raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Perseverance is not doing. Perseverance is landing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm0b_ijaYMQ
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<TristenYT> e
<TristenYT> ayo why does building a rover cost $20
<TristenYT> I can't find a tutorial where you don't need Breaking Ground or Making History to build one
<raptop> o_O
<raptop> Rovers should be buildable with the default parts
<TristenYT> Not very good ones that you can replicate with
<TristenYT> Like, the only tool arm i have is the smol drill-o-matic
<TristenYT> The skycrane, aero cover, and cruise stages are easy tho
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<TristenYT> The skycrane wasn't very easy at first, until I looked at it carefully. You just need an octagon structural beam, some adapter structural beams, some Monopropellant tanks, and some "Puf" Engines. Also, connect your rover to the skycrane with struts or fuel transfer hoses.
<TristenYT> Also, is it just me, or did the Xbox One version of KSP get more parts? I never noticed Model 2 and 3 of the RoverMax wheels, the Xenon tanks and engines, the Illuminatrons, and the RoverMax body probe.
<raptop> Those should all be in the PC version at this point?
<raptop> I'd be hesitant to create a skycrane outside of explicitly producing a 'remake' of curiosity/perseverence
<TristenYT> I know, but I'm not sure if I can create Curiosity and Perseverance without any DLCs. That kinda puts their skycrane to waste then if people are hesitant to use it on custom rovers.
<TristenYT> I might be able to buy the DLCs, but I have to ask my Dad.
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<TristenYT> hello i am back
<TristenYT> I have several questions right now.
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<TristenYT> In part descriptions, when it says "attitude" is it talking about "altitude?" Also, how much does each DLC cost?
<raptop> Depends on timing, there are sales moderately often
<raptop> as for "attitude", probably they mean in terms of what direction things are facing
<TristenYT> Ok, that is a funny hidden joke they made. Which ones are for sale right now?
<TristenYT> I think it's Making History and Breaking Ground. I'm not entirely sure.
<raptop> It doesn't look like anything is on sale at the moment (at least on steam and gog), so base KSP is $40 and each DLC is $15
<TristenYT> ok
<TristenYT> Oh, and no DLC Curiosity/Perseverance is p a i n. Ingenuity and the skycranes are the easiest
<TristenYT> I just found a YouTube video that has one of the REAL Mars Rover Engineers, Timothy Szwarc, build a Duna Rover and land it in Kerbal Space Program! https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=O66BY2O_1O8
TristenYT is now known as TristenTV
<TristenTV> Can you guys get me to 1'000 subs on my YT? I really want to live stream Kerbal Space Program but YouTube updated it's eligibility guidelines. ;-; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv-yFDQw_kvw9CT4-dxGpZg/featured
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<TristenYT> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv-yFDQw_kvw9CT4-dxGpZg/featured Can you guys subscribe to my YouTube channel so I live stream KSP? YouTube's new eligibility guidelines say you need to be verified and you need 1'000 subscribers. ;-;
<Althego> getting 1000 is almost impossible with the curretn youtube
<Althego> even people with 1 million are struggling against the algorithm constantly
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<Althego> ah, the takamori stream starts. glory to takamori :)
<Althego> kikkeriki
<Ariri> I could see Kiara saying okiteriki instead of okite
<Althego> eh there was no our ludicrous future yesterday
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<deadmind> Althego: our ludicrous present electricity problems in Tehas?
<Althego> tim is there close to boca chica. so maybe they couldnt make it work
<deadmind> oh he's still there
<deadmind> practically moved to Texas
<deadmind> before it was cool, heh heheh
<umaxtu> I wonder how his wife feels about that
<Althego> hehe
<deadmind> his tesla is bonked too, might need to stay a few extra months to wait for service
<umaxtu> lol
<Althego> cars are dangerous. to get into a traffic accident while not even moving...
<deadmind> on a beach...
<umaxtu> eh, I have street parking. it happens
<Althego> but normally you are not in the car what it is hit in a parking lot
<umaxtu> point
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<Althego> there is already a perseverance stream up for monday. with the landing video
<TristenYT> @Althego well yeah but they don't promote in groups related to your videos/channel topic
<Althego> wonder what it will be, one frame per second?
<TristenYT> My stopmotion?
<TristenYT> It's 12 fps
<Althego> no, the rover landing video
<TristenYT> oh
<Izaya> have you considered peertube
<TristenYT> My iPhone camera can record at 4k with 60fps
<TristenYT> What's peertube
<Althego> yes but it doesnt need the send it back from mars
<TristenYT> what
<umaxtu> and also has far more powerful processors
<Izaya> tl;dr self-hostable video and streaming service that delivers content using WebTorrent and federates with ActivityPub
<Althego> i always forget, is it 200 or 400 mhz? :)
<TristenYT> so peertube is slightly better than youtube?
<TristenYT> 200 or 400 mhz in what
<Althego> in the rover
<Izaya> You don't have to put up with YouTube's arbitrary decisions
<Izaya> I heard both Linux and vxWorks on yesterday's stream; I take it the drone is running Linux on a Snapdragon and the rover is running vxWorks on ???
<TristenYT> Izaya yay Althego why does mhz matter is there something is ksp that needs it
<Izaya> this isn't in KSP
<umaxtu> this is SPARTA!!!
<Althego> hmm it is just 133. isnt that a step back from curiosity? i thought they have the same basic hardware
<TristenYT> :/
<Izaya> TristenYT: go nuts kiddo https://joinpeertube.org/
<umaxtu> sorry, I've had three drinks tonight
<TristenYT> ok
<Althego> hehe spara
<Althego> t
<TristenYT> I'm gonna change my nick then to TristenPT
<TristenYT> or should I do TristenTV
<Izaya> hey now, do your research before jumping in head first
<Althego> or drop the suffix
<Izaya> Althego: might be running at a lower clock but with more instructions per cycle?
<Althego> or i remember incorrectly
<umaxtu> oh wow, Sojourner was intel powered
<Izaya> or the software is more efficient so they don't need it? :p
<Althego> maybe i remembered the mips
<Izaya> Oh neat the rover is running on a PowerPC chip
<umaxtu> same chip and clock according to wikipedia
<TristenYT> ayo why is signing up so excessive
<Althego> because that is 400
<TristenYT> why can't i just make a channel
<Izaya> because you have to pick which instance to sign up to
<Althego> so this table shows it is 200 mhz
<Althego> but its own page said 133
<umaxtu> theres bound to be more then one processor on the thing
<Izaya> for it to be able to deal with the video recording I'm betting the camera assembly has its own processing power
<Althego> so the 200 mhz was a big step from 40. it is amazing they could do real time image processing in 40 mhz during landing, and later on for driving, less real time. but since then a lot of time has passed, they could have upgraded it a bit
<Althego> they stated they used commercial cameras
<Althego> so i guess they just needed to move the result out from the storage
<umaxtu> depends on if they do DMA or not
<Izaya> that's sorta what I was saying - the encoding would happen on the camera end, at least initially
<Althego> oh wait some of the cameras were on the lander, moving it out instantly was a must
<Althego> so starlink 17 moved agian
<umaxtu> how far this time?
<Althego> 4 days 18 hours out
<Althego> from now
<Althego> i guess it replaces 20
<TristenYT> I made a channel on Hardlimit. My channel is TristenKSP
<Izaya> neat
<TristenYT> yes
<TristenYT> I'm assuming your Xeon^2?
<Izaya> yup
<Izaya> I don't have a Peertube account so my Pleroma account will have to do
<TristenYT> why cant i record my livestream
<Izaya> probably puts a lot of load on the server and/or it just isn't implemented yet
<Izaya> OBS can output to disk and stream at the same time though, then you can upload later
<TristenYT> ok
<TristenYT> I'mma just record a video
<TristenYT> im be gon
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<Izaya> I feel like I'll probably regret this. Oh well.
<Althego> i, damaramu, shall regret this
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<TristenKSP> k i returned
<Althego> i have to plan my next launches
<Althego> but there is so much to do
<TristenKSP> Planning launches is very fun because it feels like you're managing a REAL Space Program
<Althego> usually i start with the longer ones
<TristenKSP> So missions like satellites and far-traveling missions are planned first?
<Althego> i mean for available missions i launch for minmus first, then for the mun, then for kerbin orbit
<TristenKSP> ah
<Althego> so i guess i have to start with the mun now. too many contracts
<Althego> also need to take the remaining orange crew there for the experience
<TristenKSP> yes
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<Althego> hehe, i though kiara could now say am guitar (after am frog and am crow). and then she did it :)
<TristenKSP> what
<Althego> just random vtuber comment
<Althego> i try to keep it to a minimum
<TristenKSP> ok
<Ariri> Althego, kiara is indeed a very linguistic instrument
<Ariri> speaks chicken, german, japanese, cow, guitar, who knows what else?
<Althego> frog and crow, obviously
<Ariri> I mean things she hasn't done on stream yet :P
<TristenKSP> I'm about to launch a satellite into orbit around Kerbin
<Ariri> Have you heard her normal voice? The manipulation range is unreal
<Althego> sounded pretty much the same
<Althego> at least based on some clip with mic on
<TristenKSP> Hey, if you guys play Friday Night Funkin, have you tried the "Vs. Whitty" Mod?
<Althego> finally nsf video from boca chica
<TristenKSP> what
<TristenKSP> lmao i subscribed to myself in Hardlimit
<Althego> there are daily clips from mary
<TristenKSP> k
<TristenKSP> I've almost made it into a 100km orbit guys
<Althego> with what?
<TristenKSP> My "Observer 1" Satellite
<TristenKSP> It's main goal is to use the M4435 Narrow-Band Scanner to scan Kerbin's surface so I can get a biome map, and it will use the M700 Survey Scanner to do whatever it does. (I think it scans planets and moons to see what they look like or smth idk)
<Althego> does it actually return science points?
<Althego> it is quite far up in the tree
<TristenKSP> It has a comm satellite so i think so
<Althego> i mean the hexagonal scanner thing
<Althego> the survey scanner totally does
<TristenKSP> It does through the KerbNet I think
<Althego> but for bigger bodies it consume a huge amount of electric charge
<TristenKSP> That's why I have rechargeable batteries AND solar panels
<TristenKSP> I've done it
<TristenKSP> I'm in orbit
<TristenKSP> and I wasted 4.2 km of Delta V on my 2nd stage
<Althego> km/s
<Althego> that is quite a lot
<Althego> with that much you can go into orbit and a do a free return trajectory around the mun
<TristenKSP> I know
<TristenKSP> I should save this version of this rocket for that
<TristenKSP> It's the Atlantis V (based of the Atlas V)
<Althego> hehe atlantis v, sounds cool
<Althego> yet it is a modification of an existing name
<TristenKSP> It's a mix between the Atlas V and Saturn V. It has no SRBs on the side.
<Althego> do you have lemuria as well?
<TristenKSP> So it has 5 "Vector" LFEs on the first stage
<TristenKSP> What's lemuria
<Althego> another lost civilization related to atlantis
<TristenKSP> Oh
<TristenKSP> That should be a rocket name then
<TristenKSP> Part of the Atlantis Rocket family. Lemuria should be the Kerbal-controlled version
<Althego> i guess scott is waiting for the landing video to make a one of his own
<TristenKSP> yes
<TristenKSP> It must be BIG to get an asteroid named after you
<Althego> 33434 scottmanley
<TristenKSP> yep
<TristenKSP> What should I do now that I have my first satellite in orbit (I'm in sandbox btw)
<TristenKSP> After I do some science with it
<TristenKSP> what the freak
<TristenKSP> I need to be in a polar orbit to use the M700 Scanner?!
<TristenKSP> Time to launch Observer 2 then
<Althego> i guess i can launch 3 small sat on one rocket towards the mun
<Althego> but they are not completely the same, annoying
<Althego> however now there exists the remove from symmetry option
<TristenKSP> Just launch 3 different rockets
<Althego> no, takes too much time
<TristenKSP> ok then
<TristenKSP> time to launch Observer 2 with the Atlantis V-855
<Althego> after event horizon there is also some flat earth i can listen to
<TristenKSP> I was almost into orbit and then my rocket spun out and now I need to save myself
<TristenKSP> I ditched my first stage early to prevent it from happening again
<TristenKSP> ok now how do I get into polar orbit from the equator
<TristenKSP> I got an idea
<Althego> i go a bit west until the rotational speed is no more then i just go towards north
<TristenKSP> I'm using Normal to get into a polar orbit, and Retrograde to bring my Apogee down
<TristenKSP> I did it
<TristenKSP> now i just need to complete another orbit to get there
<TristenKSP> I made it so my second stage is actually useful this time and used 3.2km/s of the 4.2km/s of Delta V, so I have 1km/s left
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<TristenKSP> minas_tirith how did you do all of those 4 things at once
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<minas_tirith> TristenKSP, what?
<minas_tirith> Triffid_Hunter, beautiful name btw
<minas_tirith> Both the flower and the nebula are pretty
<TristenKSP> You left, joined, went away, and came back at the same time
<minas_tirith> Probably network problems
<minas_tirith> on my end
<TristenKSP> I've done it
<Althego> i didnt see 4
<Althego> must have been a split
<TristenKSP> I have put Observer 2 into a polar orbit around Kerbin
<TristenKSP> wow Kerbin looks beautiful from under here
<TristenKSP> and the Probodyne doesn't have enough EC to use the M700 Scanner ;-;
<Althego> only with a visual pack
<Althego> with the auroras
<TristenKSP> I'm gonna put a satellite around the Mun now
<TristenKSP> But I need a name
<TristenKSP> Throw out your ideas if you want
<TristenKSP> It's a landmarking satellite
<Althego> my names are like mun probe 1, etc
<TristenKSP> wow
<TristenKSP> creative
<TristenKSP> I'm gonna name it Expedition
<Althego> and thus names like mun 1, minmus 1, tourist 1 and such are used. 2, 3... if there are more
<TristenKSP> I like to be creative with mine
<Althego> aint nobody got time for that
<TristenKSP> NASA does
<Althego> if i waited long eough to come up with good names i would never launch anything
<TristenKSP> sucks to be you, I guess
<Althego> and interent is for p...
<minas_tirith> TristenKSP, do you have any good forests to play guitar in?
<TristenKSP> minas_tirith what
<Althego> never mind
<Althego> does that all the time
<minas_tirith> Any nice forested area to go to for playing guitar
<Althego> and i ran out of the airplane joey questions to counter it
<TristenKSP> ok
<TristenKSP> Time to launch the Atlantis V-855 once again, but this time with the Expedition 1 satellite
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<TristenKSP> My first Munar satellite
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<TristenKSP> I am in Kerbin orbit and about to go on Mun trajectory
<TristenKSP> I at Mun trajectory now
<Althego> i think i need to make two crafts for the tourist mission and the orange lander
<Althego> and i have only 1 scientist free, the other one is coming back from the mun
<TristenKSP> nice
<TristenKSP> Is it one of your contracts?
<Althego> well doesnt matter the tourist mission can go without a scientist, for only one biome
<Althego> yes, doesnt pay too well
<TristenKSP> Then trash it
<Althego> still can cover most of the mission. and that means it is around free science
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<Althego> or maybe i need to keep the scientist here to run around ksc again. no, i need science for the new instruments, not the resettabel ones
<TristenKSP> KSP: "Can't delete maneuver because your control is locked to it." Me: "how bout i do anyway?"
<Althego> thius anoys me
<Althego> i use the nodes to keep track what i need to do next
<Althego> so if i have done something i want to delete it
<TristenKSP> yeah
<Althego> there could be one useful feature, order craft in map by node time
<Althego> valentina is going with the tourists, jeb with the orange team science lander
<Althego> maybe i can use the same craft twice
<TristenKSP> reusability, kerbal style
<Althego> there is a flock of brownish birds on a tree nearby. appeared a few times in te last few day. i have never seen them before
<Althego> oh i still need to survey scan the mun
<TristenKSP> i am grinding on my biome maps
<TristenKSP> Expedition 1 also has a survey scanner
<TristenKSP> I'm currently struggling to get it into a below 50km orbit around the Mun
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<TristenKSP> I just need to do this last maneuver and then Expedition 1 will be in orbit
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<TristenKSP> I've done it! Expedition 1 is in orbit around the Mun! My first Munar satellite!
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<Althego> nice
<Althego> i think these are the birds https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fieldfare
<TristenKSP> woah
<TristenKSP> I also got my first survey scan of the Mun
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<TristenKSP> How does the KerbNet thing work and what does it do
<Althego> yoou can get additional info from orbit under you
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<TristenKSP> oh oke
<TristenKSP> I'm gonna send a space telescope into Kerbin's orbit now
<TristenKSP> So i can see Kerbolar Eclipses and other stuff from space
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<TristenKSP> And the Atlantis V-II flies with the Discovery Space Telescope!
<darsie> .
<Althego> oh yes i need to launch something to solar orbit too
<darsie> I need to finish my comet mission before I can do other stuff.
<TristenKSP> Discovery is in their semi-orbit, their apogee will be decreased and will reach its final orbit.
<TristenKSP> It's done
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<Althego> but why do you decrease apoapsis? no point. dont make it that high in the first place
<darsie> Not possible with some rockets.
<TristenKSP> I decreased the apoapsis because I wanted it to be closed to my periapsis
<darsie> When your second stage is weak, you may need a higher Ap to have enough time to reach orbit.
<darsie> no
<Althego> real rockets do that
<darsie> Can you fly shallower?
<Althego> yes it needs to
<TristenKSP> b r u h
<darsie> Usually.
<darsie> I was wondering ...
<Althego> that is why i said there is time to launch to solar orbit too
<darsie> It needs to be in a specific solar orbit even.
<TristenKSP> time to relaunch
<TristenKSP> what kind
<darsie> Check the map.
<darsie> Or the contract.
<TristenKSP> I'm playing sandbox
<darsie> k
<Althego> i hate those specific solar orbit contracts
<darsie> Then not, I guess.
<Althego> they are never fulfilled before i finish the tree
<TristenKSP> I chose to not do a space telescope
<Althego> it gives you science also can discover asteroids
<Althego> so not bad. but you need days to reach solar orbit
<TristenKSP> but I'm gonna do more science
<TristenKSP> and then I'm gonna watch the Kerbolar Eclipse
<darsie> Asteroid discovery contracts can give you millions of VF.
<TristenKSP> There's one that happens at the KSC on Year 1, Day 31, at between 5:00:00 and 6:00:00
<darsie> I use that to upgrade all buildings.
<darsie> I just wait for a high value contract.
<darsie> Wastes a lot of game time, but saves a lot of real time.
<TristenKSP> I'm making a Munarover
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<TristenKSP> Is anybody else actually playing KSP except me?
<Althego> i am
<flayer> <--
<TristenKSP> Hey, flayer. I remember you!
<flayer> that's terrifying
<TristenKSP> I'm the same person who started the Metric vs. Imperial War
<flayer> i'm sorry, i don't recall ._.
<TristenKSP> Althego remembers
<TristenKSP> I think he was the only one who stood for the Imperial System only
<flayer> imperial scum!
<TristenKSP> yes
<Althego> welcome to this imperial facility, where excellence is the standard
<TristenKSP> Welcome to the Metric Facility, where we make sure every measurement is precise
<Althego> this was a quote from one of the station announcements from elite dangerous
<TristenKSP> cool
<Althego> i love how the imperials are so smug and passive aggressive :)
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<TristenKSP> Time to launch Munarover 1! (Also known as the "Endurance/Endie" Mun Rover)
<TristenKSP> nevermind the Atlantis V keeps falling over, gotta reschedule
<flayer> lol
<TristenKSP> It's probably cause my science expirement tools are all piled onto one side of the rover
<TristenKSP> Yeah, shrek is cool, but have you ever gotten 1.00 Sun Exposure on your solar panels in KSP?
<Althego> yes
<Althego> many times
<TristenKSP> it makes me very happy
<TristenKSP> alright im gonna get off i'm tired
<flayer> good night
<TristenKSP> bye
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<JVFoxy> Finally getting to try out 1.11.1..oof
<JVFoxy> ... oh my... its full of ones..
<UmbralRaptop> ⑴ ① ❶ 《1》 
<JVFoxy> oh... kerbal inventory stuff..
<minas_tirith> Hewwo JVFoxy
<JVFoxy> yus?
<minas_tirith> Just helloing
<JVFoxy> hey
<JVFoxy> lol.. rolling a log across the landscape to get science.. well sorta
<JVFoxy> couple of materials bays, Mk1 pod on either end. and basically a cage of trusses around that it can still roll
<FLHerne> Your kerbals haven't invented wheels yet?
<JVFoxy> well.. unofficially built a cage wheel :P
<JVFoxy> wee belly flopping a suborbital flight
<JVFoxy> uh ok.. weird. RCS is being retarded
<JVFoxy> bug with the new smaller ports?
<JVFoxy> I use RCS backwards and ports forwards and backwards both go off, but sideways don't work at all.. hmm
<JVFoxy> place anywhere rcs 1 ports.. eh.. something's wrong with them.
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<TristenYT> a
<darsie> b
<TristenYT> c
<darsie> Δ
<TristenYT> α
<raptop> β
<TristenYT> γ
<TristenYT> i can do this all day
<Mat2ch> dV!
<TristenYT> π
<darsie> Δv
<TristenYT> Δs
<TristenYT> Do you give up yet?
TristenYT is now known as TristenKSP
<TristenKSP> Give me any abbreviation of something space-related, I can de-abbreviate it.
<darsie> LCROSS
<raptop> あ
<darsie> nice rectangle
<raptop> ...
<TristenKSP> Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite :)
<darsie> Good bot
<TristenKSP> what
<TristenKSP> I'm a bot?
<darsie> a good bot
<TristenKSP> nani
<TristenKSP> Top 10 Anime Plot Twists; 1. TristenKSP is a bot?
Ezriilc has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.Kerbaltek.com)]
<TristenKSP> hey you guys should sub to this guy https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNpcQ002WElJqT9r--R-Xfg
<darsie> This channel is not intended for children.
<TristenKSP> PG 13
<TristenKSP> He says so in most of his videos
<TristenKSP> Even some of his intros to older videos have a PG-13 Warning on them
<FLHerne> Why would I even want to watch any of those videos, never mind subscribe to see them?
<TristenKSP> Cause he's funny
<umaxtu> FLHerne, do I want to know?
<TristenKSP> If you consider Gen-Z humor funny
<FLHerne> If this is "Gen-Z humor" I'm embarrassed for my generation
<FLHerne> umaxtu: no
<TristenKSP> I mean, he's already almost to a million, so they think he has quality content
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<Mat2ch> there's this saying here: Eat poop, millions of flies can't be wrong
<Mat2ch> ;)
<darsie> I didn't dare to say it :)
<darsie> I also didn't say that millions thought that Hitler had quality content.
<darsie> oops.
<FLHerne> !stupid Hitler
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Whenever the internet is given an option to engage in democracy it ends up naming boats "Boaty McBoatface", petitioning the White House to build a death star, and naming Mountain dew flavors "Hitler did nothing Wrong".
<FLHerne> Not that
<FLHerne> "Hitler had no talent or vision or whatever it is that separates great artists from the rest of us but he worked at it and produced passable paintings. You'll never be Michelangelo but with enough practice and dedication anyone could be Hitler."
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