Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Apparently SpaceX can do both a successful landing *and* a RUD
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<flayer> sending a mission to jool...
<flayer> mostly just a commsat array, because i haven't unlocked the biggest comms yet lol
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<Althego> ah found 2 falt earth. nice
<flayer> haha, i needed another control point for this rover/lander and i put a stayputnik on it XD
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<Althego> what is the problem with it. has a nice shiny surface
<Althego> i wish there were more shiny surfaces. matbe windows and such
<flayer> I'm calling it the "AI Eye"
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i would have used asmall docking port
<Althego> and how come it is not shiny fot you?
<flayer> it is kind of shiny
<Althego> it is kind of matte (is that the word?)
<Althego> it is really shiny for me
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<Althego> oh no, ollie and papers please. and i havent finished the first flat earth video yet
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<Althego> i almost forgot about the launch
<Althego> hmm a 9th flight
<Mat2ch> oh, nice, I can watch a launch live
<Althego> but this says 6 am eastern, isnt it noon?
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<Mat2ch> 20 minutes
<Mat2ch> so no
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<Althego> stream on
<Althego> 1 minute
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<Althego> the plasma in the night
<Althego> lol
<Althego> it missed the ship
<Althego> but it landed just fine
<Althego> i didnt see it in the camnera
<Althego> and it hit zero altitude
<Althego> they say it landed
<Mat2ch> Althego: there's the shot
<Althego> yes
<Mat2ch> the picture just got stuck
<Althego> maybe the ship video was a bit delayed
<Althego> ula head said that reuse is not practical below 10. well they are at 9 now
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<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> And the head has just his bottom hitting the ground.
<Mat2ch> reuse of complex machineries is always practical
<Althego> not if maintenance cost too much between flights
<Althego> like space shuttle
<Mat2ch> The Space Shuttle had some major issues
<Althego> it never flew the missions it was deisgned for
<Mat2ch> yeah
<Mat2ch> too many cooks
<Althego> oh i get the time discrepancy. did they have daylight saving already?
<Althego> yes they did, just today
<Althego> and i really really hope there will be no daylight saving this year, as planned
<Mat2ch> uh
<Mat2ch> what?
<Althego> wasnt it supposed to stop in 2021?
<Mat2ch> Some states in the US are planning to switch to permanent daylight saving time. (which is dumb, but, well...)
<Althego> in eu
<Mat2ch> and in the EU? Nah
<Mat2ch> They couldn't get to an agreement
<Althego> lol
<Althego> we cant even do something that requires no action. no action is dont do dst
<Mat2ch> they voted that every state should be able to select if they want dst or not, but then they would all have to come to an agreement to not create more weirdness.
<Mat2ch> and the northern countries would never go to permanent dst, so...
<Mat2ch> but let's not get into politics here. I need some ideas for lunch.
<Althego> !lunch
<Mat2ch> or it will be pasta.
<Althego> or what ws it
<Althego> .lunch
<Althego> eh
<Mat2ch> !launch
<Mat2ch> Bot is deeeeeed
<Althego> lunchbot is not mine
<Mat2ch> !mission
<Mat2ch> mission bot is dead, too.
<UmbralRaptop> The bot died in a fire. Yes, that one
<Althego> the datacenter fire?
<Althego> i wonder if the missions were lost a second and final time now
<UmbralRaptop> yeah, that fire
<Althego> cloud is somebody else's problem? not really
<Althego> deployment coming up in a few minutes
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<Mat2ch> UmbralRaptop: It lives in the cloud now.
<Mat2ch> And will always be in our hearts.
<Althego> why are these so different
<Althego> hmm, i wonder, are the orange suit kerbal names different in localizations?
<Mat2ch> I don't know why the names are different. But it blew my mind, when I first learnt about it.
<Mat2ch> I always thought they would be named the same
<Mat2ch> crazy stuff
<Althego> so how are they called actually?
<Mat2ch> Huey, Dewey and Louie
<Althego> i didnt know
<Mat2ch> yeah, totally weird.
<Mat2ch> The translation is from a time, where the local stuff was much more important. Today this probably wouldn't happen anymore
<Mat2ch> well, back then not almost everyone spoke English, so...
<Althego> but these names seem to be meaningless
<Althego> that has not changed. at least here more than half doesnt speak any other language
<Mat2ch> I guess Tick, Trick and Track were easier to say than Huey, Dewey and Louie, because how do you spell "Huey" if you never learnt any english?
<darsie> 1337
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<darsie> In German the rich duck is Dagobert Duck.
<Althego> here too
<darsie> Mat2ch: You could spell it Huey an it might be "mispronounced", just like we mispronounced Duck.
<darsie> with u as in Uhura.
<darsie> Or Ubuntu.
<darsie> U-Boot
<flayer> excellent, my serve-supported twitch engine RCS works well! i use it to orient for docking, slow down, and raise the front of the craft to lift off
<flayer> servo*
<Althego> i never thought of this
<Althego> actually good idea. hard to lift off with space planes without air
<flayer> yeah
<Althego> no, moving the aft wheels closer to the com is not a solution, then it would bump the tail into the ground
<flayer> and if i can use it to successfully gain sufficient speed for orbit on laythe, i'll be in heaven entirely
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<Althego> "cursed food is literally instant noodles and milk and chocolate mixed together". just who eats that... not even a zombie
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<Mat2ch> well
<Mat2ch> there are some other odd things humans eat
<Mat2ch> this is not the worst
* darsie regularly eats muesli with ground chia+flax seeds, tomato puree, multivitamin juice, soy milk.
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<Mat2ch> that
<Mat2ch> I have no words for that
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> :)
<Althego> sound like what a college student would eat from what they could find in the fridge
<Mat2ch> soy milk and chia seeds are too expensive for students...
<Althego> can be, but it is all random
<darsie> It evolved that way.
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<flayer> aww, just short of orbit
<darsie> How much dv missing?
<Althego> i'm not crazy i just evolved this way :)
<flayer> not sure, a few hundred would do it, i think
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<flayer> i might be able to achieve orbit if i land somewhere that i can refuel and if i am low on snacks
<darsie> Ok, I guess that's too much to just get it by flying better.
<flayer> i'm going 1500m/s and got an apoapsis of 50km
<flayer> on laythe
<darsie> Unless you were flying really bad.
<flayer> There is that possibility.
<flayer> it is sufficient for me at any rate
<flayer> if i really want to, i can get to orbit, i think
<darsie> Fly shallow.
<flayer> just gotta dock while in a suborbital trajectory
<flayer> the ship was never meant to do this anyway
<flayer> i'm just surprised that it can XD
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<darsie> You could get out and jetpack the rest to orbit.
<darsie> rest?
<flayer> i have an ore to fuel converter and drill on board, but i couldn't refuel. i was missing about 500 liquid fuel
<flayer> if I dump the monopropellant and snacks, along with the removal of RCS thrusters (which I no longer need), I might be able to manage it
<flayer> *replaces some manual struts with auto struts
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<flayer> i fired up the atomic engines too early as well, i should climb to at least 10000 meters before activating them
<flayer> it'd probably be better to burn oxidizer if i need a ground level boost
<flayer> this is totally doable
<darsie> A higher Ap may give you enough time for low thrust engines.
<flayer> indeed
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<lucas> hello?
<Althego> hi
<Mat2ch> hello
<JVFoxy> heyos
<Althego> hello darkness my old friend
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<flayer> wait
<flayer> gravity assists steal energy from the planet?!
<raptop> In real life yes, in KSP no
<flayer> earth is going to slow down to halt in no time!
<Althego> hehe i knew it
<flayer> we must form an activist group to prevent this
<Althego> quit without saying anuthing
<flayer> orbital protectors
<Althego> there is a planetary protection officer for each mission
<Althego> but not because of orbits
<Althego> in reality the probe is so small the energy taken is insignificant, probably random asteroids do as much over time
<Althego> and of course in ksp the planets are on rails
<Althego> i wonder how the mars sample return is going to happen. best is to hit the ppo directly during descent maybe?
<Althego> or by that time maybe it could arrive to the mun
<Althego> even if something in it, not many people are endangered there
<flayer> they probably already know the 4 square kilometer in the desert in which it will land
<flayer> and the exact 100th of a second when it will be there
<flayer> for each of the 40 scenarios they have
<Althego> there is no mission planned to even collect the stuff yet
<Althego> so they absolutely dont know what, how and when it is going to happen
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<JVFoxy> oh wanted to ask.. anyone use that exchange site for sharing craft builds?
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<flayer> wow.. manueverable forward thrusters is really key to easy life in ksp
<flayer> when it comes to docking
<flayer> finally i have a use for the puffs
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<JVFoxy> oof
<JVFoxy> coming in a bit hot at times are ya?
<flayer> its just so much more convenient
<flayer> don't have to struggle with the feeble rcs thrusters
<flayer> don't have to flip the ship
<JVFoxy> long as you have the fuel to spare...
<JVFoxy> uh so.. what can I do with nearly 3k in DV from KSP orbit..
<JVFoxy> was trying to figure out a design for my next set of missions. I might have overdone it a little with too big a tank on the service section
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<darsie> flayer: I getting along well with the quads or the vernier for larger ships.
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<darsie> Docking with just the main engine is fiddly, but possible, too. Also, RCS on just one ship is enough.
<darsie> I have verniers on my orbital fuel station, so my cruisers can save some mass.
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