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<Solar_Oracle> That feeling when someone posts an arXiv paper on r/space, without comment, as if it were new.
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<Guest02651> hello! does anyone know how to work in visual studio?
<Guest02651> I'm trying to make my first puglin and I had an error there
<Althego> i doubt anybody can hold you a programming course here in a matter of minutes, even if they know visual studio
<Althego> i surely dont. ide, huge, bloated, never bothered with it.
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<Althego> they found out where a meteorite came from
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<raptop> this about or something else?
<raptop> yep. nice
<flayer> Althego, i dunno, i haven't watched the video but i seriously question the accuracy of their results
<flayer> it is undoubtedly filled with a lot of assumptions and 'best guesses'
<raptop> For it being from Vesta, both the orbit and composition could be used
<raptop> huh, 116 pages
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<Althego> (local) leet time
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<Althego> what is going on with freenode
<Althego> Freenode staff have stepped down. The network that runs at should now be assumed to be under control of a malicious party.
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<XXCoder> more info is upo
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<Black_Eagle> yeah, i was about to bring this up as well
<Black_Eagle> it's sad to see people deleting their accounts and migrating channels to other networks. i mean that's a piece of history that is now pretty much gone unless they do something about it
<Revelator> TL:DR version seems to be freenode will be libera, since freenode is on the way (or has been) captured by PIA owner.
<FLHerne> Yeah, the question is whether any real proportion of the userbase will actually move
<FLHerne> or if it's just yet another IRC split
<Black_Eagle> considering they're saying andrew lee's intentions are malicious it might not be just a split
<Revelator> currently 340 ppl has joined the new network, and quite a few projects seems to be interested in starting at the new network as well.
<Revelator> To be fair how many active IRC users was on freenode in the first place (just not a bouncer idling or bots for that matter) would be a question.
<Mat2ch> I'm in several channels and the talk is everywhere there
<XXCoder> revel i question the "ownership" but at end it dont matter
<Mat2ch> The good part is: It doesn't affect us here.
<Mat2ch> and I have to ask: May I spoiler a bit of Stowaway?
<Althego> if you can write with autohide letters?
<Althego> maybe same foreground and background
<Althego> still copyable
<nate> FLHerne: Not really a split because the guy that got control is unlikely to actually bother running the network, he most likely just wants to try and get the data from services
<Mat2ch> nate: he should already have the data...
<nate> Mat2ch: He was never given any server access to the sponsor servers as far as it was said last night, but with full domain control he could try to weasel his way in I imagine
<nate> like he technically doesn't even have oper on the network
<XXCoder> andrew has op from one guy
<XXCoder> strong language warning
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<nate> Does he? I hadn't seen him op'd up at all so far, even now he's sitting on the network just idling out of channels
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<Guest71878> Hello! Does anyone know how to work in visual studio? I'm trying to make my first puglin and I had this error in visual studio: "error CS0103: The name 'RenderingManager' does not exist in the current context." Someone can help me pls?
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<Althego> scott
<Mat2ch> Guest71878: if you register your nick here, you can join #kspmodders
<Mat2ch> they should be able to answer your questions.
<Guest71878> thank you!
<Guest71878> I will try it
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<raptop> whelp
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<Mat2ch> raptop: your personal assistant will soon contact you
<raptop> Mat2ch: I mean, the whole way they seem to have just left
<Mat2ch> well
<Mat2ch> yeah
<Mat2ch> humpf
<raptop> Humans are stealing jobs from hard-working robots again?
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<Althego> wintergatan
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<Mat2ch> yay!
<Althego> if kiara really is going to collab with coco and vshoujo. bottom left power is going to form a singularity
<raptop> o_O
<Althego> btw the waiting for ina stream was great
<Althego> didnt pay this bill today either. well maybe tomorrow. i already should be sleeping
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<Mat2ch> Oh, Captain Disillusion video coming up. Nice!
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<Solar_Oracle> 🤔
<raptop> Do a pseudolive picture release like NASA does, you cowards!
<raptop> (yes, I know that ESA is also bad about this. See eg: Rosetta/Philae)
<Solar_Oracle> Well the big reason the CNSA couldn't upload photos as soon as NASA did was because their satellite wasn't in a good position for it.
<raptop> Unfortunately, that's a very good reason
<Solar_Oracle> I doubt the image sizes are also going to be very high.
<Solar_Oracle> Having multiple orbiters certainly helps with data.
<Solar_Oracle> If it weren't for the fact that Mars is terraformed, I'd land on it in Elite Dangerous to recover the rovers.
<raptop> hah
<raptop> I imagine that rovers don't like getting rained on
<umaxtu> Solar_Oracle, Odyssey doesn't let you land on atmospheric planets?
<Solar_Oracle> Odyssey allows you to land on Mars-likes, but Mars in E:D is an Earth-like and capital of the Federation.
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<Solar_Oracle> Well, technically, Mars' present atmospheric pressure is above that which you can land on in E:D, but that will likely changer sooner rather than later.
<Solar_Oracle> You can land on Pluto, now, though.
* raptop wonders if you can jump between Pluto and Charon
<raptop> hrm, Charon's escape velocity is 590 m/s
<Solar_Oracle> I'd bet you good money that someone in an SRV is going to try that.
<Solar_Oracle> I mean, people have ridden SRVs riding on the hulls of ships up to space stations.
<raptop> hrm
<Solar_Oracle> I'd be surprised if someone doesn't try something like that this very week during an EVA.
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* raptop doesn't recall, is that from the mummy?
<Solar_Oracle> Yes, it's from the biplane scene.
<Solar_Oracle> Unfortunately, their bullets were ineffective against a giant wall of sand.
<Solar_Oracle> Tomb Kings are vulnerable to flaming weapons, however
<Solar_Oracle> If you kill the head mummy, however, the rest disintegrate pretty quickly. Just watch out for those Ushbati.
* raptop feels like this wandered into some sort of warhammer
<Solar_Oracle> Warhammer Tomb Kings are just like The Mummy, down to including Anubis-thingies.
<raptop> ah
<Solar_Oracle> Though the Ushbati in Warhammer are animated statues, where the Anubis-thingies from The Mummy Returns are, like, demons or something.
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