Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<Althego> oh there was a peter beck interview in the downtime after launch and before deploy
<Althego> they used music from everyday astronaut
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<Althego> eh hop is not tuday but on wednesday
<raptop> compare next hop with next kikkeriki?
<Althego> that is today
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<Althego> not that it helps
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<Althego> oh i forgot
<Althego> zombanwa
<Mat2ch> Althego: no hop? :(
<Althego> there is a brief closure
<Althego> but looks like it is really tomorrow
<Mat2ch> oh, wow, it took ESA 7 years to figure out that Ariane 6 is not competetive.
<Althego> sunken cost falalcy
<Althego> they cant stop now
<Mat2ch> At this speed we will see a reusable cheap vehicle in, uhm, 2050 or so.
<Mat2ch> I wonder if Scott Manley will make a video about it. :D
<Althego> heh there was a video yesterday
<Althego> and i didnt say it
<Mat2ch> Althego: how do you know that the hop is not today?
<Althego> because it moved on the sites to wednesday?
<Althego> or rather on nextrocket
<Althego> rocketlaunch doesnt show it
<Althego> at least not for any specific day
<Mat2ch> and where does nextrocket get that information from?
<Althego> i dont know. "not always right"
<Mat2ch> the road closure is still scheduled, the tfr still active and apparently some workers attached cameras to the top of SN11
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<Althego> just a brief closure
<Althego> maybe moving a crane
<Mat2ch> hm, ok, yes, that is odd.
<Mat2ch> but why should they move the crane before the flight?!
<Althego> unless they want to move something out of the launch site
<Althego> i think tankzilla is not there at the moment
<Althego> so we can only wait and see
<Althego> or they trick everybody and prepare and launch and recover it in one hour :)
<Althego> another thunderf00t video. i actually like jixuan and sebastian. but even i noticed that there were problems with the hyperloop. and i still dont believe it to be a useful idea at all
<Mat2ch> Prepare and launch in under one hour would make some ESA engineers shiver in fear of their job.
<Althego> and i think it is impossible
<Althego> just because you cant fuel the cryogenic liquids that fast
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<Mat2ch> yeah, then it's probably only the crane
<Mat2ch> maybe they move it to the landing site to be able to recover SN11
<Althego> maybe they move the booster there just to test the movement process
<Althego> eh dst coming up this sunday
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<Mat2ch> do you think BN1 is already ready?
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<Althego> it doesnt need to be ready, since it is not for flying
<Mat2ch> By ready I meant welded together.
<Izaya> hyperloop but for launching payloads to space with a very long mass driver
<Mat2ch> and 20km high up :D
<darsie> .topic
<Althego> hehe, ms wants to buy discord. say goodbye while you can
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<Mat2ch> Althego: yeah...
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<Mat2ch> Waste of Sand. :D
<Althego> yes last year was something from amd too
<Althego> i think it was waste of silicon
<Althego> somewhere in the video he mentions the crash of adobe premier is a feature
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<Althego> so elon wants to land a starship on mars before 2030
<Althego> possible
<Althego> control through the dsn?
<Althego> or maybe special long distance starlinks?
<Mat2ch> fully autonomous...
<Althego> cant
<Althego> you need course corrections
<Mat2ch> AI!
<Althego> actually, supposedly with quasars you can do extremely precise location in the solar system
<Althego> where did i hear this from, maybe anton petrov
<Mat2ch> well, I read about it
<Mat2ch> star trackers use that
<Althego> so maybe as of this year it is possible to do it autonomously
<Althego> but that is not very exciting
<Althego> it goes there and comes back on its own
<Althego> dont see it for 2 years ofr so
<Althego> so normally you would expect some sort of communication
<Mat2ch> there will be some sort of communication
<Althego> and so we arrive back to the question, if it going to be the dsn or elon comes up with something new again
<Mat2ch> DSN, since it's only a few packages.
<Althego> for the first settlement maybe it should do a reverse dsn. build the dishes there and have a local satellite network
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<Mat2ch> And then... LASERS!
<Althego> ah yes, lasers can do anything
<darsie> How would we figure out the course corrections? Telescopes? Can SS do that?
<Althego> btw yes, i am waiting for real use of laser communications for interplanetary desitances
<Althego> distances
<darsie> What lasers would we use? Ruby? CO2? q-switching?
<darsie> With mirrors?
<darsie> With parabolic mirrors?
<darsie> Or are the cavity mirrors and medium surfaces good and large enough?
<Althego> i didnt know this had laser comms
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<Izaya> space lasers
<Althego> what could go wrong
<raptop> It's fine. Lasers are already used for measuring topography
<Althego> ah yes true
<raptop> And of course, in an anti-material role by a certain pair of nuclear powered autonomous robots
<umaxtu> lol
<sandbox> Anti-Materiel Rifle
<kubi> why would you measure topography?
<kubi> it is flat
<Althego> lol
<raptop> You'd be surprsied at what lurks beyond the ice wall
<Althego> no even flat earthers say the earth is completely flat, even they know there are things on the surface
<Mat2ch> Aaaahhh, the road closure was for GSE pressure testing!
<Althego> nice
<Althego> i didnt know they are that far ahead with those
<Mat2ch> well, the first one looked pretty much done to me.
<Mat2ch> and yes, it's crazy that the same tank style will go to orbit.
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<packbart> "On 18 March 2021, the 18th Space Control Squadron of the U.S. Space Force confirmed that NOAA-17 disintegrated in orbit on 10 March 2021, and that 16 associated pieces of space debris were being tracked." - Rest in pieces
<Althego> wjat
<Althego> satellites dont just disintegrate
<Althego> is that an attack? or just the beginning of the kessel syndrome?
<Althego> oh wait not kessel
<Althego> whatever
<packbart> it might have popped a tank, maybe. "There was no indication of collision as the cause of the break up"
<Mat2ch> It's getting time to cleanup this planet and the space surrounding it.
<Althego> going to clean up in a few hundred years
<Althego> one way or another
<Mat2ch> I'm talking about now...
<Mat2ch> and while we're at it we should clean up the atmosphere as well.
<Althego> atmoplane :)
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<flayer> well, my eve mission was a disaster
<flayer> didn't land on gilly, and got a rover stuck in a suborbital trajectory without comms
<flayer> maybe i can salvage it when we get closer to kerbin
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<darsie> How does a rover get stuck in a suborbital trajectory?
<raptop> Given gilly's infamous lack of gravity, driving too fast?
<darsie> It should come down eventually.
<darsie> I never put a rover on Gilly. Did a few ion ships, and refuelled my Eve missions there.
<flayer> nah, i'm just not proceeding with the aerobraking and left the scene when it was on its apoapsis
<darsie> Lithobraking. There's no air on Gilly.
<flayer> orbit around eve
<flayer> i didn't land on gilly
<flayer> i could've landed on gilly, gotten all the science, but i was like 'na the primary mission is the rover'
<raptop> Is it really a landing, or more of a docking?
<darsie> You land on Gilly. It doesn't have docking ports.
<darsie> If wheels had angular momentum, I guess rovers could right themselves after falling over on Gilly.
<Izaya> External reaction wheels.
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