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<raptop> o_O
<Althego> takamori in 8 hours
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<raptop> huh, gura is back to a normal shark
<raptop> Hrm, does this mean that ducted fan blades are the best (in-air) props?
<Althego> it looked like self build fans. hard to say about those
<Althego> the recent ducted fan additions do give higher thrust
<raptop> Well, in the rocket, not the submarine
<Althego> but i think they have soem drawback too
<raptop> length-wise, they're shorter than the helicopter blades though longer than the props proper IIRC
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<Mat2ch> Althego: I hate Eve.
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<Mat2ch> what a cute little capsule
<Mat2ch> and the alt text is on point, too...
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<Althego> i dont get it
<Mat2ch> what exactly?
<Althego> why is it on those legs? where is the rest of the rocket? what is that hump below it?
<Mat2ch> that's a rubber jumper
<Althego> must be some youngster reference
<Mat2ch> a small toy made out of rubber that is half of a rubber ball with thin walls
<Mat2ch> and if you push the "bally" part to the other side and place it on a table
<Mat2ch> it wants to go to its natural position and push down on the table and jump up.
<Mat2ch> that's the natural position, on the xkcd drawing it is "engaged"
<Althego> coulkdnt even find it with google
<Althego> űhow should i knowe it exists
<Althego> anyway, too obscure
<Mat2ch> ah, they are called "rubber popper"
<Althego> i have never seen this
<Mat2ch> don't ask me how I know
<Mat2ch> Either some US tv show or I may have seen it somewhere in a toy store
<Althego> looks liek something invented in the 30s
<Mat2ch> but the alt text of the comic is still spot on. ;)
<Althego> yes that is ok
<Mat2ch> there is even a wikipedia page about it :D
<Althego> never got here in the 80s
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<Mat2ch> well, I really don't know why I know this toys. I'm not sure if I ever had one
<Althego> !nela
<Kerbot> Althego => Black Brant XII - KiNET-X (Suborbital) - Wed May 12, 2021 00:05:00 UTC (L-13:02:58) - for info/stream
<Althego> suborbital from wallops
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<Althego> glory to takamori
<Althego> frog reaper and sick cat bird
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<Mat2ch> there is a crane attached to SN15.
<Mat2ch> At the launch site
<Althego> reflight time!
<Mat2ch> it's hard to see how far it is to the launch stand.
<Mat2ch> or if SN15 was driven there
<Mat2ch> oh, I can rewind time and see :D
<Mat2ch> oh, 2 1/2 hours ago it was moved
<Mat2ch> oh yes, oh yes
<Mat2ch> they are going to put in on Pad A
<Mat2ch> maaaaybe just for removing the raptors. But who knows.
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<Mat2ch> Mary says it's Pad B.
<Mat2ch> hm
<Mat2ch> won't argue with her on that.
<Althego> also the zombie is back
<Althego> bot collided with the takamori stream
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<raptop> huh, helltaker update
<umaxtu> ?
<umaxtu> thx
<raptop> It's a good little game
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<twistenx> guys i got a kerbol "escape" a few days ago
<raptop> F
<Althego> "Helltaker is a short game about sharply dressed demon girls."
<twistenx> And simping for them
<raptop> The features sum it up nicely
<twistenx> This went from KSP to Helltaker. Okay.
<twistenx> Since we're talking about games and stuff that has to do with hell, has anybody here watched Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel besides me?
* raptop has not
<twistenx> It's pretty funny
<raptop> uh, for games in that theme... I guess Diablo 1 & 2. (Also some DnD ones if you're willing to stretch definitions)
<raptop> er, and Doom 1-3. (Obviously)
<umaxtu> Doom 2016 is amazing as well
* raptop really should play it at some point
<twistenx> KSP is temporary, Doom is Eternal. *At Hell's Gate intensifies*
<umaxtu> raptop, its $10 on steam at the moment
* raptop stares at steam, and realizes that I still have that unplayed copy of Doom 64
<twistenx> bruh
<umaxtu> I wish it was on GoG. I have the rest of the classic dooms there
<raptop> hrm
* raptop should check if you can run it in the various source ports
* twistenx thinks raptop uses "/me" too much
<flayer> good grief
<raptop> hrm, probably not
<twistenx> yes probably
<Althego> oh no kikkerikii
<Althego> and i still havent watched the zombie. and broken silicon
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<twistenx> that moment when you
<twistenx> hit a bunch of windshear and your rocket explodes
<twistenx> :, ) p a i n
<raptop> something something zero-lift ascent
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<Mat2ch> the jailed nosecone is being moved
<Mat2ch> interesting stuff happening there today.
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<twistenx> Not trying to get political, but... what the funk is oatmeal?!
<Althego> why would anybody want to eat outside aur temperature? :)
<twistenx> what is "aur"
<Althego> air
<twistenx> The temperature of the air can fluctuate though
<FLHerne> <- various meanings, but all "food made from oats"
<raptop> umaxtu: I feel like getting TwistenX to install Arch is a path to the Dark Side
* raptop ponders
<umaxtu> that would be installing arch and then emacs
<twistenx> I probably can't even download it
<raptop> You should install Arch and then emacs!
<FLHerne> We'll never hear the end of the "help it all broke" questions
<twistenx> I don't have a personal computer
<umaxtu> install it on every one else's. they'll thank you
<raptop> (please ignore that this computer is running preinstalled Ubuntu, my hacky laptops ran/run Debain, and I use vim)
<FLHerne> ^did that in school, wasn't thanked
<raptop> FLHerne: hah!
<FLHerne> If the IT dept didn't want Linux installed on everything, they should have locked the bootloaders...
<Althego> i am not really impressed with ubuntu
<Althego> i make it look like my debians anyway
<umaxtu> my favorite school computer story was when the school tried to force us to install monitoring software on the student's personal computers.
<twistenx> Thanks for that FLHerne, now I'm definitely not downloading it.
<FLHerne> TwistenX: You should, it's fun
<twistenx> But I'm not downloading something that's gonna get me in trouble at school, even if it is fun.
<FLHerne> I learned one heck of a lot from hacking on Linux stuff I didn't really understand at the time
<FLHerne> Well, if you don't install it on the school computers, that'll be more boring but they can't complain :p
<FLHerne> Find some beat-up old laptop
<twistenx> One time I somehow hacked my way out of having my screen monitored by my teachers in, like, 3rd grade. I don't really understand how I did it though.
<twistenx> I caused my ENTIRE DISTRICT to upgrade their monitoring systems for our school's chromebooks, as a 9 year old.
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<flayer> umaxtu, did you run it in a wine session?
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<Althego> scott
<Althego> oh no it is too long, i have to postpone it to tomorrow
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