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minas_tirith has joined #KSPOfficial
SpacePErson has joined #KSPOfficial
<SpacePErson> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, SpacePErson
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<SpacePErson> hi again lol
<SpacePErson> sry I had to change my username
<SpacePErson> cool
<raptop> /nick newname
<SpacePErson> oh
<SpacePErson> ok
SpacePErson is now known as isdi0
<isdi0> Sup
<isdi0> only up to 720p?
<isdi0> huh
<raptop> Apparently
<isdi0> what even is bermuda
<isdi0> oh wait
<isdi0> what rocket is that I meant
<isdi0> and what is it for
<isdi0> sry i haven't been keeping up with NASA
<isdi0> oh black brant xii
<raptop> Yeah, launching particles to study wind patterns AIUI
<isdi0> ok
<isdi0> cool
<isdi0> i might be able to see it in the sky
<isdi0> im on the eastern coast
<isdi0> north carolina
<isdi0> numbers are going up
<isdi0> for people watching
<isdi0> 74.6k rn
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<raptop> weather scrub
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<Guest17082> wat the
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* raptop sigh
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<Althego> at least the spacex launch went perfectly
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<raptop> yeah, that at least went well
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<Althego> hmm so many flat earth videos
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<flayer> its not perfect
<Althego> it looks like a chimera of several things
<flayer> it leans to the right a little bit, and turning the throttle on results in some spinning until the rear rotor gets up to speed
<Althego> congratulations on getting it flying
<flayer> but i can use the throttle to determine its lift, and #2 hotkey to engage forward thrust
<Althego> i tried helicopters but even a coaxial is somehow bothersome
<flayer> and i've got the control necessary to land just about anywhere
<flayer> yeah, its not easy
<flayer> alright
<flayer> coffe in mah belly
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<Mat2ch> Did you all get the news that SpaceX filed for a Starship orbital test flight this June?
<Althego> is that the 3/4 orbit and splashing down near hawaii thing?
<Mat2ch> Don't know. Just saw the shortnews.
<Mat2ch> Have to dig further first :D
<Althego> schedule seems to be tight. still has to make the complete heat shielding including something for the fins, which is hard to do because of the hinges
<Althego> and the booster hasnt even hopped yet
<Mat2ch> yeah
<Mat2ch> but BN3 will fly to orbit no matter what.
<Mat2ch> And the heat shielding could be easier than some might think
<Mat2ch> And they wont land any of the stages in a serious way anyways...
<Althego> in the water
<Althego> but i expect to collect them anyway
<flayer> they filed for a test flight in june - i expect it to happen in december
<flayer> we'll see tho
<Althego> this orbit date was their original target months ago
<Mat2ch> oh, wow, full coverage all the way down for the last F9 booster
<Althego> no coverage for the chinese lander :)
<Althego> while perseverance had several views of itself
<Mat2ch> and it does look like the upper stage had some kind of fuel leaking problem?!
<Althego> btw did the electron first stage land?
<Althego> upper stage of what?
<Mat2ch> F9
<Althego> how do you know that?
<Mat2ch> in the stream you can see something evaporating at the back and creating ice there
<Mat2ch> I'm not sure if that is a problem or normal
<Mat2ch> never seen it before.
<Mat2ch> !nextlunch
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: Raisin bran.
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<flayer> i think that's a normal occurance
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<Althego> kikkerikii
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<FLHerne> !nextlunch add bacon and mustard sandwich
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added lunch: Bacon and mustard sandwich
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<Althego> scott
<Althego> less than 1 minute lol
<darsie> :)
<Mat2ch> uhhh, the new crane seems to be getting ready.
<Mat2ch> Will we see the launch table getting lifted in the next weeks?
<Mat2ch> Who knows, who knows...
<Althego> oh no. gura-calli stream at 4 a tomorrow. and by that time ina's stream already concluded, plus kiara's superchat reading from this stream i have to watch tomorrow, plus some flat earth antics
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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