Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<Althego> heh, snowing again...
* raptop pokes weather with a stick
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<Althego> oh there is a soyuz launch on friday
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<Althego> (local) leet time
<darsie> .
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<Althego> underclasswoman
<Mat2ch> I wonder what the real word was...
<Althego> what would a BfArM do with a test?
<Althego> approve
<Althego> check
<Althego> reaper is still streaming phoenix is coming
<Althego> busy day
<Mat2ch> Then it would be "Zugelassen". There's no "unter," "Klasse" or "Frau" in it...
<Mat2ch> Or "Geprüft"
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<Mat2ch> But what if it didn't get translated from English, but Chinese? Then this could make sense. Since they use a single symbol for a word then that's where the mistake happend.
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<Mat2ch> LIVE: Starship SN15 Rollout
<Althego> no engines yet?
<Mat2ch> and the blunt Starship in the mystery structure got a nose
<Mat2ch> and we still don't know what or why
<Althego> so why didnt they put it there until no?
<Althego> why wait until so late?
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<Mat2ch> ok, the new crane arriving in Boca Chica probably for installing the launch table is a Liebherr LR 13000.
<Mat2ch> This thing can lift five times of what the current crane, a LR 1600, can lift.
<Mat2ch> That thing is HUGE
<Mat2ch> the biggest you can get that can be transported
<Mat2ch> max load capacity is 3000 t
<Mat2ch> the LR 1600 only(!) can lift 600 t max.
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Guest36215 is now known as FLHerne
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<FLHerne> (yes, the guy is now in legal trouble for trespassing to shoot the video, but it's a really cool video)
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<Guest49810> Hello! I am new here. Does anyone know how to make mods?
<umaxtu> I don't
<Tank2333> there is #kspmodding but not sure if its any active
<Tank2333> also try looking up the ksp wiki, there is some documantation there
<Guest49810> thank you!