Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<raptop> ...suddenly realizing why callie's birthday is 4/4
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<packbart> I guess "Untitled Space Craft" is as good a name for my firsts Elite Dangerous craft as any other
<raptop> hah
<darsie> Electron should do that :).
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<packbart> "Can't connect to Frontier servers" - well, that's uneventful
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<packbart> looks like it doesn't like my VPN connection. weird
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<Izaya> I heard that in the early Russian space program, they were running rockets on basically straigt alcohol
<Izaya> and the fuel kept going missing
<Izaya> so they ended up putting laxatives in the fuel and seeing who called in sick the next day
<raptop> Would have to be extremely early (probably back around the R-1)
<raptop> ...if that's true, it might be an anecdote in Rockets and People
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<umaxtu> @raptop, scott manley did a video on it I think
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<raptop> ah, germans, not russians
<raptop> ooh, shoutout to Anatoly Zak
<packbart> Auto-Dock, Auto-Launch, Supercruise Assist, Hyperjump Assist. it's all MechJebbed :)
<Izaya> enslaved jeb
<packbart> in danger of racking up some speeding tickets, though
<raptop> supercruise implies spending excessive time in-atmo
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<packbart> there's no atmo where I'm going. my first delivery missions in E:D
<packbart> forgot to pick up the cargo on the first run
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> i think there is no planet where you can land on and has atmosphere in the current version
<packbart> I probably should deactivate the docking computer. I practiced entering stations and landing at the pads
<Althego> i dont even have one
<Althego> it is scary when it takes over. and known to cause crashes
<Althego> in e:d it is not too hard to dock. in elite 2 frontier it was quite hard
<Izaya> I so love it when the docking computer gets my Anaconda stuck in the toaster rack
<Althego> hehe sometimes i manage to do that too
<Althego> i slept too much. now i need to watch back the zombie building a brudge
<packbart> I'll buy some markings for my noob sidewinder. Name "Untitled Space Craft", ID Plate "SPCBL1"
<Althego> hehe
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<UmbralRaptop> Althego: so it took me entirely too long to realize why callie's birthday is 4/4
<Althego> i dont know even now
<UmbralRaptop> 4 means death, see…
* UmbralRaptop considers annoying people by writing 四月四日as 死月死日
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> gura didnt call her
<UmbralRaptop> ow
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<Althego> and the tests continue
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<Mat2ch> packbart: I see you couldn't resist the steam sale. :D
<Althego> the untitled spacecraft is still funny
<Althego> oh no, another zombie stream is ocming up and i didnt even finish watching the previous one
<packbart> Mat2ch: I heard so much about E:D over the years and never had a look at it. so yeah, couldn't resist
<packbart> almost flew into a sun...
<Althego> you cant really
<Althego> ok you can
<Althego> but normally the game stops you
<packbart> well, smoke was rising in the cockpit and sparks flew
<Althego> i guess i will be going with 3 streams in parallel for a while
<Althego> but i almost caught up with the part where i started to watch
<darsie> BPM5 engine test today - Livestream starting at 11.15AM CEST! (9:15 UTC)
<darsie> stream t-8
<Althego> delayed 30 minutes
<Althego> ok down to one stream temporarily
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<darsie> CS stream live
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<Mat2ch> Dragon redocking.
<Mat2ch> Althego: next stream for you. :D
<Althego> i can keep up with 3 if i am not reading
<Mat2ch> are those dents there normal?! Or micrometeroids?
<Althego> where
<Althego> on the station there are many small holes
<Althego> dragon shouldnt have too many
<Althego> some springs push it apart?
<Mat2ch> no springs
<Mat2ch> just thrusters
<FLHerne> IDA does have springs for soft-capture
<FLHerne> Are they used while undocking? no idea
<FLHerne> *NDS
<FLHerne> I keep forgetting which docking thing is which :p
<Mat2ch> no, there are no springs for undocking
<Mat2ch> that windows stuff still triggers me. :P
<flayer> i'm worried that my shuttle won't have sufficient power for mining on the moons of jool
<flayer> i'm already struggling with power on duna
<Althego> lot of flames
* flayer programs a robotic worker drone
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<flayer> what about a floating mining rig in the shallows of laythe?
* flayer starts building it in the SPH as he does with any surface base
* flayer has to figure out how deep it can go and quickly switches to the VAB
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<Althego> rocket tests in snow. and we could even see the used injector plate
<Althego> down to one stream, finally
<Althego> about sn11
<Mat2ch> yeah
<Mat2ch> sad. :(
<Althego> i thought they had redundant control systems in each engine
<Althego> at least it is tracable to something
<Mat2ch> so the hard start push the raptor through the bulk head which caused the following explosion. Seams reasonable
<Althego> or just simply exploded
<Mat2ch> the raptors looked pretty much intact... just a bit flattend
<Mat2ch> *flatter than usual
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> i wonder how they are building the 28 raptor thrust puck
<Mat2ch> things you learn, when you play KSP and have huge wobbely crafts: Throttle up slowly.
<Althego> or just turn off sas
<Althego> it tends to make it worse because of feedback
<Mat2ch> the instant kick from the engine can rip of things...
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<flayer> wait a minute, i can double the length by adding another hinge!
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<Althego> countdown is running
<Althego> hehe a piece of material was blown on the camera
<Mat2ch> how often do they want to test that engine?
<Althego> they have like 3 sets of different injectors
<Althego> there is also a film cooled and just regeneratively cooled version
<Mat2ch> oh, wow, they are really testing stuff there.
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<Althego> high duration burn
<darsie> CS burn t-30 s
<Althego> countdown
<umaxtu> who is testing stuff?
<Althego> nice
<Althego> copenhagen suborbitals
<darsie> no roar
<Althego> it was shaking really hard
<Mat2ch> it looks like SpaceX is getting ready to lift the orbital launch table on its legs
<Mat2ch> or the crane is for SN15
<Mat2ch> probably the latter
<FLHerne> Yeah
<FLHerne> I'd be surprised if they *can* lift the launch table with any of the currently-assembled cranes, that thing must be hundreds of tons
<Mat2ch> they have two now...
<Mat2ch> Not sure if the second one is already complete
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<Althego> tech ingredients about rum, after rockets
<Althego> doesnt matter, it is always interesting
<Althego> and while the guy is talking, i can try to use a pipe to release cramps in my back muscles
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<Mat2ch> the difference in nozzle size is impressive
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<Mat2ch> KSP on console seems totally painful to play
<Mat2ch> if I tried that game, I would give it back instantly...
<Mat2ch> utterly terrible control.
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<umaxtu> hows the performance?
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