Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Doge is doing
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<Althego> i caught the takamori stream but now i cant watch all the usual random youtube videos that piled up during the night (random reddit videos, mr ballen, anton petrov, etc)
<Althego> at least the daily boca chica report from nsf works without sound
<Althego> sn11 is coming
<Althego> not yet doing
<raptop> well, that was a cute stream
raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Doge is not doing. Doge is coining.
<Althego> next one is coming up
<Althego> the bakery opens in 2.5 hours, i am getting hungry
<Althego> oh wait, no 1.5 hours
<raptop> Everything is closed here
* raptop misses living in a place with 24 hour grocery stores
* raptop also misses when going inside buildings or being near people wasn't fraught
<umaxtu> I miss being able to go to the library to do homework
<Althego> library
<Althego> just who goes to a library?
<raptop> Yeah, using a library for studying or as a defacto office was nice
<Althego> they are rendered almost pointless
<umaxtu> they're still quiet
<raptop> quiet, not home, bandwidth, and lots of reference material
<umaxtu> I just need to be someplace other than home to get my mind into a "work" mentality
<Althego> after a year of working from home, it is starting to get harder fro me
<umaxtu> I finally caved and bought some wh-1000xm4
<umaxtu> headphones
<Althego> i need neighbor cancelling headphones
* raptop got a set of headphones somewhat early on because *gestures vaguely at thin apartment walls*
<umaxtu> what did you get?
<Althego> not exaactly loud, but just who plays bowling in an apartment? at least it sounds like that
<umaxtu> not sure how well ANC would handle that
<raptop> something pretty basic, let me check
<raptop> ATH-M20x
<raptop> audio technica
<umaxtu> cool. I loved my ATH-M50x sound wise. comfort wise, not so much
<JVFoxy> apartment bowling? maybe a game?
<JVFoxy> like consol game?
<Althego> no, unless consoles have a heavy accessory that rolls on the gorund
<raptop> Wii sports has gotten incredibly realistic
<raptop> obviously
<JVFoxy> lol...
<JVFoxy> dad got into curling for a while. Ended up getting a Wii so he could play it at home, and maybe even with mom. though, I think it didn't exactly last too long
<Althego> actually seems to be an interesting game but looks goofy
<Althego> thing moves on ice, two guys sliding along with it and sweeping in front of it
<Althego> curling: ∇×F
<raptop> Ah, the sport that's main function is to make one Green
<JVFoxy> its kind of like horse shoe tossing but its on ice. And instead of a pin you have ranges, and rocks to get around, or knock off
<JVFoxy> the idea is, the more you sweep ahead of the rock, the easier it moves down the lane. sweeping action melts the ice, makes it slicker. Players use it to control the speed, so it gets as close to the center marker
<Althego> hehe starlink 17 comes after 19 now
<Althego> hehe, louis. this is ppbus g3h advice. i am a ppbus g3h professional.
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<Althego> two pro revenges remaining
<Althego> glory to takamori
<Althego> meanwhile i am trying to figure out which mission to take
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<raptop> Obviously you should take a mission to deliver KFP to the underworld
<Althego> that skipper testing took long time. 14-18 km with something like 700 m/s
<Althego> hehe kiara couldnt really eat the real japanese food
<Izaya> so the farside crater has a high resource content in my game, and I assume it's called the farside crater because it's on the far side of the mun from kerbin
<Althego> yes, captain obvious named it
<Izaya> time to spawn conspiracy theories by building a base on the far side of the mun.
<Althego> also play laibach
<Izaya> My space program flies a different red flag, for better or for worse. https://social.shadowkat.net/media/784dbf69153b9f91c467c569aa1cac2e661c3f4acc29059e64ff49af2f14b38f.jpg
<Izaya> Unrelated but does anyone have any idea why after a while my game freezes for a second when I move parts around in the editor?
<Althego> lot of parts?
<Izaya> Loaded into the game or in the ship
<Althego> hydraulic detachment manifold on escape trajectory. these contracts on escape always want to test something that separates
<Althego> andthen i have to come up with some way to detach it and capture it and burn back to kerbin
<Althego> alternatively just hitting the mun
<Althego> hehe iwas loooking for the contracts icon in the notification area of windows (right side of the taskbar)
<raptop> Izaya: I've started using a version of the albuquerque flag with the letters/numbers removed
<raptop> Also at times, the IAEA flag and Zhelznogorsk
<raptop> I know this violates some vexillology rules, but still https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zheleznogorsk,_Krasnoyarsk_Krai#/media/File:Flag_of_Zheleznogorsk.svg
<Althego> hehe, cool
<Althego> so what is this? electric bear splits nucleus?
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<Izaya> I like that one.
<raptop> Yeah, the town used to do a lot of nuclear weapons work, so...
<Izaya> I combined the obvious and the flag of the Holy Vers Empire (from Aldnoah.Zero; https://social.shadowkat.net/media/be64fecb578b0533a58005d91ab1505e34ba43b403bac86c50cd24925331d71d.png ) because I liked the planet and two moons symbolism and it gave me justification for the red
<Izaya> Additional justification, anyway.
<raptop> nice
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