Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<Althego> old mccoco had a farm e-i-e-i-o, on that farm she had a duck, e-i-e-i-o...
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<UmbralRaptor> With a shuba-shuba here, and a shuba-shuba there…
<Althego> hehe
* UmbralRaptor really needs to remember that coco does things besides the meme review
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<JVFoxy> ... so contract wants to land a base on minmus with 5 kerbals, including two pilots. At least its not asking for 4000 or so fuel
<Althego> yes i hate those fuel contracts
<Althego> dumbest thing ever
<Althego> i wonder, can i delete hzd and keep all the saves. because i dont plan to play it for a while and it is 100 gigs or so
<JVFoxy> I just wanted to test flight the lander up into orbit.. really not sure if I'm going to use it though. I have another ship to push it out there
<JVFoxy> 100gigs.. ouch
<Althego> what is left is the new game + mode, so basically a replay
<JVFoxy> heard about the game a little.. but was a while back
<JVFoxy> not sure was my sorta thing though. (not that I could play it on pc setup as it is anyways)
<Althego> ok i clicked keep saves, and if it didnt that doesnt matter either
<JVFoxy> spent a lot of time/energy in the game I take it?
<Althego> maybe two week
<Althego> s
<Althego> but i have to complete all side quests
<Althego> even i am not crazy to collect everything. huge world and lot of tiny pieces of lre i didnt collect
<Althego> but i collected all the collectible items for side quests
<JVFoxy> lol.. naming the lander 'Igloo'
<JVFoxy> cuz its gotta land on minmus so..
<Althego> how is that related to minmus?
<Althego> maybe lander for eeloo and shaped like a dome
<JVFoxy> Althego ah.. you more a casual gamer or take gaming more serious?
<Althego> i spent years playing only ksp
<Althego> but after maybe five years i am more like a casual
<Althego> so for the last two years
<JVFoxy> don't know.. guess Minmus makes me think mint ice cream? I'm having a hard time picking names for things these days. I was thinking some synonym for outpost or something, then started searching in other languages
<Althego> i cant name them, so i name them based on function
<JVFoxy> KSP is like literally the only game on my PC currently. I did get skyrim for the 360 (friend sorta donated the xbox to me when he moved back to North Ireland some years back)
<Althego> so like tourist 1 and 2, mun 1 and 2, mun tourist 1 and 2, etc
<JVFoxy> one of my first early landers I named 'Frog' or something.. I think even Spider was one
<JVFoxy> I try to be a little creative with the names, give it some thought. I don't want to do anything too far out there. Granted, did name one plane made with a truss section for a body 'twig'.
<JVFoxy> I think I kind of went through phases, as much as the game has, over the years. Being able to make things a little better helped also. Trying to come up with a name that either goes along with the function or 'personality' of the craft
<Althego> i never had much creativity
<Althego> but i enjoy the engineering aspect of the game
<Althego> hehehhe
<JVFoxy> but.. doesn't say if the same bug had also been bothering other people as well... I'm sure they may have collectively sighed as well. 'Finally, someone who fixed it!'
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<Althego> next week unsounded finally starts updating again. also hopefully ingenuity makes its first flight
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<Althego> zombanwa
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<JVFoxy> They sure taking it really slow with setting up the little flier
<JVFoxy> lol.. almost like they acting nervous about it actually flying? -shrug
<Althego> yes, falt earthers are going to complain as there is not atmosphere oin mars the helicopter cant fly :)
<Althego> oh wait they already did
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<JVFoxy> I hadn't noticed... news did show a pic to do with a pile of socks over there
<JVFoxy> april fools of course
<JVFoxy> eh well.. sleeps
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<flayer> twitch engines on rotation servos are so incredibly multifunctional
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* darsie waits for the DLC to become discounted on steam.
<darsie> gog won't sell them to me without KSP.
<flayer> i'll buy them on steam for you if you like
<darsie> That would be odd. I have enough money.
<flayer> i just think you'd really enjoy the robotics stuff lol
<darsie> maybe
<darsie> I don't play much KSP any more.
<darsie> How about I buy one and you buy me the other?
<darsie> won't sell them to me discounted.
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<Althego> heh i was listening to hardware unboxed and kfp music woke me up from a 3/4 sleep
<darsie> Was it about KSP? I heard some sound tracks that KSP uses in other contexts.
<Althego> kfp not ksp
<packbart> Kerbal Fried Program?
<darsie> ok, not a typo
<Althego> from time to time i can notice ksp music in videos
<Althego> those are basically incompetech royalty free tracks
<packbart> there's a mod for that, too, to change the KSP in-game soundtracks (even situation dependent)
<packbart> still haven't gotten around to play much with it, thoug
<Althego> kikkeirkii
<flayer> oh wow.. station, 11 kerbals, 4000 liquid fuel, 1000 monopropellant, class b asteroid -- around gilly
<flayer> i got half a mind to accept it XD
<darsie> Station "in" asteroid?
<packbart> it would pull Gilly off-course ;)
<flayer> haha yeah
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<Althego> licenceless sleepy bird is not a good driver
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<flayer> nice, just a few days to refuel with two large excavators
<Althego> a phoneix is failing in mariokart, a dragon is failing in mario
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<Althego> an angry astronaut stream is coming up
<Althego> and i am back to two parallel streams
<Althego> luckily angry's deep voice is quite distinct from kiara's
<flayer> i just need 300 science to unlock the parts for the big orange tank, then i can fly to jool once i get this craft and its habitation/snacks/fuel supply counterpart into orbit
<Althego> i really hop the issue is not with the flip of starship. causing unsolvable sloshing making it impossible. because that would be a huge setback
<Althego> in the beginning the header tanks are full, but in a a second there is already some possibility to for sloshing
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<Althego> hehe
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<flayer> why do i have no telemetry on my eve rover, the relay is nearby!
<Althego> if you turn on the green lines...
<Althego> maybe there is no contact from the relay?
<flayer> but why wouldn't there be if it can reach kerbin no problem?
<Althego> that is more interesting
<flayer> do i need a particular combination of antennae to be able to function as a relay?
<Althego> yes
<Althego> you need relay antennas
<Althego> some can do both
<Althego> normal comm and relay
<Althego> some can just do comms or relay
<flayer> how can you tell
<Althego> in the description
<flayer> is it enough to have 1 relay antenna to reach the probe, and 1 direct antenna to reach kerbin?
<flayer> or do you need a relay that is capable of reaching kerbin and the probe?
<Althego> i am not exactly sure
<Althego> there is some complicated description in the wiki
<flayer> at least i sent a ton of relay satellites to jool rather than direct comms XD
<flayer> although the 'relays' i've sent to eve and duna weren't meant to function as such at any rate
<flayer> well, the eve one was, but i didn't think about it
<Althego> if they have relay antennas they can relay
<flayer> any craft with any sort of relay antenna can relay from/to whichever point the craft can contact?
<Althego> i think so
<Althego> the normal antenan is needed for control
<Althego> but there is some description in the wiki that in some cases the two can combine for signal strength
<flayer> "When considering the antenna power of your vessel, direct antennae and relay antennae combine to give you a 'Power' to calculate signal strength back to the KSC, however, if a different vessel is connecting through you to communicate with the KSC the direct Antennae are disregarded in any calculations made."
<flayer> That last bit seems to indicate I need a relay antenna powerful enough to reach both the probe and Kerbin.
<Althego> but in most practical cases the relay is strong enough
<flayer> yeah, but that means i can't just a small deployable relay and a large deployable direct antenna
<flayer> as i was intending on using
<Althego> say hg-5 whic is the smallest and you are in low orbit with the relay sat in few hundred km altitiude, you can reach everything
<Althego> that is how my orbital relays work
<flayer> you can't use the comm 88-88 to amplify the hg-5 relay though
<Althego> yes
<Althego> but the hg-5 is not really good between eve and kerbin
<flayer> yeah, especially if playing at 50% comm strength like i am
<flayer> but its okay, the hg-5's will reach my massive jool relay consisting of 12 RA-15s
<Althego> unless it is behind the planet :)
<flayer> yeah, but the sat can still function as an additional relay for jool
<flayer> after i use it to survey all the moons
<flayer> i'm going to use the shuttle to deliver it to a polar orbit around jool
<flayer> this is all a few months from now
<flayer> i'm bringing upward of 20,000 snacks for what I think will be a 3 man crew
<flayer> about 10,000 liquid fuel
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<raptop> ...GoG offered me a free game (Steel Rats) because I recieve their marketing emails sometimes o_O
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<Solar_Oracle> What does this mean? "MechJeb module MechJebModuleMenu threw an exception in OnDestroy" ?
<umaxtu> its a programming issue with mechjeb it looks like
<Solar_Oracle> I'm trying to understand the conflict it's having with ClickThroughDeblocker, and that's the clearest thing I'm getting in the crash log.
<Solar_Oracle> Well this is just plane/plain silly. Now it's not conflicting that I've reduced my mods to MechJeb 2, ClickThroughDeblocker and its dependencies.
<Solar_Oracle> Now begins the laborious task of checking what other mod may be causing the conflict.
<umaxtu> thats always fun
<umaxtu> sorry that I couldn't be more help
<Solar_Oracle> It's not your problem. Blame the Kraken.
<Solar_Oracle> Found it! It was StageRecovery, which is also the only mod I had with a ClickThroughDeblocker dependency.
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<Solar_Oracle> And now I fixed StageRecovery: It was missing a brand new dependency that CKAN wasn't aware of.
<umaxtu> what was it?
<Solar_Oracle> SpaceTuxLibrary
<umaxtu> thx
<Solar_Oracle> Time to celebrate, AK-4- Er, SNACKS for everybody!
<Solar_Oracle> Now, finally, I can play KSP again the way it was meant to be played. With dozens of mods.
<umaxtu> weird. I seem to have had it already installed
<Solar_Oracle> I'm guessing my problem stems from my tried-and-true method of manually installing from dozens of .zip files.
<umaxtu> fun times
<Solar_Oracle> I've yet to move out of the Dark Ages of the 90's and into the 21st Century. I'm still using Netscape Navigator.
<umaxtu> eh, somethings from the 90s are still going strong. emacs for example
<Solar_Oracle> And, allegedly, IRC.
<umaxtu> Vim too, though neovim seems to be supplanting it
<Solar_Oracle> Honestly, that IRC is still around is legit surprising.
<Solar_Oracle> Though maybe everyone using IRC is, like, in their 90s and simply don't know how to Discord.
<umaxtu> eh, its simple, easy to implement, client agnostic, and uses very little resources
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<Solar_Oracle> Discord is like a mini-web browser, too.
<FLHerne> Yeah, if there was a decent open-source client for Discord I'd be very tempted
<FLHerne> But there isn't, so I'm not
<Solar_Oracle> In retrospect, given how popular Reddit is despite being more primitive than old message board systems, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised IRC is around.
<umaxtu> also a tree view for the servers and channels would be nice. so I don't have to use multiple clicks to get to the channels I want
<Solar_Oracle> Alright, I thank you for allowing me to occupy your valuable IRC idling time!
<umaxtu> no problem
<Solar_Oracle> I'm going to return to KSP and, probably, just end up caving in and getting the Elite Odyssey alpha.
<umaxtu> idk if my 980 will be able to handle that. it already struggled with planetary surfaces in horizons
<Solar_Oracle> Wait, GTX 980?
<Solar_Oracle> Can that even run Solitaire?
<umaxtu> lol
<Solar_Oracle> I'd think you'd need an upgrade, honestly, given that the settlements and the FPS parts will have a lot more clutter.
<Solar_Oracle> Lots more textures and lots more triangles.
<raptop> I mean, at this point you can run a mid-sized IRC server on a potato
<umaxtu> for that I need, a) income and b) to find a gpu in stock at a reasonable price
<Solar_Oracle> Yeah, its probably going to be a while before GPUs go back down in price.
<Solar_Oracle> Might I recommend simply blowing bases up with missiles and artillery to reduce the frame rate inhibiting assets?
<umaxtu> lol
<Solar_Oracle> The RTX 2060, which is what I have now, is literally five times pricier than when I got it last year.
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<Solar_Oracle> You could always play Elite 1984 in the meantime.
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<packbart> on Usenet, IRC is still seen as that new-fangled fast-paced chatty toy that nobody needs ;)
<Alanonzander> lol
<Alanonzander> IRC has outlived, so far, every other form of realtime chat.
<flayer> nice, my jool mission has 1% comm signal at maximum distance from kerbin
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<Althego> video card availability is a joke
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<Althego> 980, that is just one generation older than the 1070 i have
<umaxtu> launched in '14 IIRC?
<packbart> I buy new graphics about every 10 years
<packbart> the 2080S I bought last year will serve me for a long time to come, I hope
<Althego> one of the worst value cards in retrospect
<umaxtu> gsync does make the lower fps more bearable so long as it stays above 40
<packbart> I don't have a display with gsync, anyway
<umaxtu> its worth it. nvidia gpus 10 series and newer usually will work with freesync as well I believe
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<packbart> I just use "vsync". the display does 75fps which is an odd number, though
<packbart> "The Bill Nighy of space gamers" hurr (about Scott Manley playing Elite Dangerous)
<packbart> oh, it's on sale. I might yet buy it
<minas_tirith> Hi packbart
<umaxtu> packbart, Elite?
<packbart> hello capital city of Gondor
<Althego> delacy alpha lima tango, welcome to this federal facility
<packbart> although Scott seems to be playing the upcoming Odyssee thingy ( )
<umaxtu> $7.50 worth it for sure
<packbart> yeah, I guess I'll add it. I still haven't gotten through Witcher 3 or XCOM 2 for that matter
<Althego> what, i am not going to preorder a dlc
<Althego> you get an alpha access and soundtrack with tthe deluxe alpha version
<Althego> normally you would pay for beta testers, not the testers would pay for the privilege of playing a bugged not finished game
<Althego> how much the world has changed
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<darsie> Test Rapier on a suborbital trajectory over the Mun:
<Althego> i think it is enough if you shoot it toward the mun
<darsie> yeah, but I recovered it.
<darsie> 30-40 km altitude was also required.
<Althego> just have to time correctly
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<darsie> Ok, I crashe it :).
<darsie> d
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