raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Doge is not doing. Doge is coining.
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<JVFoxy> noticing quite a few Space:1999 - Eagle stuff showing up on youtube recommended. Did I miss something?
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<Althego> ah scott 6 hours ago. but i was asleeep
<Althego> starlink live
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<Althego> t-10 sec
<Althego> the grid fins lit up by the second stage engine. just as last time, looks great
<Althego> said entry burn shutdown, but there was a flame still
<Althego> hmm lost telemetry
<Althego> no i think it fell down
<Althego> it was on the right
<Althego> way out
<Althego> elon said there was about 60% chance of landing
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You've been tasked with organizing all of the training materials for new Kerbonauts. Krakens attack Kerbin.
<Althego> hehe
<UmbralRaptop> Get in the [redacted] robot, jeb
<Althego> hehehe
<minas_tirith> UmbralRaptop, hi
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<Mat2ch> flayer: they have to do a reentry burn so it's not going too fast.
<Mat2ch> Althego: what was the main problem? Bad weather?
<Althego> may be. or it was outside envelope
<Mat2ch> outside envelopeß
<Mat2ch> ?
<Althego> hehe, the 60% success was for starship sn10
<Althego> so it was something else
<Althego> there are circumstances when it can land, that is inside the envelope
<Althego> sometimes they do flight envelope expansion, and try it a bit further out
<Althego> i think they did that not too long ago too and it was successful
<Althego> but today should have been a generic landing
<minas_tirith> Althego, hi
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<Mat2ch> Althego: ah, that's what you meant. Well, the booster was flown for the 6th time. Could have broken up. Or they tried something with it, again
<Althego> no, it was doin a landing burn
<minas_tirith> How many times does a booster last
<Althego> there was some light outside of the camera
<Althego> but too far away
<Althego> but the last picture is saw was a flame still going after the breaking burn finished, and then the telemetry cut out too
<Mat2ch> Althego: that flame could've been ionized gases
<minas_tirith> Are they hiding something from us?
<Mat2ch> minas_tirith: I think they were talking about 6 flights. But some have flown more often already
<Mat2ch> max is currently 8 times
<minas_tirith> Interesting
<Mat2ch> and no, they are not hiding something. Probably some technical issue. It's usually something small that has this outcome
<Althego> i havent seen such flame previously
<Althego> maybe it was going too fast
<Althego> it was also localized to a small portion
<Mat2ch> maybe the hydraulic fluid burned
<Althego> at leaast it saved the birds on deck
<Mat2ch> still no road closures announced. Probably due to the blackouts in Texas.
<minas_tirith> Why is texas blacked out?
<Mat2ch> And I saw an article why there is a blackout at all. The Texan electrical grid is separate from the rest of the US' grid...
<Althego> lol
<Althego> why
<minas_tirith> I have heard it gets really cold in Texas
<Mat2ch> minas_tirith: Cold front, everyone is heating with electricity right now. But usually it's not that bad, the main power consumption is in summer by ACs.
<Althego> based on the weather reports, they had 20 degrees and more in january. i didnt check recently since there seemed to be no launch
<Mat2ch> So many power plants are being serviced and offline.
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<Althego> oh and prepare for a hot summer. because somehow it is always the hottest on record
<Mat2ch> Not enough plants online + too much power draw = blackout
<Mat2ch> Althego: and the answer to your question is: Politics. And stubborn Texans.
<Althego> plants online. connect them to stalink :)
<minas_tirith> How are the texans surviving the cold?
<Mat2ch> Freezing.
<Althego> they get into their pickups :)
<Mat2ch> Human thing. Contracting muscles fast, burns energy, but makes warm. :D
<minas_tirith> Are the trucks warm?
<Mat2ch> The big and dirty Diesel creates heat
<Mat2ch> around 60-70 % of the power output of a Diesel engine is heat.
<minas_tirith> hey Mat2ch do you like the sound of a low distortion guitar
<minas_tirith> sometimes punk can sound cool with low distortion
<Mat2ch> Can you give me an example where it is used?
<Mat2ch> And talking about Diesel... where's my new car battery?
<Althego> 60 only if you are lucky and have a ship :)
<minas_tirith> Do you own a ship?
<minas_tirith> Whats the efficiency of subs?
<Mat2ch> minas_tirith: if I'm in the mood for punk, then yes.
<Althego> hehe less than 100%. you dont always get notiufications from youtube if you sub :)
<minas_tirith> Althego, submarine
<Mat2ch> :D
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, hows the guitar sound in that album
<Mat2ch> Don't know, submarines should be very inefficient
<Althego> anyway car engines are typically a bit less efficient
<Althego> i dont know why
<Mat2ch> minas_tirith: I like it. But I'm not in the mood right now to listen to it all the time
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, its a bit experimental sound
<Mat2ch> Althego: has something to do with optimal efficiency factor
<Mat2ch> minas_tirith: nah, classic punk it is. The british punk rockers used that in the 80s all the time :)
<minas_tirith> Really?
<minas_tirith> High reverb and super clean sound is new to me
<minas_tirith> wrt punk
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, the low distortion sounds interesting
<minas_tirith> combined with the sharper frequencies in use
<minas_tirith> It sounds very "stringy"
<Mat2ch> Althego: you can keep ship engines at their optimal rotation speed for long times. That makes them efficient.
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, compare against a more "standard" punk sound like Discharge
<Althego> i thought because they were bigger
<minas_tirith> Ships are nice
<Mat2ch> but there's more to ships than the optimal efficiency factor of the engine. The rotation speed of the engine is calculated to the desired speed of the ship
<Althego> i don care, i ship it :)
<minas_tirith> They are the reason we can get packages from across the sea
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, also this band still seems to have some blues and rock like riffs sometimes
<Mat2ch> but if you go slower you are more fuel efficient, even though the engine doesn't run at optimal speed
<Mat2ch> minas_tirith: do you know the Toy Dolls?
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, don't know them
<Althego> this is my otp, i go down with this ship :)
<Mat2ch> yeah, I've had my fair share with ships and efficiency lately...
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, do you run ship
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, do you run ships
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, troubles with DHL?
<Mat2ch> no, I just did some research about it for a project
<Mat2ch> and who doesn't have trouble with DHL? :D
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> they were the ones who stole 3 of my hdds while transportig it inside the city
<Althego> luckily the shop sent them again
* minas_tirith puts Mat2ch in a ship
<Mat2ch> oh, currently we don't have to sign anything here if our packages arrived.
<Mat2ch> I don't even see the delivery driver anymore. Just puts my stuff in the elevator and presses the button for my floor...
<Mat2ch> Some are using this as an excuse to say that they never got their package at all
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<minas_tirith> Hi sandbox
<sandbox> lo
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<JVFoxy> ... wee...?
<Mat2ch> Helo JVFoxy
<JVFoxy> morn'n...
<JVFoxy> we still adventuring through space?
<Mat2ch> Oh, we are, every day, on this big very bluey ball of dirt.
<Mat2ch> sorry, couldn't help myself there :)
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> dirt and water.. don't forget
<JVFoxy> two more days till red dust landing though
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<Althego> or another one bites the dust
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<Althego> the only planet solely inhabited by robots :)
<Althego> or maybe nor
<Althego> there van be some bacteria undergroud
<JVFoxy> underground frozen water
<JVFoxy> sad the drill bit didn't get too far into the ground.
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<minas_tirith> UmbralRaptop, hey
<Althego> heyeyey whats goging on :)
<minas_tirith> Althego, depressive riffs
<minas_tirith> Massive, long drawn out atmospheric chords
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<minas_tirith> raptop, welcome back bro
<raptop> Limited connectivity because of logistical silliness
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<Althego> some perseverance thing live
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<TristenYT> a
<Althego> hydrodynamic shark sound?
<TristenYT> what
<minas_tirith> TristenYT, hi
<Althego> doesnt matter then
<TristenYT> minas_tirith hi
<TristenYT> guys i came up with a cool name for Mün Rover
<TristenYT> Mün rovers*
<Althego> i would obviosul call them rover N
<darsie> N as in 1,2,3,...?
<Althego> yes
<raptop> ...is a hydronamic shark a ray?
<raptop> *hydrodynamic
<raptop> Anyway, what sort of rover name?
<TristenYT> I call them Münarovers (A mix between Münar and rover)
<raptop> Compare with lunikhod?
<TristenYT> I haven't landed one yet
<minas_tirith> TristenYT, are you swedish
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<minas_tirith> or finnish
<minas_tirith> you are using finnish letters
<TristenYT> minas_tirith no Im american
<Althego> raptop: since it is the flattest :)
<darsie> ü is German
<minas_tirith> oh
<TristenYT> It's also another way to spell The Mun
<minas_tirith> TristenYT, are you a german immigrant
<Althego> i can use ü too
<raptop> Mün
<minas_tirith> üwü
<TristenYT> No I'm 35% German in my DNA tho
<Althego> i also have ű
<TristenYT> I'm like 50% hispanic
<raptop> Ah, the scary diacritic
<minas_tirith> Obscure letters
<Mat2ch> ö
<darsie> TristenYT: And the NSA can synthesize your DNA and plant it anywhere.
<TristenYT> yes
<TristenYT> DNA Cloning
<TristenYT> Probably one of the few more difficult things than rocket science
<Mat2ch> ü
<TristenYT> ü
<raptop> Ő ő Ű ű
<minas_tirith> Rocket science is easy
<minas_tirith> Anyone can do it
<TristenYT> pöggers
<TristenYT> It's easy to do it once you get used to it
<Althego> rocket engineering on the other hand...
<darsie> ü is also Turkish. Are you turkish, Althego?
<Althego> no, why would i be turkish
<TristenYT> rocket engineering is harder than controlling a rocket
<Althego> hehehe, turkish prison (airplane)
<Mat2ch> uhhh, calling Althego turkish is harsh... ;)
<minas_tirith> Turkish is obscure
<darsie> Althego: idk. I asked you if you're German, and I wasn't sure if you said you're Turkish.
<Althego> who knows, they spent some 200 years
<Althego> here
<raptop> Althego is neither Finnish nor Estonian
<TristenYT> Me: *doesn't use struts to hold stages together* KSP: no
<raptop> I mean, depending on the stage size and mass
<Althego> if i relly have to, i use the autostruts
<TristenYT> and engine size and decoupler
<Althego> in modern ksp it is very rare to acatually need normal part struts
<darsie> AUtostruts are cheating. Struts should work.
<TristenYT> I play KSP Enhanced Edition on console
<Althego> eh
<Althego> but even that was upgraded lately
<TristenYT> when is 1.15 gonna be added to console
<TristenYT> i want gold visors and toolboxes
<Althego> 1.15 is maybe 2-3 years away by the looks of it :)
<Althego> since 1.11 is the current
<TristenYT> Now Engineer Kerbals have more purpose for existing
<TristenYT> bruh
<TristenYT> i need money to buy my own personal pc
<TristenYT> KSP on console is actually relatively easy to play, since every button does something
<Althego> i think the keyboard is full too
<TristenYT> Almost
<TristenYT> It's mainly the left side of the keyboard
<Althego> i put some extra keys where there was nothing
<TristenYT> yeah
<TristenYT> it's useful and saves time
<TristenYT> so you don't have to use your cursor
<TristenYT> I know that W + S is Yaw, A + D is Pitch, Q + E is Roll, Z + X is Throttle Up/Down, Left Shift + Left Ctrl is Full/No Throttle, T is Stability Assist, and G is deploy and retract landing legs or wheels.
<TristenYT> Space is next stage, too
<TristenYT> Arrow keys is to look around, mouse scroll is zoom when launching but leveling in VAB and Hangar.
<TristenYT> why do i memorize these things
<raptop> 1234567890 "normal" action groups, backspace abort, [ ] to cycle through nearby craft
* raptop can't recall home pgup/dn, home, end, etc are for switching modes
<raptop> Also, capslock for FINE CONTROL
<Ariri> Helpful for aircraft
<raptop> Yeah
<darsie> I configured full/no/increase/decrease throttle to page down/end/page up/home.
<Althego> or if you dont have sas
<raptop> Also, reminder that ferram4 somehow flies craft using PWM
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<darsie> I found the Dawn works less efficient if the electricity supply is intermittent, like if the batteries run low and solar can't provide full power.
<TristenYT> what is fine control
<raptop> Makes the inputs start out smaller and then ramp up, for finer control for maneuvers
<TristenYT> oh
<TristenYT> I also remember that M is to open/close the map
<TristenYT> Also, why is docking so hard?!
<darsie> Because it's a precision job.
<TristenYT> That's why I don't ever land on the Mun Apollo-style
<darsie> And because you don't set the target port as target and use the target marker on the navball.
<darsie> Or maybe you don't use RCS.
<TristenYT> I tried that once but I accidentally un-targeted
<TristenYT> Nah, I don't use RCS unless I need to
<darsie> You also need to control from your docking port.
<TristenYT> I've never tried that
<TristenYT> I always control from probes or pods
<darsie> Well, you can dock without RCS. It's just ... hard.
<TristenYT> because it's harder to turn larger spacecraft
<darsie> RMB click on the docking port of the vessle you control and select 'control from here'.
<Althego> i dont believ it, another engineer
<Althego> while i still have only two scientists
<TristenYT> but when you're, like, just a pod, you can spin so fast you become an interplanetary helicopter
<Althego> as soon as bob returns from the mun he is leaving for minmus
<TristenYT> I made two different "Kerbalized" versions of Apollo. The first ones I named "Kerpollo" and my newest ones I will do soon are going to be "Kapollo."
<TristenYT> I'm now trying to make Kerbalized names of real missions
<Ariri> Kapollo 13 => Kaboom (sorry)
<TristenYT> NASA must have thought of everything that could go wrong if they had to put a heat shield on the LEM
<raptop> ?
<raptop> The LEM didn't have a heat shield?
<raptop> (I mean, the standard stuff I've seen is that it burned up on reentry)
<Althego> well, all that shiny gold foil is a thermal protection system
<TristenYT> The Apollo 13's Service Module had a malfunction inside of it that caused 2/3 of it's hydrogen and oxygen tanks to blow out.
<TristenYT> They couldn't live for much longer in the Command Module, so they got back to Earth in the Lunar Module and had to skip the Lunar Landing.
<Althego> nthis is not exactly news today :)
<Ariri> That's why I made the joke :P
<Althego> btw they got back to earth in the command module, as intended. the lem provided life support and rcs during the trip
<TristenYT> It was on April 11, 1970 though
<TristenYT> oh
<TristenYT> I thought they splashed down in the LEM
<TristenYT> nevermind
<Althego> in fact even in the movie, a big issue was, they had to boot up the command module computer and life support from the batteries of the lem, it was never designed to do that
<Althego> normally the reverse was done, the command module supported the lem
<TristenYT> Didn't they just take the medical supplies, life support, and oxygen tanks?
<TristenYT> They also used the LEM's Descent and/or Ascent Engine to get back
<Althego> i remember they needed to do some correction manually without the computer, but i dont know if it was doen by the rcs or the main engine. could have been the main enigne
<Althego> but they were on a free return trajectory
<TristenYT> I'm probably only gonna do 10-15 Kapollo Missions. Kapollo 1 - 5 will test the rocket's different stages and modules. Kapollo 6 - 8 will be Probe Controlled Mun flyby and return missions. Kapollo 9 will have a crewed flyby, but a probe will do a Mun landing and return. Kapollo 10, 11, & 12 (Possibly 13, 14, & 15) will be the first crewed Mun landin
<TristenYT> g and return missions.
<minas_tirith> TristenYT, space is very dark
<TristenYT> yes
<TristenYT> nothing is there for the light to bounce off of, so it's just a jet black background with stars, planets, galaxies, moons, and lots of other things
<minas_tirith> TristenYT, its empty and scary
<TristenYT> it's also very big
<minas_tirith> TristenYT, yes
<minas_tirith> TristenYT, its terrifying how even denser regions like nebulae have such a low molecular density
<minas_tirith> TristenYT, like
<TristenYT> It's also where it gets its name; "Space." Because space is mostly empty space. Only 4% of the Observable Universe is filled, according to my book
<minas_tirith> One won't even realize visually one has flown into a nebula
<raptop> filled seems like the wrong term. 4% is baryonic matter, rather?
<TristenYT> yes
<TristenYT> thats what i meant
<raptop> ah
<TristenYT> and, like, over 75% is dark matter
<minas_tirith> TristenYT, apparently the orion has a density like 10^4 cm-3 molecules
<raptop> Also, solar system scale models still feel weird
<TristenYT> yeah
<Althego> no, dark matter is 20 something
<Althego> the rest is dark energy
<TristenYT> oh yeah
<minas_tirith> raptop, mercury stuffed inside the sun and jupiter way out into the other building?
<TristenYT> i mixed it
<raptop> minas_tirith: it's weird how low the number densities of those "dense molecular clouds" are
<minas_tirith> raptop, exactly
<Ariri> ^^
<minas_tirith> If you are flying a ship you won't even know you flew into one
<TristenYT> Well, when I make scale solar system models, I mix the Imperial and Metric system together
<raptop> I mean, sure. you get a sufficiently amusing version of how the orbits are from 1" == 1 au
<minas_tirith> raptop, also remember the relative sizes of the sphers
<minas_tirith> raptop, also remember the relative sizes of the spheres
<minas_tirith> raptop, you know whats actually strange to me
<TristenYT> What I usually do is... 1 millimeter = 1 thousand miles, 1 centimeter = 10 thousand miles, 1 meter = 1 million miles, 1 kilometer = 1 billion miles, 93 meters/0.93 kilometers = 1 Astronomical Unit / AU (The average distance between the Earth and the Sun, 93 million miles.)
<minas_tirith> How of all the various orientations possible it turned out that the planets orbit the sun more or less in the same plane
<TristenYT> Maybe the protoplanetary disk?
<Althego> that is not really a coincidence
<dequbed> It's magic.
<minas_tirith> Althego, how
<darsie> protostellar disk*
<Althego> conservation of angular momentum
<minas_tirith> Angular momentum would be conserved in any angle around the sun
<minas_tirith> why does it happen to be that many planets share the same plane
<Ariri> Put shortly, isn't something like the bodies also exert forces on each other in every direction
<TristenYT> Because the protostellar disk circles the Sun in a flat plane
<TristenYT> and then the asteroids smash together into protoplanets
<minas_tirith> so all planets being in the same plane is the stablest?
<darsie> minas_tirith: Because the matter in the protostellar cloud had angular momentum and friction caused it to form a disk.
<Althego> the question is, why it became a disk
<TristenYT> Magnetic field maybe
<TristenYT> because if Uranus' poles are at a 90º angle and their magnetic field is also at a 90º angle
<minas_tirith> darsie, thats very interesting
<minas_tirith> I would be curious to figure out why of all the possible configurations the stellar cloud happened to take on a disk form
<minas_tirith> so apparently the momentum imparted to this disk still shows its effect in the orbits of the planets
<TristenYT> There probably is someone who knows, we just don't know
<darsie> If a particle has high inclination and passes through the cloud, it will collide and on average the particles will get closer to a plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation.
<TristenYT> An the planets get inclination from getting hit from asteroids and planets maybe
<minas_tirith> I should probably try some simulations with random particle clouds sometimes
<TristenYT> Earth most likely got it's axial tilt from getting hit by Theia, which also caused the Moon to be formed, maybe.
<minas_tirith> You know it'd be a fun experiment to try. I have never attempted physical simulations before.
<Althego> universe sandbox?
<minas_tirith> Whats that
<minas_tirith> I think it'd be more raw and trve kvlt if I attempt from scratch myself
<minas_tirith> Althego, interesting website though
* raptop is legally required to mention MERCURY6 now
<minas_tirith> Oh, very interesting
<minas_tirith> I should learn the fortran some time too
<TristenYT> How do you do the star thing? I used to know but I forgot
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<darsie> Put lots of hydrogen in one place.
<TristenYT> hardee harhar
<darsie> :)
<TristenYT> But you also need helium and lots of other things
<darsie> no
<raptop> minas_tirith: well, it's set up so you can just mess with config files
<darsie> H will do
<TristenYT> h
<minas_tirith> raptop, I thank you for recommending this library but I feel I should first try writing my own program from scartch
<raptop> heh
<raptop> Note that N-body integrators can have some subtelties
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<darsie> Don't forget to write a compiler in machine language.
<minas_tirith> Thats nice, I would like to shed blood and tears myself and understand the possible issues with it
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<minas_tirith> Naturally I would not rely on such code for serious applications but I consider an experiment like this important to understanding something
<Althego> what, you dont want to build your own cpu from scratch? :)
<darsie> Start with hydrogen, then use a supernova to make a CPU.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> use your own universe
<raptop> Something something FLRW model
<TristenYT> a
<raptop> 🦈❓
<Althego> i asked that too
<Althego> but apparently not
<Althego> so what is that flrw
<raptop> Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker
<Althego> what thre will be a previoew of the landing tomorrow
<Althego> why would they do that
<Althego> nobody cares
<Althego> i want to see the landing
<Althego> and we cant even see that because nobody is there to film it, and there is also the time delay
<minas_tirith> I looked up the question on google, so apparently the current explanation is that asymmetries in the nebular density cause the gas to coalese into a disk like shape initially
<Althego> we simulate for you how we are going to simulate the landing for you a day later
<minas_tirith> and that apparently is the oldest root cause for this matching of orbital planes
<TristenYT> Hey, guys. Did you know that Saturn is less dense than water? So, if you put Saturn inside a giant space bathtub, it would float.
<Althego> ys i knew
<minas_tirith> Its average density is lower but when you dive down deep you'll find yourself in rather dense regions
<TristenYT> You'd be crushed like a soda can
<TristenYT> Also, the Perseverance Rover is gonna land on Mars on the 18th at 3:52pm EST
<Althego> soda yo :)
<Althego> i couldnt stop tha tpun
<TristenYT> yes
<Ariri> I have that endless clip in my head now
<Ariri> "So dayo, so dayo, so dayo..."
<TristenYT> Can I get an "OWA OWA"
<raptop> Outlook Web Access?
<TristenYT> :l
<Althego> hehehe
<TristenYT> hey wanna hear a secret
<Althego> oh there will be flat earth content tomorrow
<TristenYT> I'm the same person who started that Imperial System vs. Metric System War a few months ago. :)
<Althego> doesnt matter
<Althego> happens sometimes
<Althego> and it is not as bad as it used to be
<TristenYT> Remember me? I used to be "TwistenX."
<FLHerne> Yes
<TristenYT> I kinda wanna do fan-art of that war :)
<FLHerne> (but now you aren't?)
<TristenYT> yeah
<TristenYT> TwistenX is my username for a lot of things
<TristenYT> It's also my Xbox ID
<TristenYT> TristenYT is my YouTube Channel. I have one video and no subs
<TristenYT> The Metric vs. Imperial War was actually pretty big. It lasted like a few hours I think, and there was like 30 people involved.
<TristenYT> Ight I'mma head out
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<TristenYT> Hey I'm back
<TristenYT> I found a website that tells you things to make a scale model solar system with. You just need to input your scale model Sun's diameter in inches or millimeters and it will tell you the diameter and orbital radius of all the things you'll need. https://www.exploratorium.edu/ronh/solar_system/all_bodies.html
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<raptop> Something something excel
<darsie> Wikipedia+calculator
Ezriilc has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.Kerbaltek.com)]
<raptop> One of the best wikipedia pages Many locations in the Houston metropolitan area observed at least 30 in (760 mm) of precipitation,[45] with a maximum of 60.58 in (1,539 mm) in Nederland.[46]
<raptop> er
mxi_steel has joined #KSPOfficial
<mxi_steel> hello! im new to this irc chat are there any rules to follow?
<darsie> mxi_steel: The topic suggests so.
<darsie> Mainly, keep it kid friendly.
<darsie> And ignore the rules that are meant for the forum.
<darsie> Fortunately we only have 8 planets nowadays. The small Pluto is no longer.
<mxi_steel> ok! im here to see if anyone knows of a mod that comes in the folder plume party. it came with my mod as what i assume is a dependency but i wanna switch it for ckan if possible to make future updates easier
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<mxi_steel> hi i somehow disconnected how can i see what i posted last time i was on here?
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<TristenYT> hello i'm back
<raptop> \o
<TristenYT> o/
<minas_tirith> Hi TristenYT
<TristenYT> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, TristenYT
<raptop> The bot is happy to meet you
<TristenYT> :)
<TristenYT> Guys what if I just declared the second Imperial vs. Metric System War
<minas_tirith> TristenYT, no
<minas_tirith> Listen to some depressive riffs instead
<raptop> Consider: SR units
<TristenYT> what are SR units
<TristenYT> I really don't trust that link, minas
<minas_tirith> TristenYT, its youtube bro
<TristenYT> i know
<raptop> Special Relativity units, but more generally, anything where G == c == h == 1
<minas_tirith> then whats the problem
<TristenYT> it could be a rick roll
<TristenYT> i'm not that dumb
<TristenYT> i think
<minas_tirith> nvm
<raptop> It's just some metal song
<TristenYT> oh
<TristenYT> what is your point of view on friday night funkin
<raptop> well, "just" is being unfair to minas_tirith, since it's in a style that he really likes
<minas_tirith> raptop, raw depressive riffs
<TristenYT> me when the
<TristenYT> Hey have ya'll heard of the game Friday Night Funkin'?
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