Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing | Helicopter is doing!
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<Althego> zombanwa
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<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You cook up a batch of delicious nuclear salt-water taffy. All the bots on #KSPOfficial get into a fight and are kickbanned for spamming.
<Althego> so when is the helicopter flight?
<Mat2ch> Wen hop?
<Althego> no stream
<Mat2ch> :(
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<Althego> but there is a postprocessed video
<Althego> based on the dust the wind seems to be blowing from left to right
<Althego> wiki says 9:30 utc, that is soon
<Althego> meanwhile the rover is generating oxygen
<Mat2ch> yeah
<Mat2ch> I wonder if a human could produce enough energy to power the oxygen generator ;)
<Althego> heheno
<Althego> because you need to oxygen to generate the power
<Althego> and i guess conversion is not perfect, and you also need energy to keep you warm, and for the brain to run
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<Althego> ok so the flight probably happened (or not, since the 85% probability is in effect because of the timing thing), but they expect downlink at 9:21 EDT, so basically we still have to wait hours
<Mat2ch> the road closures are getting complicated.
<Mat2ch> And out of line
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<Mat2ch> Wednesday is at the bottom, Friday at the top
<Mat2ch> no, wait
<Mat2ch> Friday in the middle, Thursday at the top
<Mat2ch> beach closed for an hour. GSE test probably
<Mat2ch> Looks like Friday for the static fire
<Althego> ugh
<Althego> that seems like manual formatting
<Althego> instead of splitting the cell
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> Someone with mild html knowledge has to maintain that site by hand
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<Althego> nextrocket moved starship hop to monday
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<Mat2ch> yeah, seems more likely.
<Mat2ch> Tomorrow static fire, over the weekend then checkups and Monday flight
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<Althego> now at this point they should have the flight data
<Althego> there should be hover images with the color camera too
<Althego> it flew
<Althego> now waiting for al the images
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<raptop> Althego: huh, how does a zombie playing horror games work out?
<Althego> i didnt watch that
<Althego> and now apex again
<raptop> hrm
<Althego> "not addicted"
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<Althego> heh t he color pictures download tomorrow
<Althego> or later
<Althego> "Martian Air & Space Museum has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? 🧐"
<raptop> :D
<Mat2ch> why would they move the testing nosecone to the landing area
<Mat2ch> ?
<Althego> they want to get rid of it
<FLHerne> It is a bit odd
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<FLHerne> Implies they want to pressurise it, I don't see why plain mechanical testing couldn't be done at the build site
<Althego> or they are testing its tolerance to explosions :)
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<Rokker> Althego: ping
<Althego> yes, more or less intentional
<Althego> was from a jpl t weet
<Althego> i expected you to react
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<Mat2ch> pressurizing it doesn't sound too far off.
<Mat2ch> It will have one atmosphere
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<Mat2ch> weather looks good for tomorrows launch!
<umaxtu> its launching 6amish?
<Mat2ch> don't know...
<darsie> It's launching 6mormon.
<Althego> i think a bit before that in eastern time
<darsie> Texas time?
<Althego> hehe, before 6, but cet :)
<Althego> oh wait, no. i hate timezones
<umaxtu> so I'd have to get up over an hour early. hmmm
<raptop> Texas is in CDT (UT-5) currently, if that helps
<raptop> ...and of course, they use EDT (UT-4)
<Mat2ch> spaceflight now says 09:49:02 GMT
<Mat2ch> stream starts probably hours before launch
<Althego> wait
<Althego> that is the webcast
<Althego> as it is a maned event
<Althego> there may be something before the actua llaunch
<Althego> i meant the tweet was abou the webcast
<Althego> indeed the same time
<Althego> haha joke is on ina. jokes about "that time when i reincarnated as an ameoba". well, there is one isekai with a virus
<umaxtu> so its an orbital test rig?
<Althego> how do you simulate orbital flight with this?
<raptop> Althego: if I reincarnate as a virus, do I get to kill everyone?
<Althego> insufficient data for inference
<Althego> so let's assuem they are pressurizing the nose cone
<Althego> but then what is the external thing doing?
<FLHerne> Seems overkill just to stop bits from escaping
<Althego> and wouldnt be too good for that purpose
<FLHerne> Was some speculation on NSF that they'll attach hydraulic rams between the framework and those things where the flaps should be
<FLHerne> to simulate the sideways loads on re-entry
<Althego> that sounds reasonable
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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<Solar_Oracle> One thing they don't tell you when you're landing at KSC with an SSTO is that the mountains will block the command signal from the center as you make your final approach.
<Solar_Oracle> This may explain why my spacecraft decided it wanted to end its reentry sequence with the heat shield facing the wrong direction.
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