Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Apparently SpaceX can do both a successful landing *and* a RUD
<flayer> 194 days worth of snacks, 33 days until the supply ship encounter with the station
<flayer> the kerbals will live!
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<Althego> starlink delayed a bit, but supposedly still happening
<Althego> in about 4 hours
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<Guest65604> hi
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<Althego> what, it is starting
<Althego> t-5 min or so
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<Althego> landed
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E is now known as Guest19645
Guest19645 is now known as TristenKSP
<TristenKSP> bruh there is no e
<TristenKSP> why can't my nickname be "E"
<Althego> it can. but most of the time single character nicks are already taken
<packbart> there is one E
<packbart> hm. actually, my irc client deceived me and showed "whowas" instead of "whois"
packbart is now known as E
<E> now there is one :)
<Althego> E!
E is now known as Guest49929
<Guest49929> "You have 30 seconds to identify to your nickname before it is changed.
Guest49929 is now known as packbart
<packbart> meh, it's secured
<Althego> hahaha
<Althego> yes with nickserv you can reclaim a nick
<packbart> I forgot the password to my nick
<packbart> it probably expired, so I could re-register it
<packbart> #kspmodders requires a registered nick :/
<TristenKSP> bruh
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<JVFoxy> eh..? 0_o
<Mat2ch> e!
<Mat2ch> Cryo test on SN11 ongoing it seems
<JVFoxy> Today on E!
<JVFoxy> .....
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<Guest11381> hewwo
<JVFoxy> heyas
<Guest11381> hola
<JVFoxy> bleh.. launch mini station, launch mun tug, launch relay sat... hmmm
<JVFoxy> mini station to go to mun orbit but needs tug help
<Althego> is t hat the kind of station that has command seats and a docking port?
<Guest11381> or no chairs and a monolith station
<JVFoxy> mk1 crew cabin, relay dishes, probe core, battery, solar panels, and a few docking port JRs
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<Guest11381> Add a command pod
<Guest11381> and put a tug on that
<JVFoxy> can't go with too much, first level VAB and launch pad. Considering it a challenge for me
<TristenKSP> that moment when you
<JVFoxy> ... continue?
<Althego> ping timeout?
<TristenKSP> don't you hate it when
<flayer> yes
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<TristenKSP> what the
<TristenKSP> why did a bunch of things happen
<Althego> didnt. probably a split over there
<Althego> many elon tweets
<Althego> mentioned transparent aluminium lol
<TristenKSP> aluminuminuminuminuminuminuminuminuminum
<Althego> iy has been aluinium my whole life, so i am not going to write it in any other way
* UmbralRaptop yet again yells about how transparent ceramics are not metals
<Althego> anyway
<Althego> i just said it, because we talked about this, what kind of windows it is going to have
<Althego> but if it is for dear moon, where they dont need to land, it is possible to sacrifice some delta v with additional mass for the windows
<TristenKSP> a
<UmbralRaptop> あ
<UmbralRaptop> (please ignore that I'm not a shark)
<Althego> test alliance please ignore
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raptop is now known as newpa_hasai
newpa_hasai is now known as raptop
<Althego> oh i forgot about anton this morning
<TristenKSP> amogus
<Althego> next starlink in less than 1 day 15 hours
<Althego> if we can believe elon, this year spacex is going to put around 75% of mass into orbit. last year it was around 50%
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<TristenKSP> massive man
<JVFoxy> ever have a fav craft build, where you end up carrying the save files over to other games?
<JVFoxy> myCheetah 100
<Althego> i just carry over the craft files
<Althego> biiig engines
<JVFoxy> oh wait.. this is my 100ER version
<JVFoxy> surface temp mission on the northern ice cap. I needed to up there anyways for sci-points
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<JVFoxy> Althego ya, Juno's too small, don't get enough range. Wheezers have high enough ISP for range but do end up looking like massive engines when next to the Mk1 body sections
<JVFoxy> Junos also anemic at descent height, where the Wheezers do pretty good
<packbart> I use BonVoyage to drive a rover to all Kerbin biomes. too lazy to wait for a plane to reach them
<JVFoxy> lol.. rover do that walk on water thing too?
<JVFoxy> I don't mind.. its my flightsim fix
<packbart> no, but all biomes can be reached by land
<packbart> (and yes, BonVoyage can control boats, too)
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<JVFoxy> ya I figured as much
<JVFoxy> I did try a boat but... ugh. only thing can use in stock is the jet engines
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<JVFoxy> geez.. I forgot how things flies. nearly at ice edge, still have 900 of 1100 fuel still in tanks
<JVFoxy> been cruising around 510m/s at around 8-9km
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<Althego> i would start from the woomerang site to get to the northern tundra and polar biomes
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<Althego> but to south, i think i would use faster engines
<raptop> Early rockets to the poles are nice for getting some extra science
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<JVFoxy> eh.. ya, about that, I never got around to picking up the DLC :(
<umaxtu> I bought the dlc cause I wanted to support Squad. don't use it that much
<JVFoxy> lol.. and then I find out I never got temp in flight over water science.
* raptop has the DLC because of being an early adopter of KSP
<raptop> hah, oops
<JVFoxy> I keep meaning to get DLC, just funds been sort out of wack the past while
<raptop> On a related note, I'm in favor of checking diffulty settings that let you always use action groups in campaign mode
<JVFoxy> ya sadly I missed hte cut off by a few months for the free DLC. Friend got it at the time and that is how I learned of it. Took a few months to get a machine together just for the game so I could play it myself
<JVFoxy> lol.. pull'n 12 geez in a learjet
<raptop> This (somehow) does not kill the Kerbal
<Althego> quite annoying. i bought it when 0.24 came out. that was apparently not early enough for them
<Althego> 12 g wouldnt even kill a human
<Althego> ok, after a while it would probably, but not for short time
<raptop> Yeah, after a while. Also, depends on direction, etc
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<JVFoxy> Althego I got it back when 0.22 or 0.23 was out
<JVFoxy> friend got it during .018
<JVFoxy> er.. 0.18 lol
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<JVFoxy> wee.. finally made it back, nearly 2 hours flying in game
<JVFoxy> Lol.. contract for survey of Manely's dream
<JVFoxy> lol.. space lasers anyone?
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<packbart> your imgur links are all 404
<packbart> ah, gone already
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<Tank2333> Hi
<raptop> Lo
<Tank2333> mid