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<Althego> scott building lego space shuttle live
<XXCoder> nice lol
<XXCoder> was wondering if it was in sealed box in space like that one
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<Althego> hmm, tfr for sunday
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<Althego> so will there be a launch or not
<raptop> open the box and see what the cat is doing?
<Althego> the launch control system is a cat in the box?
<Althego> spacex could make a successful landing an a failure in one. maybe they can do a launch and not launch at the same time too
<raptop> vague schroedinger's cat reference
<Althego> just as mine
<raptop> ah
<Althego> it seems the scott stream is probably coming to an end but i am still more than an hour behind
<Althego> also: skye grew up. i am getting old
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<Althego> weather looks pretty bad in boca chica today
<Althego> so maybe no launch after all
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<Althego> rapping zombie
<Althego> zombanwa
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<Althego> some mars heli stuff
<Althego> in more than 6 hours
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<Mat2ch> Althego: depends a bit when they launch. If they do it early in the day weather will be fine
<Mat2ch> if they have to delay it they might have to scrap it due to lightning
<Mat2ch> last time they went so early it was still foggy...
<Althego> most of the time there is no fog in the morning there
<Althego> sos they could do it
<Mat2ch> nerdle cam shows a bit of fog. But could be the cam in the darkness.
<Althego> doesnt look too bad
<Althego> last time nothing was visible
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<Althego> (local) leet time
<minas_tirith> Althego, hi
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<Althego> hehe, this is funny. there is a site here that lets you reserve a time for your covid vaccination. around dawn people realized instead of the chinese only (while it was in test run), it started to offer pfizer too. so people effectively made a dos attack on it
<Althego> the result was, in some places you could get vaccination without a time, so several hundred m long lines formed
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<Mat2ch> Althego: oh, software problems. Just natural, you can't do anything about it.
<Mat2ch> </sarcasm>
<Althego> in my opinion the site is unusable even in its normal state
<Althego> i tried to use it but was always stuck at the zip code, because they probably expect you to pick a zip code of a nearby hospital
<Althego> why not just display its name lol
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<Mat2ch> Althego: the funny thing about this is that 193 countries (and several more states not acknowledged as countries) require the same thing.
<Mat2ch> And everyone is doing it on their own. And most of them fail
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> as if society has never heard of working together to fix a problem faster and better :D
<Althego> imagine if it was a central system. it would fail centrally :)
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> well, if they could all agree on one system they probably would put it in the "cloud" somewhere, where it is the cheapest
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> the planning of such system alone would take months
<Althego> and countless meetings
<Althego> almost impossible
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<Alanonzander> Althego: Sounds like the Us's they had 3 years and still could not make it work upon completion and had to re-write a good chunk fo teh back end just to get it workign the first year.
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<Althego> let's face it. we took the idea of computers and made them so horrible that they are not only useless but detrimental
<umaxtu> if it can't run well on a 6502 or z80, its not worth using. Am I right? Or am I right?
<Althego> probably
<raptop> When you consider that initial uses for computers were breaking cryptography and designing nuclear weapons, their cursed nature makes sense
<raptop> Also consider how often their mechanical predecessors were used for aiming various kinds of guns/artillery
<umaxtu> raptop, they should've just hired more poles instead
<Althego> but it is not even that
<raptop> heh
<Althego> you dont need to use them as weapons
<Althego> and they still harm us
<Althego> because of our own inability to program them
<umaxtu> tangentially related. my favorite video on the Enigma.
<Althego> i find it funny that it never coded to the same letter that it was coding for, and that made it susceptible for breaking
<Althego> it would have been nothing to make it so, but probably they thought it was safer this way
<umaxtu> maybe they thought it was a good thing
<raptop> umaxtu: oh, hey, a drach video
<umaxtu> yeah, I recommend his content a lot
<Althego> is crew-1 coming back?
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<Althego> i have to admit i dont have it what it takes to do the current project discovery in eve
<Althego> it is some kind of cell clustering thingie
<Althego> i remember the first one, hthe labeling of internal cell structures, i was great
<Althego> in this i either add one more region or or add one less
<Althego> almost never nail the correct number
<Althego> so my accuracy is barely 60%
<raptop> ?
<Mat2ch> looks like it takes a while to close the pad
<Althego> in eve online, for years now, you can play a minigame, with different sciene project, where you do the job of neural network
<Althego> it started with cell internal structur labeling
<Althego> they discovered things
<Althego> then it was exoplanets
<Althego> i didnt try that
<Althego> but in this cell clustering thing i am horrible
<Althego> this is already going
<Althego> i wonder how they get their testing data
<Althego> if it is completely user generated it may be flawed
<Althego> maybe the testing data is generated by human experts
<Althego> i mean they are testig you occassionally
<Althego> most of the data is for you to do the clustering, done by many people and i guess they average it somehow
<Althego> for example to me the left center thing proabably wouldnt be there
<Althego> i would cluster it with probably the bottom one
<Althego> a typical failure
<Althego> if you look at it without the lines there seems to be a vague region in the bottom right, so this time i had too many clusters
<Althego> there is no clear cut way to tell when they want that separate or with an other one
<Althego> and for most of hte sata they dont know it either
* raptop can sort of see the bottom left, but I'm confused on the bottom right
<Althego> i was too
<Althego> according to them that is part of the bottom left
<Althego> but there is a part where there are no dost, so i thought it was separate
<Althego> how is that 2?
<Althego> there are like 10 blue dots there
<raptop> o_O
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<Althego> i somehow went up to 77% and level 10. but this is enough for me
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<raptop> birb
<Mat2ch> börps
<Althego> it was surprising that they expect this rover to move even faster than the previous
<Althego> so basically the heli really wouldnt be able to keep up with it
<Althego> also that it did so well, that basically they achieved their goals in 3 flights
<Althego> and the bird brain strikes again
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* raptop would assume that bird brain would make one very good at flight sims
<Althego> scrub?
<Althego> closure cancelled
<Althego> as usual, it is never on friday
<Mat2ch> :(
<Mat2ch> so next week
<Mat2ch> they never fly on weekends
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<Mat2ch> wen drop?
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> if they really depart now, maybe in the next gew hours
<Althego> hwhw live in 26 hours
<Althego> also delayed
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> weather?
<Althego> lol
<Althego> wasnt it so that it didnt fly?
<Althego> i think i love the color hazcams
<Althego> my brain cant interpret this gif
<Mat2ch> is that the shadow?
<Althego> yes
<Althego> but why is it moving?
<Althego> maybe as the heli is tilted
<Althego> i can see some shift in the surface
<Althego> must be annoying that the algorithm constantly needs to check for the shadow and eliminate that from the tracked features
<Mat2ch> why would it have to?
<Mat2ch> if there's the shadow the feature is not to be seen and therefore ignored.
<Althego> the shadow might look like a feature
<Althego> oh no tako in nier, but i am going to sleep soon
<Althego> oh i forgot about flat earth friday
<raptop> that's a cursed friday meme
<Althego> no, that is one of scimandan's weekly videos
<Althego> the other is tinfoil tuesday
<Tank2333> lol
<Althego> oh no a nile red video
<flayer> will the first starship to mars have flying exploration drones on it?
<Althego> at least now that is a possibility. but i doubt anybody is planning that far ahead
<flayer> they should release a swarm to figure out where to build a colony
<Althego> i think we have pretty good maps of mars already
<Althego> at some point they were better than mun maps
<Althego> er moon
<raptop> All hail MRO
<raptop> (...though I guess for wider angle maps and altimetry, MGS needs to be mentioned)
<Althego> also obviously landing sites would be imaged with high resolution, say the hirise
<umaxtu> and whatever china has on their orbiter
<Althego> hirise is not exactly new, but still a powerful telescope
<Althego> so probably not better than that
<Althego> wait, it is almost may
<Althego> when is the landing happening?
<Althego> i think it was suppoesd to be may
<Althego> High-Resolution Camera (HRC) with a resolution of 2 m from a 400 km orbit
<Althego> that is pretty good
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