Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Apparently SpaceX can do both a successful landing *and* a RUD
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<Althego> kikkeriki
<Mat2ch> hoi
<darsie> .
<Tank2333> grützi
<Althego> local leet time
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<Mat2ch> yay
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<Althego> sn11 has left the nest
<Althego> btw sn20 is under construction
<Mat2ch> crazy pace
<Althego> also crazy pace with the explosions
<Althego> they could stop now
<Althego> because at least the engines could be reused on the prototypes
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<Mat2ch> Althego: yeah, SN10 was sad
<Mat2ch> next time moaaaar engines for landing
<Althego> we wre speculating about that, if two engines could be used for landing
<Mat2ch> Elan said they are going to try to land with all three engines...
<Mat2ch> iirc
<Mat2ch> min 2 engines for landing and restarting the third if one of the others fail
<Althego> i read it as 2 engines
<Mat2ch> yeah :)
<Althego> because of restart 3
<Mat2ch> but "min three" could mean: Just leave em on
<Althego> so that means they are planning on landing on 2
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<Tsar-bomba> Do I have to say something to see what others say or is there just nothing happening
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<Mat2ch> Just nothing happening right now
<Tsar-bomba> Understandibe
<Althego> eppur si muove
<Althego> i really hope spacex doesnt spread itself too thin. starlink, starship, the sea launch platforms, and only falcon 9 produces money
<Mat2ch> Starlink will soon make money
<Mat2ch> There are so many customers around the world
<Althego> technically it already does, just probably costs way more to deploy it
<Mat2ch> all the shipping companies will come begging
<Mat2ch> People in remote areas are already waiting for it
<umaxtu> they are currently losing a lot of money on the user terminals
<Mat2ch> and I'm taling world-wide...
<Mat2ch> user terminals?
<Althego> this is my otp, i go down with this ship
<umaxtu> Mat2ch, the dishes
<Mat2ch> umaxtu: oh. Why do you think that they are losing money there?
<Mat2ch> I've seen the design broken appart. Doesn't look expensive at all.
<Mat2ch> lolwut
<Mat2ch> it's a PCB with some parts on it
<Mat2ch> that's it
<Mat2ch> planned to be produced in the hundred thousands
<Tsar-bomba> No, they just don’t charge enough to cover the satellites at this point by just selling the start kit
<Tsar-bomba> i think
<Althego> next launch in 1 day 9 hours and a bit
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<Mat2ch> yeah there is a custom chip on it (well, several of them) and those are epensive to develop. Producing them a million times will make them as cheap as one EUR or so
<Mat2ch> just look what a smart phone costs to make (and not for the price they are sold)
<Mat2ch> the the dish is so much easier to make
<Althego> dishy mcflatface :)
<Althego> or what was it
<Mat2ch> a computer mainboard is harder to manufacture and costs under 100 EUR
<Tsar-bomba> What confuses me about WiFi i
<Mat2ch> well, depending on if you like Asus oder nur. :D
<Tsar-bomba> Shoot
<Mat2ch> *or not
<umaxtu> phased arrays are more expensive
<Tsar-bomba> i didn’t mean to send that yet
<Mat2ch> happens :D
<Tsar-bomba> Especially when the keyboard is almost smaller than your hand
<Mat2ch> you need a bigger keyboard
<Tsar-bomba> It’s on an ipad
<Tsar-bomba> and school funded so...
<Tsar-bomba> I’d imagine the satellites are expensive, but once they are up there they don’t need much maintenance
<Tsar-bomba> they Make there own power so...
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<Tsar-bomba> I am extremely bored
<Althego> in that case you can always build an eve return vehicle
* raptop uses Tsar-bomba as wood paneling
<Tsar-bomba> What?
<raptop> bored <--> board
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<Tsar-bomba> Well that doesn’t make sense? How is someone extremely board?
<Althego> by being rushia?
<Tsar-bomba> It sounds kinda like a 90s kid marketed wood plank
<Tsar-bomba> actuA
<Tsar-bomba> actually I am horribly ammarica
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<raptop> Althego: ...I guess. But also gura, ina, subaru(?)...
* TristenKSP has formed after 13.8 billion years of atoms clumping together
<Tsar-bomba> I should probably change my name to... B83? I thought the biggest was castle bravo
<Althego> raptop: there is the board meeting meme
* raptop wants to say that the Mk 41 was as big as Castle Bravo, and an actual production device
<TristenKSP> It's time for your vibe checks. <img src="" alt="VIC - Vibe Check by The Vibe"/>
<Tsar-bomba> But B83 or Mk 41 Is not as catchy as castle bravo or tsar bomba
<Tsar-bomba> i... I don’t like that
<raptop> Contrast with the B53 / W-53, which went on the Titan II
<TristenKSP> You failed your vibe check, Tsar-bomba. <img src=";usqp=CAU" alt="You Have Failed The Vibe Check - YouTube"/>
<raptop> don't need to post html tags, just the rls are fine
<Tsar-bomba> Oh kraken
<TristenKSP> alt="The Birth of OK, 175 Years Ago - HISTORY"/>
<TristenKSP> it didn't work
<raptop> er, urls
<Althego> hehe
* raptop pokes fingers
<Althego> hard to plaintext today :)
<TristenKSP> raptop is a shy boy
<raptop> ♂?
<TristenKSP> man
<TristenKSP> 👉👈
<TristenKSP> 👁️👄👁️ head empty, no thoughts
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<raptop> What, like koishi?
<raptop> (Or I suppose Cirno)
<TristenKSP> I shot tsar-bomba
<Althego> i shot the sheriff, but i did not shoot the deputy
<TristenKSP> Well, the sheriff is more dangerous, they have a higher rank
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<TristenKSP> oh no, they're revived!
<Tsar_bomba> What?
<TristenKSP> Top 10 Anime plot Twists
<Tsar_bomba> What did I miss?
<TristenKSP> I shot you
<Tsar_bomba> oh
<TristenKSP> Cause you failed the vibe check
<Tsar_bomba> im not vibin bc my teachers smart tv isn’t smart
<TristenKSP> >:(
<Althego> law of conservation of ninjutsu. the less of enemies there are, the more dangerous they are
<TristenKSP> how
<TristenKSP> See the thing is, we don't live in Japan
<raptop> That means that the handful of ninjas are even more dangerous
<Tsar_bomba> So... less ninjas= more danger? That doesn’t really make sense
<raptop> danger from an individual ninja ~ 1/number_of_ninjas
<Althego> because ninjutsu is conserved
<packbart> the more minions you had to get through, the more dangerous the boss-fight
<Althego> i am not as evil to link the tv trpes page
<Tsar_bomba> But I feel like 2 ninjas would be better than 1
<Althego> but not in stories or games
<Tsar_bomba> i don’t think I understand
<Althego> one enemy, that is a serious boss fight. many, those are just cannon fodder
<Tsar_bomba> Oh
<Althego> simply this is more interesting from a stroytelling standpoint
<Tsar_bomba> that way it makes sence
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<Guest91149> What did I do...
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<raptop> closed a tab?
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<raptop> closed a tab?
<Tsar_bomba> Used slash quit in the... espernet thing
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<flayer> that awkward moment when you immediately successfully get a successful encounter on a maneuver node, but thought you were flying in the other direction as you began planning it
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