Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<Althego> zombanwa
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<Mat2ch> fascinating this is
<darsie> Someone posted that on freenode before :)
<Althego> is that the recent volcanic activity on island?
<Althego> btw there is at least one guy on the internet, who lives in hawaii, and believes volcanos are fake/lie/conspiracy
<Althego> because nobody has ever seen lava flowing out of a cone shaped mountain
<Althego> what, there is a live cam?
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<Althego> helpful people even say it for you
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<Mat2ch> Althego: that must be rule 35. If it exists, there's a live cam of it.
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FLHerne is now known as Guest32845
<Mat2ch> Multiport docking seems to be broken now :(
<Althego> it never worked for me
<Althego> even when they said it did
<Althego> but i dont use it normally so doesnt matter to me
<Mat2ch> it was somewhat broken a few versions back where you couldn't align two ports anymore properly (they were always a few milli degrees off)
<Mat2ch> and now it doesn't seem to work at all :|
<Mat2ch> I love multiport docking
<Mat2ch> makes it possible to dock huge pushing stages together without having to launch them in one piece
<Mat2ch> and I'd like to have docking ports where I can set the snap degrees. So that they align properly to 90° or so
<Mat2ch> I could go with one docking port, since now it should be possible to add struts in space
<Althego> obvious solution, we need a super heavy docking port
<Mat2ch> Docking clamps :D
<Althego> if there are decouplers in all sizes, there should be docking port too
<Althego> you can already build your clamps
<Mat2ch> uh, how?
<Althego> turn on what is its name something like craft interaction
<Althego> for parts
<Althego> and then you cna hold onto other parts
<Althego> for example with landing legs
<Mat2ch> oh, that
<Althego> or with the robotics parts
<Althego> same vessel interaction
<Althego> you couldeven build your own docking port like this
<Mat2ch> Same vessel interaction, thanks for the hint.
<Althego> i never tried it
<Mat2ch> now it docks, but is still offset.
<Althego> since most of the time it is a blessing that legs and moving things can clip through other parts
<Mat2ch> Meh!
<Mat2ch> I ask the forum :P
<Althego> electron launch in 11 a hours and some minutes
<Althego> not ideal for watching here
<Mat2ch> So, uh, post made, now I wait.
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<Althego> zombanwa
<Althego> apex until she the zombie dies. died by falling into the water
<Althego> (local) leet time
<Althego> the opposite of formaldehyde is casualdejekyll
<UmbralRaptop> ranked competitive Hyde
<Mat2ch> ah, the ground is already venting
<Mat2ch> this time in Boca Chica and not Iceland. :D
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> ah i slways forget they already had dst
<Mat2ch> yeah, stupid dst. :(
<Mat2ch> Coming up here, too, real soon
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<Althego> siren
<Althego> there was something
<Althego> kind of long
<Althego> it seems they are starting to get the hang of it
<Althego> they got to the static fire in an hour? or maybe the shift starts at 6?
<Althego> also elon claimed the vacuum raptor development is going well
<Althego> it seems such a waste to have 6 engines but only use 3 of them
<Althego> couldnt they have some kind of nozzle extension that can turn on or off?
<Mat2ch> Althego: probably yes, but patented.
<Althego> lol
<Althego> but nobody used such a thing
<Althego> i mean there is one that can turn on
<Mat2ch> eh, that is used!
<Althego> but it is there to conserve space
<Mat2ch> let me look for it
<Althego> but i dont know one that can then turn off
<Althego> also there might be slight differences in the engine too
<Mat2ch> I'm pretty sure other people had the same idea
<Althego> there is no separate data on the wiki about the two raptor variants. there is a vacuum isp and a sea level isp, but i assume that is for the normal variant. or the vacuum is for the vacuum variant and the sea level for the sea level variant?
<Althego> damn those patents
<Mat2ch> I knew it
<Althego> yes this is the one i kow
<Althego> but it never turns off
<Althego> just unpacks itself after staging
<Mat2ch> yeah
<Mat2ch> but packing it back would be rather easy
<Mat2ch> it's just not needed, because it is only used on upper stages and they are then dumped into the ocean.
<Althego> it is such a trivial idea that it took me like 5 seconds to think of it
<Althego> and they could patent it
<Althego> reminds me of the boulton and watt steam engines, that had this strange way to create rotational motion from oscillating motion, because of a patent. a gut could somehow patent a thousand year old idea that was known by everybody
Guest32845 is now known as FLHerne
<FLHerne> Althego: which wiki?
<Althego> The Wiki
<Althego> but later i found it in the text
<Althego> so indeed the 380 s isp is for the vacuum version
<Althego> the sun and planet gear
<Mat2ch> I wonder how many patents could be annulled by just looking at the Antikythera mechanism
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> at this point none
<Mat2ch> why?
<Althego> in the 18th century maybe some
<Althego> but patents have a limited time anyway, and mechanical stuff is basically completely discovered
<Althego> like 100 years ago
<Althego> ok maybe cvt is relatively new, those may be under patent
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<Althego> spring sale on gog
<darsie> Can I get DLC on gog for KSP I have from steam?
<flayer> yeah
<flayer> you just need the files
<Althego> and oyu can copy them in the game dir
<Althego> but gog usually releases updates later because of their supposed testing
<darsie> Are the DLC versions simultaneous with KSP?
<packbart> no, they have their own version numbers
<Althego> usually they are released at the same time as a ksp release. but 1.11.2 didnt release any
<Althego> also one is having 1.11.1 as version and the other is only 1.6.1
<Althego> burcause it was not updated for a while and they didnt keep the versions locked
<Althego> quite annoying
<Althego> apparently perseverance is deploying ingenuity
<Althego> some press conference tomorrow
<Althego> i hope they fly it in 1-2 days because it is extremely weak on its own, who knows how long it can survive
<packbart> let's hope they mounted the INS the right way up
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> i think it was tested on earth
<Althego> but maybe t hat was a prototype
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<darsie> Ingenuity's electronics are insulated with aerogel and battery heated, IIRC.
<Althego> i know
<Althego> bit most of that big cube is the insulation
<darsie> The Ingenuity helicopter is expected to fly up to five times during its 30-day test campaign in April 2021, early in the rover's mission.
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> elon is suspiciuosly silent
<Mat2ch> probably just has to change diapers.
<Tank2333> what happened?
<Althego> he has a small kid?
<Althego> the famous x ash 12 something
<Althego> but anyway yes there is a tank which has places for vacuum raptors
<Althego> so there probably go in there
<Mat2ch> I guess it's fitting test first.
<Mat2ch> A pathfinder
<Mat2ch> and then we will see one with actual raptors on it
<Mat2ch> probably the one that will get launched on top of BN3...
<Althego> oh yes, kumo desu ga nani ka read by an indonesian zombie. this is going to be epic
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<Althego> oh i forgot to watch action lab for more than a monthj
* labraptop assumes that that's some sort of light novel
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<Althego> ah spaceplane episode from joe scott
labraptop is now known as raptop
<umaxtu> Althego, nerd
<darsie> Althego: URL? I don't see it.
<darsie> Ohh, that Scott.
<darsie> ahh, you said it.
<Althego> for scott i simply say scott
<darsie> That's phenyl hydrazine.
<Althego> and the shuttle used mmh
<Mat2ch> well, so many gliders
<Mat2ch> so few real concepts
<Mat2ch> and SpaceX with Starship around the corner destroying all prices.
<Althego> let's hope se
<Althego> so
<Althego> they have to build a lot of prototypes amd infrastructure
<Mat2ch> Do you have any doubts?
<Mat2ch> I don't. They will make that thing fly.
<Mat2ch> And land.
<Althego> not to mention like 30 something raptors for just one launch
<Mat2ch> One booster at a time.
<Althego> there is always a doubt. all this needs a lot of money
<Mat2ch> I'm not so sure about that.
<Mat2ch> The raptors are expensive, but the rest? It's just a more sophisticated water tank...
<raptop> hard is the water tank to lift? Asking for myself and 29 friends
<Althego> never mind all the buildings, the pipes, wiring, etc, the two water platforms, also the costs of starlink
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<packbart> Today's Rocket Launch:
<packbart> ( Rocket Lab 'They Go Up So Fast' )
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