Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<Althego> zombanwa
<darsie> gog won't give me ksp for free.
<Althego> sometimes they do free givaways
<Althego> usually not for really good games though :)
<darsie> Well, I refuse to buy ksp again.
<Althego> i would buy prototype on gog again
<Althego> because no drm and it would work on win10. i have it on disk, and because of drm it doesnt work. as usual, drm hurts the people who bought it, and doesnt who didnt
<Althego> i cant get rid of the old win7 pc because of this
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<darsie> I'm bored.
<darsie> launching ksp
<Althego> boring company
<darsie> *yawn*
<darsie> I took "Test Ant landed on Kerbin", but on the launchpad the contract was gone and in KSC I could no longer click on buildings.
<darsie> restart, contract gone.
<Althego> hehe magical disappearing contract
<darsie> I also didn't autocomplete. It's not in the finished contracts.
<darsie> gonna put a sat in Mun orbit.
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<Althego> hehe, why is it upside down?
<Althego> takes a bit less space
<darsie> Yes, smaller fairing :)
<Althego> you already have gravioli detector, at that point it shouldnt be an issue
<darsie> I just added that for this contract.
<darsie> Still saves mass.
<darsie> Making the fairing pointer could save drag.
<darsie> pointier
<Althego> needs to be pointy
<darsie> :)
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<darsie> There are no AN/DN markers. How am I gonna know how to fix my inclination? :)
<Althego> but in the orbit thingie on the bottom left there should be stil la number
<Althego> and doesnt matter you can do it by looks too
<darsie> That just tells me 51.2° inclination.
<darsie> But I was jk. I aligned it very well on approach.
<prefixcactus> do you need eq or polar?
<Althego> jk is better than sr :)
<darsie> sr?
<Althego> flip flops obviously
<prefixcactus> (or a specific inclination in degrees?)
<darsie> prefixcactus: inclined satellite orbit.
<darsie> Ahh, teh contract asks for 52 deg.
<prefixcactus> well, you *are* in one right now...
<prefixcactus> and that's not far from what you need, so um
<Althego> the contract usually asks for a specific orbit
<darsie> It's just that usually there are AN/DN markers.
<prefixcactus> I don't remember if the contracts specify how it should be inclined relative to the stars
<darsie> I'll do 52.0 deg ...
<prefixcactus> (probably not, I don't think KSP has any usable global astronomy
<Althego> global astronomy?
<prefixcactus> er, as in, the stars in the background are just a skybox that's not very usable for any absolute attitude measurements
<darsie> Umm ... s/51.2/52.1/. I'm off by 0.1 deg.
<Althego> but we use the stars exactly like that
<prefixcactus> and I don't think KSP considers absolute attitude a thing anyways in the "player space" outside of the engine
<prefixcactus> Althego: well you can probably ensure the ship is not rotating when you don't want it to by looking out the window
<prefixcactus> but as far as I know I couldn't look out the window and say "oh, Eve is in Kerbicorn now, so I'm around midcourse now
<darsie> Ahh, now I have AN/DN. Probably needed to be closer to the orbit.
<prefixcactus> maybe it doesn't draw them for escape trajectories?
<darsie> Done. 334 m/s left.
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<Althego> i think it doesnt draw them from escape if they are outside of the soi
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<Althego> oh i almost forgot about the starlink launch
<Althego> !nela
<Kerbot> Althego => Falcon 9 - Starlink-24 - Wed Apr 07, 2021 16:34:00 UTC (L-01:15:14) - for info/stream
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<Althego> music started
<Mat2ch> almost forgot, too
<Mat2ch> thanks for the reminder
<Althego> t-1 min
<Althego> going up
<Althego> hey, where is the built in view
<Althego> this sucks
<Althego> at least it landed
<raptop> yay
<umaxtu> could still explode
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> yes spacex showed they can land and still make it explode
<raptop> Rapid unscheduled relaunch
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> what is this, mixed snow and rain... stop it, i want warmth
<Althego> well, it stopped
<Althego> but still not warm
* raptop blames 418 ppm
<Althego> yes might be
<Althego> winter is never cold but lingers longer
* raptop has had some weeks with 35 F days and 75 F days
<Mat2ch> raptop: a renomated German weather expert said that the cold this time is not unusual and not part of climate change
<Mat2ch> I still like to differ, because it is again a polar stream of cold air that escaped the polar vortex, which is getting weaker and weaker
<Mat2ch> but well, I didn't study this
<raptop> hrm
<Mat2ch> *renowned
<Mat2ch> btw...
<Mat2ch> and you didn't correct me! :(
* darsie watched the F9 launch. The second stage seemed to ride the Ap. Was it tilted up?
<Althego> relight coming up
<Althego> snowing in space :)
<Althego> another question, what is that hair color
<darsie> light purple?
<Althego> yes maybe
<Althego> i couldnt decide it was the camerea or real
<darsie> The second stage seemed to ride the Ap. Was it tilted up?
<Althego> ask them to supply us with a navball next time
<darsie> at t+6:34
<Althego> and here it is. snow
<Althego> big and fluffy flakes
<Althego> didnt snow like this the whole winter
<Althego> and the weather was on a good track when that sudden cold came in. predictions got worse constantly
<Mat2ch> ever wondered why the Starlink sats are as flat as possible?
<Althego> because they dont want to upset rushia?
<Althego> maybe elon is secretly building an orbital mirror
<Althego> it is going to be assembled from the sats
<Althego> and make solar focues attacks against targets
<Mat2ch> no, much simpler
<Mat2ch> drag!
<Mat2ch> The flatter you are the better you can deal with that
<Mat2ch> a cube would probably deorbit in less than a year
<Mat2ch> the end is near!
<Mat2ch> I mean, the deployment.
<Althego> deploy coming up
<darsie> Satellites practice distancing, too.
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<darsie> Lena - Satellite (Germany) Live 2010 Eurovision Song Contest
<flayer> 2010 is live again?
<flayer> oh no, did we circle back?
<Mat2ch> it's only 11 years ago?! I hoped for more.
<Mat2ch> I had successfully suppressed that.
<Althego> could you link something from the marsvision song contest instead?
<umaxtu> flayer, word is that Nvidia is making 1080tis again so we've gone back some
<Althego> this is surprisingly good
<flayer> oh, i have 1050
<Althego> now i am going to keep the 1070 until the next build
<darsie> Perseverance’s First Sounds from Mars
<Althego> marsvision song contest is a dlc soundtrack for surviving mars
<darsie> ah
<Althego> quite generic pop though
<darsie> I didn't get Surviving Mars because of critics.
<Althego> but exactly what i would expect from sych a thing
<Althego> critics, whatever. it is a really fun game for me
<Althego> the best track is still in the base game, Xe
<flayer> surviving mars is okay, but it gets old fast
<Althego> it seems infinitely replayable to me
<Althego> but of course ymmv
<Althego> hehe, ollie said floor for flour, when asking about how bread was invented. just as kiara always says she ate a pair for pear
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* raptop prounces pear and pair the same, I think. But not flour and floor
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<Mat2ch> I pronounce pear like "peer"...
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<raptop> Though a lot of the time, it sounds like Ollie is speaking en-US
<raptop> (as opposed to en-ID)
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<FLHerne> !stupid add "As all involved died in the explosion, the causes are not clear."
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added stupid quote: "As all involved died in the explosion, the causes are not clear."
<FLHerne> I pronounce pear like pare, and peer like pier, and those are different
<FLHerne> pare or pair
<raptop> I used the paring knife on a pair of pears
<FLHerne> So you pared the pair of pears?
<raptop> :D
<FLHerne> Do all foreigners pronounce "buoy" "boo-ey", or just the one person I was listening to?
<raptop> (Just don't throw a jury of your peers off of a pier when they're peering over the edge)
<raptop> FLHerne: ...I do
<darsie> which DLCs should I get for Surviving Mars?
<FLHerne> raptop: why?
<Mat2ch> FLHerne: I say "Boi", but I know what a Boje is...
<FLHerne> There's clearly an 'o' in there
<Mat2ch> Oi
<Mat2ch> :D
<raptop> FLHerne: the spelling?
<Mat2ch> Oh, wait, it's written: Oui
* raptop grew up >1000 km from the ocean, FWIW
<Althego> darsie: the green planet if anything
<Althego> whatever its name is
<FLHerne> raptop: In English it's just "boy", which seems obvious to me
<Althego> darsie: maybe space race too
<darsie> ok
<darsie> Digital deluxe or first colony edition?
<FLHerne> "booie" just seems like a strange choice of pronunciation, but that's foreigners for you :p
<darsie> It's all on discount on gog now.
<Althego> darsie: you have to read them, these contain some dlcs
* flayer tickles Althego's chin
<flayer> i'm exhausted
<Althego> what is your exhausted velocity?
<raptop> Althego a cat now?
<flayer> not sure how to quantify that
<Mat2ch> raptop: 600 km here. But when I first was at the sea it was love on the first sight. But I still don't live near it :(
<Althego> hehe i dont even know my distance
<Althego> why would i be a cat
<raptop> Althego: trying to figure out why flayer was scratching your chin
<Althego> ah
<flayer> quite often there is no explanation for my doings on irc
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<umaxtu> I didn't realize FLHerne was a filthy KDE user /s
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> not necessarily
<umaxtu> prejudice is predicated on stupid assumptions
<umaxtu> nah, KDE is cool.
<Althego> could be worse. could be a suse user too
<umaxtu> whats wrong with reptileOS?
<flayer> i've considered trying kde
<flayer> but change is bad
<umaxtu> its definitely in a more useable config out of the box. unlike GNOME
<flayer> i don't remember if i did anything to gnome
<Althego> heh, bluemarblescience's video about right the hand. this seriously hurt. right the hand is really bad even by flat earth standards. and they dont understand anything. but this is special
<Mat2ch> umaxtu: be careful what you say about KDE!
<Mat2ch> ;)
<umaxtu> I'm currently Windows only so you can make fun of me for that
<Althego> kentucky department of education? :)
<umaxtu> nope, Kentucky Desktop Environment
* Mat2ch is freezing
<Mat2ch> so cold here
<SteppeRaptop> Kiara Dessert Environment
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> stream in half an hour or so but io am going to sleep
<deadmind> Mat2ch, same here. we just got teleported back into winter
<deadmind> today we had spring temps, then sudden snow, then blue sky and warm sunshine, and now it's freezing and windy
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<Althego> so the heli flight is on sunday?
<Althego> it needs to endure a few more days
<Mat2ch> deadmind: it's freezing cold here since Sunday and will only get better on Friday.
<Althego> yes, went down to -4
<Mat2ch> Cold polar air in the middle of summer would be nice. But not now...
<Althego> probably lost some of this year's fruits too
<Althego> like last year
<deadmind> Mat2ch: same. i assume we're both in central europe then
<deadmind> there is a cherry tree in our garden, it started blooming like 3 days ago :(
<Althego> there is one front of a house, an ornamental one
<Althego> not yet blooming
<SteppeRaptop> peak bloom! peak bloom!
* SteppeRaptop wonders if it'll be practical to check out the cherry trees in DC proper next year
<Althego> frying bacon, square black one
<Mat2ch> deadmind: throw some blankets over it :D
<Mat2ch> well, I'm gonna say it now, so nobody can talk themselfs out of it: Soon climate change will destroy at least half of our crops and many will go and say: How could we have known that this would happen?
<Althego> soudns realistic
<Mat2ch> Sadly yes. :(
<Mat2ch> I should invest in canned food.
<Althego> i invested in mad max on gog
<darsie> Althego: I got the First colony edition.
<Althego> maybe i should play that this weekend
<Althego> you get almost everything with that i think
<Althego> heh there is some new buildings pack that i dont have
<Althego> maybe i buy that later
<Althego> but i really have to sleep
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<darsie> Surviving Mars ... Should I install all files, or start with just the basic game first?
<flayer> install everything
<darsie> dang, althego quit
<flayer> it is a pretty simple game
<darsie> thx
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