raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
<immibis> you mean how to go there? type /join #kspmodders
<Guest30609> yeah
<Guest30609> so I write this here and already change the channel?
<Guest30609> thank you!
<Guest30609> because it appears this: #kspmodders Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services
<Alanonzander> you need to register your nick, and identify for it to get into that channel.
<Alanonzander> Google "nickserv" and see how that works.
<Guest30609> okay, I will try it, thank you!
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<Althego> lol nvidia update. took away the sound. turned out it set the default update to the monitor which doesnt have any actual output
<Althego> output
<Althego> not update
<XXCoder> wow what a ness over there at freenode
<XXCoder> staff just did more hosile takeovers of channels
<jgkamat> they closed all channels with "libera" in the title afaik
<XXCoder> yeah
<jgkamat> why they closed them instead of changing the topic back is beyond my understanding
<XXCoder> freenode news basically says you cannot close channel period
<XXCoder> it must stay open
<XXCoder> ironic that they are closing em...
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<Althego> is there a lunar eclipse tuday?
<Althego> today
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<raptop> Althego: yes, however it's not visible in europe
<raptop> Presumably hololive-jp and hololive-id can see it
<Althego> but they are stuck in front of a compute
<Althego> r
<raptop> U1 is 09:44:57 UTC, U4 is 12:52:22 UTC
<raptop> I guess that's a slight problem for them
<Althego> thunderf00t did a pretty good documentary style video about apollo 13
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<raptop> for some reason I was immediately reminded of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM8kjDF0IJU
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<Althego> hah tehre are lunar eclipse livestreams
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<Mat2ch> XXCoder: just shows that moving away from Freenode was the right choice.
<XXCoder> yeah
<XXCoder> Mat2ch: whats funny it included channels with topic like "discussion on freenode and libera"
<XXCoder> way to help the discussoon.. lol
<Mat2ch> Choices made easy...
<XXCoder> freenode just apologized
<XXCoder> seems they undid the changes? dunno
<XXCoder> dont care have moved on
<Mat2ch> I mean, wreaking havoc is a good way to build trust!
<Mat2ch> I'm waiting for two channels to decide to move. One is Freecad.
<XXCoder> yeah
<XXCoder> freecad and inkscape is closely related
<XXCoder> inkscape is now on move soon
<Mat2ch> Nice. In Freecad it seems only the bot is missing. But that should be easy to change. Just change the server in its config and restart...
<XXCoder> basically
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<Mat2ch> XXCoder: for carpentry moving parts could help, when modelling doors for cabinets to see if the fit
<XXCoder> freecad do have that feature
<XXCoder> never used it'
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<Mat2ch> XXCoder: oh, funny, I wrote in the wrong channel :D
<Mat2ch> I'm confused...
<XXCoder> lol
<minas_tirith> XXCoder, what is freecad
<minas_tirith> Does it calculate forces, moments, tensions etc
<minas_tirith> Can it model the real materials well
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, what is freecad
<minas_tirith> Does it help with screws and gears?
<Mat2ch> It's a CAD software application that lets you design stuff
<Mat2ch> and it is open source
<Mat2ch> free and open source, to be precise.
<XXCoder> its not as amazing as pro software, but its zero cist
<XXCoder> cost
<minas_tirith> Ok but what is a cad
<XXCoder> 0.20 should be pretty good
<XXCoder> oh computer assisted design
<minas_tirith> yeah full forms are easy to google
<minas_tirith> but what does it actually do
<XXCoder> you model something in it. like a wheel or machine part etc
<minas_tirith> XXCoder, will it calculate stresses, moments, etc
<minas_tirith> does it have good modelling of existing materials such as friction coefficients, tensile strengths etc
<minas_tirith> elasticity and so on too
<minas_tirith> ie of the important mechanical and physical properties
<minas_tirith> XXCoder, have you made things you invented inside freecad?
<minas_tirith> How much did the actual item differ from the mathematical models?
<XXCoder> yeah. well differences is result of creation
<XXCoder> not model itself
<XXCoder> for example 3d printer can make part slightly thicker and taller
<minas_tirith> XXCoder, does it show you how much force and stress is there at each points of the object
<XXCoder> and holes theres something we call "polyholes"
<XXCoder> theres finite analsys system
<XXCoder> but i never used it
<minas_tirith> yes fem
<minas_tirith> Fem is important
<minas_tirith> XXCoder, how do you know how your machine performs without the fem etc?
<Mat2ch> experience.
<XXCoder> experence or broken parts lol
<XXCoder> i dont make complex stuff
<Mat2ch> but there are some crazy people doing crazy stuff in FreeCAD including FEM
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, experience is expensive
<minas_tirith> Performing some math is cheap
<minas_tirith> XXCoder, what were you making
<minas_tirith> What do you usually make
<Mat2ch> minas_tirith: if you are doing it professionally then yes. But not for the stuff I do.
<XXCoder> oh it varies by a lot. i recently made jokers and pegs game board
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, what do you do
<minas_tirith> XXCoder, oh okay
<minas_tirith> Things are much easier without moving parts
<Mat2ch> a few parts for 3d printing, nothing special and some cnc work
<minas_tirith> XXCoder, I was looking at the theory of screws, gears and linkages recently
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, where did you get a cnc
<Mat2ch> Bought it. ;)
<Mat2ch> Small table cnc router
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, rich
<XXCoder> dont have to be
<Mat2ch> Nah, the small ones are cheap
<XXCoder> you can build one slowly across time
<Mat2ch> around the cost of a better 3d printer
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, do they accept the f-codes or whatever its called
<XXCoder> or buy one of those crap tiny cnc router for $100 lol
<Mat2ch> g code
<XXCoder> gcodes
<XXCoder> you can have setup so linuxcnc controls cnc
<XXCoder> or have martin and such. those is much lower quality than linuxcnc
<minas_tirith> XXCoder, machines are very expensive
<XXCoder> youre picturing pro mnachines
<XXCoder> those can be 100k or more
<XXCoder> you can build one for thousand dollars
<minas_tirith> XXCoder, where do you get the right kinds of motors
<minas_tirith> how do you accurately control them
<minas_tirith> where did you get screw bars etc
<XXCoder> nema43 is easy to get.
<XXCoder> BOB (breakout board) and 3 tb6600s wont cross 100 dollars
<minas_tirith> Is it strong enough to extrude the metals
<XXCoder> extrude metal?
<minas_tirith> Like cut away at a metal
<XXCoder> ah mill metal
<XXCoder> not really, you would use it for very weak alum at best
<minas_tirith> Ok
<XXCoder> my machine can mill alum, but not too great. overall, it cost me 1k
<minas_tirith> XXCoder, then what do you use it for if most metals are out of the question
<XXCoder> wood
<minas_tirith> Oh ok
<minas_tirith> XXCoder, yes wood is a good idea
<minas_tirith> Though I guess you can't use the wood much for making gears or screws
<minas_tirith> How do you make gears and screws?
<Mat2ch> For milling aluminium you need a better spindle than the regular ones you get for the cheap cnc mills. But after that it's all a matter of how fast you wanna go
<Mat2ch> I could mill steel on my cnc router, but I'd have to go very very slow
<Mat2ch> and do manual cooling and stuff.
<Mat2ch> minas_tirith: you should watch Wintergatan :D
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, have you been able to make screws
<Mat2ch> Martin makes gears out of wood
<Mat2ch> it's a router, not a mill (mixed that up earlier)
<Mat2ch> so no screws
<minas_tirith> Ok
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, screws are important
<Mat2ch> buying is cheaper and easier than making
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, where did you get screws for x-y movement
<minas_tirith> Those long lead screw things
<Mat2ch> ahhh, that's what you mean. It came with the kit I bought.
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, what is it called
<Mat2ch> I got the 420
<Althego> ball screw?
<Althego> which is not screw ball :)
<minas_tirith> I meant what the lead-screw thing is called
<minas_tirith> Is there a special name for it
<minas_tirith> Exactly, thanks Althego
<minas_tirith> I needed to know what its called
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<XXCoder> sigh i hate it when i change settings on hexchat
<XXCoder> i have to close program so it saves
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<Althego> (local) leet time
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<Althego> omg blue origin is going to get a bailout. because poor jeff cant afford it or something
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<Mat2ch> I saw that, too, but is it really real?
<Althego> it is just a tweet
<Althego> who knows
<Althego> realistic if you think of sls :)
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<Althego> eh ingenuity flight moved to the 30th
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<Althego> again?
* raptop assumes that they're drones
<Althego> with the same lame ir footage?
<Althego> oh wait this is something else
<Althego> oh no, it is the same
<darsie> already saw it.
<Mat2ch> Hey, Fran is not just some charlatan
<Mat2ch> the most interesting thing I learnt is that we might get an official report in the next few weeks...
<Mat2ch> and no you can't just say "this is an IR error", when it's also on radar AND the pilots see it.
<Mat2ch> and you have to admit that this looks rather real.
<Mat2ch> And like a space ship.
<Althego> ah this is new
<Althego> i mean new tome
<Mat2ch> Shiny polished hull to get rid of heat
<Althego> mostly spherical. balloon?
<Mat2ch> moving at the speed of sound?
<Althego> now that is interesting
<Althego> way more interesting than the ir videos
<Althego> dont forget about the launch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRu-ekesDyY
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<Mat2ch> tbh, the one picture looks like a space ship we would design.
<Mat2ch> There's a ring around it
<Mat2ch> and two "drives"?
<Mat2ch> the real question is: Why don't the detect the radar from the planes? Or do they just not care at all?
<Mat2ch> or... is radar so ancient to them that they don't scan for it?
<Mat2ch> at 14:05 she says "like it's moving in its own space". And that is probably the solution. We have theories about this and call it "warp drive".
<Mat2ch> if you can move the space around you than air doesn't matter, water doesn't matter, maybe even matter doesn't matter...
<Althego> oh yes kuma kuma kuma bear
<Mat2ch> maybe it's all about energy. So you need a certain amount of energy to "bend" stuff around you
<Mat2ch> hm
<Mat2ch> could be a secondary technology though
<Althego> you want a kugelblitz powered spaceship? that is quite high tech from the point where we stand
<Althego> it is almost like the romulan artificial black hole powered ships
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Althego> that thing looks a bit romulan
<Mat2ch> it does
<Mat2ch> it looks like a camper, the old airstream, with a ring around it and two gondolas
<Mat2ch> In my head I've tried to simulate a warp field that uses only two gondolas and not the whole ring
<Althego> 21 minutes and no stream yet
<Mat2ch> it should be possible to create a almost round warp field with only three gondolas. Maybe even reduce it to two.
<Mat2ch> *even possible to
<Althego> wesley's static warp bubble :)
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<Althego> music
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<Althego> t-12 min
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<Althego> t-1 min
<Althego> liftoff
<Althego> omg a visible sonic boom
<Althego> that looked so nice
<Althego> you could see the exact moment it broke through the sound barrier
<Althego> heh image lost on the first stage
<Althego> oh come on, not even video from the ship
<Althego> ah there it is
<Althego> not exactly in the enter
<Althego> it is wednesday. no wintergatan video up yet
<Mat2ch> he posted things on Instagram which I know because I read on discord... ;)
<Mat2ch> so we might see something play today
<Althego> that is tomorrow for me
<Althego> i cant even wait for the deploy
<darsie> What are you doing instead of waiting? :)
<Althego> sleeping
<darsie> k :)
<Althego> burn coming up
<Althego> burn ok
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<Alanonzander> Better for cargo than passengers
<XXCoder> wouldnt know that, but cutting down pollution is great
<raptop> "He said that 47% of regional aeroplane flights connect cities that are less than 230 miles (370km) apart,"
<raptop> uh
<raptop> That's driving distance
<raptop> Or I guess if you're going to insist on something else, how's HS2 going?
<XXCoder> yeah seems not everyone wants to drive
<raptop> "The aircraft, which can take off and land from almost any flat surface, reached heights of 7,000ft (2,100m) and speeds of up to 50 knots (57mph) during its final tests. "
<raptop> Oh
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<raptop> This suggests that for the purposes of intercity travel it's competitive with... buses
<Alanonzander> right
<raptop> And in some cases amtrak, but that's amtrak
<XXCoder> more flexability though and no traffic
<Alanonzander> imagine delivery service landing on roof, for deliveries
<XXCoder> and you get a view too
<Alanonzander> no double parking
<raptop> How are you getting to it/from it?
<Alanonzander> yeah
<raptop> Are you sure about the no traffic, given airspace regulations?
<raptop> Can it actually do the flexible point to point that you're describing?
<XXCoder> raptop: same ways you get to and away from buses, trains, short range planes
<raptop> I'd expect to be operating out of normalish airports
<raptop> XXCoder: I've actually given up on some attempts to use trains upon realizing that it would need to have long term parking at one end, and a family memeber would need to drive 10+ miles to pick me up at the other
<XXCoder> yeah when live alone with no nearby friends or family makes it harder
<XXCoder> true for anyone really
<raptop> (The specific case I'm thinking of is Kansas City <--> Santa Fe)
<raptop> Buses, uh, I never was able to use them when I lived in KC. I think the nearest stop was over a mile away?
<raptop> Now in the DC area, I have used them, though been frequently let down by the system
<XXCoder> yeah usa isnt much on bus :(
<raptop> (What about the subway you ask? Well, it's nice when I can use it, but the nearest stop is ~3.2 miles away, and I've fallen between the cracks on buses fairly often)
<raptop> Walking home from the station because I'm between buses or after the last bus is totally doable, and I've done so on I think at least 4 occasions
<XXCoder> what is subway? ;)
<XXCoder> never been in one
<raptop> heavy rail intracity transit that for some reason is rarely standard gauge
<raptop> typically underground near the city center
* raptop is to be clear complaining primarily about WMATA and BART, though some rail systems in Pennsylvania probably also count
<XXCoder> lol ok :)
<XXCoder> sadly in west usa subs is pretty rare
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