mióta megemelték a hidat sokkal kevesebben akadnak meg
oh wait i was here
anyway what i wanted to say is that no new action happened there for months, because the frequency of incidents went down since the bridge was raised
Yeah, boring.
We should lower that bride.
supposedly there are other similar bridges in the area
you talking about the 11foot8 bridge?
they raised it? I thought they couldn't raise it cause the RR company didn't want to play ball
i know it from the same channel
he covered the process
it is even in the titles now 11foot8+8 bridge
Maybe put some steel plates just above the sewer pipes to lower the ground.
just this stream she was upset about firechicken
not about hot wings
just as reine doesnt like turkey :)
she also mentioned in the past that she saw that farming game streams and everybody named the chickesn kiara :)
and didnt like that
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nose blowing asmr...
I landed my ore transporter on Minmus, filled it up with the rolling refinery, drove the refinery out of the way in a curve, tilted and broke a Gigantor :(.
gigantor, also known as phuket word (a flat earther)
phuket despite how it sounds, is an area in thailand
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has the drought situation gotten any better?
i heard about some drought in asia that is so bad that all water is needed for people, so semiconductor production is in danger
thats the one I was referring too
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darsie: you can repair them now!
I loaded the previous state.
Haven't thought of repair.
Always pack an engineer and some repair packs ;)
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I lost a solar panel and an airbrake on entry, but made it with just one airbrake. 2400 ore to Kerbin.
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perfectly fin
the importance of mission critical redundancies
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woot, managed to bring my mobile research lab on wheels back into orbit
there will be problems for sure. but they have been working away at this for a while now
yes these complicated problems you dont know of before trying to build it. that is what kept fusion from happening
I wish them success
me too
i want fusion
but the pistons need to be lubricated somehow
because people are too afraid of nuclear
so they posion themselves with coal plants
the lubricant will thin out the liquid metal
i guess you could filter these out
or the lubricant will float on top anyway
it's not about coal vs. nuclear planets. This is a typical trick to distract from the fact that we need real clean power. And we could already have it if we weren't fighting over coal vs. nuclear.
the lubricant will be some kind of oil and burn in the reactor
the timing has to be right
the liquid metal bubble needs to be a bubble otherwise the fusion will go everywhere and destroy the reactor
it is still using steam/heat not a way that generates electrons
that is probably hard but not that much
nice idea, probably wont work...
unfortunately we cant reallyget around the steam phase
each of these reactors always produces heat
so we ultimately end up with a turbine
I guess it has something to do with the engineers behind it. They know steam turbines and think it's a good idea to build on top of it
what else would you do?
Well, having a vision helps
just "let's do fusion and make heat from it" is not a vision
what physical effect would you exploit?
since fusion does not really exist, i think it as a vision
in the interim we should be on nuclear. for the last 50 years at least