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<Althego> finally they did it. they just had to do it on a day when i was unwell so i couldnt watch it
<Althego> but there is no visuals of the actual flip
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<Solar_Oracle> I have a question: How can the net amount of entropy of the universe be massively decreased?
<Althego> i think you need an evil annoying white thingie and magical girls
<Solar_Oracle> Evil white thingies? You mean like vanilla ice cream?
<Althego> no, kyubey
<raptop> Outside of weirdness like poincaré recursion times, you're not getting global entropy down
<Solar_Oracle> You know what? I should really be asking a sufficiently advanced computer this question.
<Solar_Oracle> Alexa: Reverse global entropy.
<Solar_Oracle> I got nothing. I guess I really can't reverse entropy. Well, at least I'll rest assured that photon decay isn't real and that means we'll have all that much more time to contemplate the heat death.
<raptop> s/photon/proton/ ?
<Solar_Oracle> Por que los nos dos?
<Solar_Oracle> Which begs the question: If proton decay is real, is it possible in which there are contexts in which they can't decay? I mean, unbound neutrons are unstable but those part of atomic nuclei and neutron stars are pretty stable. Though aren't neutron stars just giant atomic nuclei?
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<raptop> neutron stars are weird
<raptop> Like, there's some state changes that mean that they at least partially cool by emitting neutrinos o_O
<Althego> is there strange matter?
<raptop> Uh, for proton decay purposes, my understanding is that the mechanisms still affect ones in nuclei
<raptop> Althego: maybe, but I get the impression that it's less likely than once thought
<raptop> Unfortunately not my field, not up on what's been found in terms of equations of state, etc
<Solar_Oracle> To make matters worse, free neutrons emit a proton as a decay product.
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<Solar_Oracle> Stupid protons think they're so good by probably not decaying!
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* raptop plugs a cat3 cable into Izaya
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<Althego> i dont even knoe what is below cat5
<raptop> cat3 is basically phone cable
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<raptop> Mind you, it's possible to get way faster than dialup, but it's no cat5
<Solar_Oracle> Can you not simply process your files through an astropath?
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<Solar_Oracle> I mean, sure, they'll occasionally start clawing their eyes out after a bad dream and seldom communicate in anything other than riddles, but it sure beats trying Comcast.
<raptop> I believe the last time I did that, I got complaints about it being "heretical", "being of clearly xeno origin", and sometimes "inducing impure thoughts"
<Althego> lol
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<raptop> uh, "it" being the data
<Solar_Oracle> Yes, Inquisitor? This person, right here.
<Solar_Oracle> On a related note, they really weren't kidding about Warhammer 3 literally letting you invade the Chaos Wastes.
<Solar_Oracle> I think this means you can end the End Times by walking up to the Chaos Gods and sucker punching them
<raptop> It'll be amusing if you can (accidentally?) kill them
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<Solar_Oracle> I think the implications of this are clear: Settra will finally be able to exact revenge on the gods for canceling his miniatures line.
<Solar_Oracle> Here's hoping for a halfling DLC
<Solar_Oracle> I wanna see cookpot wielding chefs riding giant chickens fighting the daemons of Chaos.
<raptop> hah
<raptop> Murder roosters
<Solar_Oracle> I like to think they're as vicious as Cold Ones. But, you know, one tenth their size.
<Solar_Oracle> I think the Ogres are probably one of the other factions of the five planned for release, as they're the biggest army that hasn't been in the past two games.
<Solar_Oracle> They're just like halflings in that they like to eat. A lot.
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<Solar_Oracle> Oh yeah. A rocket did not explode today.
<Althego> but they cheated. nobody has a video of thetransition
<Solar_Oracle> Maybe the landing video was a take off video played in reverse?
<Althego> no, the flames are moving differently because of the sorrounding airstream
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<Solar_Oracle> As if! You know easy it is to add flame animations in with post production? Source: Angelfire and Geocities flame gifs.
<RoboFreak> except it was live
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<Solar_Oracle> Wake up sheeple!
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<Althego> usually this disconnect was around 3 or 4 but lately it always interferes me because i always see it
<Solar_Oracle> I'm pretty sure I already saw one of these in an episode of Outlaw star
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<Solar_Oracle> We should all be very concerned, if not completely surprised, if the production Starship vehicles also have arms for punching other space vehicles
<Althego> no problem as long as i can get a crazy ctarl-ctarl female on the ship
<Solar_Oracle> I see you're an IRCer of taste and culture.
<Solar_Oracle> Alright, let's see if I can't summon Sotek.
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<Mat2ch> performance tuning in KSP. :D
<Mat2ch> cross-feed is the enemy.
<Mat2ch> oh, wow, that poster of SN15 looks like something made in the 80s
<FLHerne> Poster?
<flayer> link it bro
<FLHerne> Oh, that
<FLHerne> and yes
<Althego> more like 50s
<flayer> honestly
<flayer> it is so incredibly impressive that they're actually doing this
<flayer> i never thought i'd see anything like this
<flayer> actually being developed
<Mat2ch> Starship landing? Yeah, takes some bold people to try this
<Mat2ch> I wonder what ESA and ArianeSpace is doing today
<Mat2ch> probably business as usual
<Althego> no, it takes really bold people to sit in it
<Althego> you dont need to be bold to watch it ctrash and explode
<Althego> the issue is, they have to be able to do this perfectly thousand times
<Deddly> How many times did they test the original Moon lander before it was crewed?
<Althego> hehe none
<Althego> but spacex wants to use this as a commercial vehicle on earth
<Althego> and that is a different matter
<Deddly> Sure. Commercial use is a whole other ball game
<Althego> if you decide to go to the moon or an other planet, at this point you know you are among the first people ever go there, and one of selected few, who are all aware of the risks
<Deddly> I mean, technically, even NASA missions are commercial, but you know what I mean :)
<Mat2ch> Althego: try to sell ESA the Starship concept. It will take a bold person at ESA to even let you on the property and in a conference room...
<Althego> hehehe
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<Deddly> I imagine they'll get a lot of orbital missions, then a lot of suborbital cargo contracts, and only then will they allow humans on it
<Althego> at this point nasa is somewhat behind the times in rockets and spaceships, but esa is so far behind that they are still developing ariane 6, a non-reusable vehicle
<Althego> although sls is an idea from the 90s
<Deddly> Gotta be difficult to develop long-term plans when each successive government keeps changing your priorities for you.
<Althego> that too
<Deddly> Imagine if NASA tried developing something like Starship.
<Mat2ch> after the third failed test flight the project would be stopped.
<Althego> but the methodology is different
<Deddly> If they even got that far
<Althego> it could be cancelled before the test flight too
<Althego> like venture star
<Althego> that ksp test is interesting
<Althego> crossfeed makes it exponentially slow
<Althego> but without that it is just linea
<Althego> r
<Deddly> They'd have to extensively test each and every component, and before the first test flight even gets close, the next government would go "Yeah no. We're not going to do that. We're going to <project where all work on Starship is meaningless> instead. This is why commercial systems are the only reasonable way forward
<Mat2ch> the real question is: Why does it make it slow? What are they doing there in the code?!
<Mat2ch> Deddly: or why those plans should be made in a way that they can't be cancled that easily. Like: You have to show that this works and we can't cancel you.
<Mat2ch> "You get 10 prototype launches and if one succedes we have to go further"
<Deddly> Mat2ch, when SpaceX first announced Starship, most people thought that it was just scifi. No way would they be able to convince a government to fund it
<Deddly> By the way, how reliable does propulsive landing need to be to be comparable with parachute landing?
* darsie read the poster.
<Mat2ch> Deddly: parachutes can fail, too...
<Deddly> That's what I was thinking, Mat2ch
<Mat2ch> how safe are airplanes?
<darsie> They can land without engines or parachutes.
<Deddly> Mat2ch, planes are incredibly safe. I'm wondering how safe Starship needs to be to be ready for crewed missions
<Deddly> Comparing it with aeroplanes won't look good for a very long time.
<darsie> Does SS saftey matter if ppl are willing to take the risk?
<darsie> Like if 1 in 5 flights kill all crew?
<Deddly> darsie, it matters for legal reasons, I would imagine
<darsie> Would FAA or so outlaw it?
<Mat2ch> well, it matters, because with 1/5 chance to nobody will want to ride that thing.
<darsie> I doubt that.
<Deddly> FAA would surely forbid that
<darsie> k
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<Deddly> Disclaimer: I'm not an expert in aviation safety.
* Mat2ch neither
<Deddly> If they allowed that flat-earther guy to fire himself up into the sky on a homemade steam rocket, maybe they make exceptions in certain circumstances
<Mat2ch> But if they build the seating compartment sturdy enough you could survive a hard landing
<Deddly> Mat2ch, hard landing at 300 kmh?
<Mat2ch> I'm talking about a one engine at 50 % landing
<Mat2ch> it slows down, but will use the tanks as crush core.
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<darsie> Did Mad Mike (?) get permission?
<Althego> first of all that guy was not a flat earther, he just did that for publicity
<Althego> second his rocket didnt go too high
<Althego> but before his death, or his flat earth antics, in surviving mars there was a little event where a flat marser launched in a rocket and died
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<Deddly> Mike claimed to be a flat earther to get funding from them. But since he claimed to be one, I call him that
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<Mat2ch> Althego: have you seen the Wintergatan video from yesterday?
<Althego> no
<Althego> i was under the weather
<Althego> takamori time
<Althego> it seems the mmx is coming together finally
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<JVFoxy> ... coffee time for me..
<Althego> glory to takamori
<Althego> cat bird and rapper reaper walks into a game
<JVFoxy> blep?
<JVFoxy> darsie.. you in need of some time?
<darsie> Yeah, I need more time.
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<darsie> Can I get like 100-500 more years?
<JVFoxy> think you can handle all those memories?
<darsie> idk. Maybe some of them.
<JVFoxy> I remember Adam Savage did some episode for discovery, talk'n about what it would take to live longer than normal. Part of it was brain memory augmentations.
<Althego> you would forget most of it
<Althego> but it is still extra time
<Althego> even in your normal length time you forget a lot of things
<Althego> the peak points remain
<JVFoxy> could make time slower...
<Althego> but then everybody would be faster
<Althego> that is pointless
<JVFoxy> what did Data say? Even a few seconds seems like eternity for an android.
<Althego> that was some milliseconds
<JVFoxy> ya I knew it was somewhere along those lines. It been a while
<Althego> 0.68 seconds
<JVFoxy> lol.. its ok. I get the point
<Althego> 680 milliseconds is a lot
<JVFoxy> not quite 3/4 of a second
<JVFoxy> time is one of those... interesting quirks
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<Mat2ch> Didn't we have a bot that read the titles?
<FLHerne> Not since kmath, I think
<Althego> was that the one that died in the fire?
<Althego> and no video of the flip
<Althego> nobody has taht
<Althego> not even spacex
<Mat2ch> maybe SpaceX has, but they have to get the SD cards first and cut it.
<Althego> only internav viewa
<Althego> i guess even they cant see through the clouds
<Althego> and they never publish hte internal views aside from the stream
<Althego> and it cut out during the stream
<Mat2ch> uhhh, the big blue crane is coming for SN16. Run run ruuuuun!
<Mat2ch> Eh, SN15
<Mat2ch> not 16. That one is still save in the high bay.
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<Althego> what are they doing around sn15 now? and why do they need the police for it?
<umaxtu> is that the fuzz or SpaceX security
<UmbralRaptor> SN15 knows what it did
<Althego> it was just a bit noisey
<Althego> wasnt even during the night
<Mat2ch> it's just the SpaceX security
<Mat2ch> And they really could've switched off the lights
<Mat2ch> the depth perception on those cams is really hard
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<Deddly> I wonder if we'll see SN15 fly again.
<Althego> maybe once
<Althego> it could be damaged just because of the flight
<Althego> kikkerikii
<Althego> how annoying. i doubt anybody could count how many clusters there are in this
<Althego> maybe picard could. there are four clusters!
<Deddly> What is that warpology thing?
<Althego> that is the domain i have. the picture is from eve online's current project discovery. which is a minigame on real science data. in this case you have to cluster some cells
<Mat2ch> KSP News
<Mat2ch> which we have to look for ourselfs. Because irc lifes don't matter :P
<Mat2ch> Also: Fix the fuel lag! ;)
<Althego> i sometimes look on the twitter
<Althego> but it almost never updates with anything relevant
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<FLHerne> Althego: No, kmath was the OG bot that's been gone a couple of years
<FLHerne> LunchBot is back now
<LunchBot> I am a bot operated by FLHerne. Try !{nextlunch,mission,outcome,stupid,colloid,colloid²,nextfrog,rocks,nextbankruptcy,nextpinecone,nextyear,nextfire,banlist,wenhop,help} help.
<FLHerne> Oh, I forgot it did that when mentioned :p
<Althego> i remember its name, but cant track all bots
<Althego> hehe
<FLHerne> Lunchy did die in a fire, but I put it back up now
<FLHerne> kmath just disappeared one day I think
<FLHerne> (was both a user and a bot?)
<raptop> The user was icefire
<raptop> I think he got captured by dread pirate bezos
<Althego> lo
<Althego> l
<Mat2ch> !nextbankruptcy
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: Astra.
<Althego> how do you even type colloid squared?
<Althego> !wenhop
<Mat2ch> no tfr yet. :P
<Althego> hehe
<raptop> Althego: well, ² is available via altGr+2 on a US-Int layout
<raptop> I'd be worried about the less than work-safe colloids in this channel, though
<Althego> a₂a²
<Althego> i never thought these do anything useful
<Mat2ch> x² + y ² = z²
<Mat2ch> :P
* X has been squared and added to a square to equal a square!
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<raptop> at the risk of being hyperbolic, x²/a² - y²/b² = 1
* X and some others are now one.
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<FLHerne> raptop: I think there's only one less-than-work-safe colloid
<X> O_o
<X> I’m sure there are plenty of things that are colloidal and not safe for work.
<FLHerne> In the bot to date, I mean
<FLHerne> !colloid
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Oobleck.
<FLHerne> !colloid²
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Blogravyod.
<FLHerne> hm, that's either a bug or wild coincidence
<FLHerne> !colloid²
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Cioncretnke.
* FLHerne files it under "wild coincidence"
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<Althego> scott
<Althego> lol
<Althego> what an intro
<Althego> finally the plygon thing said it had enough of me for yesterday
<Althego> er today
<Althego> had i not been feeling so bad yesterday i could have gain that frigate bpc today
<Althego> some live event too
<Althego> have to watch it tomorrow
<dnsmcbr> FLHerne: damn, blogravyod is freaky
<Althego> what is that
<raptop> blood + gravy
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<darsie> .
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