Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<Althego> hehehe it still works
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<Althego> furry flat earther girl on ftfe... it is a new dimension of entertainment
<flayer> girl or tranny?
<Althego> no image, just a cute voice
<Althego> anyway either the best poe, or a really clueless gullible person
<Althego> just as all flat earthers
<Althego> (local) leet tim
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<Althego> e
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<Mat2ch> nom nom!
<Mat2ch> the warning thing needs calibration
<Althego> what wearning
<Mat2ch> and I love he the driver gets slower and slower but even when there's the first crash sound doesn't stop right away and gets the second unit torn off, too
<Althego> ah that, was like half a day ago
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<Althego> also zombanwa but i dont watch apex
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<Althego> oh our ludicrous future
<Althego> but why now? there was no rocket event
<Althego> so ingenuity will fly on sunday, but the data arrives only on monday
<Althego> make the next rover big enough to communicate directly instead of these relay passes
<umaxtu> a couple of newer com relays around mars would be handy
<Althego> yes some of them are quite old
<Althego> above a decade?
<umaxtu> odyssey is over 20 I think?
<Althego> oh it was launched a litle bit more than 20 years ago
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<Althego> looks like no mars probe in the forseeable future
<Althego> only exomars
<Althego> but that is a rover
<Althego> maybe some part of it can stay in orbit
<Althego> perseverence didnt have an orbiter, hope is probably an early version that could spare mass for extra equipment, just for science, and of course china and usa dont work together for petty reasons
<Althego> so tianwen-1 wouldnt be used as a commmunication relay even if it had such equipment
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