Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Apparently SpaceX can do both a successful landing *and* a RUD
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<Althego> when does the whatever its name space telescope launch?
<flayer> next year
<flayer> as has been the case for the past 20 years
<flayer> it always launches "next year"
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> hmm the net says it is oct 31 this year
<Althego> (doesnt equal to dec 25 :))
<Izaya> >.>
<flayer> its still early in the year
<flayer> it'll be postponed to next year before june
<Althego> yes probably it is going to slip somewhat
<Althego> weather, virus, the eventual invasion of the surface by the mole people
<Althego> oh wait, i wasnt supposed to say the last one
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<Althego> spacewalk stream started while i was sleeping, no yet spacewalking
<Althego> hehe "i am not addicted", sings, the apex addicted zomviw
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<Althego> (local) leet time
<darsie> .
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<TheKosmonaut> ... apparently my client died
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<Mat2ch> There's a tfr for next Tuesday...
<Mat2ch> sooooo
<Mat2ch> flight?
<Althego> so monday is static fire tuesday is flight?
<Mat2ch> Maybe
<Mat2ch> no road closures announced yet
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<Guest49413> hi
<Althego> hi
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<Althego> hah, no bot
<Althego> but still as failure
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<JVFoxy> ok.. that was a pretty interesting mun orbiting mission I just did...
<JVFoxy> contract to do a spacewalk in mun orbit and to meet with another craft..
<JVFoxy> since I already had a relay out there with a docking port.. boost out, high orbit. space walk. Drop down to below 60km orbit, science there. Swing around to meet the relay in lower orbit. Dock, just cuz, why not? Come home.
<JVFoxy> stupid landing pod on mountain behind KSC nearly blew the mission, managed to get things stabilized...oh look, crew reports on mountain at least :)
<darsie> :)
<darsie> Sadly these times are past for me.
<JVFoxy> I got the update a little while back. I just haven't had access to the PC up till recently
<JVFoxy> been kind of avoiding *chaos* back at home
<Althego> a world without string is chaos
<darsie> I haven't jetpacked from Mun surface to an inert pod in orbit. Just to pod rockets.
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<JVFoxy> I could do with a little less chaos..
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* raptop null-terminates Althego's string
<Althego> 50 ohm terminator
* Mat2ch adds a wire
<Mat2ch> Resistance is futile!
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> widerstand ist zwecklos
<darsie> Do you have other clients?
<darsie> nm
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i was wondering how that fit here
<darsie> <@TheKosmonaut> ... apparently my client died
* darsie noticed Kerbals no longer turn when thrusting in map mode.
<darsie> Like, unintentionally.
<JVFoxy> nerrrrrds...
<JVFoxy> but thats ok :)
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