Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<raptop> !mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You speak the Discouraging Word. The skies cloud ominously. You find out for yourself that a mission without casualties is indeed possible.
* raptop >_>
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<Althego> hehe wolfie6020. and because the aircraft has a sidestick, there is no control yoke taking up valuable space in the cockpit, so they gave us this small table, upon which i can set up my laptop and troll flat earthers in comfort from 47000 fett
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<Althego> heh neither of the two launch schedule thingies updated for the crew-2 launch date
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You whistle the tune of "I'm walking this moon because you crashed my ship". You are intercepted and destroyed by the Magic Boulder whilst trying to land on Ike, but no one believes you.
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<Althego> it seems there will be a nasa stream too
<Althego> yes i saw that. didnt even slow down
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<Althego> the old bridge would have cut off the top
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<darsie> The can opener?
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<Mat2ch> yes
<Althego> there hasnt been a new gtoger video for 4 months
<Althego> no parking lot antics
<Mat2ch> maybe the pandemic freed up enough space elsewhere
<Mat2ch> oh no, only two raptors installed and one returned to the shipyard
<Mat2ch> no static fire probably tomorrow :(
<Althego> static void :)
<Althego> it would have been better like static void test)Ö
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<Mat2ch> looks like the ISS is going to get smaller
<Mat2ch> or maybe abandoned in 2024 and replaced by something else?
<Althego> i guess they start to help with the ch9nese one
<Althego> usa doesnt want to maintain it longer either
<Althego> so i really hope that private addition happens
<Althego> before the iss is abandoned
<Althego> it needs to iss to bootsrtap it
<Althego> what was it, axiom space?
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* raptop is reminded of the attempts to privatise mir
<raptop> Althego: apparently hololive-ID has some of the taller members
<Althego> iss is in way better shape than mir was
<Althego> at the end
<Althego> especially after fires and collisions
<Althego> so maybe you can still get a few years out of it
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<Althego> with increasing cost and risk
<raptop> There have definitely been proposals for operating out farther (2028, 2030, etc)
<raptop> As best I'm aware, 2028 isn't high risk
<Althego> now that there is the moon starship, is there a point of lunar gateway?
<Althego> those funds could be diverted to iss maintenance
<Althego> until 2030 looks like possible
<Althego> i wonder if a moon station would have better longevity
<Althego> no space junk dust hitting on it constantly
<Althego> but bit more radiation
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<Althego> or something
<Althego> finally no 7-8 hour streams on sunday
<Mat2ch> nice
<raptop> don't count your chickens (phoenices?) before they hatch
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<Althego> so the stream is up again
<Althego> hopefully it flies now
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<Althego> 3.5 hours and she still didnt finish the superchat readings
<umaxtu> who?
<Althego> kiara
<raptop> silly birb
<Althego> and tako is coming up
<Althego> heh, lucky. zombie plays monster hunter, i can skip that. somehow everybody is playing that lately
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<Mat2ch> looks like SpaceX is still aiming for a static fire test tomorrow and a flight on Tuesday (which would be 20th of April, so in the weird US date format 4/20. And we are ok with being this childish ;)
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