Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing | Helicopter is doing!
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<Althego> guh
<Althego> nice views from the delta iv heavy
<raptop> OH: Ollie: "No you can't be my wife, I have five wives already" Reine & Anya: "that few?"
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> dad takes us to a camping trip in minecraft
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<Althego> and ame choose this time for minecraft too
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<Althego> or is this fake?
<Althego> but sounds like something elon would do
<flayer> its definitely fake
<flayer> there's no way
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<XXCoder> as real as 3 dollar usd
<Mat2ch> the static fire sounded pretty juicy. So no problems with the raptors this time?
<Mat2ch> Althego: that has to be fake. You can't make sats fly in that order, except if you tie them together with steel beams.
<Althego> not all the time, but they could be like that above a spsecific spot
<Althego> for 1-2 minutes
<Althego> the question is, wen hop
<Althego> tomorrow is heli flight
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<Althego> so hopefully hop tomorrow or a day after
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<Althego> kikkerikii
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<darsie> .
<Althego> i was waiting for taht
<darsie> :)
* UmbralRaptop blinks
* flayer slaps darsie
* darsie puts flayer in Dres orbit.
<darsie> With 0 m/s left.
<darsie> You sill have your jetpack.
<darsie> still
<Althego> drained :)
<flayer> unusually cruel punishment
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<darsie> You can scan for easter eggs an report them.
<darsie> It's a polar orbit.
<flayer> oh that's not so bad then
<UmbralRaptop> I think that requires a probe core?
<flayer> it requires a good pair of eyes!
<darsie> UmbralRaptop: Yeah, but not a very simple one. Must be able to connect to Kerbnet.
<darsie> Not sure if the cube can.
<darsie> And a sizable antenna.
<darsie> a power source.
<Althego> energon cube?
<darsie> Can access Kerbnet.
<darsie> And detect anomalies.
<Althego> wasnt there a game called anomaly?
<darsie> But yeah, you may be able to see anomalies from orbit.
<darsie> idk
<Althego> ah yes the reverse tower defense thing
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<Mat2ch> wen hop?
<Althego> tomorro
<Mat2ch> yay
<Althego> at least i think so based on the tfe
<Althego> r
<Mat2ch> jup
<Mat2ch> Wednesday or Thursday
<Mat2ch> but road closure for today, so maybe second static fire
<Mat2ch> or just crane move and stuff
<Mat2ch> but for moving the crane the usually don't block the road for hours.
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