Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<Althego> guh, zombanwa, but it is apex
<minas_tirith> Althego, hi
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<Althego> zombanwa (again)
<Althego> oh no, i was looking forward to more holoen server action, but i guess she is back to the usual tree chopping on the jp
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<Mat2ch> that one hurts. Very very much.
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> hehe
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<darsie> Is there a good channel to talk about SM?
<Althego> sailor moon?
<darsie> Surviving Mars :)
<darsie> There's #paradox@oftc, but it's low traffic.
<darsie> and small
<darsie> s/oftc/rizon
<darsie> Shall I post my experience about my first SM game here?
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<darsie> hi Fluburtur
<darsie> 1337
<sandbox> [12:37:59] a close call
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> why do it by hand when you can automate it?
<darsie> Becaues it counts more.
<Althego> way harder to do
<Althego> also it is a very bad time for me
<Althego> i think i could be more successful with 9 or even 11
<Althego> but after 13, it is getting harder
<darsie> That's like showing your math skills by doing 500 gigahashes/s.
<Althego> speaking of hashes
<Althego> 0.2 hash / s
<Althego> i would say not bad for an 1 mhz 8 bit computer that is almost 40 years old
<Mat2ch> Althego: don't put 9 and 11 together!
<Althego> i didnt
<Mat2ch> You mentioned it in on sentence! ;)
<Althego> also dont put 6 and 9 together, or 4 and 20 together
<Althego> it is like crossing the streams :)
<Mat2ch> uh, well, public toilets aren't a thing right now. It's hard to cross streams.
<Althego> lol didnt mean that
<Mat2ch> I know what you meant. But who is old enough to know Ghostbusters? ;)
<Althego> i meant ghostbusters and you know it
<Mat2ch> And I just ignored it. :D
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<Mat2ch> bye bye BN1. You will be not missed and replaced soon by BN2.
<Althego> what, already disassembling it?
<Mat2ch> yep
<Mat2ch> Mary just posted a picture of it.
<Althego> meanwhile elon doesnt say anything
<Mat2ch> Changing diapers takes time
<Althego> hehe
<minas_tirith> Hi
<Mod9000> Hello, minas_tirith
<minas_tirith> Hi Mod9000
<Mod9000> How are things?
<minas_tirith> Jut okay
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<Althego> yay broken silicon
<Althego> did anybody watch the real time vostok 1 with scott?
<sandbox> he has a time machine?
<Althego> it was some game with some other space youtubers i think
<darsie> 4 and 20 is a ghost busters reference?
<Althego> no
<Althego> the dont cross the streams is
<darsie> k. I don't get it.
<darsie> My flat mate has a time machine on her Mac.
<minas_tirith> Hi darsie
<darsie> hi minas_tirith
<sandbox> blackbirds?
<flayer> /me licks minas_tirith
<darsie> The capital of Gondor, Minas Tirith (Sindarin: "the Tower of Guard"[2]), lay at the eastern end of the White Mountains, built around a shoulder of Mount Mindolluin.
<Althego> dont cross the streams
<flayer> from a time when i enjoyed movies
<darsie> Ok. I still don't get 4 and 20.
<flayer> i bet i'd get annoyed with plot holes and such if i watched ghostbusters now
<Althego> so you get 6 and 9?
<darsie> I guess I do.
<darsie> I'm an adult ;).
<flayer> 420 breaks the channel rules as well
<Althego> 420 is an other topic that is not allowed on this channel
<darsie> ok, whatever.
<Althego> i think totally coincidentally april 20 is the birthday of adolf
<darsie> Hmm, ok. I guess that proves that I'm not a Nazi, even though I have a swastika on my room door.
* TheKosmonaut awakens from extended moderator slumber
<Althego> hehe
<TheKosmonaut> My snitch bot whispers
<darsie> TheKosmonaut: How long did you sleep? Be careful with your answer ;).
<darsie> Nazi
<Althego> yes that pings us
<darsie> adolf
<TheKosmonaut> /kick darsie (reason: no)
<Althego> it was my fault
<Althego> i shouldnt have mentioned a random associated fact
<darsie> Maybe that's why we should no put these numbers together.
<minas_tirith> Whats wrong with 420?
<darsie> Prove you're not a child ;).
<darsie> or don't :)
<Althego> you can google it
<Althego> shocking, isnt it
<darsie> Don't drink H20. It's unstable.
<Althego> h twenty? what is that
<Althego> does anybody call water hoh? like foof instead of o2f2?
<darsie> A molecule with 20 hydrogen toms.
<Althego> hydrogen toms, as opposed to hydrogen cecils?
* darsie looks up cecils ...
<darsie> Sorry, we found no matches for your search term(s) cecils.
<Althego> i just switched to an other given name
<flayer> i'm sleepy
<Althego> cecil instead of tom
<darsie> You are sleepy.
<darsie> Tom is the correct term for the previous misnomer atom.
<Althego> ok i get it, because they are not the smallest particles
<darsie> Because they can be split.
<Althego> but still the smallest parts with chemical properties
<darsie> tomos=cut in greek
<darsie> or so
<darsie> tomography
<darsie> microtom
<Althego> the problem is nobody else uses it like that. we label that thing as atom, regardless of actually being incorrect
<Althego> what do you call electrons then?
<darsie> Electrons.
<darsie> Feel free to join me.
<Althego> but they are not amber
<Althego> so obviously we have to change the name
<darsie> We could call them betas.
<Althego> george carlin, in your own words
<darsie> Or negatrons.
<Althego> hehe i like negatrons
<darsie> :)
<Althego> if we are at it, let's change the charge of them to positive
<darsie> totally :)
<Althego> and rename kg to gram
<darsie> No, use the grave.
<Althego> reasonable
<darsie> But we can't call them negatrons if their charge is positive. We'd have to flip positrons and negatrons.
<Althego> i see no problem with that
<darsie> I do :)
<darsie> Reuse of a related term.
<Althego> nega-kyn and posi-chan :)
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<Althego> *kun
<darsie> That's why the grave is so handy.
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<darsie> We could also consistently use the g. And consequently Mg, Gg, ...
<darsie> Most importantly, make it the base unit. That would redefine most SI units, though.
<darsie> With the G all would stay the same.
<Althego> that iswhy problem, whatever the mass base unit is, it shouldnt have a prefix
<darsie> ofc we redefine 1 G as 1 kg.
<darsie> I think it's still stuck as some amount of water currently.
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<UmbralRaptor> The kg switched from being s chunk of some platinum-iridium alloy to being related to Planck's constant a year or two ago
<minas_tirith> UmbralRaptor, units are tough
<darsie> Since the official redefinition?
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<UmbralRaptop> yeah
<darsie> 2019: The kilogram is currently redefined in terms of the Planck constant as approved by the General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) on 16 November 2018.
<minas_tirith> resistance has such a complicated formulation in terms of fundamental units
<Althego> there were at least two competing methods
<Althego> a completely smooth silicon sphere with only one isotope, and watt balance
<darsie> Previously they also tried to "count" gold atoms.
<minas_tirith> darsie, how many people did it take to count to a kilogram?
<Althego> lol
<darsie> They actually integrated the current of a gold ion stream.
<darsie> And I guess they would have 'counted' to less than 1 kg practically.
<minas_tirith> Oh ok
<minas_tirith> How did they count so fast?
<minas_tirith> They must have really sharp eyes
<Althego> hehe there is the joke about the shepherd. how many sheep are there? 218 replies the shepherd instantly. how did you count it so fast? i counted the number of les and divided by 4
<Althego> *legs
<darsie> :)
<darsie> What if the result was not an integer?
<Althego> hard to say. can actually happen
<darsie> There's a guy with 0.03 legs.
<minas_tirith> Althego, how do you calculate 100! quickly?
<minas_tirith> You compute 99! and multiply it by 100
<Althego> dont go recursive on me
<darsie> 0, 1, 10, 11, 100
<Althego> hehe
<minas_tirith> (factorial)
<darsie> :)
<Althego> still can choose to use binary
<Althego> and in that case you can have it fast
<minas_tirith> Ok
<minas_tirith> How do you calculate the sqrt(9) quickly?
<minas_tirith> You compute sqrt(3) then multiply it by itself
<Althego> !calc 100!
<Kerbot> Althego => 93326215443944152681699238856266700490715968264381621468592963895217599993229915608941463976156518286253697920827223758251185210916864000000000000000000000000
<Althego> i think it is fast enough
<minas_tirith> 100! is a small number
<Althego> yes, relatively
<minas_tirith> Lets calculate a million factorial quickly
<minas_tirith> At that size normal multiplication won't work
<Althego> i dont know how this did it. arbitrary precision calculator, probably not using flaots for it
<darsie> !calc 4200*9.80665*ln(1070/1000)
<Kerbot> darsie => ~2786.71967723409103242439
<minas_tirith> Yes arbitrary precision
<minas_tirith> But 100! is a small number
<minas_tirith> Million factorial would require non-trivial multiplication algorithms
<Althego> i dont want to try that on a pi
<darsie> !calc 4*100+20
<Kerbot> darsie => 420
<minas_tirith> Althego, do you know multiplication?
<Althego> no, not personally, i have heard of it
<minas_tirith> Althego, its very interesting
<UmbralRaptop> 70! is already >1e100
<Althego> at least it is not graham's number
<minas_tirith> 100 digits is a small number
<minas_tirith> 100 digits easily fit in ~ 12 32 bit integers
<minas_tirith> even smaller if we use binary
<darsie> 1e100=googol, the inspiration of the name google.
<Althego> supposedly if you wanted to hold that in memory the hwole area would turn int oa black hole
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<minas_tirith> But yes
<minas_tirith> Multiplication is a very interesting and deep subject
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<minas_tirith> darsie, do you study algebra?
<darsie> no
<darsie> I had algebra at uni.
<darsie> Too hard for me.
<minas_tirith> darsie, what subjects were dealt with in that course?
<darsie> proves
<darsie> proof by induction
<minas_tirith> Yes thats the algebra I was thinking about
<minas_tirith> It deals a lot with the deep aspects of multiplication
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<Althego> how do you call a group of kerbals? (like flock of wbirds, murder of crows, pride of lions, etc)
<Althego> did i ask this already?
<raptop> An incident of kerbals
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> hehe, the national team moon lander. very tall with a long ladder. bades on playing ksp it has two major flaws. going to flip on landing. then the kerbal is going to slip on the ladder and fall down
<Althego> just like in the ksp2 trailer
<umaxtu> More importantly though, they played the politics well
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<Mat2ch> Althego: I would agree, but the heavy parts are on the bottom so it has a very low CoM which makes it unlikely to flip.
<Althego> not as low as the dynetics lander
<Althego> that loks exactly like something i would build for kerbals
<Althego> and the spacex is of course just its own category
<Althego> it has its own landing engines
<Althego> still lands vertically
<Althego> nice if you have a landing pads, otherwise sounds bad
<Mat2ch> depends on the length of the landing legs
<Althego> i feel the lunar starship is an afterthought
<Althego> elon wants to go to mars
<Althego> moon is not really a goal
<Althego> but they may do it if nasa pays them
<minas_tirith> Starship is delusional
<Althego> halu :)
<minas_tirith> NASA will pick up the samples long before mars starship does anything of note
<Althego> i think the reverse
<Althego> there is not even a name for the sample return craft
<Althego> and supposedly eu
<Althego> so it is going to take at least adecade
<minas_tirith> Just slapping a name onto a delusion doesn't make it any more real
<Althego> yes
<Althego> but it means that they dont have the faintest idea yet
<Althego> no plannig has started
<Althego> and actually two missions
<Althego> one lands, collects and launches it into orbit
<Althego> and an other finds it in orbit and takes it back to earth
<Althego> with the usual speed this is at least 15 years
<minas_tirith> Althego, NASA has lots of smart people
<Althego> i dont doubt that
<Althego> i rememebr jupiter icy moons orbiter
<raptop> *sad trombone*
<minas_tirith> Althego, it is also important not to spread our infections
<Althego> which never happened
<Althego> also backcontamination
<Althego> safest would be to land the martian samples on the moon
<raptop> Speaking of infections, apparently the US on the whole is stopping the J&J vaccine rollout?
<minas_tirith> Althego, human beings are full to the neck with viruses and bacteria
<minas_tirith> We should not spread our viruses on the red planet
<Althego> life is already a big infection
<Althego> viruses cant spread without a host
<Althego> bacteria might live there
<Althego> of course bacteriphages would go with them
<minas_tirith> Althego, we have to protect the martians from our diseases
<raptop> planetary protection, etc
<raptop> though conveniently, the martian surface is quite hostile to earth life
<Althego> or to any life
<Althego> but if mars ever had life, i think there is still some underground
<Althego> even on earth there are tons of bacteria livingdeep underground
<minas_tirith> Althego, sandworms
<Althego> we couldnt wipe them out even if we tried
<Althego> thy are quite safe there
<Althego> just as they would be on mars
<Althego> the jj thing seems to be similar to the astrazeneca, very rare cases, but somehow still seem to be linked to the vaccine
<minas_tirith> Althego, how would we talk to the Martians?
<Althego> cant talk to bacteria
<Althego> ok, you can but pointless
<minas_tirith> Bacterium are a hardy peoples
<Mat2ch> raptop: yes, for the same reason AstraZeneca was stopped (or is only given to people over 60 here)
<minas_tirith> Yeah nobody really needs vaccines, only old and vulnerable people
<Mat2ch> raptop: minimal risc of blood clot
<Mat2ch> we have mostly BioNTech here
<Mat2ch> so
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<Althego> biontech sounds like some evil corporation in some scifi horror game :)
<Althego> like gentek in prototype
<Althego> but about aliens. you also dont talk. they may not even have hearing. or use completely different frequencies. or use electromagnetic waves for communication
<minas_tirith> Althego, then how will we determine means of communication
<Althego> nobody knows
<umaxtu> with a giant flying lightboard. duh
<Althego> hehe like in close encoutners
<umaxtu> I was thinking independence day
<Althego> with nukes?
<umaxtu> before that
<Althego> i havent seen that in a long time. maybe there was some flying helicopter with some lightbulbs?
<umaxtu> pretty sure there was
<raptop> There was
<raptop> It got shot down
<minas_tirith> Hey raptop
<minas_tirith> Would you swim with black alien octopodics in a green ocean?
<raptop> Uh, I think I need some vaccines and a safety course for that
<minas_tirith> raptop, (Solstheim)
<minas_tirith> However the ocean seemed very corrosive to normal folks
<raptop> If I'm the Nevarine, it should be fine
<minas_tirith> raptop, in that game you are a dragonborn not the nerevarine
<minas_tirith> however the main enemy is one of the past dbs I think
<raptop> ah
* raptop has not played Skyrim >_>
<minas_tirith> raptop, did original Morrowind have Solstheim?
<raptop> Sort of. The first release didn't, but the Bloodmoon expansion (which is included in any release since the GotY one in 2003) did
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<flayer> i'm exhausted
* raptop runs flayer through the scrubber, per EPA regulations
<flayer> yikes
<raptop> Have to be careful about those exhaust gases
* flayer farts
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