raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Perseverance is not doing. Perseverance is landing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm0b_ijaYMQ
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<Althego> and starlink 17 still didnt launch
<Althego> but at least there was a scott video
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<Althego> at least somebody made a clip from the crew-2 live stream where somebody from spacex explained what happened during the last landing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSZMCY1Gzgw
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<prefixcactus> raptop!
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<Althego> high chance of sleep
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<Mat2ch> Althego: the problem with all the Scott videos is that there is no news for me in it :/
<Althego> he can shine light on some detail i did not know or did not know the importance of
<Mat2ch> sometimes, yes
<Mat2ch> Problem is: I don't have the time. There is so much to do :|
<Althego> perfect to listen to while playing ksp :)
<JVFoxy> whaaa..? I can't hear over the rockets blasting in the background
<Althego> that is why i use 20-25% volume level in the mixeer for ksp
<JVFoxy> Lol... going to space can be either very loud, (rockets, space station machinery) or very quiet... (vacuum) :\
<JVFoxy> I've turned off KSP music... although, some background sounds like in the VAB seems to be placed in the wrong catagory
<JVFoxy> sigh.. ever wondered what happened to Kerbal Komics? https://i.imgur.com/jf5LkQG.png
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> oh found quite a lot of flat earth today
<Althego> on the red list. really hard to find now
<JVFoxy> picked that one in particular. Something about the new ground scatterrer, but also sounds of birds in the background of KSC during daytimes
<Althego> i guess at some point there were no trees
<Althego> and it happened in an update
<Althego> because this is the old space center
<JVFoxy> ya
<JVFoxy> also.. arg. found my docking ports canted very slightly on a station after I'm ready to vacate it.. sigh ocd much
<Althego> hehe a guy came up with a whole alternative physics
<Althego> i guess because he couldnt understand what he was taught
<Althego> or an elaborate poe
<JVFoxy> meh was going to hack my presist file but... oh well
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<minas_tirith> darsie, hi
<darsie> hi minas_tirith
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<Mat2ch> tomorrow, not today
<Althego> oh no
<Althego> partly cloudy, 9% rain, 16 mph wind
<Althego> today looks even better, but i guess they are just not ready
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<Althego> at least it ends on a positive note https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1366958209185943552
<darsie> !tget 1367074939317157888
<darsie> !t 1367074939317157888
<Althego> nope
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<Althego> (local) leet time
<darsie> 1337
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<Mat2ch> well, I'm guessing they will create a live stream corner somewhere :D
<Mat2ch> For some reason NSF is still waiting for the launch
<Mat2ch> I wonder which "tomorrow" Elon meant
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> Today "tomorrow" it seems ;)
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Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Perseverance is not doing. Starship is hopping. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTA0GTgFn5E
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<Althego> so is it launching or not?
<Althego> ah march 3rd. that is now. so maybe it is now https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1367082108863320070
<flayer> they will launch your butt!
<Althego> ok, can i choose a ide on the crew dragon instead? :)
<Althego> ride
<flayer> no, it's SN10 or nothing
<Althego> no sound on nsf stream, tim's stream dies
<Althego> ok sound came back
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<Mat2ch> still final checkouts
<Mat2ch> for how long now?
<Althego> hours
* flayer has a seemingly still picture of the rocket in the corner of his screen
<Althego> texas tankwatchers
<Althego> interesting steel cylinders
<flayer> its really gonna be hours
<Althego> never expected anything else
<Althego> the last one was after 22h or so
<Althego> in cet of course
<Althego> so if we are lucky, maybe in 2-3 hours
<Althego> or maybe tomorrow
<flayer> alright, now where do i plant my mun base?
<Althego> high resource concentration close to equator
<flayer> it hasn't got a drill
<Althego> yet
<flayer> i don't have the scanner unlocked yet
<flayer> i'm gonna try for the polar lowlands
<flayer> i don't think i've ever even landed there
<Althego> some biomes there
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<Althego> flaps moving
<flayer> but first i'm gonna plant a seismo thingie to record the rocket debris crashing into the mun
<Althego> i liek that epxeriment
<Althego> provides lot of science for free basicaly
<flayer> i'm going to send a rocket with a lot of fuel and a small claw to collect the debris i've left around the mun
<flayer> and then slam it into the ground!
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<Althego> shark and reaper mc stream in 11 hours
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<Althego> activity started
<flayer> i hope they lunch tonight
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<Althego> probably aborted
<Althego> should be fueling
<Althego> and the venting is gone
<Althego> hehe nsf stream, johnny 5 camera
<Althego> cars going to the pad
<Althego> which means it will take hours if not an otehr da
<Althego> y
<Althego> hehe there is a helicopter roo
<Althego> with camera
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<sheeep> hey hey
<sheeep> need help again^^
<Althego> (hey dude hey dude hey dude roar)
* darsie helps sheeep cross the road.
<sheeep> i remember a small icon how strong my sat com receiving is.. the icon in the upper left corner... its gone!? can i turn it on?
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<Althego> hehe i cant even turn it off
<sheeep> ^^
<Althego> it should be close to the clock
<Althego> or is it gone during time acceleration?
<Althego> 0j 0t? ah must be localization
<Althego> it looks like it wanted to put out something there. it tired to draw a line
<sheeep> yea
<sheeep> how is it called?
<Althego> maybe comm network is disabled?
<Althego> in the game settings
<Althego> it means you can turn it off
<Althego> but the small black line shows it just failed to draw it
<Althego> i would call it the signal strength indicator
<sheeep> aah in the difficult settings
<Althego> hehe the moth vtuber rigs her own model
<raptop> ?
<sheeep> its on now.. nice
<raptop> Are lamps involved?
<Althego> for rigging? why would it involve lamps?
<sheeep> mothra oO
<Althego> anyway that is high level stuff, not just using it, but creating the model too
* raptop actually has no idea who the moth vtuber is, is this a twitch thing?
<Althego> juniper
<Althego> you can find clips on yt
<raptop> ah
<Althego> another spacewalk in some two days
<Mat2ch> stuck at Pad Closeouts? Huh?
<Althego> not stuck, back again
<Althego> activity again
<Althego> wintergatan video 54 minutes ago :)
<Althego> spent weeks on these new mechanisms, work fine... creates a new one
<Althego> looks perfect
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<Althego> it looks better than anything else before, easier to create, andwork better too
<Althego> *works
<Althego> rocket venting
<Althego> there is no spacex stream yet
<Althego> come on, fly. i have to get up for the shark-reaper stream
<Ariri> what are they playing?
<Althego> watching 3 live streams from boca chica
<Ariri> I mean samekami
<Althego> minecraft
<Ariri> Ah
<Althego> in about 8 hours
* raptop wonders if samekami or samegami would work better
<raptop> Either way, consider: a shark god
<Ariri> Or kamisame because it sounds like kami-sama, but I just made up 'samekami' right then
<Ariri> I don't know what their official collab thing is
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<Althego> engine chill
<Althego> and tri vent
<Althego> so possibly now less than 12 minutes
<Althego> about 5 minutes
<Ariri> space x live now
<Althego> i was clicking on it eright now
<flayer> 2 minutes
<Althego> 1.5
<Althego> T-10 s
<Althego> no
<Althego> abotrt
<Althego> a reset would take hours
<Neal> welp
<Althego> at 0.1 s
<Mat2ch> no hop
<Ariri> sh*t
<flayer> aww
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<Althego> i saw previous ones liuve
<Althego> but i am going to have to sleep through this
<Althego> if they do an engine change it is going to take days again with static fire
<Althego> why is the tip of the nose red on tim's stream?
<Althego> this thing that i can do with browsers. tear out tabs to separate windows and put them back together again. eve could do that 15 years ago with most windows. windows still cant to it
<sheeep> damn
<sheeep> another mission bug!?
<Althego> at least it is not a heading bug
<Althego> (heading bug is a part of the hsi instrument)
<sheeep> oO so
<sheeep> "attach a new part to a satellite" but the contract doesnt even notice that an engineer is on board.
<Ariri> Chat says SN10 retry in 2 hours
<Althego> count me out
<Althego> of course this is going to be the one when they nail the landing
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<JVFoxy> bleh.. no idea why video went potato quality then just kept stuttering. Though looks like I didn't miss much. They say what the abort was about?
<umaxtu> engine thrust out of bounds
<Ariri> Made too much thrust apparently?
<Ariri> In KSP that's a blessing :P
<JVFoxy> that depends...
<JVFoxy> remember the early days of the mainsail engine?
<JVFoxy> too much force, it either slammed through your rocket or overheated too quickly
* raptop twitches
<raptop> That wasn't so much a mainsail problem as an orange tank problem
<raptop> that is, the CoM of the tank was too far away, so it didn't transfer heat
<JVFoxy> oh right... then stacking two of those things together..
<raptop> Also, speaking of early mainsail days, remember how in 0.16 it was unimpressive compared with most of the size 1 engines, and in 0.17 the aerospike was better at both Isp and TWR than everything?
<JVFoxy> then again, I barely used mainsail. Usually ended up using the Skipper engine as my boosters
* raptop wants to say that the tank issues were fixed by the time the Skipper was added
<JVFoxy> Raptop lol.. I did an polar orbiting satellite using 4 drop tanks, medium rockomax fuel tank and one spike engine. Mind you, back then, heating wasn't an issue either.
<raptop> heh
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<darsie> Starship | SN10 | High-Altitude Flight Test
<Ariri> liftoff
<Ariri> Touchdown.
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<Izaya> lmao it went boom
<raptop> Not nominal
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<darsie> Why does https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOQkk3ojNfM shout at t+14:36, 1 s before SN10 blows up?
<FLHerne> I guess the video compression adds a bit of latency
<FLHerne> (for the camera feed)
<darsie> ok
<FLHerne> I mean, it's a remote camera from where the guy's standing, so clearly they haven't got it synced quite right for <insert technical reason>