Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Apparently SpaceX can do both a successful landing *and* a RUD
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<TristenKSP> How do you do, fellow Kerbonauts?
<TristenKSP> I am making a new space exploration game:
<darsie> bored
<TristenKSP> that sucks
<TristenKSP> play ksp
<darsie> How?
<darsie> What sholud I do in ksp?
<darsie> I'm in the middle of a difficult, time critical mission. So anything I do would be erased when I get back to that mission.
<darsie> Launch is in abotu 2 weeks.
<TristenKSP> oh
<darsie> It's so difficult, I'm procrastinating it.
<TristenKSP> wow
<darsie> I should get a surface sample of a comet flying by Kerbol. But I want to decelerate it into an orbit and potentially bring it in a Kerbin orbit.
<darsie> I need 14 km/s dv, or was it 18?
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<darsie> So I need to bring my comet pusher into eccentric Kerbin orbit, and then replace the first stage with another one.
<umaxtu> I need to figure out how to fix asteroid spawning after OPM broke it
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<flayer> 2 kerbals, one nerv, 1000 liquid fuel, and a robotic arm.
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<Althego> spacewalk is starting
* darsie listens to the animal rights radio.
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<Althego> what, holode debut
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<UmbralRaptor> Are there kittens guest starring?
<Althego> most probably
<Althego> baby 1 and 2
<umaxtu> kittens?!
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<Althego> kikkeriki...
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<Althego> i can still understand german. but still cant speak it
<Tank2333> ja freilii dis glob i erst wen i´s gsehn hob
<Althego> hehe, that took me a while
<Tank2333> :)
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<Althego> zielen: yagoo stolz machen. you are the reason he dies inside more every day
<raptop> It's really more of an entertainment company than an idol group
<Althego> the running joke
<Althego> meanwhile the spacewalk is slowly coming to an end
<umaxtu> another glove issue right?
<Althego> thanos was nowhere close
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<Althego> i wonder what elon means by "cybervikings of mars"
<Althego> i thought of technoviking
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<darsie> Vikings discovered America (after the Russians).
<Althego> after the russians?
<Althego> they were not russians yet
<darsie> Well, the ancestors of Apaches.
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<TristenKSP> guys making a space shuttle is difficult in this game without using the stock rockets.
<Althego> stock rockets?
<Althego> with the vectors i nailed it on the first time list time
<Althego> last time
<Althego> but i remember when i built one years ago with skippers
<Althego> now that one was the hardest craft to fly
<raptop> The off-axis thrust is a huge hassle
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<raptop> And, like, the kickbacks are there in part for shuttle replicas, but lack TVC
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<Althego> now we have bigger ones
<Althego> which scale correctly
<Althego> and have gimbals
<raptop> I want to say in making history only?
<Althego> maybe
<raptop> But yeah
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<Althego> lol interdimensional portals. those are raindrops on the camera lol
<Althego> (many crazies on the internet)
<raptop> Is this like the people talking about fake snow?
<Althego> that too
<raptop> (Yes, your butane lighter puts out a lot of soot and sufficiently little heat that it struggles to melt a snowball. Next question?)
<Althego> that snow thin is many years old
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<Althego> it just resurfaced again
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<Althego> finally the stream is ending. i though i was going to fall asleep
<Althego> meanwhile starlinl 20 moved a day darther again
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<flayer> yay, i made a robotic arm!
<flayer> and used the KAL thingie to be able to easily deploy it
<flayer> and its attached to a spaceplane launched on an sst[trajectory for high kerbin orbit] rocket
<flayer> which is potentially recoverable
<flayer> i have so far successfully slung one piece of debris at the mun
<Ariri> Ina won a game on her first Apex stream playing w/ takos by taking the pacifist (only fire a bullet once reached top 3) route, lol.