Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<raptop> !mission
<raptop> Ah, the bot is kill
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<bees> raptop: You find an alien SHIFT and install it as your throttle controller. You travel back in time, only to discover that the universe no longer exists in that timeframe.
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<Althego> lol coco, meme review with best girl yagoo (actually a soundboard)
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<Althego> ooh bgm, zombie is coming
<darsie> what?
<Mat2ch> darsie: Althego is fanboiing again. ;)
<darsie> of?
<Althego> pay no mind for the ramblings of an old man
<Althego> zombanwa
<Althego> i meant ollie is streaming
<Althego> sound level warning
<XXCoder> wtf is that channel about
<Althego> just as any vtuber channel. plays games, sometimes sings, reads superchats, goofs off, etc
<XXCoder> ah
<XXCoder> i couldnt fugure what it was about lol just see some anime chattering away
<XXCoder> i cant lipread fake people lol
<XXCoder> not that my lipreading skills is any good
<Althego> ah sorry
<XXCoder> np
<Althego> unfortunately trackin gis quite slow
<Althego> also doesnt help she speaks 3 languages
<XXCoder> lol ok
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<flayer> i'm going to build a jool station on the same plane as laythe/vall/tylo, but with the ap/pe between pol and bop
* UmbralRaptop forgets what the SOI options look like
* UmbralRaptop assumes that there's a reasonable orbit
<darsie> Easiest to achive circularish orbit is probably the largest one, after orbital insertion at Jool Pe.
<Althego> (local) leet time
<darsie> .
<UmbralRaptop> Also, obligatory remark on the superiority of retrobop
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<darsie> Copenhagen Suborbitals just had an engine test live:
<Althego> ah
<darsie> more tests to go
<Althego> there were videos about the test rig
<Althego> i didnt expect them to be able to test it now
<Althego> ok they were talking about testing the different parts they got from different people
<Althego> what is the name of the things which mix fuel and oxidizer
<Althego> the injectors
<umaxtu> I wonder if anyone has tried to make a carbureted rocket engine
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> probably not
<umaxtu> yeah, rocket engines are tricky enough without involving dark magic
<Althego> surprisingly small engine
<Althego> it doesnt seem to have a nozzle
<Althego> but still small
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<Althego> guh
<Althego> ("dad" is straming)
<Izaya> tuning carbs for an ICE is enough of a pain and there's only a mild chance of them blowing up in your face
<Izaya> ... are rocket engines ECEs?
<Althego> dont think so
<umaxtu> Izaya, hence my dark magic don't
<umaxtu> *joke
<FLHerne> Depends?
<Izaya> I do not envy people with big old cars that have one carb per cylinder
<Izaya> Tuning two is a pain, tuning 8 must be hell.
<FLHerne> Pressure-fed engines are pure ECEs, ones with preburner turbopumps are both
<Althego> interesting
<Althego> so the combustion chamber is not part of the engine?
<Althego> ok, it is open towards the environment
<FLHerne> That was my thinking
<Althego> then are jets external combustion too?M
<FLHerne> Maybe?
<FLHerne> "A second class of internal combustion engines use continuous combustion: gas turbines, jet engines and most rocket engines, each of which are internal combustion engines" wiki disagrees :-(
<FLHerne> !stupid conceded
<LunchBot> FLHerne: "To my mind that should class them as amphibians, although this is not generally conceded."
<Althego> them being what?
<FLHerne> Gannets, IIRC
<FLHerne> yes
<FLHerne> "Gannets are bigger than fulmars and more slender and graceful. They dive spectacularly from a great height; they fold up as they hit the water and down as far as two hundred feet they can give a fish a run for its money. To my mind that should class them as amphibians, although this is not generally conceded."
<Althego> their lifestyle is amphibian, but amphibians are not categorized by that
<FLHerne> ^ from Three Ways to Capsize a Boat, which is worth reading
<FLHerne> They aren't, but perhaps they should be :p
<Althego> btw humans are also fish
<FLHerne> Really?
<Althego> because the word "fish" in english is not well defined, what it would mean biologically is basically a vertebrate
<Althego> what we obviously are
<FLHerne> Oh, so the same way birds are dinosaurs
<FLHerne> !stupid add The fastest animal alive today is a carnivorous dinosaur, Falco Peregrinus. It preys mainly on other dinosaurs, which it strikes and kills in midair with its claws.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added stupid quote: The fastest animal alive today is a carnivorous dinosaur, Falco Peregrinus. It preys mainly on other dinosaurs, which it strikes and kills in midair with its claws.
<Althego> i also recommend the systematic classification of life from aron ra
<Althego> super dad jokes at the end
<Althego> of each aep
<FLHerne> oh, there was another thing in the bot
<FLHerne> !stupid genera
<LunchBot> FLHerne: General rule: If YOU say you've cracked some long-running puzzle that's baffled experts for decades/centuries, you haven't.
<FLHerne> stupid search
<FLHerne> !stupid phyl
<LunchBot> FLHerne: "He says he is expecting us – Le narrowboat anglais Phyllis May avec ses géraniums."
<FLHerne> agh
<FLHerne> !stupid different genus
<LunchBot> FLHerne: False killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) can breed with bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Same family (Delphinidae) but different genus, and relatively far-removed genera at that.
<FLHerne> Althego: from your link:
<FLHerne> > “Pachyderms” (meaning thick skin) was a term that basically meant “large gray hairless animals from Africa,” and included rhinos, hippos, and elephants until we realized ... scientists decided the term was basically useless and stopped using it.
<Althego> hehe
<FLHerne> But honestly, that's a useful category
<FLHerne> Lots of genetically-related things fill very different environmental niches, are threatened by different stupid things humans do, and so on
<FLHerne> While distantly-related things that turn out similar through convergent evolution are often useful to consider together
<FLHerne> Like one of the other examples -- different kinds of tree are nearly unrelated, but it's clearly worth defining "tree" as a category
<Althego> yes, tree is a useful category
<Althego> i have never thought of its relation with phylogeny
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<Althego> lol danny's dimension breaker
<Althego> clouds in ksp2
<Althego> i dont need real volumetric clouds, just give some in ksp
<Mat2ch> but are the clouds realisticly simulated, driven by wind and do we get rain? ;)
<Alanonzander> How about snow?
<Althego> even professional military simulators dont do t hat
<Althego> you can turn on rain or snow
<Althego> and clouds
<Althego> but they are not really related to anything
<Mat2ch> Well, the military simulators don't have us as users. ;)
<Althego> ok, the rain and snow is lown by the wind
<Althego> they had me :)
<Mat2ch> And they do training for scenarios, they don't need a simulation
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<Althego> i lost one pair of shoes when i was testing the brakes in geilenkirchen, the bottom part separated
<umaxtu> brake shoes?
<umaxtu> as in drum brakes?
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<Althego> the brakes are on the rudder pedals, by tilting the pedals forward. i was trying to reproduce an issue and for that i needed consistent braking force
<Althego> and my shoes gave up
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<Althego> anyway sims dont have planet wide wather
<Althego> weather
<Althego> what ksp would need
<Mat2ch> well, you can import current weather data into some sims... ;)
<Mat2ch> but KSP would need a simple, but convincing weather simulation
<Althego> as a game you dont need to be correct, just good looking
<Althego> but even adding wind alone just messes up so many things
<Althego> you instantly have two sets of velocity vectors, with respect to ground and respect to air
<Althego> air speed indictations change too
<Althego> not that ksp has realistic air speed indicator
<Mat2ch> jup jup
<Althego> it is magical absolute speed
<Mat2ch> radar! ;)
<Mat2ch> there are enough radio stations around Kerbin, you could do that just by triangulation
<Althego> also drag and lift changes too
<Althego> if you have wind, you can have local conditions near mountain ridges, windhear to complicate you flight, maybe microburst too
<Althego> if you have water, you can have icing on the wind, in pitot tubes, and the runway
<Althego> *windshear
<Althego> see, copenhagen suborbitals can have their own timeline displayed in the stream, while spacex doesnt release anything like that from their tests, and all third party streams are just guessing
<Althego> countdown to test
<Althego> it is working
<Althego> i didnt expect that flame at the end
<darsie> Hawk: ​Valentina Kerman!
<darsie> :)
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> HU
<Althego> Hard Landing | a KSP Fan Animation
<Mat2ch> Woah
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<Mat2ch> WOAH
<Mat2ch> That attention to detail!
<Althego> looks totally pro
<Mat2ch> The animation!
<Mat2ch> Yes it does!
<Althego> like the ksp2 trailer
<Mat2ch> Better!
<Althego> btw the fuel indicator moves towards biffer numbers
<Althego> bigger
<umaxtu> I prefer biffer
<Althego> biff tannen
<Althego> wait this is an alcohol lox engine
<Althego> why dont they jus build a v-2 lol
<Althego> countdown to burn
<Althego> that howling second flame
<umaxtu> honestly? the v-2 wasn't that good of a design from a manufacturing perspective
<Mat2ch> it did the raptor burp!
<Althego> but tried and tested
<Althego> so they continue tomorrow
<Althego> easter holiday
* flayer throws Althego a banana
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<Althego> meanwhile each night the poor ingenuity needs to keep itself warm
<Althego> i really want to see it fly
<flayer> i need to learn to build helicopters in ksp
<Althego> i wonder if they can make the rover cams to dontinues movie by limiting resolution
<Mat2ch> Danny should join here and do some shameless self advertising. :D
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> yes just watched the last few
<Althego> the cockpit dimension is freaky
<Althego> also it is not worth to advertise for liek 10 people
<Mat2ch> How does he find those bugs?! HOW?
<Althego> the best is still the rectangular orbit lines
<Mat2ch> yeah
<Althego> ut this is close
<Mat2ch> ut
<Mat2ch> ?
<Althego> but
<Mat2ch> ah!
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<Althego> hehe
<FLHerne> Mat2ch: Take any contraption and add a claw to it
<FLHerne> !stupid klaw
<LunchBot> FLHerne: "After docking with the klaw, the camera flies away violently and then everything explodes."
<FLHerne> yeah, like that
<raptop> !outcome add The Sphinx of black quartz harshly judges your vow.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: The Sphinx of black quartz harshly judges your vow.
<Althego> what
<Althego> yes i take the sphinx
<Althego> i cant even remember the dog sentence correctly
<raptop> Also, "jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz"
<raptop> In conclusion, quartz sphinxes are good
<raptop> (Note that the judgement includes five quacking zephyrs jolting your wax bed)
<Althego> is there black quartz
<raptop> sure, why not
<Althego> ok looks cool
<Althego> scott
<Althego> lol, many people proved the alcohol used to fuel the redstone was afe enough to drink
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