Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<flayer> sad
* raptop feeds flayer happy pills
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* raptop is reminded of Mir
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<Althego> lol elon and the check out our new crane tweet
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<Althego> hehe reaper learning german... but starts 1 in the morning. sadly i will have to watch it later
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<Mat2ch> LabPadre has a stream set up for today. I wonder if this is a mistake or if they know things we don't know.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> lately spacex doesnt do anything in boca chica in the weekend
<Althego> i think there was something from elon too
<Althego> aside from the crane joke
<Althego> paypal now does the 2 facto sms thing
<Mat2ch> you can pay 16 USD and get every SMS redirected to you
<Mat2ch> not safe.
<Althego> i think this must be some eu regulation. banks already had to do this, and i was afraid paypal would stop working
<Mat2ch> if there only were some standards, here you could offer a code and an app!
<Mat2ch> Oh, wait
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<flayer> sigh
<flayer> 14 minute burn...
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<Mat2ch> sounds efficient at least
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<Althego> what there was another event horizon with paul davies
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<sandbox> Apophis
<raptop> more or less the same risk class as bennu now?
<flayer> food, raptop, i have food!
<raptop> yay, food
<Althego> hehe, track 3 titled: guh
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<Mat2ch> someday Squad has to explain to me how the 10m heat shield works.
<Mat2ch> It always(!) flips. Regardless what I do.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> is that the inflatable?
<Althego> also explain the science bay
<Althego> it always overheats if the same sized heat shield is in front of it
<Althego> in reality it wouldnt
<FLHerne> Why wouldn't it?
<Althego> because the heatshield does not transfer heat and the air is deflected sideways so it doesnt touch it
<FLHerne> It's cylindrical, so the sidewalls will be in the airflow to some extent
<Althego> and as we have seen in the rover landing video the heatshield should stay stable
<FLHerne> There's a reason capsules have angles
<FLHerne> I've not tried out the megaheatshield yet
<Mat2ch> Neither has Squad. :D
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<packbart> well, it does work. it would be as weird in real
<Althego> usually i us it for eve landing. and you cant deflate it, which is dumb, normally it would be deflated for sure
<Althego> then if oyu detach it
<Althego> it just slams into the ship
<Althego> or if doesnt it starts to spin faster and faster
<packbart> I use the "normal" heat shields on Eve
<Althego> they are4 too small
<Althego> for an aascent stage
<packbart> ok, I just don't plan on returning from Eve's surface :)
<Mat2ch> Powered landing all the way. That seems to be the only good way to land on Eve
<Mat2ch> or use arrays of regular heat shields
<Althego> wait, the whole craft flips for you?
<Mat2ch> yes!
<Mat2ch> the aero model is just broken :)
<Althego> some people add a second heatshield at the back
<Althego> that cancels the effect
<Mat2ch> I know
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> i add a fey find behind the heatshield
<Althego> at the very to
<Althego> p
<Althego> where i put angled engines too
<Althego> so if it really wants to flip or heat up, i can just break a little
<Althego> so landing an ascent stage looks more like a bomb
<Mat2ch> the parachutes aren't really Eve-compatible either... for such a harsh environment you would usually have other designs
<Althego> heatsgield is the nose, some cylindrical thing in the middle which is the body, and some stabilizing fins on top
<Mat2ch> heat shields in front of the craft to use as "parachutes" for reentry. ;)
<Althego> i havent done an aerobraking at jool since heat was introduced. i have to try the inflatable there too
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<FLHerne> !stupid state of matter
<LunchBot> FLHerne: "People always said the old placeholder was like flying in soup, but I disagree; it was like flying in some state of matter not currently known to man."
<FLHerne> ^ compared to the pre-1.0 aero model, the current one is amazing
<FLHerne> Planes *sort of* behave like planes in some flight regimes
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