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<Althego> went to jita. i noticed my ares looked rusted and sandblasted. i wonder if it is because of its age, or my age
<Althego> in the ship paining interface it looks brand new
<Althego> it must be some effect
<Althego> flayer: just like me yesterday you managed to link a picture with a swear word. also this is getting close to politics
<flayer> it just makes me sad
<Althego> yes. also very dumb. it just shows how keeping homeless people on the streets costs more than to put roof above them
<Althego> yes somehow consistently the wrong decision happens
<flayer> alright
<flayer> time for shower and then shop
<flayer> someone kick me in the butt to get me going
<Althego> scott
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<Althego> what are the birds under sn15?
<Althego> if thousand years later somebody found the orbital launch pad, they would think it was some kind of ritual thing, or stonehenge
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<Mat2ch> Althego: something terrible must have happend if all the historical records got deleted in a way that nobody can figure out why it is there.
<Mat2ch> But if you are advanced enough to find the pad there you might be advanced enough to get that it was a landing pad of some kind.
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<Mat2ch> .oO( when the pancakes look like another planet they are good )
<Althego> hehe never thought of them like that
<Althego> but yes like small craters
<Althego> kikkerikii
<Mat2ch> You never did?!
<Mat2ch> Mine look like the Moon all the time :D
<Althego> i thought of them as food
<Althego> and i am not galactus
<Althego> did i watch haachama eat a moth larva?
<Althego> i am not exactly sure because there is a bird too and i was going to jita again because i forgot stuff
<Althego> frighter prices sure gone up. they used to be around 1 billion for more than a decade
<Althego> now close to 3
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<Althego> guh
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<Althego> lol boxing
<raptop> o_O
<Althego> anyway that poor t-rex
<sandbox> I was going to say, that's not how you spell T. rex
<Althego> somehow this reminded me of T-Rex na Kanojo
<Althego> at least in that raptors had feathers as they should have
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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