Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<darsie> Will astronauts on the Moon be able to kneel down on one knee and pick up stuff with a hand?
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<Althego> hehe, tsmc expects increased capacity for 2023. so shortages continue for 2 more years
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<Althego> zombanwa
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<Althego> 1 second
<Althego> literally 1 second
<Althego> that has to be the fastest ever
<sandbox> ?
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<Mat2ch> have a look at the carefully selected SpaceX Starship images. :D
<Althego> carefully selected not exploded?
<Mat2ch> and if darsie appears, them em that the new NASA space suits should make it possible to kneel down
<Althego> but at least they already have something while the others dont
<Mat2ch> yup
<Mat2ch> Showing a landed Starship
<Mat2ch> not showing how it blows up minutes after that. ;)
<Althego> that whole flip is not needed on the moon
<Althego> so it doesnt matter that much
<Mat2ch> and they will use smaller engines to land
<Mat2ch> with much more control
<Mat2ch> and have different landing gear on it
<Mat2ch> and so forth.
<Mat2ch> and SpaceX might show that Starship can go to orbit this year already.
<Althego> it should be lighter anyway because no heat shield and no sea level engines
<Althego> i think as soon as the booster is rested they could go into orbit
<Althego> the problem is coming back
<flayer> sigh
<Althego> but the moon starship does not need that, so the hardest parts can be ignored
<flayer> i just want the thing to be done
<flayer> i want one put into orbit and sent to mars during the next window
<Althego> that is possible
<Althego> if it can land finally
<flayer> what would be its cargo?
<Althego> there is more than a year to go
<flayer> maybe no cargo, just a test run?
<Althego> it doesnt matter if it explodes or lands on mars, a loss anyway, so i would send it with dummy mass
<flayer> then the window after that, send two of them
<Althego> i am not sure if elon has opne more car for projects like this
<Althego> or maybe a doge statue or something
<flayer> they need to send one with a fuel refinery
<Mat2ch> If you can send one to Mars, why not send useful stuff?
<Althego> because it will be a los probably
<Mat2ch> And packed in a way that it would survive even ah harsh landing
<Althego> so why send valuable stuff that is then destroyed
<Althego> spacex never tried to land on amrs
<Mat2ch> Power drills, welding equipment, clothing, all not very valuable
<Althego> as we know it is way different
<Mat2ch> packed in a container like CASTOR and it should survive mostly.
<Althego> what is castor
<Mat2ch> not very valuable, no special developed high-tech equipment. Just regular stuff
<Althego> ok nice, it would maybe survive a crash landing. but how would people open it?
<Mat2ch> With a big wrench.
<Mat2ch> And another power drill they brought with them
<Mat2ch> or a cutting torch.
<Althego> hehe big wrench hanging there tied to it with a steel chain. open in emergency
<Mat2ch> well, if you can get to it you will have some tools with you
<Mat2ch> so opening shouldn't be the problem
<Althego> but werent the tools supposed to be inside?
<Mat2ch> You land succesfully on a second space craft and you bring the necessary wrench with you
<Mat2ch> there's more inside than just tools. And having redundancy is nothing bad
<flayer> i can imagine the first starship carrying a deployable payload
<flayer> deploy it as you approach the planet, let the cargo land itself as they do the rovers
<flayer> then see if you can land the empty rocket
<Althego> deployable payload. you dont need to build a door and crane and deploy mechanism if the deployment is crashing :)
<Althego> and you can reuse the steel for base building too
<flayer> its hard to have the payload survive a crash
<flayer> and an empty rocket is easier to land, might result in more useful data
<Mat2ch> you can bring spare tires on the first launch. The surface on Mars is really bad for them...
<Mat2ch> and boots. :D
<flayer> than a crash with incomplete data transfers and no data after landing
<Mat2ch> oh, nice idea.
<flayer> Mat2ch, i think the main issue with the tires is their lightweight, not the surface or mars
<Mat2ch> Land the empty thing, then deorbit the cargo to land nearby and have a look how the landing wet. ;)
<Althego> you can look from orbit
<Althego> the starship or wreckage would be highly visible
<Mat2ch> closeups are so much better.
<flayer> sampling the wreckage
<Althego> yes, you obviously have to landa camera drone first to video the whole landing :)
<Mat2ch> btw, KSP 1.11.2: They still didn't fix the career problem that the pilots have full control over the craft?!
<Althego> obviously
<Althego> it was a really tiny fix
<Althego> they didnt even bother to update the dlc versions
<Mat2ch> there's still a whole team working on KSP, isn't it?
<Mat2ch> Or just one single dev left?
<Althego> cant be one person
<Althego> programming graphics, testing, etc all require different skills
<Mat2ch> weeelllll
<Mat2ch> I've worked on projects where this all was my part...
<Althego> programmer art and programmer ui. you dont want to see those
<Mat2ch> if the customers doesn't want to pay another person they have to take what I make. :D
<Althego> our company works fast, cheaply and precisely. you can choose 2
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<Mat2ch> that's how it is.
<Althego> oh no. ovelapping phoenix and raeper
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<FLHerne> Mat2ch: Honestly, that seems a low-prio bug, because you can just choose to not click the button
<FLHerne> The only problem is your self-restraint :p
<Mat2ch> darsie: ah, now you are here. The new NASA space suits are made to be very flexible, so it should be possible to kneel down with them.
<Mat2ch> FLHerne: if the game offers it, I may use it. ;)
<Althego> or rather they are not flexible, but have rotating joints
<Mat2ch> It should be an easy fix as well, if they are using a vcs.
<Mat2ch> And I hope they do
<Mat2ch> and I hope they know how to use it.
<Mat2ch> Althego: the suit is made to be flexible. ;)
<Althego> i am still waiting for the mechanical counterpressure suits. more than 20 years and they are still not ready
<darsie> cool
<Mat2ch> Counter pressure suits?
<Mat2ch> I would like to know why nobody uses unpressurized suits.
<darsie> lol
<Althego> because they are bad for you skin :)
<Althego> you know all the streching as such
<Mat2ch> Multiple layers of fabric, some cooling/heating lines in it, just the helmet has pressure.
<darsie> Because without counterpressure your lungs would explode.
<Mat2ch> The counter pressure could be done by the fabric.
<Althego> you could just pressurize your head and lungs
<darsie> Yeah, if you do that, the lung explodes.
<Althego> the mechanical counterpressure works like this. air only for your head. everything else is a stretching fabric that exerts force on your skin like it was air pressure
<Althego> so there is no force difference
<Althego> yet it cant leak
<Althego> relatively light
<Althego> easy to move in
<Mat2ch> almost all the scifi shows use them. ;)
<darsie> They're tricky to make. Have to fit very well.
<darsie> And you lose water as it evaporates.
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<Mat2ch> why would you lose water?
<Mat2ch> sooo, I did a thing. I looked through the recently closed bug reports and I only saw TriggerAu and victorr being active there.
<Mat2ch> I saw RafaHdz in one report, but this could be a random user as well
<Mat2ch> and a year ago chris.fulton closing a lot of reports.
<Mat2ch> Could it really be that only TriggerAu is working on the game?!
<Mat2ch> ah, VictorR and Rafa are both QA. Or were?
<Mat2ch> Ah, Rafa write stuff.
<Mat2ch> yeah, I'm stalking the devs ;P
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<Mat2ch> And when looking at the staff page of the forum... something must have happend last year around March. Since then many of the devs haven't posted anything in the forum.
<Mat2ch> TriggerAu and RoverDude are left. But RoverDude has a lot of mods to maintain
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<Mat2ch> 22. April next Crew Dragon launch!
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<Althego> oh no, not only reaper but zombie too in around an hour. 3 streams are pushing my processing power
<Mat2ch> Althego: you need more streams:
<Althego> i like that she is flying in the same capsule as her husband did
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<Althego> zombanwa
<Althego> guh
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<Althego> it seems the reaper can sing well live too. so here tracks are not completely edited
<Althego> somehow louder than a screaming zombie
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<RoboFreak> scott about the spacex selection
<Mat2ch> nice!
<Mat2ch> New Nick, Althego?
<RoboFreak> i still like the dynetics lander
<RoboFreak> no, this is the secondary nick
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<RoboFreak> at least the phoneix stopped the stream so i am down to zero. i can sleep
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