raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
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<Althego> i dont see the polynom division stream from ollie
<Althego> i was interested in that
<Althego> ah maybe wrong time
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<darsie> KSP DLC is on sale on steam.
<darsie> I might buy it, even though I don't really play ksp any more.
<Mat2ch> Ohhh, burn. :D
<darsie> What are they saying?
<Althego> yes i agree that it needs a competition. i actually dont like the moon starship
<Althego> too tall
<Althego> and requires significant redesign from the usual one
<darsie> But SS was meant to go everywhere in the SS (solar system).
<Althego> butthe national team has the worst lander
<Althego> expensive, non reusable and a ridiculous several story high ladder
<immibis> ksp has dlc?
<Althego> 2
<Althego> making history and breaking ground
<Althego> making history is a bit like why is this there, but breaking ground is quite useful
<immibis> if it's anything like it was 6(!) years ago there are tons of user addons and you don't need the DLC?
<Althego> yes there are a lot of 3rd party mods
<Althego> and you dont need any of them
<Althego> including the official dlcs
* darsie really likes dated quicksaves.
<Althego> but the electrip props nad robotics parts are quite useful in breaking ground
<darsie> I guess they make Eve water sample returns much easier :).
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<Mat2ch> .oO( I might have bought the dlcs if the robotic parts would've been in the base game. But this way, no. )
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<Althego> it is never going to be finished
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<darsie> There have been too many login failures from your network in a short time period. Please wait and try again later.
* darsie keeps waiting and trying.
<Althego> login to what
<darsie> steam
<darsie> Tried too many times.
<Althego> the usual problem if a service is down, then people try and try to log in, and increase the laod on it
<XXCoder> alth lol that comic
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<Althego> zombanwa
<FLHerne> hah
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<Althego> hah integrals with ollie. i think there is a huge education potential here
<Mat2ch> I have a feeling that we might see a Wintergatan video today.
<Althego> last one was almost a week ago
<darsie> Kerbal Space Program 2 Coming soon
<Althego> sooner than starliner next féight?
<darsie> dunno
<darsie> Just says coming soon.
<darsie> on steam
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> probably beta
<darsie> :)
<darsie> Will beta be cheaper?
<Althego> but release cant be sooner than next year
<Althego> maybe starliner too
<Althego> because of supposed congestion on the space station
<Althego> what, 6th flight happened 16 hours ago
<Althego> i expected the 30th
<Althego> flight with an anomaly
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* darsie bought Breaking Ground and Making History.
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<Mat2ch> Althego: oh no. I just read a post. He messed up.
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<Mat2ch> his redesign of the prototype caused a problem that makes the whole mechanism prone to fail when there's a too high marble load.
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<Mat2ch> So it works for the short feed pipes, but not for the long ones.
<Althego> at least didnt cut the whole thing in half accidenally with the angle grinder
<Althego> hehe ftfe vs 2flat earthers (video from yesterday). these are dumber than the usuals
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<Mat2ch> but looks like the tower is getting another segment
<Mat2ch> 2nd is attached to the crane already
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<Althego> the least interesting part of this
<darsie> It's a bit finnicky to fly, though.
<Althego> fly robin fly
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<umaxtu> thats what first came to my mind
<Althego> lol
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<Guest66567> привет всем!!! может кто помочь?
<Althego> if somebody speaks russian, maybe
<Guest66567> Hello everybody!!! can anyone help?
<Althego> possibly
<FLHerne> What's the question?
<FLHerne> darsie: neat
<Guest66567> I have a problem with a satellite repair task.
<Guest66567> it is necessary to put the solar panel on the satellite. I arrive and put what I need, but what is done is not counted.
<Guest66567> I'm sorry I'm sitting with a googol translator. I am from russia
<Guest66567> ?
<darsie> Guest66567: I don't know. Maybe someone else knows. Please wait.
<Guest66567> ок
<Althego> in the worst case you can mark the contract as completed in the cheat menu
<Althego> ah another soyuz launch. i didnt know it was supposed o happen yesterday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vi6yAVdyVzk
<Guest66567> I just want to understand why it is not executed, or am I doing something wrong, or it's a bug.
<Guest66567> I'm just playing recently. and with this task like this. another similar thing happened, but it was necessary to rest there, and not put another one.
<darsie> This one is much more benign. I could land it. https://i.postimg.cc/kCfKJHnj/screenshot470.png
<Althego> hehe, the old infiniglide bug, i just couldnt land some planes
<FLHerne> Guest66567: Do you have a screenshot of the requirements?
<FLHerne> (and the satellite?)
<FLHerne> sometimes it is just a bug though
<Guest66567> now I'll try to do
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<Guest66567> file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Steam/userdata/838233189/760/remote/220200/screenshots/20210528002703_1.jpg
<Althego> doesnt work like this
<Althego> you have to upload it to some site. for example imgur
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<Guest66567> I already figured it out. I just tried what it is.
<Althego> ah yes it was a dumb idea. because of the localization of the game this screenshot is useless to us
<Guest66567> I'm sorry, I also tupanul. right now I'll try to translate you.
<Althego> your game is in russian. we do not speak russian. therefore the screenshot is not useful
<Guest66567> and if I write to you in English.
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<Guest66567> Launch the Kerbal Engineer into space and attach the OX-4L 1 * 6 photovoltaic panel to the satellite
<Althego> if there is no other requirement and the engineer successfully attaches the correct part, it should complete the contract
<Althego> so it is probably a bug
<Guest66567> Objectives: 1) You must have an engineer for the Active Vehicle.
<Guest66567> 2) attach OX-4L 1 * 6
<Guest66567> but there can be such bugs?
<Althego> watch some videos from danny2462 on youtube. he can break planets with bugs
<Althego> this is a relatively small bug
<Guest66567> Now I'll make a satellite screen. look right I did.
<Althego> looks all right
<Guest66567> It seems to be done correctly, but it does not count. just a bug.
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<Guest66567> thanks for the help!!!
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<darsie> Why are my engines not starting? https://i.postimg.cc/xYtZmmH0/screenshot472.png
<raptop> I think there's some action group that you need to set, but can't recall what
<darsie> I did it without action group with the small plane. Now I have rpm on main throttle action group.
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<darsie> Works with a test vehicle.
<darsie> The joints on the engine are on top/bottom and the propeller is horizontal, doesn't fit. Have to rotate it.
<darsie> After testing with a minimal setup it works ...
<flayer> i'm designing a shuttle with an engine-separator-engine design
<flayer> a detachable big one to help it boost to orbit using expendable fuel tanks, and an orbital engine attached right before it
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<darsie> Hmm, engines stop when I brake.
<flayer> yes
<flayer> its handy and annoying at the same time
<darsie> irl brakes and engines are not linked.
<flayer> they are on some bicycles
<flayer> but you will likely be unfamiliar with bikes, living in austria and all that
<darsie> Yes, I landed :).
<darsie> crashed
<darsie> ksp
<darsie> Ahh, I can configure how much the brake brake the engines.
<darsie> brakes*
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* flayer isn't sure if that's going to make much of a difference
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<NGC3982> hi guys
<flayer> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, flayer
<raptop> \o
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<NGC3982> im spontaniosly loosing fairing parts in the middle of flights
<NGC3982> even when sugin autostrut and rigid attachment
<NGC3982> it just pops of :/
<NGC3982> using*.
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<darsie> Ok, brakes always stop power, but I can stop them from stopping windmilling propellers.
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