Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: |
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<DuoDex> WEll.
<DuoDex> sun is not doing
* raptop stares at the time
<DuoDex> Hello raptop
<Althego> what, you can see time?
<DuoDex> Hello Althego
<UmbralRaptop> Althego: yeah, it turns out that I got a NIST microchip instead of a 5G one
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<Althego> too painful to not distribute it further
<raptop> hah!
<Mat2ch> I don't get it...
<Mat2ch> house moon, house storage building?
<Mat2ch> I don't get it.
<raptop> a house for storing wares
<Althego> i didnt get it either, but i was told
<Althego> which is a... warehouse
<Mat2ch> oh
<Mat2ch> OH
<Mat2ch> it's not very clear that the house transforms.
<Mat2ch> looked more like the moon transformed into the warehouse
<sandbox> werehouse
<sandbox> but that means man-house
<UmbralRaptop> informal meaning is a bit different from the old english root
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<packbart> of course the germans are going to annex another system soon m)
<darsie> 1337
<Althego> hans, bring the flammenwerfer
<darsie> ahh, damn, it's only 12:37
<Althego> lol
<darsie> someone leeted and I did, too, in a hurry :)
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<Deddly> Ah nuts. I have a crazy flattie responding to that comment I made months ago on YouTube
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> at least one of the famous ones?
<Deddly> Just a random person on the internet as far as I know. He's trying to claim that the moon is upside down when viewed from the southern hemisphere because you go underneath it and view it from the other side, but when I ask why that doesn't happen when I go east or west, he starts talking about something else
<Deddly> The trick is to not even pick up on their new arguments but to keep going back to the same point until they give in, because they cannot answer it
<Althego> would be so easy to go to the other side of the flat earth to see the back side of the moon. yet somehow doesnt happen
<Althego> today i can easily live with somebody being wrong on the internet
<Althego> wasnt always so
<Althego> (local) leet time
<darsie> .
<Deddly> I wouldn't even engage in people like this normally, but it's because me comment was favourited on a popular channel so it keeps coming up
<Althego> hehehe
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<TheKosmonaut> Deddly: if it makes you feel better, I have relatives that are legit FE "Truthers"
<Deddly> Kosmo, RELATIVES? Oh no...
<Deddly> That must be awful
<TheKosmonaut> OH yeah
<TheKosmonaut> He posted some video of a space walk and said "Do you notice anything weird?"
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<TheKosmonaut> and I bit.. because I am a masochist apparently.
<Deddly> People who believe that rubbish must have a motive. What is theirs?
<kubi> Earth is not entirely flat
<kubi> there are hills, holes and stuff
<TheKosmonaut> He then told me how earth was clearly a flat sheet and the ISS was floating above it
<TheKosmonaut> He also went on about the fake moon landings
<TheKosmonaut> The best part, in unmentionable topics he is also quite controversial. So when he said something particularly outlandish, I said I really dont think his opinion matters since he believed earth is flat. To which he denied every saying the earth was flat, and as I was going back through my comment history with him, I caught him scrubbing those threads so I couldnt find them. Luckily, I had screenshots.
<Althego> hehe
<TheKosmonaut> He then compared my calling him out to some inquisition that is unexpected and blocked me
<Deddly> LOL
<Althego> nobody expects...
<kubi> do you need to talk to him
<Althego> 100 min to mori
<kubi> want to inferit his wealth, or what?
<kubi> inherit
<TheKosmonaut> Not particularly, and I pretty much shut off that specific space of Social Media months back.
<TheKosmonaut> He probably doesnt have anything other than a knife collection that he "sword dances" with
<kubi> that could be something
<kubi> a knife that was in Julius Caesae once could worth some :)
<Althego> hehe
<TheKosmonaut> I woudl wager it is 99% mall ninja garbage, 1% decent knives
<TheKosmonaut> what a chad he is. Living his best life.
<Althego> that presumes at least 100 knifes
<TheKosmonaut> Sword dancing and flat earthing
<TheKosmonaut> Althego: It was a whole room dedicated to knives
<TheKosmonaut> It was honestly a little concerning.
<TheKosmonaut> Oh SHOOT
<TheKosmonaut> I remember, he had a bat'leth
<Althego> hehe
<TheKosmonaut> Dna
<Althego> that is nerd credits there
<TheKosmonaut> dang it*
<kubi> and he might be the happiest amongst us
<TheKosmonaut> I should get a D'k tahg and battle him
<Althego> flat earthers in general dont seem to be happy
<Truga> being right doesn't always lead to happiness
<Althego> yes, but being willfully wrong is an escape in itself
<Althego> as a falt earther you can be sure you are smarter than billions of people
<Althego> compound that with moon landing denial, maybe add some other events too
<kubi> ehh
<kubi> finally
<kubi> next week it goes above 15-20C
<kubi> 4 C is a bit too cold for now
<Althego> just like every week for a month now
<Althego> forecast always shows, sure it will be over 20 next week
<Althego> next week same 12
<Althego> but i agree better 12 than 4
<Althego> tomorrow seems to staart with 3
<kubi> I went out for a lunch and almost froze
<kubi> was wearing the winter coat, but forgot my hat
<Althego> hehe in bttf3. the lost hat :)
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<Althego> cat bird in an hour
<Althego> oh no, this is parallel
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<Althego> guh
<Althego> lol
<Mat2ch> you did not expect that, did you? :D
<Althego> exactly
<minas_tirith> Althego, hi
<Althego> cant say back, because the bot will reply to me
<minas_tirith> Use my name
<FLHerne> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, FLHerne
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<darsie> .
<darsie> 6 pm ... time is fleeting
<Althego> time is fleeting, time is precious, time is something you have very little of
<Althego> (the dark prince)
<darsie> RiffRaff: It's astounding; Time is fleeting; Madness takes its toll But listen closely...
<raptop> Althego: have a video about a polar wall
<Althego> oh i am so stupid
<Althego> i forgot about scimandan's flat eareth friday
<Althego> oh this looks like a real thing though
<raptop> it is >_>;;
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<Mat2ch> I hate computer voices.
<Althego> everybody does
<Althego> even a guy with finnish accent is better
<Mat2ch> My name is Lauri
<Mat2ch> :D
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<Althego> who is that
<Judge_Dedd> Me
<Mat2ch> w00t
<Judge_Dedd> Gimme chanlog pls kthxbai
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here:;O=D
<Mat2ch> Althego: hydraulic press channel
<Althego> ah yes
<Althego> i never liked that channel
<Althego> maybe because of the finnish accent :)
<Judge_Dedd> He is totally exaggerating that accent
<raptop> Althego: "even"? finnish accents sound cool
<Althego> finally i got that frigate
<Althego> pacifier
<Althego> what a silly name
<Althego> like in shawshank. if clicking a a bit each day could get me this much, i am going to do twice from now on
<Althego> 2 more weeks and i could get a cruiser bpc
<Althego> enforcer. now that looks cool
<sandbox> what's wrong with Finnish accents?
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<Althego> had bad experiences in work with a few
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<Althego> hmm, event horizon, yesterday. "HU
<Althego> How to Understand an Alien with Andy Weir"
<Althego> have to watch it tomorrow
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<Mat2ch> SN15 is standing next to the launch pad now...
<Mat2ch> So, will they put it onto it or what?
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<Althego> 5th flight soon
<Althego> hm i should sleep
<raptop> No sleep, only space
<raptop> long until there's a vtuber doing launch commentary?
<Althego> time not important, only life important
<Althego> with scott
<Althego> scott and a vtuber live with a launch
<Althego> what, another starlink in 1 day and 9.5 hours?
<Althego> there was just one the other day
<FLHerne> Yes, and then another one in a week's time
<Althego> they should launch about once a week actually
<Althego> and 20th electron in about a week
<Althego> with recovery
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<raptop> !mission add You attempt to pick a gimbal lock.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You attempt to pick a gimbal lock.
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