<darsie> Because of gameplay reasons.
<Althego> they tried to have analogs with the solar system
<packbart> now I'd need to test if the "Warp to Sunrise" button works correctly with multiple suns. but eh, not today
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<packbart> or whether it warps past an ecplipse or not
<Mat2ch> looks like they are going to stack SN15 soon. Tomorrow maybe?
<Althego> stack your rocket, not heap it
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<Mat2ch> well, the last one was heaped.
<Mat2ch> On a very widespread heap
<Althego> yes, that is why i said it
<Althego> and for the joke
<Mat2ch> and I thought you are just making a very bad programers joke. :D
<Althego> dual purpose
<Mat2ch> that costs extra!
<Althego> obviously a rocket doesnt fit in a register. might fit in a cache though
<packbart> Got a rocket, in your pocket; Keep coolly cool, boy!; Don’t get hot; ‘Cause man, you've got; Some high times ahead
<packbart> mad dance moves*
<Althego> remember elon's cringe dance moves?
<Althego> maybe there should be a rocket dance
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<darsie> The fairing still has high drag if it's the root part:
<JVFoxy> also very aerodymanic in ways too
<JVFoxy> aerodynamic... oh wahtever
<darsie> In the first pic the fairing is root, in the second the okto2.
<darsie> 20 km vs. 309 km Ap.
<JVFoxy> guess they didn't think people would use a fairing as a root part all the time?
<darsie> It's a bug.
<darsie> If they knew about it, they'd fix it.
<JVFoxy> the octo probe in sandbox only has the one SAS mode.. while in career, all probes have everything... ya I'm calling bug
<darsie> Or document it.
<darsie> That's not the bug this is about.
<JVFoxy> no but there are has been quite a number of them cropping up since the 1.11 edition
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<packbart> hm, already gone. that particular bug has been fixed, if I recall correctly
<Althego> that reminds me, how are the rc bugs in debian. 205. not looking good
<packbart> (hm. maybe it was this and similar: )
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<Mat2ch> wait, they know this for 2 month now and couldn't fix it in the last point release?
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<darsie> Due to a bug the fairing has high drag when it is the root part. Make a different part the root part before flying.
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> .oO( I will not ask why it matters what the root part is for calculating the drag... )
<Althego> and why the difference is so big
<Althego> but there can be strange cases going on
<Althego> what we cant think of
<darsie> Maybe the fairing base ignores the fairing if it's root.
<darsie> Hmm, stuff inside should get hot, then.
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<darsie> ahh, there is #kspmodding .
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<packbart> there's also #kspmodders but it requires a registered nick
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<Althego> i never know which one is the real one
<darsie> They seem to be very strict.
<Althego> it is like the people's fron of judea
<packbart> I did get my answers in #kspmodders
<packbart> but I forgot the nickserv password again
<Althego> the client can remember it for you
<packbart> it should expire soon. or maybe I need to rename myself first
<darsie> I put a sat in Kerbin orbit and hat 19 m/s left.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> well designed
<darsie> yeah :)
<darsie> minimalistic, as usual :)
<darsie> Hammer, Spark
<darsie> Resource scanner
<darsie> Struggled a bit to make orbit, but with keeping the nose up it worked.
<darsie> Maybe letting Ap slip behind me would have been more efficient, but that's so advanced :).
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* darsie found a better rocket for that sat mission in his saved designs. Too late ...
<darsie> My orbit is within that of my target, yet I have two intersects ...
<darsie> I guess it's due to inclination.
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<Mat2ch> oh, wow, they're faster than expexted. SN15 is already stacked
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<darsie> Recovering a Mainsail was not trivial.
<darsie> 6 t
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<packbart> ( )