Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<Althego> oh event horizon with batyhgin about planet 9
<Althego> this has to be interesting, but first, flat earth :)
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<Skywalker10000> Someone still here?
<Althego> possibly
<Skywalker10000> I need some help and I can't wait for the mods to approve my post
<Althego> at this point raptop is probably asleep and cant approve
<Skywalker10000> I just downloaded KSP, latest Version (from the official page) but I accidentally installed the rusian language pack only
<Skywalker10000> Yeah, it's 8:21AM where I am
<Skywalker10000> Anyway, I don't understand cyrillic and I haven't got enough nerve to learn it
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> what if you reinstall it?
<Althego> just download the correct one
<Skywalker10000> It took me 2 hrs to intall. No, I don't think so
<Skywalker10000> Do you have an english dictionary.cfg file?
<Skywalker10000> Hello?
<Althego> 2 hours? the last dial up?
<Althego> btw there is an english patch too
<Skywalker10000> No, down. 2hrs 12mins
<Skywalker10000> I can't find the english patch
<Althego> just 73 megs
<Skywalker10000> On what page?
<Althego> exactly the same place as the russian, just below
<Skywalker10000> The problem is, there is no english patch
<Althego> login. click donwload for kerbal space program. scroll down. under more downloads there is a language patches link. and ther you can find an englsh
<Skywalker10000> I'm feeling stupid right now
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<Althego> oh i didnt notice this yesterday
<Althego> tim dodd and peter beck
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<Althego> hehe next rocket lab launch is called running out of toes. it is number 20
<Althego> because people are stupid. they dont count in binary on their fingers, but unary. with binary you could go up to 1023 with your fingers only
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<minas_tirith> Althego, how many digits do you have
<Althego> as in fingers?
<Althego> 10, but that means 10 bits
<Althego> so you can count on fingers up to 1023
<Althego> but that is if you use only binary. you can have several finger positions, so you can at least have ternary
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<darsie> 1337
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<Althego> huh, barely got through the tako stream from yesterday, the reaper stream started
<Althego> guh
<Mat2ch> FLHerne: Static fire on Monday hopefully \o/
<Mat2ch> Too many days without a Starship flying.
<Althego> wasnt it friday a few days ago?
<Mat2ch> yeah, but apparently the Raptors didn't get delivered in time
<Mat2ch> They should install them today or during the weekened and on Monday is static fire then.
<Althego> but when is the flight of ingenuity?
<Althego> next week
<Althego> but not specified
<Althego> poor s7. after 5 years, a replaced screen, a replaced battery, the backplate has separated, probably pressure from the battery. sometimes just turns off. lost water resistance. i think it is time to retire it. was only used inhouse in wifi. f (for respects)
<umaxtu> f
<Althego> it accompanied me to germany and canada. the last two years were just extra time i got out of it (the sim is in the new phone).
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<Guest52149> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest52149
<Guest52149> I need help with ksp
<Althego> i need healing
<Guest52149> I have the glitch
<Guest52149> on the loading screen
<Guest52149> modcall
<Mod9000> Calling the mods for you, Guest52149
<Althego> no need for that
<Guest52149> oh ok so can you help me
<Althego> we will never know if you dont state what the problem is
<TheKosmonaut> He's also a moderator so dunno why you need to mod-call. But explain the issue and we can see what is up.
<Guest52149> oh I have the loading asset bundle definitions glitch on my loading screen and it doesn't move
<TheKosmonaut> Mods?
<Guest52149> this is my first time on computer I usually play on console so no mods just squads
<Guest52149> what do I do
<Althego> i havent seen this issue yet
<Althego> is it steam version? that can do a self check
<Guest52149> some people have reported it and fixed it but idk hwo
<Guest52149> I bought it form ksp website
<Althego> no self check there
<Althego> so it never even run even once?
<Guest52149> nope
<Guest52149> is it able to be fixed do you think?
<Althego> how much ram you have? at least one time somebody had this because of running out of ram
<Guest52149> where do I find how much I have
<Althego> what os?
<Guest52149> catalina
<Guest52149> mac
<Althego> oh no, mac. my arch enemy
<Guest52149> my friend also does it on mac
<Althego> yes, it should run on the mac, but i practically know nothing avbout it
<Guest52149> do you know someone who does
<Althego> but if it is a mac i doubt it is a not enough memory issue
<Guest52149> but my friend has same computer and had no problem]
<Guest52149> I have 200gb avail so memory not issue
<umaxtu> thats probably not memory then
<Althego> that is probably hdd/ssd free space. i doubt you are trying to run it on something that has more than 200 gb ram
<umaxtu> that 200gb is probably storage
<Guest52149> I got 8gb memory
<Althego> there should be no problem with that
<Guest52149> so what do I do
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<Althego> i cant find anything related from the last year
<Althego> and i doubt issues like this from 2016 are relevant
<Guest52149> well someone online had this issue 4 years ago
<Althego> yes, there is this
<Althego> you can try doing the same things, whatever these are
<Althego> but a lot of things happened to the game since
<Althego> Try this:
<Althego> If you open the app bundle by right clicking on it and navigating the internal structure to the MacOS folder and run the executable directly.
<Althego> whatever that means
<Guest52149> ii have no idea what that means
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<Guest60562> im back in another account ar you still there
<umaxtu> no. we all died
<Guest60562> so no-one knows how to hero the assets bundle definition glitch
<Guest60562> modcall
<Mod9000> Calling the mods for you, Guest60562
<Althego> i said dont do that
<Guest60562> well I did not see that you were online and this guy said you were not
<Guest60562> so what do I do know
<Althego> possible fixes include installing a linux on the mac :)
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<Mat2ch> that was not nice
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<Althego> what wasnt nice
<Althego> some event
* raptop stabs things
<Althego> raptor with a knife. that's not a knife. this is a knife
<raptop> if guest pulls the fire alarm when I'm awake...
<Althego> i still think installing linux would have helped :)
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<raptop> I'd randomly guess that reinstalling the game would fix things
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<FLHerne> Word is that SpaceX (only) won the HLS award
<FLHerne> $2.9bn to land people on the Moon
<Althego> only?
<Althego> what is the other option
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<FLHerne> National Team and/or Dynetics
<FLHerne> NASA were originally aiming to select at least two bids
<umaxtu> but congress wouldn't give them enough money
<Althego> hehe
<umaxtu> congress is probably pissed now
<Althego> i bet national team is the most expensive anyway
<Althego> and they wanted to use them anyway
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* Mat2ch smells corruption
<Althego> and we have to stop here
<Althego> hehe capcom sponsored kyle hill to science the tall vampire woman
<raptop> science how, the optimal height difference for kabedonning?
<raptop> anyway, remember when boeing could make rockets?
<Althego> no, what would a tall vampire woman stepping on you do
<raptop> ah
<Althego> remember when boeing could make planes?
<raptop> lolsob
<Mat2ch> Althego: low punch!
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<Althego> this. is. kerbin!
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<Althego> didnt help
<raptop> 38 seconds
<Althego> 1 minute 37 seconds
<Althego> quite long
<Althego> phoenix in half an hour but i am going to sleep
<Althego> human landing systems announcement
<Althego> i think i will need to wtch this back tomorrow
<Althego> anyway the best bet would be the dynetics and spacex. probably the two together doesnt cost as much as the national team, and both are reusable
<Althego> kikkerikii
<Mat2ch> SpaceX won
<Althego> what
<Althego> they alone?
<Althego> that was the only?
<Althego> i thought it meant they could have won something else
<Althego> subscribe
<Althego> but i am done for
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<FLHerne> "In response to a question, NASA confirms that Starship will not launch to lunar orbit on SLS."
<minas_tirith> NASA isn't dumb
<minas_tirith> They know that elon's loony dreams still have a long time before they would be in a workable shape
<raptop> It's going to feel weird if Starship reaches orbit before SLS
<minas_tirith> raptop, hi
<raptop> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, raptop
<raptop> okay, also hi to the bot
<Mat2ch> raptop: They want to launch Starship this year into orbit
<Mat2ch> I mean
<Mat2ch> what
<Mat2ch> ok, they don't need much anymore. Booster has to fly
<Mat2ch> everything else has already proven that it can indeed fly.
<Mat2ch> Vacuum raptors will be flown on the first orbital attempt.
<raptop> I don't want to bet money in either direction on that
<Mat2ch> Yes it's crazy how fast they are working. But tbh it's only crazy because we haven't seen much in all the other business sectors...
<Mat2ch> I will not bet money on anything ;)
<Mat2ch> my problem with the SpaceX solution is that you need an elevator.
<Mat2ch> and yes, the concept is nice, but what if it breaks? Someone then has to climb up. In a space suit
<Mat2ch> on the other hand is the storage capacity of a Starship. They can bring up a base on a single landing.
<raptop> Hopefully they're thinking about spares, repairability, etc, and reasonable testing
<raptop> It would be nice if real life were like KSP and you could just jetpack up, though
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<Mat2ch> You can't jetpack very well on the Mun either
<Mat2ch> But they could just bring two cranes.
<Mat2ch> One with the plattform and one like a winch
<Mat2ch> and then at least one astronaut has to stay on board all the time to operate the winch if necessary
<Mat2ch> and yes, bring spares. The ship is big enough... :D
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<TonyC> hello everyone
<Mat2ch> hello TonyC
<TonyC> so, big news today about SpaceX it seems
<Mat2ch> yes
<Mat2ch> and some very unhappy people at Boeing ;)
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<umaxtu> eh, I'm sure their congress critters will be trying everything they can
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<JVFoxy> ooooh.. 1.11.2 is out..
<JVFoxy> Lol... looking at bug fix list.. earlier, you could weigh down a kerbal, make it jump, death on landing cuz of weight huH?
<JVFoxy> Well more the jump didn't scale properly to weight but anyways
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> the SpaceX footage at the end is very carefully selected.
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