Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<raptop> Althego: OH: ホロ鳥は食べ物じゃない
<raptop> (for full context, picture an angry duck saying that)
<Althego> i dont know what this is
<Althego> meanwhile war criminal denies allegations of appearing in isekai anime
<raptop> Conversation between subaru and reine, with subaru arguing that holobirbs aren't food
<Althego> ah is that when reine teaches her indonesian
<raptop> yeah
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<Deddly> Isn't inginuity going to be tested like right now?
<Althego> suposedly
<Althego> conference in almost 3 hours
<Althego> i guess they need to get back the data and look at it
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing | Helicopter is doing!
<Althego> could be it already landed
<Althego> 30 sec flight
<Deddly> Looks like it already picked up a lot of dust on the solar panels. Hopefully will be able to shake that off
<Althego> yes, somehow it was like that after the first day
<Althego> i thought only moon dust is static
<Deddly> Maybe it wasn't fully protected from the environment on landing
<Althego> that cover looked solid
<Deddly> I never saw the cover
<Deddly> I guess it'll take some days to download video of the flight, too.
<Deddly> Nice images of the deployment :)
<Althego> but before this two things were shed from the rover
<Althego> one flat plate for something
<Althego> and one black box that covered the helicopter
<Deddly> I'm sure you're right.
<Deddly> If it falls over on landing, I wonder if Perseverance can put it back on its feet
<Althego> it has an arm so maybe
<Deddly> That's a pretty good protective box.
<Althego> but there was something about if it flips then it is a loss because there is no recovery mechanism
<Deddly> And looking at the beginning of that video, it doesn't look like the box is full of dust
<Althego> the articles are not saying the same. maybe the flight really is in a few hour
<Althego> s
<Deddly> NASA's own website says the flight was planned for 3:30 EDT, which is 8:30 UTC, but the press release won't take place for a couple of hours
<Althego> but they also say live reaction
<Althego> maybe they need to wait for a satellite pass
<Deddly> Perhaps reaction to images?
<Deddly> If they have to wait for a satellite pass, why plan the flight for that time, I wonder?
<Althego> environmental conditions
<Althego> they want high pressure and low wind
<Althego> anyway we cant explain this discrepancy
<Deddly> Maybe they just don't want to get up so early ;)
<Althego> just ignore gravity, way simpler
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<Deddly> LOL
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<Althego> 30 minutes until stream
<flayer> nice
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<Althego> it is on
<Deddly> Woo
<Althego> 85% chance of flight with the workaround
<prefixcactus> when will they start receiving the actual data?
<Althego> they mentioned it earlier, was 3x
<Althego> but i dont remember :)
<Althego> so at most 30 minutes
<Althego> 10
<prefixcactus> I suppose the flight (or non-flight) is already taking place on Mars
<Althego> yes as the articles said, it happened hours ago
<prefixcactus> oh, hours even
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<Althego> i cant help it, i always find the voice of this guy funny
<prefixcactus> so there are additional delays on top of the transmission itself?
<prefixcactus> true
<Althego> like some cartoon character
<Althego> so probably what happened they were waiting for an orbiter pass
<prefixcactus> oh, that makes sense
<Althego> usually there is one link per sol
<Mat2ch> First delivery by SpaceX to Mars: Satellite network. ;)
<prefixcactus> it's weird to see all the people wearing facemasks on top of respirators
<Althego> we need that
<Mat2ch> and they will make them pay!
<Althego> them?
<Althego> the martians?
<Althego> 3 m hover, with martian gravity, even if it fails on top, it might survive
<Althego> hehe meanwhile canberra is sending to voyager 2
<Althego> looks like madrid is going to take mro data
<prefixcactus> while the fall shouldn't damage the innards, it could end up upside down and/or damage the blades
<Althego> yes
<Althego> should have sent a kerbal
<Althego> to repair it
<prefixcactus> kek
<prefixcactus> hm, 2500 RPM is on par with large earth-based quadcopters
<Althego> looked like an ubuntu on the laptop
<prefixcactus> yep, definitely
<prefixcactus> spacebuntu
<Althego> 2500 rpm is nothing
<prefixcactus> it is demanding for such rotor diameters
<prefixcactus> the motors should be totally ok with that, but the blades themselves must be extremely meticulously balanced
<Althego> i hope it also imaged the rover too, just as the rover made picture while the heli was hovering
<Mat2ch> that shouldn't be the problem
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<Althego> processing
<Althego> they are loking at some web thingie?
<Althego> unpacked image? does that mean a success? would it take a shot if it didnt fly?
<Mat2ch> No idea
<Althego> ah yes i forgot about the dust
<Althego> i wonder how long such a helicopter could remain operational
<prefixcactus> the speed of those confirmations suggests they're decoding it on a PDP-10 :>
<Althego> hehehe
<prefixcactus> yay terminal time
<Althego> it flew
<Althego> hehe it landed on different altitude
* prefixcactus claps vigorously
<Althego> which is ok with a rough terrain
<Althego> although it shouldnt have moved
<Althego> a shadow
<Althego> so hhow doe sit measur altitude? inertial? maybe the down looking camera too
<prefixcactus> I thought they have a radar/ultrasonic-type altimeter on it, which shows terrain altitude
<Althego> ah it has something for that
<Althego> it made a movie
<prefixcactus> Do they have any GNSS-type sats around Mars?
<Althego> no
<Althego> they have observation or observation and relay combos
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<Althego> but if you want to have position, from orbital images you can get coordinates
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<prefixcactus> Althego: where'd you get the graph? they didn't show it in my stream
<Althego> they did
<Althego> just for a short time
<Althego> anyway i would have been interested in, what the cause of the altititude difference was
<Althego> sensor hysteresis, ins drift, landing position difference, or some other error
<Althego> even if i say the legs distorted a little, they would create higher altitude
<prefixcactus> how much of a difference is there?
<Mat2ch> where do you see the different altitude?
<Althego> i though the 0 is the starting point
<Mat2ch> it's not :)
<Althego> so then it was 0 when it was uninitialized
<Mat2ch> just not logging the data, I guess, because it knew it was on the ground
<prefixcactus> looks like it
<Deddly> I would imagine flat line = no data
<Althego> null island strikes on mars too
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<Deddly> Also, that is so cool. Can't wait to see the full video
<prefixcactus> it appears to have landed slightly lower than from where it lifted off
<Althego> and that is ok
<Althego> because there was some force on the legs
<Althego> maybe they bent a little
<prefixcactus> by several cm maybe
<Althego> maybe there is a rock at the measurement point
<prefixcactus> probably the legs just sunk into the dust
<Deddly> Maybe a sandworm ate it
<prefixcactus> and/or there was some buildup in the center due to airflow
<Mat2ch> or the sensor isn't as exact as you
<Mat2ch> *as you think
<Mat2ch> I need a rice cooker.
<Mat2ch> Every time I manage to boil it over and have to scrub the stove afterwards :|
<Althego> hehe
<taniwha> too much water, perhaps
<taniwha> (should be 2x rice by volume)
<darsie> brb
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<Deddly> It'll still boil over if you don't turn down the temperature when it starts boiling :)
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<taniwha> a bit of oil, heat, 1u rice, stir for a bit in hot oil, 2u water, lid, wait for water to boil off. done
<taniwha> (well, mostly boil off, don't want to burn your rice)
<Mat2ch> taniwha: no, I just don't have the patience to wait until it boils and then turn off the heat. Or sometimes I just forget...
<taniwha> forgetting's always a problem :/
<Mat2ch> no patience and then forgetting. :D
<Mat2ch> but on the other hand: Dinner is ready! ;)
<taniwha> always a good thing
<Mat2ch> It was, it was
<Althego> put a camera there, train an neural network to notice boiling water, use that to notify you
<Izaya> rice cooker is probably cheaper and easier
<Izaya> but if you're going to do that have a little view of the camera as a dockapp on your windowmaker
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<prefixcactus> rice cookers are nice
<prefixcactus> especially if they are of the multiprogram variety so that you could cook other stuff in them too
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<prefixcactus> we end up only cooking rice in it anyway tho
<Mat2ch> well, that's why I would only go for the simplest ones with the magnet at the bottom that switches them off :D
<prefixcactus> kerbal recipe: put rice in pan, stir in hot machine oil, put water in fire extinguisher, put pan on top of mainsail, ignite
<Mat2ch> uhh, puffed rice!
<prefixcactus> wait till the dust settles, collect experimental data
<prefixcactus> inspect samples by chewing
<Althego> hehe
<umaxtu> hopefully the cat didn't take a dump in the rice
<prefixcactus> the cat will not go to space today
<JVFoxy> hopefully cellphone didn't get forgotten in rice
<prefixcactus> !mission
<LunchBot> prefixcactus: You stir the tanks. Physics fails you, and you fall through the floor.
<Althego> oh no
<JVFoxy> .. mental note: make sure pot has lid on it at all times while having a cat c_c;
<umaxtu> lol
<Deddly> !nextlunch
<LunchBot> Deddly: Chicken salad.
<JVFoxy> mind you, my room mates 5 cats, non of them cares to even go up on the stove
<Mat2ch> .oO( I hate cats sometimes )
<JVFoxy> sister had a cat, parents put a plastic cat turd on the stairs and tried to give her a hard time about the cat making a mess... I hate my parents sometimes.
<umaxtu> wow
<Althego> lol
<Althego> entitled parents
<JVFoxy> sister didn't fall for it though...
<JVFoxy> I miss my little fuzzies.. sadly, getting another is proven hard due to pandemic. :(
<umaxtu> mine are old now. already had to separately rush them to the vet once each because we thought they were dying.
<Deddly> Althego, very amusing
<JVFoxy> mine passed a few years ago. Was also same time a number of people I knew of who were having pets pass on as well
<Deddly> I love animals, but that part destroys me
<Deddly> I predict that 2025 will be the great petpocalypse
<Deddly> (masses of people got themselves pets during the pandemic)
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<prefixcactus> there will be several species-specific waves
<prefixcactus> !mission
<LunchBot> prefixcactus: You build a micro surfboard so you can surf the microwaves. Wernher von Kerman orders Bob to buy him a dozen brattwursts on the way back from the supermarket.
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<Althego> another stream is coming
<Althego> actually where was the horizontal picture from the drone? maybe they got it now
<Althego> only when people are standing next to the rocket can you realize how big it is
<Althego> the falcon 9 is transported and handled horizontally. "why dont they just" build a sort of car wash for it, rocket goes through and a ring of sprinklers sprays water. would get rid of that ugly soot
<Deddly> I think they are using the soot as a selling point right now. Soot means it is reusable, and it's a reminder to everyone who sees it
<Althego> spacex is like tesla. they dont need ads
<Deddly> Ingenuity's camera must have a crazy fast shutter to capture the rotors so sharply in that image of its own shadow
<Althego> i was surprised too
<Deddly> Black and white, low res also helps
<Althego> but it is not crazy high rpm, in the range a normal induction motor would do
<Deddly> What was it, 2500 RPM?
<Althego> 2400
<Deddly> Interesting. BBC says 2500. The rotors are 1.2 metres long
<umaxtu> BBC uses British minutes
<Althego> hehehe
<Deddly> LOL
<Deddly> I guess that 1.2 metres means from tip to tip
<Deddly> That means the tips of the rotors travel 3.77 metres per second
<Deddly> Er no
<Althego> wiki says 0.7 mach
<Althego> but i dont know the speed of sound in carbon dioxide
<Deddly> 3.77 metres for a single rotation, I meant to say
<Deddly> It travels those 3.77 metres 2400 times per second
<Deddly> Maths was never my strong point, but doesn't that add up to over 9000 m/s?
<Althego> rpm not rps
<Deddly> Ah yes
<Deddly> 150
<Deddly> 540 KMH
<Deddly> 336 MPH
<Althego> that seems kind of low
<Althego> at least if i compare to standard atmosphere air
<Althego> but it is way colder and carbon dioxide
<Althego> i dont even know how speed of sound changes with temperature
<Deddly> I think temperature only has an impact because it changes the air density
<Althego> seems to be a function of square root of temperature. so yes it gets lower
<Deddly> Google tells me that the speed of sound on Mars is 240 m/s
<flayer> but what is the speed of your pants on venus?
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<Althego> lol
<Althego> what does that supposed to mean
<Deddly> flayer, they dissolve at 5g/s
<Althego> there isnt, they evaporate
<Althego> or yes rather dissolve in supercritical carbon dioxide
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<Mat2ch> Althego: the soot is probably burnt into the paint
<Mat2ch> so no easy cleaning
<Althego> hmm, can be, after all it came from a fire
<Mat2ch> I'm not sure if it is the fire itself or the heat shield below that partially gets ablated
<Mat2ch> but they are burning Kerosin there, which has Carbon in it, so it could be unburnt Carbon that gets integrated into the paint
<Mat2ch> (and if I read the translation of soot correctly it is really meaning "Unburnt Carbon"
<Mat2ch> )
<Deddly> If you watch video from on-board the booster during re-entry and landing, you can see that soot builds up on the camera lens during burns
<Deddly> And since they are running a ruel-rich ratio, there is a lot of unburned fuel
<Mat2ch> that's true. And somehow it gets removed, too. Some coating maybe?
<Deddly> Perhaps it's soot mixed with water vapour?
<Deddly> They could also have a transparent lens protector that rotates
<Mat2ch> possible
<Mat2ch> like F1 cars ;)
<FLHerne> Mat2ch: At least some of the soot comes off easily, the astronauts doodled white marks on it with their fingers
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> stream started
<Althego> also there is an unrelated scott video
<Althego> hmm, no color image
<Althego> lol they got an aircraft designation
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<Deddly> "like flying 3 times higher than the Himalayas" <-- Does that mean they could take off from Everest and fly up to 24,000 m?
<Althego> doubt it has enough battery for that. also higher gravity
<Deddly> Well, I meant the altitude rather than actually being able to do that
<Deddly> But year, gravity
<Deddly> yeah*
<Althego> certainly himalaya altitude and temperature is nothing to this
<Althego> it may be overpowered
<Althego> can it be damaged ffrom that?
<Deddly> From what? I'm behind on the stream right now
<Althego> if we tried to fly it from mount everest
<Deddly> Can it be damaged from being overpowered?
<Althego> yes
<Deddly> I would imagine not
<Althego> it is designed for low pressure
<Deddly> I suppose if they spooled it up to max RPM and lift it could theoretically rip the blades off
<Althego> next flight on thursday
<Deddly> He says 2600 RPM
<Deddly> Nice to see the whole video. Will be cool when they get the rest of the frames and the zoomed-in material
<Althego> yes, that is already a lot of frames
<Althego> way more i hoped for
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<Deddly> It seems to me that they god a lot more material in a shorter time than they did from the landing
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<Deddly> Perhaps their uplink is faster now that the rover is fully deployed?
<Deddly> got*
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<Althego> what, 2026 lander?
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<umaxtu> Althego, sample return?
<Althego> yes they mentioned it
<Althego> later
<Althego> but as i said some weeks (?) ago, it is not even named yet
<Althego> the only thing wiki knows of mars 2026 is a polar lander thing
<Althego> but that is most certainly something else
<Althego> and it uses the same base as phoenix and insight
<flayer> maybe the spacex thing can bring the lander into orbit around mars
<Althego> there is a 2024 2026 spacex thing for mars, but i almost laughed about it being manned
<Althego> oh wait they are not in order
<Althego> lol
<Althego> there are tweo other mars things
<Althego> one indeed is the sample return
<Althego> but the sample return is still sketchy
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