Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<packbart> the KSP 1.11.2 update was just 144 bytes says Steam. that's a really small bugfix (but it seems to fix the RCS NRE bug, yay)
<flayer> lmao
<flayer> i'm going to use my low tech ssto to deliver 3 parts to orbit: a rover/lander combo, a fuel tank, and an atomic engine
<flayer> i can add an additional fuel tank if needed
<flayer> and then i'll send the thing to moho
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<Firemode> hi
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* raptop zaps the prefixcactus with a sheep
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<Althego> what is it doing there
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<darsie> .
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<Mat2ch> there is a point in this game when I install mechjeb...
<Mat2ch> doing all the manouvers myself is just too tedious
<Mat2ch> a hundred times the same thing when a computer can handle it.
<Mat2ch> even back in the 50s the computer did all the flying
<Althego> except when it didnt :)
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<Althego> i never found burns tedious, except for the ions, so i just dont use that
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<Mat2ch> I mean the whole thing. Making the manouver nodes, fine tuning them, running them
<Mat2ch> and I play a heavy modularized style, so many dockings, which means I have to do that several times an hour. And it can be automated.
<Althego> 99% of the game is in the vab for me :)
<Mat2ch> I'm building huge and heavy contraceptions and I fly them ;)
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<JVFoxy> lol.. I've so far stayed with-in Minmus' limits.. for the most part.
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<JVFoxy> haven't gone stupid heavy with my builds. So sorta wish could build in orbit other than with docking ports.
<JVFoxy> I've yet to mess with the cargo game mechanic in stock other than with carting the science kit around
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<Mat2ch> I placed a lamp alread.
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> and I realized that you need one (1, uno) eva science kit. Not more.
<Althego> yes it is not used up
<Althego> i was afraid i would need to carry around a lot, but luckily not
<JVFoxy> spinning wingnut.. wonder if they got inspiration from that video where he spins a handle out of its socket on the ISS
<Althego> probably
<Althego> and the golf is one of the apollo missions
<JVFoxy> showed the video to a friend and they were like, 'the hell..?'
<Althego> intermediate axis theorem
<JVFoxy> show it to my DJ budy, he'd probably be, 'cool, dancing tools'
<Mat2ch> Althego: well, you can only get science from it once on every surface, so...
<Althego> but you can use it in space too
<JVFoxy> lol.. I tried doing it on a flying platform but... ya didn't go so well. Everyone's fine though, no falling to the ground. (actually, it wouldn't even let my kerbal stand on the flying platform. ugh)
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<Mat2ch> Althego: I tried, but it said I can't do that there.
<JVFoxy> ya
<JVFoxy> same
<Althego> where
<JVFoxy> guess it fails when trying to do it in the water?
<Althego> you can do it in space low and high
<Althego> or what are we talking about?
<JVFoxy> science kit I'm guessing
<Althego> that is the rotating nut
<JVFoxy> does it consider high/low as one thing though?
<Althego> i dont think so
<Althego> i did it on a suborbital flight
<Althego> for kerbin
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<JVFoxy> oooh
<Althego> for water it probably doesnt work
<JVFoxy> noticed some parts say they can be used as cargo... can you 'build' stuff with them or that some future plan thing?
<Althego> no, it is already working
<Althego> you have a laser welding thing
<Althego> and you can modify craft while outside
<JVFoxy> oh right.. the lazer in the face thing
<JVFoxy> just not seen it on the tech tree
<Althego> probably engineer equipment
<JVFoxy> (or I derped and completely missed it somehow)
<Althego> never checked it
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<JVFoxy> hoping when I get my system up and running again, it should still be ok. had to borrow better GPU off a friend for some streaming virtual even a few weekends ago. Had to give it back..
<Althego> hehe. gpu. welcome back to hardwar unavailable
<JVFoxy> got my old one still, it sin there now, just hadn't powered it up since it was put back
<JVFoxy> just thankful KSP runs good even with an AMD 7790 ^_^
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<Althego> 7790?
<Althego> wait is that so old that is was in the previous 4 digit era?
<Althego> i think i had a radeon hd 9000 series at soem point
<Althego> was it called hd?
<Althego> it was so long ago
<Althego> hehe no that was even before the hd era
<Althego> i have something from the hd era too. probably 5850
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<umaxtu> I had a 6870. and I used it with Linux because I hated myself
<Althego> hehehe
<umaxtu> fglrx is dead now right?
<JVFoxy> Althego sorry was afk.. ya, its an AMD 7790 HD.. I was going to update it but all the GPUs are being bought out by bots for scaplers and crytpomining
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<Althego> yes, dont buy anythin this year
<JVFoxy> caller to the radio station even said that none of the stores out here has GPUs available. Only way around it, if you are lucky, is to buy as part of a completely new system
<JVFoxy> heard some place had a new GPU put out on the market recently, bots bought all the stock up before anyone could hit the add to cart button the website
<Althego> 3060?
<Althego> the supposedly mining crippled one, whic h it wasnt and then the whole crippling disappeared from the driver too
<Althego> and nvidia rakes in money with a troll face
<JVFoxy> no idea.. I heard there was attempts to block people from using cards for crypto.. doesn't stop them from scapling
<JVFoxy> lol.. all this talk about 'a year ago, people were hording toilet paper'
<Althego> and they probably still do
<Althego> just dont increase their stocks further
<JVFoxy> turns out, problems keep pilling up here.. was talk'n to a friend about their moving to another place. 3 hours of the city and rent is 1000/month for a bachelor's place
<JVFoxy> then I started digging in some other stuff, people on support still only getting 375/month for housing. Hasn't changed since 2007. :(
<JVFoxy> but anyways... I digress. Not the place to delve into such things. Any word on bug fixes for latest KSP version?
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: reminds me of Germany where the highest court decided that it's ok to cut 30 % off the minimum you need for living.
<Althego> this is leading to politics soon
<Mat2ch> it is
<Mat2ch> but I was just stating the current situation here
<JVFoxy> NASA still hiring?
<JVFoxy> :P
<Althego> probably all the time
<Althego> but i would go with jpl
<JVFoxy> doubt they got any positions in canada here fo rme
<Althego> obviously usa
<Althego> but i wouldnt go there, it is a silly place :9
<raptop> I mean, not being a US citizen means you get stuck with a bunch of additional hoops
<packbart> I bought my 2080S last May when the 30xx wasn't on the horizon yet. I'm glad they're not readily available for the same price ;)
<JVFoxy> ugh back when dad told me 'only Americans get to do anything with space'... sigh..
<JVFoxy> life ruined
<JVFoxy> funny cuz I ended up getting quite a few space (classic now) themed Lego sets
<packbart> I was told "only physically fit people get to be astronauts" and I was like "ok, it's not for me then" ;)
<raptop> In terms of scientific research, it's not the same sort of problem since you can get hired by a local university (and PhD+English fluency means you check some key boxes for work and/or residency in several countries)
<Althego> dont be sad, you just need to get 55 million usd to go to space :)
<JVFoxy> sure.. take a loan out, bring my debt to the grave with me c.c
<raptop> Althego: on a related note to non-US people doing space things, HAT-P
<Althego> cruvis? what is that?
<raptop> (The Hungarian Automated Telescope has found apparently >100 exoplanets)
<Althego> nice
<raptop> *Telescope network
<JVFoxy> oh, friend recently asked me: if I could go to the ISS, what would I do there? I said, whatever is expected, just like the others up there. Though thinking about it now, a small ship that can carry just a couple of crew that can dock to the station would be interesting. (Mind you,, keep thinking back to gemini days)
<Althego> oh no, mass update. time is running low.
<JVFoxy> wasn't there a Canadian micro telescope.. CASE it was called?
<raptop> The Humble Space Telescope?
<raptop> yeah, that
<JVFoxy> one of the people working for it showed up at a convention here, talked about how it would send message directly to them on the phone
<raptop> It's worth noting that a lot of smaller projects are possible in the cubesat era
<raptop> hah, nice
<JVFoxy> raptop oh geez.. I woud /love/ to build and launch a micro sat now.
<Althego> anyway it is amazing that we reached the point that you can discover exoplanets with relatively small effort
<JVFoxy> getting sad because the Foxproject micro relay sats are going off line one by one now
<JVFoxy> AO-95 went up, was suppose to be the latest but then the receiver died for some reason
<Althego> heh hat-p operational since 2001, that is before kepler
<JVFoxy> I had fun listening to the others when they passed over with my radio.. but anyways. :(
<raptop> HAT, WASP, KELT, lots of stuff by surprisingly small ground based telescopes
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<JVFoxy> Fox project carried a radiation detector, a CCD camera.. far as I know.
<JVFoxy> don't think they lasted very long, probably more just demonstrators
<JVFoxy> hm... make a contract to launch a couple of cube relay sat in a particular orbital plane. Or make a micro telescope part... grr. Ok great, brain on overdrive now
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<Althego> hmm, will it work this time?
<Althego> (in a day)
<raptop> ...why is the spacecraft name in scare quotes?
<packbart> because it's a name. I do that, too
<packbart> no good reason, probably, but eh
<raptop> hm
<packbart> it's not supposed to scare you ;)
* raptop unfortunately can't say much about what the observations mean for asteroid regolith
<packbart> now if it said 'The "asteroid" exploration project...' it would be different
<Althego> normally you dont put names into quotes
<Althego> and what is scare quote
<packbart> it's the "air quotes" thing
<packbart> when you say something but ironically
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<Althego> i jsut call them quotes. because obviously every country needs to have its own first and second level quotes
<Althego> why do we do this to ourselves
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<Althego> no that what we can write on the keyboard is not even correct
<Althego> it should have a small 99 shape
<packbart> I even write numbers with a decimal point instead of a decimal comma
<Althego> i do too
<Althego> really confusing if you look at numbers and you dont know if something is a thousand separator or a decimal
<Althego> and dont get me started on short units
<packbart> (well, most of the time. sometimes I'm like "no zis iss not ze german way" and then I write 2,342
<Althego> dumbest thing ever, americans even infected the british with that
<packbart> what's a billion, anyway? :)
<raptop> 1e9
<packbart> sometimes it's 1e12
<Althego> especially confusing when you are talking with a german in english. normally you both use long units, beut would you change it because of the language?
<raptop> Anyway, writing things in scientific notation is clear
<raptop> (And, well, I learned it in elementary school, so the education requirement isn't onerous)
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