raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Doge is not doing. Doge is coining.
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<Tank2333> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Tank2333
<FLHerne> Morning
<raptop> evening
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<raptop> I assume that stuff like that gets you tenure at Arkham University?
<Innsmouth> Its been difficult trying to loan books from the library due to the pesky Dr Armitage
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<X> Dr Armitage!?
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<Althego> x for doubt? :)
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<Althego> https://www.emiratesmarsmission.ae/ come on people, less than 7 hours remain and still no stream
<kubi_x> if there will be a passenger line to Mars, I'd take Emirates :)
<Althego> instead of rickety old cramped starships they are going to use huge A380 equivalents
<kubi_x> also, comfy chairs and professional cabin crew
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<Althego> fetch the comfy chair!
<Althego> (yes i just realized it now)
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<Althego> finally there is stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ae1pANFLPk0
<Althego> HU
<Althego> Hope Probe - Mars Orbit Insertion (Dubai One - English)
<Deddly> Cool
<Althego> not the future i want to be in
<Deddly> I want that laptop
<umaxtu> has this one been stolen yet?
<Althego> oh no, calli is coming, but mars stream also starts in an hour
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<Althego> oh no, there is also gamers nexus
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<Althego> 27 minute burn for orbit, sounds like a low twr
<Mat2ch> very low
<Althego> how long was it for cassini? 45 minutes or something
<Mat2ch> to the point that I'm wondering how efficient that is with all the losses
<darsie> Possibly more efficient with ion propulsion than chemical.
<darsie> Is it IP?
<darsie> Or maybe it's just a small, lightweight engine.
<Althego> 550 kg (+ 800 kg hydrazine fuel)[
<darsie> Catalytic?
<darsie> or hypergolic?
<Althego> sounds like monoprop
<darsie> Well, simplicity has its pros, too.
<darsie> 50% success chance ...
<darsie> wtf
<darsie> oops :)
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<Althego> scammed, bamboozled, etc
<Althego> guy is talking whiel timer hit zero
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<Althego> at least somebody could state that the engine started or something
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<Althego> yes, we should have seen the control room before, and this is the first time they show it
<Althego> meanwhile sn10 is in the fog
<darsie> There is HOPE for Mars.
<Althego> it seems they made it into orbit
<Althego> on the first try
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<Mat2ch> oh, wow, flight allowed as early as Thursday
<Mat2ch> Thorsday :D
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<Ariri> Astel was playing apex during 60k, who would've guessed
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<raptop> "When you buy any game from the Fallout series at GOG.COM, The Elder Scrolls: Arena and The Elder Scrolls Chapter II: Daggerfall will be added to your GOG.COM account FREE of charge."
<raptop> ...aren't both of those games available for free from Bethesda?
<Althego> i think i got those for free alreadty
<raptop> same
<umaxtu> DRM free though
<raptop> s/same/🦈/
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i didnt know thre was a shark emoji
<Althego> !jap same
<Kerbot> Althego => 鮫 [さめ]: (n) shark
<Ariri> Heh
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<flayer> how am i supposed to complete the suborbital high gee contracts?
<flayer> i can't generate enough gees in orbit..
<flayer> and the 'suborbital' part of the contract doesn't go green unless i'm at 70 km
<raptop> More boosters?
* raptop imagines pointing directly at Kerbin from ~munar orbital distance
<flayer> but as soon as i enter the atmosphere, the 'suborbital trajectory' part of the contract is no longer green, so the contract doesn't complete
<darsie> flayer: Perhaps an RS25 engine wiht a lightweight rocket?
<darsie> How many g do you need?
<flayer> doesn't matter, the mechanics are failing
<flayer> i will try again some other time
<darsie> I this a mod?
<darsie> this contract
<flayer> not to my knowledge
<darsie> I haven't gotten 1.11 specific contracts. Maybe my tech level is too advanced or so.
<darsie> Is it with DLC, perhaps?
* darsie did 19.8 g without breaking up.
<flayer> i can reach the g's no problem
<flayer> make them pass out
<flayer> inside the atmosphere
<flayer> but the contract doesn't complete
<flayer> because as soon as i enter the atmosphere
<flayer> the contract doesn't see me as being in a 'suborbital trajectory'
<flayer> the green little v turn into a round circle
<flayer> even though, while in the atmosphere, i have a periapsis reaching high into space
<darsie> Did you reach high g in space >70 km?
<flayer> no
<flayer> i don't know how i'm supposed to do that
<darsie> Fly >70 km, activate a high thrust engine on a light ship.
<darsie> Maybe show a screenshot of your contract.
<darsie> Do you know about multi stage rockets?
<flayer> ... yes
<flayer> it just hadn't occurred to me it would be possible to generate enough Gs to make it happen that way
<flayer> i will give it a go
<flayer> oh nice
<darsie> :)
<flayer> -almost- had jeb pass out
<raptop> That's certainly a launcher
<darsie> That doesn't look like stock to me.
<flayer> its got the expansions
<raptop> Boosters are from making history
<darsie> ok.
<flayer> that's a mainsail underneath
<darsie> That's what I meant with DLC.
<flayer> oh that didn't register with me at all lol
<raptop> I mean, you could always loft a payload stuck an an RT-10 or 3
<flayer> but yeah, boost to outside the atmosphere with the exterior fuel tanks, then drop them, turn around, and boost back XD
<flayer> kerbals passing out everywhere
<flayer> raptop, i'm doing a 'whacky design' thing
<raptop> ah
<darsie> 23.7 g
<raptop> Your kerbals seem to spend a lot of time in external command seats
<darsie> kinda :)
<flayer> he treats them like cargo XD
<raptop> heh
<darsie> They grow in orbit :)
<raptop> Like those dinosaur capsules in hot water?
<darsie> idk how they do it. I just get to rescue them.
<raptop> ah
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