Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Apparently SpaceX can do both a successful landing *and* a RUD
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<raptop> !outcome add For unclear reasons, you find chunks of graphite debris scattered around KSC.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: For unclear reasons, you find chunks of graphite debris scattered around KSC.
<raptop> (I mean, I've added multiple things involving corium, so this isn't a stretch)
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<flayer> 2500dv to get an encounter with the station
<flayer> time before the snacks run out
<flayer> it would've been easier to get an encounter some point after the scientists die from starvation
<packbart> our Kerbals are replaceable, your science points aren't!
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<flayer> 20 days 'till the EVE transfer window
<flayer> what do i send
<flayer> i don't think i have the tech i need to do a manned landing/return
<Althego> do you have vector?
<flayer> no, nor the big heat shield
<Althego> what's our vector, victor? :)
<Althego> you can still send some smaller lander that sends surface science back
<Althego> i mean through comms
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<darsie> Send a scientist and get her back later.
<darsie> Anyone did an Eve water sample return?
<darsie> Hiking and swimming would work, but it's tedious.
<Althego> technically you could just return one of those small science container thingies
<Althego> even with worse tech that much payload should be possible
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<darsie> You still need a Kerbal to take the sample.
<Althego> yes
<Althego> but you dont need to return the kerbal, just the science
<darsie> And launching (and landing) from water is hard.
<darsie> I returned a Kerbal from Eve land.
<flayer> i think i will do a manned orbital mission to eve, with a small manned lander for gilly, and an unmanned rover+atmospheric flight craft for eve
<flayer> it would be nice if i can get back numerous upper atmospheric readings in full, rather than just transmitted
<darsie> 1337
<flayer> nice
<Althego> yes local leet time
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<flayer> darsie, i'd have to keep them supplied with snacks
<darsie> ic
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<TristenKSP> a
<Althego> said the small shark
<TristenKSP> yes
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<Althego> channel is filling up with people of culture? or degenerates?
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<TristenKSP> what the
<TristenKSP> what are these do
<Althego> uuu, what does this button do?
<Mat2ch> *pling*
<Althego> what are we talking about?
<darsie> Depends where the mouse pointer is.
* TristenKSP epicly presses the button
<Althego> two steps from hell is playing in the background
<TristenKSP> ok
<TristenKSP> baby blue buildings far, about the crystal grove
<Althego> i must have travelled to an alternate universe, because i dont understand anything
* raptop presses a button
* raptop hears scientific progress go "boink"
<TristenKSP> ok
<TristenKSP> says bonk, but scientific
<Althego> SIP/2.0 200 OK
<raptop> "bonk you!" -- Ina, probably
<Althego> if you touch the squishy hair
<TristenKSP> ENA* my guy
<umaxtu> wouldn't a scientific boink be "boinc"?
<TristenKSP> boinketh
<umaxtu> TristenKSP, was referring to this.
<raptop> umaxtu: well, their term may have been inspired by the calvin & hobbes comic
<Althego> tsmc 3 nm is on track
<umaxtu> they're doing risk production right now I think
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<umaxtu> Apple is hogging the first production run too iirc
<Althego> damn them
<Althego> for their cursed phones
<umaxtu> and their amazing ARM cpus
<Althego> and intel lost 2 billion in a lawsuit
<Althego> is that a lot for them in the current situation? or is it still just a minor setback?
<umaxtu> thats the kinda shady patent troll one right?
<Althego> yes
<Althego> and samsung texas fab is still offline after teh blackout
<Althego> the
<Althego> how was that possible
<Althego> i hav autocorrect for the
<Althego> i cant even type it in. t-e-h
<umaxtu> are you watching the GN news video?
<Althego> i just watched it
<umaxtu> hail tech Jesus!
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<Althego> if their quarterly revenue is 20 billion, they are going to be fine
<Althego> wait, are these words in bubbles on top of youtube home are something new?
<sandbox> ?
<umaxtu> I don't see them
<Althego> i guess they are suggested tags
<Althego> starts with extraterrestial life and spacex and science fiction for me
<umaxtu> might be something they're still rolling out
<Ariri> I've seen them for a while now on the desktop site
<Althego> oh no, broken silicon
<Althego> not enough time left even on 2x speed
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<flayer> hmm.. i don't have a gilly lander on my eve mission
<flayer> but i guess i can just visit it with the rover before landing it on eve
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<flayer> i'll just leave it in the fairing/behind the heat shield attached to the atmospheric flight unit
<Althego> what is the flight unit propulsion?
<flayer> 4xspark
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<flayer> its just going to dip a few hundred meter into the atmosphere
<flayer> if that
<flayer> maybe just 10
<raptop> sort of like MAVEN's deep dips?
<Althego> ah
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<flayer> lel, accidental minmus encounter after a gravity assist from the mun
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<raptop> grats?
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<flayer> wow, i am really happy with this manned lander/rover design
<raptop> That's definitely a rover
<flayer> it has 1700 delta-v to land on the mun, then lean over on the wheels, and can hopefully lift off again by straightening itself with a hydrolics thingie
<raptop> flying car!
<flayer> got a bunch of science experiments on it
<flayer> i might even be able to go to duna with it
<flayer> i'm definitely bringing one of these bad boys to jool
<umaxtu> is that a robotic arm?
<flayer> a scanning arm, science thingie
<umaxtu> ah
<flayer> i guess a laythe lander might benefit from being designed to land in water
<flayer> a laythe SSTO spaceplane, rather
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<flayer> ..and taking off
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<Guest45836> newbie tried some mods and now solar panels for any saved ships or in orbits are gone?? even won't load training vessel. missing solar panels? anyone?
<umaxtu> what mods?
<Guest45836> kerbal engineer, hyperedit,
<umaxtu> did you install them manually or use CKAN?
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<Guest45836> engineer was ckan, hyper was manual.. both were working
<umaxtu> have you tried uninstalling them to see if the solar panels started working?
<Guest45836> tried deleting all local files and reinstalling the game. and even training for docking says the station is missing solar1 2 3 etc whatever part number they used
* raptop is guessing that the solar panel parts got deleted or something
<Guest45836> anyway to freshen those? i thought the reinstall would
<raptop> a clean install into a seperate folder should work, though steam can get a bit silly about things
<Guest45836> seems everything is on a cloud. just puts back where i am.. i'll try it again.. thanks. i'll let ya'll know if this works..
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<Ezriilc> For what it's worth, I can say for sure that HyperEdit has never exhibited this behavior.
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